******************************************************************************* Content Manager for iSeries Client for Windows Fix Pack December 27, 2006 Table of Contents 1. Installation requirements 2. Installation instructions 3. New features 4. Known problems and restrictions 5. APAR descriptions 6. Documentation APAR descriptions ************************************************************************** To verify you have the most current server PTFs applied to the Content Manager for iSeries v5.1 Server, please go to the following URL to obtain the latest information: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/contentmanager/v510/server/ II12727 is an APAR containing the latest server PTF information. ************************************************************************** 1. Installation requirements ********************************************* ATTENTION: INSTALL SERVER PTF SI06673 BEFORE APPLYING FIX PACK 7 or LATER In order to install this fix pack, you must have the Content Manager for iSeries Client for Windows V5.1 installed. You can determine your version, release and fix pack levels by: - Click the START button and select RUN - Enter "REGEDIT" - Doubleclick "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Doubleclick "SOFTWARE" - Doubleclick "IBM" - Doubleclick "Content Manager for iSeries Client for Windows" - Click "CurrentVersion". On the right side of the screen, the "Version/Release" and "Fixpack Applied" keys indicate the relevant information. ********************************************* 2. Installation instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. Download the CMClient.510.18.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 3. CMClient.510.18.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering CMClient.510.18.EXE. You are prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 45MB of free space. 4. Follow the graphical user interface installation panels. ********************************************* 3. New features ********************************************* 1. Pixel Translation toolkit upgrade The Pixel Translations toolkit, a third-party software component used in scanning and viewing certain document types, has been upgraded to a later version. If you have problems with your scanning functionality, contact IBM Service. 2. Open Folders and Documents number on status bar Starting in fix pack 16, the Client for Windows can display the number of open folders or documents in the status bar. Users can see how many folders or documents are open, without having to use the Windows menu to count the number of open folders or documents. A new option, DisplayTotalOpenWindow, is available in the Options section of the vic.ini file. You can use the following values for this option: DisplayTotalOpenWindow=None No number is displayed; the Client for Windows functions as it did previously. DisplayTotalOpenWindow=Document Total number of open documents is displayed in the status bar. DisplayTotalOpenWindow=Folder Total number of open folders is displayed in the status bar. DisplayTotalOpenWindow=Both Total number of open folders and documents is displayed in the status bar. DisplayTotalOpenWindow=None is the default. 3. Fast First Page Display Starting in fix pack 16, the Client for Windows can load and display the first page of a TIFF document or a MODCA_IS document before the entire document is retrieved from the server. Previously, when the Client for Windows opened a document, it retrieved the entire document from the server before beginning to display the document. When it opened a large document, the Client for Windows would not display any pages or respond to any user input until the document was fully retrieved. With this enhancement, when opening a TIFF or MODCA_IS document, the Client for Windows displays the pages as soon as enough information is retrieved. Users can use other functions of the Client for Windows while pages are loading. A new option, StreamedParts=MODCA TIF, is added to the Options section in vic.ini file. To disable the Fast First Page display feature, remove the file type from the StreamedParts= line. Certain types of TIFF files cannot take advantage of this new feature, and these files are displayed after the entire document is retrieved from the server. The Client for Windows does not recognize any annotation updates to the document while the document is being rendered in Fast First Page display mode. In Fast First Page display mode, annotation updates should be made after the document is fully rendered. Tips: If you believe you might be having trouble displaying certain compressions types of TIFF documents, we recommend you turn of the Fast First Page display feature in the vic.ini file. 4. Faster workbasket lists -- SimWmListWorkBasketsExt Starting in fix pack 7, the client show an initial list of Workbaskets much more quickly than before. This is especially noticeable at installations with large numbers of Workbaskets. To accomplish this, the client uses an Application Programming Interface: SimWmListWorkBasketsExt. For this API to function, server PTF SI06673 must be installed. If this PTF is not installed, the client functions as before (that is, without the performance enhancement) but errors are logged at the client and server, with one error per logon. For Programmers: The SimWmListWorkBasketsExt function is identical in format and usage to to the SimWmListWorkBaskets function, except that the ulParam1 in the RCSTRUCT points to a ITEMNAMEEXTSTRUCT, rather than an ITEMNAMESTRUCT. This structure is defined as follows: typedef struct _ITEMNAMEEXTSTRUCT { ULONG ulStruct; ITEMID WItemID; char szIDName[OIM_ITEMNAME_LENGTH+1]; ULONG ulActive; BOOL bRemoveAfterIndex; BOOL bSystemCntl; UCHAR szWorkBasketPrivString[SIM_PRIVSTRING_LENGTH+1]; } ITEMNAMEEXTSTRUCT, *PITEMNAMEEXTSTRUCT; This is an extended version of the ITEMNAMESTRUCT -- the last three fields are new. These new fields duplicate fields provided in the WORKBASKETINFOSTRUCT that is returned from SimWmGetWorkbasketInfo. Some applications can use this data to prevent or delay subsequent calls to SimWmGetWorkbasketInfo. 5. Open Document Management API (ODMA) support Starting in fix pack 13, ODMA support for Content Manager for iSeries is provided. ODMA is a standard, high-level interface between desktop applications and document management systems, such as Content Manager for iSeries. ODMA provides a provide a way from within an ODMA-enabled desktop application to create new documents, open existing documents, and save changed documents using the document management system. Not all desktop applications work with the ODMA interface. Examples that do include Microsoft(R) Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, Lotus Word Pro, and Lotus Freelance Graphics. In most cases, you need only to enable the ODMA client to take advantage of the ODMA support in the desktop applications. Enabling the ODMA client affects the way an application behaves. For example, if you open a Lotus Freelance Graphics file when the ODMA client is enabled, the ODMA Log In window displays. You can click Cancel in this case, and the presentation opens without further action. To enable the Content Manager for iSeries ODMA client on your workstation, follow these steps: 1. Open a command prompt window. 2. Change to the directory in which the Content Manager Client was installed. For example, enter CD %FRNROOT%. 3. Enter FRNODMA Enable. To disable ODMA support, enter FRNODMA Disable. You can also determine whether ODMA support is enabled by entering FRNODMA Status. After you install the ODMA client software, ODMA-enabled desktop applications recognize the ODMA client and give you a chance to log in to the server when opening documents or saving new documents. When you are opening a document from an ODMA-enabled application, the ODMA Open window displays, allowing you to search for a document that is stored on the Content Manager server. After you enter search criteria and click OK, a Search Results window opens with a list of documents that satisfy the criteria. The top of the window displays the documents that were found. The bottom of the window displays information about the document that is selected in the top list. Note 1: The document's data is not validated against the application you are using. The data in the document is returned to the application, and it is up to the application to determine how it will process the data. Note 2: If the document that you want to open is not in Content Manager but is a file on your system, you need to click the File System button and the desktop application Open window is shown. When you are saving a new document from an ODMA-enabled application, the ODMA Save As window displays, allowing you to specify an index class and attribute (key) values for the document. The content class of the new document should match the file extension that the application would use to save such a document. If no content class is found with the desired name, the ODMA interface searches content class descriptions for a match. To ensure that files are saved with appropriate content classes, an administrator may need to configure additional content classes on the Content Manager for iSeries server. To accomplish this, use the AS/400 Data File Utility (DFU) to add records to the EKD0318 file in your working data file library. The following fields need to be specified for each content class you add to the EKD0318 file: CONTENT CLASS TYPE Always set to the alpha character I. CONTENT CLASS VALUE A numeric value that identifies the content class. This value should be unique in the file and have a value greater than 4095. CONTENT CLASS NAME An 8-character alphanumeric name of the content class. CONTENT CLASS DESC A 40-character field description of the content class. Note: You should check that the content class does not already exist for the documents you want to store in Content Manager. The following table contains valid settings for some common applications: TYPE VALUE NAME DESC I 4096 DOC Microsoft Word I 4097 PPT Microsoft PowerPoint I 4098 VSD Microsoft Visio I 4099 LWP Lotus Word Pro I 4100 PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics ********************************************* 4. Known problems and restrictions ********************************************* The Client for Windows has a problem in rendering JPEG images rotated by 90 or 270 degrees. This is a known issue in the Pixel Translation's image rendering engine, which is used by the Viewer to display JPEG images. This problem has been identified and will be addressed in the future. In certain conditions, the Client for Windows has problems displaying the checkout status of a document or a folder in a TOC. A manual refresh by using CRTL+R correctly displays the checked out status. ********************************************* 5. APAR fixes with descriptions ********************************************* ************************************ Fix pack 510.18 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO00963 APAR Description: When printing a document, the overlay does not print if the document has not been opened at least once. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. When printing a document, the overlay now prints even if the document has not been opened before. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO01094 APAR Description: Opening an Excel document in OLE embedding mode causes the client to stop operating. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. An Excel document can now be opened in OLE embedding mode. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO01396 APAR Description: When the user is opening a Word document, the horizontal scroll bar is not updated correctly. When the user is scrolling a document vertically, the horizontal scroll bar is scrolled with the document. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The horizontal scroll bar updates and operates correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO01413 APAR Description: The OLE API GetPartFile returns a partial document if the document is already opened and streamed. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The OLE API GetPartFile returns the full document even if the document is already opened and streamed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO02349 APAR Description: The Advanced Search window does not open completely when certain Windows XP themes are used for the display properties. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The Advanced Search window now opens correctly regardless of the Windows XP theme in use. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO02440 APAR Description: Some annotations created by the eClient cannot be viewed in the Client for Windows. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. Annotations created by the eClient can now be viewed in the Client for Windows. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO02657 APAR Description: If the thumbnail bar is disabled for all documents, then previously saved annotations are lost. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. Previously saved annotations will not be lost if the thumbnail bar is disabled. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO02990 APAR Description: Some TIFF files cause the viewer to stop abnormally. This problem can occur when the resolution on the file is set to 0. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. For TIFF files where the resolution is set to 0, a default resolution will be set by the system. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO03043 APAR Description: The client does not list all of the scan drivers. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. All scan drivers are listed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO03184 APAR Description: On a system with the OEM code page set to 437, the euro sign used on a sticky note is not displayed correctly after saving. Fix Description: When the following option is set in the View Options, Euro In Sticky Notes=1 then the euro sign used on sticky notes created after this fix is implemented will be displayed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO03727 APAR Description: When streaming is enabled, some pages of a TIFF document fail to render. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The pages of a TIFF document are now rendered correctly when streaming. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO03757 APAR Description: An error occurred when streaming some TIFF files. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The TIFF files are now streamed correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO03894 APAR Description: An error occurred when streaming some TIFF images. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The TIFF images are now streamed correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO04043 APAR Description: When the Client for Windows zooms out of some bicolor images, the characters in the image are blurred. To fix this problem, the Client for Windows introduced a new DLL file (FIWTXS2G.dll) to execute a scale-to-gray function. To enable the scale-to-gray function, the user sets the value of the relevant environment variable as shown in this example: FIWT_USEPIXEL_SCALETOGRAY=true However, FIWTXS2G.dll is not designed for the Client for Windows and it causes the Client for Windows to stop abnormally. Fix Description: Do not use the DLL file. Set the environment variable to false as in the following example: FIWT_USEPIXEL_SCALETOGRAY=false The image blurring problem is fixed. The Client for Windows clearly displays bicolor images when you zoom out of the images. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO04185 APAR Description: The window resizes when the user uses the OLE interface to open documents. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The window no longer resizes. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO04316 APAR Description: The Client for Windows cannot open a PDF document if the base part file is read only. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. For a PDF document for which the base part file is set to read only, the Client for Windows alternate viewer can open the file and the user can view the file. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO04816 APAR Description: Printing two copies of a one-page document on a duplex printer prints the two copies of the document on both sides of a single sheet of paper. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. A new option in the PRINT section of the frnwview.ini file has been added. This new option is DuplexCopyOnNewPage. When DuplexCopyOnNewPage is set to 1, then each copy of a document is printed on a new sheet of paper on a duplex printer. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO04899 APAR Description: The pop-up menu does not have the same options enabled as the equivalent pull-down menu. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The pop-up menu now has the same options enabled as the pull-down menu. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO04937 APAR Description: When the Client for Windows has the streaming feature enabled and the user displays TIFF files, the client can display only the top of the page. The TIFF files are in a multiple-strips format. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. The Client for Windows with streaming enabled can now display TIFF files in a multiple-strips format. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO05127 APAR Description: If a user does not have privileges to the default index class defined in the preferences, then when the user tries to add an item to a new folder, the reindex dialog box lists the attributes from the default index class. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. If a user has no privileges to the default index class, then when the user tries to add an item to a new folder, the reindex dialog box displays NOINDEX along with the NOINDEX attributes list. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO05165 APAR Description: If a user stops the execution of a custom application manually and then tries to close the Client for Windows, the Client for Windows stops running. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO05325 APAR Description: The workbasket item select user exit works for a document but does not work if the user tries to explore a folder. The user exit does not get invoked if the item is a folder. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. An on/off variant with the following name has been added to the VIC.ini file: EnableItemSelectUserExitInvokedforFolderExplore This variant determines whether to invoke the user exit when the user is exploring the folder item. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO05473 APAR Description: When a user minimizes a document and then double-clicks on the title bar of the minimized document, the user is no longer able to add annotations to that document. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. When a minimized window is restored using a double-click on the title bar, the focus for that window is reset and the user is able to add annotations. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO05510 APAR Description: A user's privilege set has no index privilege but the user group the user belongs to has the index privilege. The search result folder is not refreshed after being explored. Fix Description: This problem is fixed. If a user's privilege set has no index privilege but the user group the user belongs to has the index privilege, then the search result folder is refreshed correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO05752 APAR Description: If a user manually stops the execution of a custom application and the Client for Windows is not displaying a table of contents (TOC), then the Client for Windows stops running. Fix Description: The problem is fixed. ************************************ Fix pack 510.17 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IO00055 APAR Description: In locales that use a comma (,) as a decimal point, an error occurs when updating the decimal attribute after reindexing. Fix Description: The decimal attribute is updated and displayed correctly. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IO00188 APAR Description: Some JPEG documents cannot be displayed. Fix Description: These JPEG documents can now be displayed. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IO00333 APAR Description: The document printed has a wider left and top margin than specified in the Client for Windows. Fix Description: The document printed now has the correct left and top margin. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IO00348 APAR Description: The Client for Windows crashes occasionally. Fix Description: The Client for Windows no longer crashes. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IO00719 APAR Description: Some AFP documents cause the Viewer (FRNWVIEW.EXE) to crash, or to display a blank window within the Client for Windows. The problem seemed to more common on Windows XP Service Pack 2 machines. Fix Description: This problem is fixed. Documents no longer become blank after changing the focus on the window. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IO00721 APAR Description: Some garbage character is displayed when opening notelog dialog. Fix Description: Garbage characters are no longer displayed in the notelog dialog. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR54859 APAR Description: Print should be enabled for workbasket item. Fix Description: Print is enabled for workbasket item. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR52754 APAR DESCRIPTION: Printing certain TIFF documents with embedded color images through the Client for Windows to an HP Printer seems to be extremely slow and generates very big spool file sizes. Fix Description: The toolkit has been upgraded and the issue has been resolved. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR54859 APAR Description: Print should be enabled for workbasket item. Fix Description: Print is enabled for workbasket item. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR54924 APAR Description: If you attempt to use C# from Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to build an OLE Automation application using the Client for Windows, your application receives exceptions when you try to use methods or properties. These exceptions are similar to the following: Received error: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information: QueryInterface for interface ICMClient.IApplication failed." Fix Description: This problem is resolved; with this fix pack you no longer receive exceptions as described above. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR54936 APAR Description: When the OLE QueryPrivilege queries workbasket privilege, it always returns false. Fix Description: This problem is fixed. The correct privilege is returned. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR55056 APAR Description: Annotations are missing on certain pages while printing multi-page documents. Fix Description: The problem has been fixed. To enable this fix, add the following entry to the FRNWVIEW.INI file: [PRINT] USE_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE=1 *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR55162 APAR Description: When using the eClient viewer applet and creating zero sized annotations (such as a zero by zero rectangle), the viewer is unable to render the annotations, as well as all subsequent annotations created on the document. Fix Description: The annotation module of the viewer has been fixed to display all visible annotations properly. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR55180 APAR Description: If a user closes the main frame of the Client for Windows and an unsaved document is opened, the Save Change dialog is hidden behind the other application. Fix Description: The Save Change dialog will be displayed before the main frame is closed. *********************************** Fix pack 510.16 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52686 APAR DESCRIPTION: When paper jam happens while scanning, correcting the problem and retrying the scanning causes the Client for Windows to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. Scanning continues to work properly after the paper jam problem has been corrected and user has selected the retry option. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53511 APAR DESCRIPTION: Disable the option to set the default index class in preferences dialog when setting in the vic.ini is enabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new option, Disable DefaultIndex Setting, has been added to the vic.ini file. If this option is set to no, no changes are made. If set to yes, the option Enable Default Class is grayed out in the preferences dialog on the advanced tab, and any previous settings of the default class are ignored. Note that editing of the option in the vic.ini during the Client for Window's execution goes into effect as long as preferences dialog and indexing dialog are closed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53593 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a user clicks on a partially-visible thumbnail in the Client for Windows, the main document window is not updated to reflect the selected page. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is fixed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53764 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the Client for Windows is minimized and then restored, the docview size and position are changed. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is fixed. When the Client for Windows is minimized and then restored, the docview size and position will not change. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53811 APAR DESCRIPTION: Autofoldering sometimes does not add the item to a new folder. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is fixed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR54071 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client for Windows is passing wrong parameter to SimWmSuspendWorkPackage. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is fixed. The Client for Windows now passes the correct parameter to SimWmSuspendWorkPackage. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR54480 APAR DESCRIPTION: QuerySort User Exit is not called for search result. FIX DESCRIPTION: QuerySort User Exit is called when building search result temp folder. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR54485 APAR DESCRIPTION: Searching using the exact match operator and DBCS query strings does not return the expected results. FIX DESCRIPTION: Exact match and wildcard searches using DBCS query strings have been fixed. ************************************ Fixpack 510.15 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48082 APAR DESCRIPTION: No error message is shown by the client when saving annotations fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. The error message is shown by the client when saving annotations fails. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52580 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the item is removed from the TOC, the selection mark and the focus disappears. This is confusing to the user. Like many other applications, after removing an item from the TOC, the focus should move to the next available item in the TOC. FIX DESCRIPTION: After removing an item from the TOC list, the focus moves to the next available item in the TOC. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52581 APAR DESCRIPTION: Sometimes the "Action" menu disappears from the menu bar, or the content of the "Action" menu is not correct. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52810 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the user exports a document and then opens the document, the client changes the work directory to the directory that was used for exporting. The client deletes the exported files when the document closes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. The client does not change the work directory and it does not delete the exported files. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52829 APAR DESCRIPTION: If reindexing causes the item to be removed from WB, the client does not close the document. With this condition, the client shows the wrong action list since the document does not belong to the open WB. The process of removing from WB because of reindexing is very slow. FIX DESCRIPTION: If reindexing causes the item to be removed from WB, the client closes the document since the document does not belong to the open workbasket anymore. In addition the client does not refresh the contents of the workbasket from the server anymore, but it updates the cache and refreshes the window from the cache. So the performance is much better. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52832 APAR DESCRIPTION: When opening a document through linking, the client opens a window with an icon in it and launches the external application to open the document. In case of Acrobat reader and Outlook, if the external application is already running, the window with icon opens and automatically closes. Then user won't be able to reindex the document. The client should not close the window with the icon before the external application closes. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem happens because Acrobat Reader and Outlook send false messages to the client. They send the false message only if the application (Acrobat reader or Outlook) is already running before the client opens the document of that type through linking. The false message informs the client that the external application -- that was linked -- closed. So the client closes the blank window with the icon in it. The problem is now fixed with some timeout. Since the false message happens within a very short time after the document opens, the client ignores the false message. It is important to know that in these specific cases, the functionality of automatically closing the blank window when the external application closes, won't be available. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52833 APAR DESCRIPTION: User should be able to use '*' char on attributes of type fixed size string when searching. Currently user cannot use '*' on basic search dialog when the key field is fixed size char. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. User can use '*' on attributes of fixed size char in basic search dialog. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52852 APAR DESCRIPTION: The menu item "Export" should be disabled when the folder is selected since the folder cannot be exported. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the folder is selected, the "Export" action is disabled. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52996 APAR DESCRIPTION: Blank thumbnails are displayed on some Windows NT system. FIX DESCRIPTION: Thumbnails are displayed correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53173 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the username contains '-' character, when that user tries to save annotation, he will get a error message although the annotation is saved correctly. FIX DESCRIPTION: No error message will be shown, annotation will be saved correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53260 APAR DESCRIPTION: Client failed to catch out of bound index from the custom OLE program, caused crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client will not crash even if OLE program has out of bound index. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53395 APAR DESCRIPTION: When thumbnails are enabled, client sometimes crash when opening document. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client will not crash when opening document. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51748 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain annotations appear misplaced on print-outs, especially when the original documents were rotated prior to printing. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix for this issue is basically to suppress rotated printing of documents by adding the following entry in frnwview.ini file: [PRINT] ALTERNATE_ROTATED_PRINTING=1 The above entry will enable the Viewer to ignore the document's rotation option for printing. As a workaround, Customers are recommended to print in landscape, when the original documents are rotated by 90 or 270 degrees. Note that the feasibility of automatically defaulting to landscape printing when a 90 or 270 degree rotation is specified is currently being researched. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53126 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain AFP/MO:DCA documents contain PTOCA streams with fonts not recognized by the Viewer. These fonts are actually Courier-Latin extensions, and Bedrock, which is the underlying engine used by Viewer for rendering MO:DCA, ignores such fonts. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed in Bedrock (FIWTAPI.DLL). ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR53271 APAR DESCRIPTION: Images that contain annotations flicker a lot when the client is used in a Citrix Terminal Services environment, specifically, when end-users use a dumb terminal with 256K colors to access the Terminal Server. