============================================================================ Readme File for iSeries Access for Windows Service Packs 5722-XE1 V5R4M0 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SI25949 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006. All rights reserved. ======================================================================== SI25949 can be installed on any PC/server that is at V5R4 service level SI20465 or newer. See iSeries Access for Windows Properties in the IBM iSeries Access for Windows folder to determine current service level. Previous service pack readmesp.txt files can be downloaded from the following website: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32 Select the directory for the release, then the "servicepack" directory, then the service pack PTF number. In each such directory will be the readmesp.txt file. Since the full problem description text for each APAR is not carried forward into the next service pack's readmesp.txt file, you may want to download such files to read details about these earlier fixes. Windows Vista Support --------------------- This Service Pack is the first that IBM supports running on Windows Vista. There are a few issues you should be aware of when installing on a PC with Windows Vista: First, using Check Service Level or Install Service Pack from a prior service level to install this service pack (SI25949) is not supported on Windows Vista. Please see section 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for details about other methods of installation for the service pack, either by running setup.exe or setupsp.bat. Another issue concerns how the Check Service Level function works once this service pack has been installed on a Windows Vista PC. Check Service Level determines whether there is a more recent version or service pack of iSeries Access for Windows available at a configured location, than is currently on your PC. Due to a Microsoft restriction new in Windows Vista, programs that run at logon time may not use administrator authority, and may not launch other programs that do. Because Check Service Level launches applications that require administrator authority (such as Service Pack install), it may not run at logon time. