============================================================= Readme File for Info APAR II14561 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2010. All rights reserved. ============================================================= This document and any executable command, script or program it references are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. IBM disclaims all warranties, whether expressed or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability with respect to the information in this document. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any patents or copyrights. ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------- This document provides information about circumvention 2 documented in Info APAR II14561 on the following web site: http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/software/access/windows/caiixe1.html The following instructions and files have been provided to help assist in automating the circumvention: 1. Create an installation image for "7.1 IBM i Access for Windows". For instructions on how to create an installation image: a. Find the latest 7.1 service pack at this web site: http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/software/access/windows/casp.html b. Reference the Downloads.txt file for instructions on how to "Create/Update Installation Image" 2. Copy the presetup.cmd and regmod.vbs files found at: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v7r1m0/files/install/II14561 ...to the same directory in the installation image as the setup.exe you plan to call to perform the installation of 7.1 IBM i Access for Windows. The directory will probably be one of the following: ...\Windows\image32\ ...\Windows\image64a\ 3. When you are ready to perform the installation: a. Open a command prompt Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt b. Use the cd command to change the current directory to the same directory where you placed the presetup.cmd and regmod.vbs files. c. From the Command Prompt, call presetup.cmd. This will call setup.exe at the proper time to perform the installation. Note: 1. Any arguments passed to presetup.cmd will be passed through to setup.exe. 2. The presetup.cmd and regmod.vbs files require administrative authority. If you are on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 you will need elevated administrative authority; see Info Apar II14522 on the following web site: http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/software/access/windows/caiixe1.html Section "User Account Control (UAC)" has additional information for how to run using elevated administrative authority. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [END OF DOCUMENT]