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem was partially due to a defect in the Viewer, which has been fixed. Using a dumb terminal with 256K color screen seemed to influence the flickering effects too. ************************************ ************************************ Fixpack 510.14 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52102 APAR Description: Indexing a folder and then routing it causes the client to crash. Index dialog might be open at the time of routing. Fix Description: The problem has been fixed. No matter index dialog is open or not, indexing and routing the folder are successfully done. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52113 APAR Description: Client ole api Documents::OpenDocument(...) does not throw an exception when the api fails. The ole program tries to capture the exception if something goes wrong when opening the document. Fix Description: If Documents::OpenDocument(...) fails and the document can not open, client throws an exception. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52114 APAR Description: Item Selected user exit and Item Completed user exit should be able to ask the CM client to refresh the item. This can be done through the return code value. Fix Description: If the Item selected user exit or the Item Completed user exit return a special return code (10000) the CM client will refresh the item. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52406 APAR Description: Notes cannot be put in a separate storage collection from the default collection. Fix Description: The problem is fixed and notes can be put in a separate storage collection from the default collection. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52429 APAR Description: In a process aware search result window, open folder in the left panel, then open a document inside that folder from the right panel, the document opened will not show the correct action list, click on any action will execute the action. Fix Description: The correct action list is shown, click on the action menu or toolbar will execute that action correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52512 APAR Description: When the worklist is open, all version search can sometimes cause client to crash if the user select to display all window in consistent position. When user select to do a "Refresh TOC Count", before it finishes, do "Refresh TOC Count" again, some of the worklists' TOC Count will never be shown. Fix Description: Client will not crash anymore. TOC Count will be displayed correctly when user select to do "Refresh TOC Count" before the previous "Refresh TOC Count" command finishes. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52519 APAR Description: The client cannot print to a printer that has a name more than 32 characters. Fix Description: The problem is fixed now. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52536 APAR Description: It is confusing to show the message in the status bar as, for example, "Page 1 of 3" while the document is loading. The total number of pages keep changing and it is confusing to the user. It is better to show the status bar message as "Page 1 of ?" until the document is completely loaded. Fix Description: The status bar message is shown as "Page 1 of ?" until the document is completely loaded. Then the message shows, for example, as "Page 1 of 30" and 30 is the total number of pages. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52745 APAR Description: The client closes the client document window when it fails to open the document. This causes that the user won't be able to reindex or ... the document. The user has specific situation that opening document fails but they want to be able to reindex it. Fix Description: The client document window stays open even though opening document fails. The user will be able to reindex or ... the document. ************************************ ************************************ Fixpack 510.13 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51962 APAR Description: The Print option is disabled when the focus is on the folder. Fix Description: The print option is now enabled. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52266 APAR Description: Changing printers or setting printer document properties (e.g., paper orientation, margins, etc. ) for print may cause print failure. When attempting to print, nothing seems to happen, and any further attempts to print result in an error message, followed by an application error: "FRN6855A: A problem occurred in spooling the print request. Spooled pages might not be printed." This behavior has been reported when using an HP 4000 printer. Fix Description: Changing printers or setting printer document properties allow printing of the document. To ensure that these print problems are resolved, the following entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file in the Windows directory will set the document properties for the printer in a different manner: [PRINT] NEW_DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES = 1 ************************************ ************************************ Fixpack 510.12 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51510 APAR Description: Use of environment variables to specify the trace file does not expand correctly, causing Viewer to not initialize. Fix Description: The tracing module in the Viewer was fixed to expand environment variables correctly. Also, if the specified trace file is unavailable for writing traces, continue running Viewer without tracing enabled. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51574 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain documents, when printed to the AFP Fax support for AS/400 printer, result in blank pages. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem was fixed in the printing module within IBMBR.ENG. This new fix will be effective by adding or modifying the following entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file: [PRINT] New MODCA Print=2 Valid values for the above INI file entry are as follows: 0: Do the default printing - works for most printers 1: Try using this value if documents are printed blank through the client. This option seems to work for certain printers like the HP Deskjet ones. 2: This option seems to work for certain AFP Printers like "AFP Fax Support for AS/400", IBM AFP Printer (240 X 240 Resolution), etc. Note: CM Client program has to be restarted after this entry is modified. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51639 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client's viewer was unable to handle Arabic PTOCA text if the codepage of the text was 864 (OS/2 Arabic) or 420 (EBCDIC Arabic). FIX DESCRIPTION: Full Arabic codepage support has been added. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51683 APAR DESCRIPTION : Client hangs when closing tiled windows with the 'Close All' option. This happens when the number of open windows is more than almost 8. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client does not hang anymore. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51684 APAR Description: Thumbnails are not displayed correctly in their bounding boxes. Fix Description: Thumbnails are shown in the correct size ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51891 APAR DESCRIPTION: Removing an item from a workbasket sometimes causes the client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: Remove from workbasket works fine now. ************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 510.11 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50758 APAR description: When doing a process aware search, if same items returned multiple times because they are in more than one workbasket, workflow info doesn't show the correct location of the item. Fix description: Correct workflow info is shown for each item. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50985 APAR description: When Endpage of printing is larger than the total page, FRN6855 will be displayed. Fix description: When Endpage of printing is larger than the total number of pages, all pages from start page to the last page will be printed, no error will be displayed. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51197 APAR description: When there is a server UserExit that delete a folder when the folder becomes empty, those user with thumbnails turned on could get FRN6548A error. Fix description: User no longer see this error. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51173 APAR Description: The Client for Windows does not terminate when the last OLE client quits and releases its Application object. Fix Description: The Client for Windows will now terminate in this situation. Note that this will only happen if the client is not visible. If it is visible, it will remain open and can be closed by the user. ************************************* CM for iSeries PTR: 9A28697 Enhancement Description: Allow for mixed-case password support in a CM for iSeries 5.1 or higher environment. Prerequisites: OS/400 set to support mixed-case passwords. Note: In order to support this enhancement the customer must change the QPWDLVL to at least 2 (the default is 0) on the server. Using QPWDLVL=2 allows customers to use mixed-case passwords and revert back to 0 with an IPL. Changing to QPWDLVL=3 will force the system to remain that way; the system cannot return to QPWDLVL=0 without reinstalling the operating system and licensed programs. Directions to enable support for a client machine: From command prompt, set the environment variable "VI400_LOGON_MIXED" to "1" or any other non-null value (e.g. "SET VI400_LOGON_MIXED=1"). Start the client application from this session. For a more permanent solution you may set the environment variable from the system control panel. ************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 510.10 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50765 APAR DESCRIPTION : If the ole program opens the client and later closes it, the size and position of the client window are not remembered the next time the client starts. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problem is fixed. The client remembers the size and position of the window. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50821 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a folder is explored, its icon on the left-hand tree view does not initially have focus and, as a result, the actions associated with the folder are not enabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: The icon in the tree view now has focus when a folder is explored. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50823 APAR description: When a non-admin user open an item from a system assigned workbasket and do a "Remove from Process", the item is removed from the process, an error message is shown: FRN6909 The system could not query information about the document. Fix description: After the "Remove from Process" action, no error message will be shown. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50857 APAR DESCRIPTION: The workbasket lists in the Suspend Folder dialog, default to "", rather than the workbaskets selected the last time the dialog was used. FIX DESCRIPTION: The previously-used workbaskets are now pre-selected when the dialog opens. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50870 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE methods are getting automation errors at different times and places, usually after a Dr. Watson error: Search <-2147417851>Automation error TOCCount <-2147417851>Automation error Ole method Documnet::Close sometimes causes the client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. The client ole api works fine and Document::Close(...) method does not cause any crash. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50871 APAR description: Subfolders opened in their own window lose action list when changing focus. Fix description: Action list will not be lost when changing focus. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50872 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Delete key is active in work-aware Tables of Contents even if the "Delete" option is not the Action List. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Delete key is no longer active in work-aware Tables of Contents. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50887 APAR DESCRIPTION: Remove from workbasket is very slow when the workbasket has many items (documents and folders). FIX DESCRIPTION: The performance has been improved. Remove from workbasket does not refresh the contents by requesting the contents from the server. It simply removes the item(s) from the TOC and updates the list on the client side. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50895 APAR description: After other windows moved over Client thumbnail window, thumbnails are not getting repaint correctly. Fix description: Thumbnails are now getting repaint correctly. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50907 APAR description: When reindexing an item to an index class with autofolder defined, ChangeSMS is not getting called. Fix description: ChangeSMS will be called correctly. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50921 APAR DESCRIPTION: When we retrieve a folder or document from a sys assigned workbasket and then route it back to the same workbasket but with a different owner we do not get the next workpackage in the workbasket displayed to us. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is now fixed. The next workpackage in the sys assigned workbasket is now displayed. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50994 APAR DESCRIPTION: The icon shown in the toolbar for "Change Process" is actually the "Remove from Process" icon. FIX DESCRIPTION: The correct icon is now shown. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR51102 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the folder is selected on the right panel, executing the action of "Continue", "Reassign" and "Remove From Workbasket" causes the focus changes from the current workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. The focus stays with the current workbasket. --------------- ********************************************* Fixpack 510.9 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50086 APAR description: When the user drag and drop items, they lose focus in the TOC view, focus is set to the top of the TOC. Fix description: Focus doesn't change when user does drag and drop. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50181 APAR DESCRIPTION: The "Remove from Workbasket" menu option is not enabled for folders that are opened in their own windows from a workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: The "Remove from Workbasket" menu option is now correctly enabled. Additionally, enabling of various other Action List items (e.g. "Retrieve") has been corrected where necessary. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50187 APAR DESCRIPTION: Reassign action is very slow when the workbasket has many documents and folders in it. FIX DESCRIPTION: The performance has been improved now. After Reassign, instead of refreshing the contents of the workbasket by going back to the server, the item is removed from that specific workbasket and the cache is modified. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50191 APAR DESCRIPTION: Open a workbasket that includes some documents. Reindex a document. It is set up that after reindexing, document should be removed from the workbasket. The client does not remove the document after reindexing. The user should manually refresh the client to get the correct result. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. After reindexing, the document is removed from the workbasket. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50290 APAR DESCRIPTION: The actions shortcut keys do not work if the document is open. FIX DESCRIPTION: The actions shortcut key work now. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50298 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user takes an action that completes the work on an item in a system-assigned workbasket, the client is correctly calling the ItemCompleted user exit. Then, the client gets the next item from the workbasket and erroneously calls the user exit again, this time with a NULL action. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer calls the user exit a second time. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50364 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client crashes when the QuerySort User Exit is called for items in Ad-Hoc workflow. This problem does not occur for TOCs that are not work-aware, or for items that are in defined processes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now correctly handles this situation. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50370 APAR description: Client doesn't print properly when one of the printer failed to return correct DEVMODE information. Fix Description: When one printer fails to return correct DEVMODE information, client can still print to other printer. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50559 ARAR description: When a document is checked out by a user, if another user opens the document, and answered "Yes" to browse the document, the document doesn't get focus until the user clicks on it. Fix description: The opened document gets focus even if the dialog for browsing comes up first. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50565 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a folder is opened from a System-Assigned Workbasket and the user double-clicks or selects "Explore" on a folder within this folder, nothing will happen. This is because exploring a sub- folder would close the top-level folder and this is not allowed when the top-level folder is the item currently open from the System-Assigned Workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: The "Explore" menu is removed from or disabled in the menus and double-clicking now performs an "Open" (in a new window), rather than an "Explore", which was not allowed. Also, sub-folders are no longer shown in the left-hand, tree view pane since they cannot be explored. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50570 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a folder is opened, the focus is not always on the folder icon in the left-hand pane. This causes problems with custom code that depends on this icon having focus in order to open the notelog automatically. FIX DESCRIPTION: The focus is now always on the folder icon in the left-hand pane when a folder is opened. Additionally, to obviate the need for custom code to automatically open the notelog of a folder, a new option has been added to the vic.ini file to control when notelogs are automatically opened if "Automatically display note log" is checked in the Preferences dialog. This new option is "AutoOpenNotelogOption" and the default value is "Documents". This value causes the client to work as before: the Preferences checkbox only affects opening of notelogs for document windows. Changing this value to "Folders" or "Both" causes the notelog to get automatically opened only for folders instead, or for both documents and folders, respectively. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50604 APAR description: When IP2_DISABLE_FOLDER_FUNCTIONS is set, user should not be allowed to drop on folder from any source. Additionally, when IP2_DISABLE_WORKBASKET_REMOVAL is set, user should not be allowed to drop on to workbasket from another workbasket. Fix description: Client will check IP2_DISABLE_FOLDER_FUNCTIONS and IP2_DISABLE_WORKBASKET_REMOVAL when doing drag and drop. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50605 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a notelog is first created for a folder and the folder is then closed and re-opened, an empty notelog is shown. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer loses track of the existence of initial notes for a folder. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50609 APAR description: Searches including an apostrophe fail, client should pass double the apostrophe. Fix description: Client now passes double apostrophe in search string. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50676 APAR DESCRIPTION: If indexing information for a open item is changed during the processing of the UserAction user exit, the client does not reflect this updated information. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now queries the snapshot information for items after the UserAction or UserOption user exits are called so that current information can be maintained and displayed. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50678 APAR DESCRIPTION: Attempts to save more than 10 Process Variables fail. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is an undocumented restriction in SimWmChangeVariables that prevents more than 10 Process Variables from being changed at a time. The client now sends new and changed variables in groups of no more than 10 at a time to the server. The client now also displays an error message if the attempt save these variables fails anyway. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50715 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the index dialog opens automatically at the time of opening the document, the focus is not on the index dialog. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. If the index dialog opens automatically, it has the focus. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50727 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user selects "Explore" or double-clicks on a subfolder, this folder gets opened in the same window as the current Table of Contents and the parent folder is closed. In some environments, this closing of the top-level folder needs to be prevented. FIX DESCRIPTION: To allow administrators to prevent the exploring of sub-folders (and the consequent closing of parent folders), a new option has been added to the vic.ini file. This new option is "AllowSubFolderExplore" and the default value is "yes". This value causes the client to work as before: subfolders can be explored. Changing this value to "no" prevents the "Explore" menu option from being displayed for subfolders and changes the default double-click action to "Open" so that such folders are opened in a separate window and their parent folders are left open. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50731 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the client preferences are set to automatically display the notelog, the notelog will be displayed whether or not the user has privileges to do so. FIX DESCRIPTION: The privileges are now checked before automatically opening the notelog. A similar check is also now being performed before automatically opening the index dialog. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50732 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client calls the Alternate Search User Exit when searching for a folder into which to auto-folder a document. This exit should not be called in this case. FIX DESCRIPTION: The user exit is no longer called during auto-foldering. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50763 APAR DESCRIPTION: Under some circumstances, such as opening items from work-aware search results, the workpackage locks were not getting released when the items were closed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The locks are now released when the items are closed. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR49913 APAR Description: Printed images might get clipped if certain smaller margin values are specified. Fix Description: The printing module in the Viewer was fixed to adjust the margins so that images do not get clipped when printed. --------------- APAR NUMBER: IR50631 APAR Description: Printed annotations might get clipped if certain page sizes are different. Fix Description: The printing module in the Viewer was fixed to adjust the annotation print sizing so that annotations do not get clipped when printed. Added a new value to frnwview.ini, under [PRINT], called NEW_OVERLAY_PRINT. This value should be set to 1. ********************************************* Fixpack 510.8 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50123 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If the client's Preferences are set to show workbasket counts, these counts are shown in the Workbaskets window and also in the "Select Workbasket" dialog when a user chooses "Add to Workbasket". If a user had write privileges to a workbasket, but not read privileges, this workbasket will show in the dialog but the client will not be able to get a count of items in the workbasket. For some such workbaskets, a bogus count is being shown. FIX DESCRIPTION: No count will be shown in the dialog for workbaskets to which the user does not have read privileges. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49866 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Trying to route a folder opened in the TOC view left panel resulted in an error message. FIX DESCRIPTION: Routing an open folder in the TOC view left panel is now successful. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49820 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When UserOption user exits are defined for an index class, they should appear on all menus for items in that index class. They are currently only appearing for open documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: The UserOption menu item now appears on all menu bar and context menus for items that belong to index classes where the exit is defined. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50136 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Open a document through the OLE API OpenDocument(...). If the document is already checked out by another user, the client asks if it the user wants to open it in the browse mode. If the user says "no", the client should cancel the operation. But instead, the client pops up an exception error. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the user cancels the operation by selecting "no", the client does not generate any error. The client does not open the document. The OLE API OpenDocument(...) retunrs a NULL pointer, since the client did not open the document. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50046 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the Alternative Viewer to open multi-documents (select a few documents and open them), opens only the last selected document. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problem is fixed. Alternative Viewer now opens all the selected documents. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50033 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The Set Variable dialogs only allows alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) to be entered and displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Set Variable and New Variable dialogs have been modified so that there are no restrictions on variable values. The only remaining restrictions on variable names is that they cannot have leading spaces or asterisks. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49929 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The "Workflow Masks" section of the "Basic Search" dialog allows users to perform workflow-aware searches. This section contains a list of Processes that can be chosen from, and a list of Locations (Workbaskets and Collection Points) for that process that can be used to further restrict the search. However, there is no way to search for items that are in Workbaskets but not on any formal process (internally, this is known as the "*ADHOC" process). FIX DESCRIPTION: A new entry, "", has been added to the "Processes" list. The user can select this entry to search for items that are in a Workbasket but not on a formal Process. The user can then search all Workbaskets or choose one from the list of Workbaskets to which s/he has read privileges. Also, the list of Processes is now filtered so that users can only choose from ones for which they have Workflow Search privileges. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49908 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If the QVISNDRCV program is used to perform a search and the search finds a single document, the EKDVIDSP module on the client attempts to open the document. If the user has only read privileges to the document, the open will fail. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed so that, in this case, the document is opened in read-only (browse) mode. The sample code that implements this function (EKDVIDSP.CPP within the EKDVIDSP.ZIP file) has also been updated. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50095 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / CLIENT VIEWER APAR DESCRIPTION: CM Client / Viewer may fail to print documents to a network printer, whose name is longer than 31 characters. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is because of the limitation of a standard Windows data structure (DEVMODE). We implemented a work-around for this problem within the Viewer. If the printer name is long, and if the Viewer is unable to open the printer, then we would search through all the printers installed on the machine and choose the one that matches the first 32-characters of the selected printer. The limitation is that this fix may not work correctly if there are multiple network printers with identical first "32" characters installed. ********************************************* Fixpack 510.7 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49620 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The client displays the following warning message when the user tries to open the notelog but there are no saved notes and the user cannot create a new notelog (either because s/he lacks permissions or because the item is open in Browse mode): "The system cannot open the note." This can be confusing because it can be perceived as an error message. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now opens an empty, read-only notelog window in this case. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49551 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW S CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The workbasket tree view does not always refresh folders correctly. Sometimes when folders are added to or removed from a workbasket, the left-hand tree view does not correctly update the "+" and "-" signs used for tree-view navigation. FIX DESCRIPTION: The tree view is now updated properly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49552 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If the user attempts to explore a folder that is locked by another user, the client lets the user choose whether or not to open it anyway, in browse mode. If the user chooses not to, and empty window is being displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now leaves the previous table of contents open if the user chooses not to browse a read-only folder. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49746 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Select the workbasket in the left panel. User defined actions (user exit) are enabled even though the actions only apply to documents and folders in the workbasket. The actions do not apply to workbasket and if the workbasket is selected, the actions should be disabled. Now clicking on the action when the workbasket is selected causes the client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the workbasket is selected, the user defined actions (through user exit) are disabled. They are enabled when the folders or documents in the workbasket are selected. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49693 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Action list menu is not updated correctly when user switches focus between windows. FIX DESCRIPTION: Action list menu is now updated correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49544 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Client is not checking ACL when user tries to do drag and drop, add to folder, or add to new folder. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client is checking ACL as it should. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49639 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Use the search dialog to find a document. If only one document is found and the user does not have the privilege to open the document, the client crashes. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problem is fixed and the client pops up the dialog and informs the user that there is not enough privilege for the operation. Client does not crash anymore. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49628 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Incorrect action list menu is shown when right click a folder but previous focus was on a different item. FIX DESCRIPTION: No action list will be shown when right click on a folder but focus was on a different item. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49677 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: After a new install of client, print caused client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client will no longer crash. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49659 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The client takes too long to select a large number of items in a Table of Contents. This is particularly evident when executing a "Select all" on a large list. FIX DESCRIPTION: Action List information and icons are cached by the client so they don't have to be re-loaded for each item that is selected. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49553 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When routing a folder opened in the Workbasket list window or search result window, the window is closed when routing finished. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workbasket window or search result window will no longer be closed in this case. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49524 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the "Continue" option to move an item in the workflow takes a long time. "Continue" moves an item from one workbasket to another and at this time client refreshes the contents of the workbasket. Client asks the server for the up-to-date info and if the workbasket includes a lot of item, this process causes a big delay. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is no reason to go back to the server to get the up-to-date items. When an item is moved from the workbasket, client simply removes the item from the cache and refreshes the view. So the problem is fixed and there is no delay anymore. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49772 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Search result list does not start at the first document. FIX DESCRIPTION: Search result list now start with the first document. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49756 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Check the "print TOC" in the print dialog. When try to print the TOC and number of items in the TOC is more than 16, client crashes. FIX DESCRIPTION : Client now can print the TOC no matter how large the TOC is. Client does not crash anymore. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49543 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If a user exit or other program added a new part to a document that the client had open, and the client then attempted to create a new notelog part, the client was unaware that the server was forced to use a different part number for the notelog from the one that the client requested. As a result, an attempt to immediately re-open the notelog would result in the wrong part being opened. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client has been enhanced to take advantage of a change in the SimLibStoreNewObject API. The client now learns of the new part number and uses this value. DOCUMENTATION CHANGE: The documentation for "SimLibStoreNewObject" should be amended as follows: 1) Under "Return Values", the first two parameters should now be documented as follows: usParam - Contains the value 0. ulParam1 - Contains hObj, an HOBJ pointer to an object handle block. 2) Under "Guidelines for Use", the following section should be added: Follow-Up Tasks o After your application finishes with hObj, the object handle, free the space by using the SimLibFree function. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49839 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Printing TOC doesn't print in the same order as displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Printing TOC now prints in the same order as displayed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49874 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE method CDocts::Close() should close all the open windows. Currently, it does not close all the open windows. FIX DESCRIPTION: OLE method CDocts::Close() now closes all the open windows. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49836 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When selecting multiple items in a workbasket, the default action list for the workbasket is shown even if those items share the same action list. FIX DESCRIPTION: When multiple items are selected in the workbasket, if those items have the same action list, that action list will be shown. otherwise, the workbasket default action list is shown. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49906 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Closing an AFP or PDF document which is opened through alternative viewer causes a 6905 error. The error pops up by the client. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. The 6905 error should only show up when the document is going to be saved and saving the document fails. If the document is not going to be saved, this error is meaningless. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49943 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: After open a document to view, the PageUp/PageDown button doesn't work until the user clicks on the document. This is caused by focusing on the wrong window. FIX DESCRIPTION: Focus is put on the document after the document is opened. The user doesn't have to click on the document to use PageUp/PageDown. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49978 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The Tables of Contents in the client does not indicate on which column the display is being sorted or the direction of the sort. Additionally, when the TOC loses focus, there is no way to tell which rows were selected. FIX DESCRIPTION: A sort indicator, similar to what is shown in Explorer, is now displayed in the column header as appropriate. Also, the rows of the TOC now retain their selection indication when the window loses focus. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49982 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When a large number of documents were opened from a workbasket, they would take too long to close after "Close all documents" was selected. This problem was especially evident when the documents were maximized, in which case each document would "flicker" once per open document as it was being closed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The documents now close quickly and without flickering. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49851 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The following problems have been found in alternative viewer: 1 - Sometimes opening a document using ole linking/embedding causes crashing. 2 - Open a document (AFP or PDF) using Embedding. The document opens and suddenly disappears. 3 - Open a document using Linking. The document opens but shows up behind the client. 4 - Open a document through linking. Do not modify the document. The client asks "Do you want to save the document" while the document has not been modified. 5 - Open a document and then close it. The file is still under FRNROOT\Work directory. The client does not remove the document. (This always happens when we open the document in read-only mode). 6 - Open a document by ole linking or launching. Modify the document. Sometimes client does not ask to save the changes. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problems have been fixed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49720 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Printing MODCA documents to certain printers may result in blank pages being printed. Under certain circumstances, the printing process may be very slow. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new printing module has been added into the IBMBR.ENG to solve these issues. As these problems occur only on certain printers, the following entry in the FRNWVIEW.INI file in the Windows directory will enable MODCA documents to be printed correctly: [PRINT] New MODCA Print=1 Note: This entry need not be set or can be set to "0" if the documents can be printed correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47869 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When printing a document with certain annotations such as sticky notes, the annotations did not retain their proper positions. Depending on the font size used, they may in some cases overlap the document content . FIX DESCRIPTION: Annotations now appear in the same location on a page they were initially created. As an additional enhancement, to ensure that the document content is readable if a Sticky Note Annotation overlaps the content, the following entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file in the Windows directory will make the Sticky Notes Annotations transparent while viewing and printing: [View Options] Transparent Sticky Notes = 1 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49249 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Document window freezes when minimized and restored. Hence clicking on thumbnails may not let a user navigate through the pages of the document window FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem has been fixed, and hence if a document window is minimized and restored, clicking on thumbnails will work appropriately. ********************************************* Fixpack 510.6 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49530 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Under APAR IR47982, to fix a problem with clients in Terminal Server environments, the client was changed to use an "FRNWORK" directory under the HOMEPATH. The HOMEPATH environment variable should always point to a valid directory but this is not always the case. When HOMEPATH was not valid and usable, the client was unable to store files in a working directory. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now used the following logic to determine a location for its working directory: 1) If the FRNCACHE environment variable is defined and refers to a directory that either exists or can be created, this directory is used; else 2) If the HOMEPATH environment variable is defined and is not "\" and a "FRNWORK" directory exists or can be created under the HOMEPATH, then this directory is used; else 3) If the FRNROOT environment variable is defined and a "WORK" directory exists or can be created under the FRNROOT, then this directory is used; else 4) A "WORK" directory under the current working directory is created, if necessary, and used. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49527 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When document is added to a folder, add folder to workflow, then invoke UserActionUserExit on the document, the workmanagement info is not passed to the UserExit since the document is not in the workflow. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workmanagement info for the folder is passed to the document when invoking the UserActionUserExit. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49526 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: QuerySortUserExit should not be invoked when autofoldering. FIX DESCRIPTION: QuerySortUserExit is not called when autofoldering. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49504 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Autofoldering does not remove the document from the original folder. The option is set for autofoldering to remove the document from the original folder. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now autofoldering removes the document from the original folder. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49503 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Workpackage lock is not released when item lock fails. Workpackage lock is not released when the item is open then client logoff. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workpackage lock is release in such situations. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49502 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The German Import dialog doesn't list .TIF or .EPS files. FIX DESCRIPTION: The German resource file has been modified to properly recognize .TIF and .EPS files. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49499 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Alternate search user exit does not handle workflow aware searches. Client do not accept a workflow aware search from search user exit. Besides that client expects the search user exit to return itemids and it does not accepts snapshots. There is no way to tell the client to release the memory from search result. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now the alternative search user exit can return a workflow aware search result. It can return snapshots or itemids. The client will release the memory if search user exit asks for it. Special Documentation: Alternate Search user exit: The Alternate Search user exit has been modified by changing the last parameter. The current Alternate Search user exit implementation is still valid, so users do not need to change anything. However users can take advantage of the new implementation to do more complicated searches in an easier way. The modified Alternate Search user exit includes the following parameters: ( HSESSION hSession, HWND hWnd, PSZ pszUserID, USHORT usTypeFilter, BITS fWipFilter, USHORT usSuspendFilter, USHORT usIndexClass, USHORT usNumCriteria, PLIBSEARCHCRITERIASTRUCT pCriteria, USERSEARCHINFO *pUserSearchInfo); The last parameter, USERSEARCHINFO, takes the place of the parameter type PITEMID. So, if users want to use the new approach of the Alternate Search user exit, they need to modify the last parameters in the user exit to USERSEARCHINFO. You can find USERSEARCHINFO and USERSEARCHSTRUCT defined in the frnpusrx.h header file. The Alternate Search User exit has two defined structures: New implementation of Alternate Search user exit: typedef struct _USERSEARCHSTRUCT { UINT cbStruct; /* size of this structure */ ITEMID * pItemids; /* pointer of the itemids */ SNAPSHOTSTRUCT *pSnapShots;/* pointer of the snapshots */ UINT nNum; /* number of items in the list */ BOOL bCallSimLibFree; /* client calls simlibfree based on this */ BOOL bWorkFlowAware; /* set the workflow awareness of the search*/ } USERSEARCHSTRUCT; Combined implementation of the old Alternate Search user exit and the new Alternate Search user exit: typedef union _USERSEARCHINFO { USERSEARCHSTRUCT userSearch;/* user search struct (new approach) */ ITEMID itemid; /* folder item id (old approach) */ } USERSEARCHINFO; As shown above, USERSEARCHINFO can include a USERSEARCHSTRUCT type (new implementation) or an ITEMID type (old implementation). USERSEARCHSTRUCT parameters defined: cbStruct : This parameter is initially set to 0 before calling the search user exit. When the Alternate Search user exit results return, they are checked against the value of cbStruct: If cbStruct = 0, then Alternate Search user exit returned no items . If cbStruct = sizeof(USERSEARCHSTRUCT), then the "userSearch" value is valid and it is used for processing. Users are responsible for setting the value of this parameter. They can simply set the value to sizeof(USERSEARCHSTRUCT). If cbStruct = Any other value, then the value for "itemid" is valid and it is used for further processing. pItemids : This parameter is a pointer to the list of item ids. pSnapShots : This parameter is a pointer to the list of snapshots. Attention: The search result can now be the list of snapshots or itemids. Initially, both pointers are set to NULL. Users should set only one of these pointers to a non-NULL value. The client will used the non-NULL value. nNum : This parameter specifies the number of items in the list of snapshots or itemids. This parameter should be set correctly so that the client can process the search result. bCallSimLibFree : If users want the Client to call SimLibFree on the search result, they should set this flag to true. By default, it is set to false and the Client application does not call SimLibFree to free the returned data. bWorkFlowAware : If the search by the search user exit is workflow aware, then this flag should be set to true. Important: If the flag is not set to true, then the workflow information is not captured by the Client application and the search will not be workflow aware. By default, this flag is set to false. In the following example, note that the last parameter has changed: extern "C" USHORT __declspec ( dllexport ) AlternateSearch (HSESSION hSession, HWND hWnd, PSZ pszUserID, USHORT usTypeFilter, BITS fWipFilter, USHORT usSuspendFilter, USHORT usIndexClass, USHORT usNumCriteria, PLIBSEARCHCRITERIASTRUCT pCriteria, USERSEARCHINFO *pUserSearchInfo) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); RCSTRUCT rcs; memset(&rcs, 0, sizeof(rcs)); SimLibSearch(hSession, NULL, NULL, SIM_SEARCH_STATIC, usTypeFilter, fWipFilter, usSuspendFilter, 0, 1, pCriteria, SIM_SEARCH_MEMLIST, NULL, &rcs); if (rcs.ulRC != SIM_RC_OK) { pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.cbStruct = 0; return 1; } int num = rcs.usParam; if (num == 0) { pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.cbStruct = 0; return 2; // none returned } num = rcs.ulParam2; if (!rcs.ulParam1) { pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.cbStruct = 0; return 2; // No itemid returned } // always set cbStruct for the new implementation pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.cbStruct = sizeof(USERSEARCHSTRUCT); // Set bCallSimLibFree to true so that the Client frees the memory by // calling SimLibFree. If you do not use SimLibSearch, set this to // false. (It is false by default) pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.bCallSimLibFree = true; // Set the itemids pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.pItemids = (ITEMID *)rcs.ulParam1; // Set nNum to number of items in the list of itemids pUserSearchInfo->userSearch.nNum = num; return 0; } ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49271 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crash when an admin user opens an item in workflow then does "Continue". FIX DESCRIPTION: Client no longer crash. **************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49258 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The client was unable to load more documents after approximately 200 had been opened since the client was started. FIX DESCRIPTION: Resources are being freed properly so there is no limit to the total number of documents that can be opened. Of course, system resources still limit the number of documents that can be open at any one time. ***************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49248 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: No error message is shown when suspend fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: An error message is shown when suspend fails. *************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49245 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: When open an item in system assigned workbasket, the default action list is shown, the action list defined in WMB is ignored. FIX DESCRIPTION: When opening an item in system assigned workbasket, the action list defined in WMB will be used. *************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49242 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: After using the custom OLE program to open document, client sometimes crash when Close All. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client no longer crash. *************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49233 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes after closing AFP Document. FIX DESCRIPTION : Problem is solved. The client is not crashing anymore. Problem was related to null thumbnails. **************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49082 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Workpackage is locked after the user views the workflow info of the item. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workpackage will not be locked when the user views the workflow info of the item. *************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49066 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Workpackage is locked after viewing the item from a system assigned workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workpackage lock is released after viewing the item from a system assigned workbasket. *************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49021 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes with many error messages of "thumbnails cannot be added" and "thumbnails are NULL". The problem is that the client asks the viewer to add the thumbnails before the document has been added by the viewer. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. ****************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49007 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If an item is added to a workbasket and the workbasket priority value is empty, the value previously set in the dialog is used. This causes a problem since the empty value means do not change the priority of the items. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix is provided so that when the priority value is empty, the default value of the priority for each item is used. ****************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48908 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The ole application has not released the client. But closing the client window, terminates the client and ole application gets error when it sends requests to the client. FIX DESCRIPTION: If ole application has not releases the client, closing the client window is not going to terminate the client. ****************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49000 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Document opened from OLE embedding can be opened in multiple docview. Fix description: Document opened from OLE will no longer be opened in multiple docview, when it is being opened more than once, it will put focus to the docview. ****************************************** ********************************************* Fixpack 510.5 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48974 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Invalid error message when printing from a Table of Contents. FIX DESCRIPTION: This error message no longer appears. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48895 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashed when you select "Close All Document" from the Windows menu within the client application. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48909 COMPONENT: 569725040 WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The logging of the timestamp for the executable file was not always accurate. FIX DESCRIPTION: The logging of the build timestamp of the executable file has been improved to always be accurate and to have DLL info, where relevant. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48883 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Invalid action list icons shown when the action list is empty. FIX DESCRIPTION: This apar fixes the issue. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48882 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Workpackage is not closd when "Continue" action is selected. FIX DESCRIPTION: The document is now being closed. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48875 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: During scanning if a user gets a paper jam, the retry button does not function properly. FIX DESCRIPTION: The retry button now allows the scanning to be attempted again. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48700 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE : Api Application.Quit() does not terminate the client. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Quit() method now causes the client to terminate properly. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48625 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory is not properly released when highlighting or opening a document in the Table of Contents (TOC). FIX DESCRIPTION: This memory leak is fixed. *********************************** APAR NUMBER IR48526 COMPONENT: 569725042 / Client Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: When viewing a document using OLE launching a temporary file is created. Once the document is closed this temp file should be deleted. FIX DESCRIPTION: The temp files are now properly deleted. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48414 COMPONENT: 569725042 / Client Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is zoomed to 33% the text on the sticky note can not be read. FIX DESCRIPTION: The text now has a minimum font size of 8 (default). To enter or modify the default, open the frnwview.ini file and enter: MinimumNoteFontSize=8 under the "[View Options]" section. Values of 10 and 12 are also acceptable. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48177 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes when reindexing a document multiple times FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47270 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The correct Action List is not used for items in a workflow and the action items and icons are not properly displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The correct Action List is utilized. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46039 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: RouteToWorkbasket should remove the item from the original Workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: RouteToWorkbasket API now has one more parameter. If that parameter set to non-zero, the item will be removed from the original workbasket and get routed to the new one. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46034 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Opened notelog and index dialogs stay in the foreground when their corresponding document is deactivated (the window is moved to the background). FIX DESCRIPTION: Now when a document is deactivated, its opened notelog and index dialogs are hidden and when the document is activated again, its opened notelog and index dialogs are shown and brought to the foreground. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46008 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When a user launches an alternate viewer the Windows menu in the CM client that allows you to close all or close all documents is disabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: The actions are now available. ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR45591 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: In rare circumstances, the client application crashes when a workbasket is opened and it contains items whose index classes have a QuerySort user exit defined. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes under these circumstances. *************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR45539 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Cannot add notes to size 0 notes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The code is fixed so that notes can be added at any time. It does not matter if the note's size is zero. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47211 COMPONENT: 5648d0462 / Client Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: The client can be configured to use specific margins while printing documents. On some printers (like Intercope Fax), specifying these margins will cause the documents to be printed with wider margins than those specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Viewer module that handles printing was fixed to calculate the appropriate rectangular regions based on margins, onto which documents need to be printed. *********************************** ********************************************* Fixpack 510.4 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48349 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE: Item.SavePart() fails. Open the part through GetPartFile() and modify it. Use SavePart() to save it. Saving fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: The changes are now being saved ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48326 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Continue action does not open the next WorkPackage in a system-assigned workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: The next item is now displayed. ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48325 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the scanning option, number of pages in the first part should not be limited. User should be able to have any number of pages in the first part. FIX DESCRIPTION: You can now specify the first part to contain as many pages as you wish. NOTE: If you specify 0 pages it will put all pages of the document in the part. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48144 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Under some conditions sub-item (folders) in a treeview appear more than once even though only one instance of the item is present. FIX DESCRIPTION: Only a single instance of an item is displayed now. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48117 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: MO:DCA documents with different X- and Y- DPIs appear with the wrong aspect ratio ("squished"). FIX DESCRIPTION: These documents are now displayed correctly ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48111 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Advanced search does not work with Integers and "IN" operators. FIX DESCRIPTION: These searches now work. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48109 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The File name in the Import dialog is limited to 2048 characters. This limits the amount of files that can be imported at one time. FIX DESCRIPTION: The limit has been raised to 64K characters. ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48055 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Folder not always locked when opened from WB list tree view FIX DESCRIPTION: The folder is now locked. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47986 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes when autofoldering failed to get parent folder info. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes. ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47939 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is opened by an external application, the host privileges are not checked before saving a document. FIX DESCRIPTION: Verify host privileges before allowing the save of a document from an external application. ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47843 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a User does not have the proper privileges to write to files in the WINNT directory an error launching the viewer occurs. FIX DESCRIPTION: This fix creates the FRNWVIEW.CFG file in the directory pointed to by the APPDATA environment variable (that's the default directory for the users) if the user is not an administrator. ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47831 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Dutch version of the Client for Windows does not accept digits for character fields that are defined as extended alphanumeric. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is solved and digits are now accepted. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47819 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer using Bell & Howell 2135 attached via Adaptec SCSI AHA-2940AU card and B&H RSC-11 box reports memory error and hang during scanning. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed memory error in pixel BellHowell DLL. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR45603 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: To select or act on an item from a Table of Contents, it was necessary to click on the value in the first column and selection was only shown in this column. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, the whole row will be highlighted by clicking on any column within the row and the item can be opened by double-clicking anywhere within the row. ********************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR45602 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: There are no gridlines separating rows and columns in Tables of Contents as there were in the version 4.x clients. FIX DESCRIPTION: These gridlines can now be enabled by setting ShowGridLineInTOCViewOption in the VIC.INI file to "yes". By default, this value is set to "no". ********************************************** ********************************************* Fixpack 510.3 ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47456 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Viewer PMR NUMBER: 73680,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Viewer sometimes prints multiple copies of documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the viewer to print the number of copies specified. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47758 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Viewer PMR NUMBER: 90628,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is rotated and printed, the printout does not match the display. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the viewer to print the document corresponding to the display. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47878 COMPONENT: 569725042 / Viewer PMR NUMBER: 79770,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client applications hangs up when multiple documents are opened/closed frequently. The problem appeared specifically on Terminal Server Systems. Fix Description: Modified code to optimize thread usage. This should reduce the number of threads spawned by the Viewer significantly, and hence boost overall performance while opening documents. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR42966 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Client for Windows PMR NUMBER: 25908,001,862 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE function RefreshToc does not update TOC. FIX DESCRIPTION: OLE function RefreshToc now updates the TOC correctly. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43805 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 19846,500,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Notelog dialog box cannot be restored to normal size after minimizing it then closing the client application. Fix Description: Notelog dialog box can now be restored to normal size after minimizing it then closing the client application. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45608 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 30298,057,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: Menu options for workflow are incorrect for items in folder. Fix Description: Menu options for workflow are correct for items in folder. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46206 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 46542,057,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error message FRN6615 is misleading if a workbasket item cannot be retrieved. Fix Description: Error message FRN6909 is displayed if a workbasket item cannot be retrieved. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47382 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 11102,227,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes when same item is opened from workbaket and search result. Fix Description: Client won't crash. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47760 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 80791,487,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: After autofoldering the TOC is not up-to-date. FIX DESCRIPTION: Autofoldering adds the item to another folder. The folder is now get refreshed so that the contents is up-to-date. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47820 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 77860,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add double quotes to the file name or path name when launching application. Some file names or path names can have space or other non-regular characters. FIX DESCRIPTION: Double quotes have been added to the file name or path name. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47835 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 68804,017,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: Note size is limited to 30000 characters. Need a higher limit for larger note size. FIX DESCRIPTION: The limit has been increased to 1000000. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47840 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 90881,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Show server name in the title bar. FIX DESCRIPTION: vic.ini file has been updated and the entry 'ShowServerNameInTitleBar' has been added. The default value is 'no' which means server name is not shown as part of title. Changing it to 'yes' causes that the server name to be shown as part of title. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47875 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 03997,370,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Close the blank window if document is closed (only applies to documents opened through OLE linking/embedding) FIX DESCRIPTION: If a document is opened through OLE, closing the document closes the blank window too. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47887 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 00190,H39,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: No fly over help for actionlist icons. Fix Description: Fly over help is provided for actionlist icons. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47945 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 25654,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: No fly over help for actionlist icons. Fix Description: Fly over help is provided for actionlist icons. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47982 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 87752,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: In a Terminal Server Edition environment, working files should not be stored under the standard %FRNROOT%\WORK directory. Multiple versions of the client using the same directory can cause one user to accidentally delete another user's working files. Also, in some cases, users may not have permissions to write to this directory. FIX DESCRIPTION: If a TSE environment is detected, the working files are stored in a FRNWORK directory under each user's %HOMEPATH%. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47999 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 35886,1LD,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes when open the second child window when the first child window is maximized Fix Description: Client won't crash. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48001 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 34410,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN6223 is written into vic.err for each workbasket when first open the workbasket list. Fix Description: FRN6223 won't be logged into vic.err. ********************************************* Fixpack 510.2 ********************************************* ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47747 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to retrieve documents from Lan-Attached 3995 through a Mapped Network Drive. Fix Description: The new DLL allows documents to be retrieved. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47568 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Paper jam causes incorrect pages to be scanned. No error message. When a paper jam happens during scanning, no error message was being shown. Incorrect pages are scanned until the scanner jam is corrected. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer reads in bogus or partially scanned pages. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47528 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Error when closing the doc before print job finishes spooling. If a document that was being printed were closed before the print job finished spooling to the printer, an error would occur and not all pages would print. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now properly handles attempts to close documents that are being printed. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47503 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When users re-index a document that came from a large search results table, sometimes there is a delay in refreshing this search results folder. This problem is more likely on memory-constrained systems where swapping of memory may cause the delay. FIX DESCRIPTION: A more efficient sorting technique has been implemented. This will provide faster display and refresh of all search results and tables of contents. This APAR fix also fixes a sorting problem related to keyfields that are defined as "Date" or "Time". *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47490 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Blue checkmark disappears when the same user opens the same doc in 2 clients. If the same item were opened by the same userid in two clients, the check mark indicating that the item was checked out would disappear from one of the clients. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is now resolved. *********************************** APAR NUMBER IR47462 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If an item can't be routed, it remains locked after it's closed. The client locks items when attempting to route them. It was not releasing this lock if the route failed. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is now resolved. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47435 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: FIT Option in the view pulldown menu does not get saved. The default is always "FIT TO PAGE WIDTH." FIX DESCRIPTION: This is now an option that can be specified in the FRNWVIEW.INI The user will have to add the "Initial Fit" parameter in their frnwview.ini to set the default fit value as stated below: [View Options] Enhanced=1 Initial Zoom=100 Initial Fit=Page_width // possible FIT values are (not case sensitive), default fit is Normal: Normal Page_length Page_width Page_within Window_width Window_length PLEASE NOTE: "Initial Zoom" is ignored if "Initial Fit" is anything other than default. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47394 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The vic.err file should not contain "error retrieving menu" messages. The "error retrieving menu" messages are not real errors and should not be logged as errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: These messages are no longer logged. *********************************** APAR NUMBER IR47377 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Autofolder fails when the document is indexed more than once. The client was not properly handling documents that were re-indexed after already having been auto-foldered. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is now resolved. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47372 Component: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Sometimes a different stamp annotation appears from what was chosen. Under some conditions, when the user chooses a stamp annotation from the list, a different annotation appears. Fix Description: This problem is now corrected. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47320 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: QueryAuthorityclass(long lAuthority, int classid) does not check for the index class. FIX DESCRIPTION: QueryAuthorityclass(long lAuthority, int classid) now checks for the index class. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47288 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When the window displaying documents is minimized, the title shows as :Document... . Then it is hard to find out what document it is. It would be better to show the key field instead. The same problem exists for workbaskets and folders. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the document window is minimized, the title shows the key field only. If the window displays a workbasket or a folder (TOC), the title shows the name of workbasket or folder. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47270 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Icons from the action list are not consistent. FIX DESCRIPTION: Document and folder icons now appear correctly. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47247 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: On Win NT platform printer cannot be switched to a non-Windows default printer in the Client application. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, on WIN NT platform, printer can be switched to a non-Windows default printer even though they are of different types. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47042 COMPONENT: Windows Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE: Item.GetPartFile fails when user has read-only access. FIX DESCRIPTION: One parameter added to GetPartFile to specify browse mode or R/W mode. If user has read-only access should set the browse parameter as non-zero. GetPartFile then works fine and gets the part in browse mode. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47030 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Issue delete against a read-only item. Item cannot de deleted but it disappears from the search result. FIX DESCRIPTION: Issue delete against a read-only item. Item cannot be deleted and it stays in the search result. *********************************** APAR NUMBER IR46964 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Lock is not cleared when 'Remove from workbasket' fails. If a user attempts to remove an item from a workbasket, either directly or by changing the process or continuing on a process, and the attempt to route the item or end the process fails, the item's workpackage was remaining locked. This problem only occurred when an item was selected from a table of contents, not when the item was open. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workpackage locks are now cleared when attempts to route an item or end a process fail. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46904 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The workbasket filter does not work correctly if a workbasket is opened via a mouse Right-click. For example, if the Workbasket filter is set to documents only, then when a workbasket is opened via the mouse right-click, the content of the workbasket shows only folders rather than only documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: The workbasket filter now works correctly when a workbasket is opened via a mouse right-click. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46766 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Client shouldn't show err if ItemCompleted UE sets fContinue=0. FIX DESCRIPTION: If the ItemCompleted user exit sets fContinue to 0, no error message should be displayed when the item is not routed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46497 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: No error returned when UE dynamic link library is missing or UE function is missing from the library. FIX DESCRIPTION: Error message was returned when UE function or library is missing. ************************************ APAR NUMBER IR46281 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Unintelligible output when printing alternate viewer documents. From a TOC view, printing is done by the standard viewer even if the document is assigned to be opened by an Alternate Viewer. If the document type is not supported by the standard viewer then many unintelligible and wasteful pages may be printed. FIX DESCRIPTION: This Client release offers a solution. An entry can be added to the VIC.INI file that will keep documents that are assigned to open with an Alternate Viewer from printing. To set this flag, open the VIC.INI file and enter: Don't Print Alternate viewer Docs from TOC=1 under the "[Options]" section. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46255 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Multiple-part documents can't be browsed if they're locked. When a multiple part document is locked by one user, another user should be able to open the same document in Browse mode, but can't. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now tries to open all parts in read-only mode when "Browse" is chosen. This makes it possible to browse locked documents. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46213 COMPONENT: Windows Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: Calls to the SavePart() OLE method failed if there was no annotation (.T_L) file. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer looks for an annotation file unnecessarily. ********************************** APAR NUMBER IR46111 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: WBItemCompletedUserExit is not being executed. The WBItemCompletedUserExit was never getting executed. FIX DESCRIPTION: This user exit is now fully functional and gets called any time an item is about to be removed from a workbasket. **Note that if multiple items are selected and the exit returns an error or sets the "Continue" flag to false for any one, a FRN6521A message box will appear. When the message box is displayed, selecting Yes will allow the command and UserExit to be executed on the next selected item, and selecting No will stop the command completely. ************************************** APAR NUMBER IR46039 COMPONENT: Windows Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: RouteToWorkbasket should optionally remove from the original WB. The OLE Item.RouteToWorkbasket(...) method always adds the item to a workbasket. It doesn't remove the item from the original workbasket. In this release, the RouteToWorkbasket method has been enhanced to either route (move) or add an item to another workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: An optional fourth parameter, "RemoveFromOrig", has been added to RouteToWorkbasket. This parameter is a Variant and can have the following values: - TRUE: The function will force a route, or throw an error if the item isn't known to be in a workbasket; - FALSE: The function will force an add, leaving it in the original workbasket if it was in one; or - VT_EMPTY: The previous behavior will remain. That is, if the item is known to be in a workbasket then route it, otherwise add it. Additionally, a new Item method, "DetermineWorkbasket", has been added. This method returns a Dispatch to the Item object representing the workbasket to which the item belongs. If the item doesn't belong to a workbasket, or if it belongs to more than one workbasket, this method will throw an error instead. As a side effect of a successful completion, the initial Item object will become aware of the workbasket in which the item resides so that the RouteToWorkbasket() method will be able to route properly, instead of adding. Note that to route an item, it must be in only one workbasket. To route an item that was not obtained from a workbasket Table of Contents, it is necessary to call DetermineWorkbasket first and then call RouteToWorkbasket, passing TRUE for the RemoveFromOrig parameter. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45625 COMPONENT: Windows Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client was not correctly handling decimal commas (as are used in Europe) FIX DESCRIPTION: Decimal commas are now handled correctly in Index and Search dialogs ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45539 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Cannot add notes to size 0 notes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The code is fixed so that notes can be added at any time. It does not matter if the note's size is zero. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45316 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When Opening or Browsing a large number of selected documents from a Table of Contents an error message appears: "Can't open empty document" and after selecting OK, a General Protection Fault occurs. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is a maximum number of items that can be opened at one time depending on the available resources of your PC. With this fix if the user gets the error message, the application stops loading documents but does not crash. To open more documents some others need to be closed first to free up additional resources. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR44890 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Key field values may be truncated in the Select Folder dialog. When a customer adds to an existing folder, the Search Dialog appears, the user enters a value to search on and the Select Folder dialog appears. The Select Folder dialog box is a fixed size and key field values may be longer then the display. In this case users will not be able to see the entire key field information. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, a horizontal scroll bar is automatically added at the bottom if needed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR44561 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Full privs to NOINDEX class required to add items to new folder. The "Add to new folder" function creates a new folder in the NOINDEX index class and the user is expected to immediately re-index this new folder to a more appropriate class. However, for this to work, users must be able to create items in the NOINDEX index class and must be able to re-index them. This is a problem where access to the NOINDEX index class is restricted. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, when a user without access to the "NOINDEX" index class performs "Add to new folder", the Default Index Class from the Preferences dialog is used for the new folder if this option is enabled and if this class does not contain any required key field. Users without access to the "NOINDEX" index class can enable this option to set an alternative index class in which the new folder will be created. ************************************ APAR NUMBER IR44487 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Basic search with wild cards can return unexpected results. In some cases a wild card search can either return extra items or no items. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client pads search strings as appropriate to accommodate the fixed-length 40-character storage of attributes. ************************************ APAR NUMBER IR44202 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Print 'Settings' button doesn't work on Win2000. When the client is used on a Windows 2000 workstation, the setup button on the print dialog box would fail to display the printer setup dialog. FIX DESCRIPTION: This release fixes that problem. ************************************ Fixpack 510.1 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46441 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 48133 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Priority (if non-0) is getting copied into the CheckoutID field if any QuerySort user exit is called. FIX DESCRIPTION: Columns now contain correct information. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR47210 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 19468,379 APAR DESCRIPTION: The OLE Search method does not check the correct privilege set when performing an "All Classes" search. Users should not have to have "Search" authority in their base privilege set to perform such a search. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer requires "Search" authority in users' base privilege set to perform an "All Classes" search. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR47180 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 00173,H39,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: User open SAW and a doc or folder is displayed, user open the same SAW, the opened doc or folder is closed then opened again. FIX DESCRIPTION: Displayed the opened doc or folder without closing and opening again. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR47221 COMPONENT: Windows Client / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 47399 APAR DESCRIPTION: Annotation toolbar/menu should not be enabled when doc has no annotation and user only has update doc toc privilege. FIX DESCRIPTION: Annotation toolbar/menu disabled when doc has no annotation and user only has update doc toc privilege. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46933 COMPONENT: Windows Client / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 35006 APAR DESCRIPTION: Rotated AFP documents are not displayed correctly. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Modified FIWTAPI.DLL to look for an environment variable setting FIWTAPI_AFP_ROTATE to display these documents 2. Modified the Frnwview.exe to look for the same entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file, so that users do not have to create the environment variable, but just create the INI file entry. [Settings] FIW_AFP_ROTATE=TRUE ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46905 / Windows COMPONENT: Other / 569725042 PMR NUMBER: 46064,344,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer has overlays that intermittently fail to display. Once they fail VI needs to be restarted to be able to view the overlays again. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client and the Viewer communicate with each other for retrieving and displaying documents with overlays. After a document with an overlay is displayed and printed, Viewer loses the communication link with the client due to an error in the code. Later on, any attempts to open documents with overlays will fail. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup FRNWVIEW.EXE in the FRNROOT (or CM Install) directory before copying over the new files. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46833 / Windows COMPONENT: Other / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 39877,075,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user changes the stamp property "angle" to a negative number the text contained in the stamp moves outside the display window. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed the code in Frnwiovy.dll to recognize the negative number entered for the stamp angle. If the number entered is -2, the actual rotation angle is set to 358. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup FRNWIOVY.DLL in the FRNROOT\DLL directory before copying over the new files. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46940 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 48091 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain AFP documents cannot be viewed properly using CM client by the customer. Even if the AFP document has an associated font file, the IBMBR.ENG does not pass it on to the underlying BR DLL's. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the BR engine interface, IBMBR.ENG, to pass information about a font file, if found, to the underlying BR DLL. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Make a backup of IBMBR.ENG in the FRNROOT (or CM install directory) prior to copying over the new file. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR43813 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 08899,442,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When scrolling a document with a scroll-wheel mouse, lines appear on the document. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the code to address the problem. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46458 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 07832 APAR DESCRIPTION: Some Word documents were not refreshed properly when zoomed-in to certain values. The background was not always erased during zooming. FIX DESCRIPTION: The background is now re-painted properly during zooming. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Make a back-up of FRNWVIEW.EXE in the FRNROOT (or CM Install) directory before copying over the newer file. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46566 / Windows COMPONENT: CL PMR NUMBER: 00144 APAR DESCRIPTION: When user opens the workbasket list, and selects a folder wp from a workbasket, the Folder Notes Icon is Not in the toolbar. If he opens the folder and open a document in the folder, the document notes icon appears. If he then closes the document, the Folder Notes Icon appears in the toolbar. If he then selects another folder from the workbasket tree, the toolbar changes, and the folder note icon (and others) are gone. FIX DESCRIPTION: With the fix to APAR IR43593, the number of scanned pages available for preview was decreased from 100 to 10. While this saves a significant amount of memory, it is not always desirable. It would be best if this number were configurable. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46260 / Windows COMPONENT: CLIENT PMR NUMBER: 00140,H39,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: When attempting to open a locked document or folder, a warning message is displayed showing the user which has the lock. However, when opening within a Workbasket, this warning message displays either an incorrect user or no user at all FIX DESCRIPTION: A proper error message is now displayed. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46098 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 00221,001,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a user opens an item from a Workbasket with List Work = no, another user can open the same item from its index class through a search. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now locks items when they are opened from system-assigned workbaskets. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46854 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 00170,H39,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: The frnpusrx.h for CM/400 v5.1 was incorrect. FIX DESCRIPTION: The header file is now corrected. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46763 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 82539 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to open baseline compressed JPEG files FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified code to support DPI values less than 20 and greater than 10,000. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR43925 / Windows COMPONENT: CL APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory leak with autorec.dll FIX DESCRIPTION: New autorec.dll was delivered by INSO. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR45872 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 64450,060,618 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the German version of the CM client the user name and password prompt appear above the actual point of input. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Allow users to print an image in "normal" size, currently only "fit-to-page" option is supported 2. When printing a document opened with Mastersoft engine, the printout font is smaller and the first line of the document gets deleted (print rectangle is incorrect). ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46295 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D03U2 PMR NUMBER: 79842 APAR DESCRIPTION: Resource Handles not released after opening and closing documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Released resource handles from the code, after opening and closing documents. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR44268 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the current VI/CM viewer, documents are opened with a zoom factor that allows them to fit to the width of the window. Various customers have requested that they be able to specify the initial zoom factor instead. FIX DESCRIPTION: It is now possible to specify an initial zoom factor for documents. To do this, add a line such as "Initial Zoom=100" (for initial zoom = 100%) under the "[View Options]" section in the frnwview.ini file. ********************************************* 6. Documentation APAR fixes with descriptions ********************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 510.17 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR55151 APAR DESCRIPTION: Changing the index class does not change SMS. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix for this documentation APAR is described in a technote at the following URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=230&context=SSLR2G&dc=DA420&dc=DA410&dc=DA440&dc=DA430&uid=swg27005639&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en ************************************ Fixpack 510.1 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46243 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Researched all the client manuals and found no reference to Selected Menu except in the APG. The API Reference documentation says that the "user option user exit" is on the "selected' menu for the item. The customer can't find the item "selected" menu, since it was replaced with the "actions" menu. In addition, if the user exit dll is not found when the client loads, the function isn't loaded on the Action list. It would be good to add this information to the documentation for the exit API manual as well. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for iSeries Application Programming and Reference Version 5 Release 1, the following information is incorrect: Chapter 8, Content Manager for iSeries User Exits, "Client User Exits" UserOptionUserExit The client application program calls this user exit when a user-defined option is selected from the Selected menu for an item. It should read: UserOptionUserExit The client application program calls this user exit when a user-defined option is selected from the Actions menu for an item. Note: If the user exit .dll is not found when the client application loads, the function is not loaded on the Action list. ************** APAR NUMBER: IR46767 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The description of pfContinue in the documentation is wrong. It should read: pfContinue PBOOL - output Pointer to the continue flag. Set this value to TRUE to continue with the processing of the action. Set this to FALSE to not process the action and to leave the selected item displayed. This should just control subsequent processing. The return value from the exit should be used to generate an error message, not this flag. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for iSeries Application Programming Guide and Reference Version 5 Release 1 pfContinue PBOOL - output Pointer to the continue flag. Set this value to TRUE to continue with the processing of the action. Set this value to FALSE to not process the action and to leave the selected item displayed. ******************************************************************************* END OF README *******************************************************************************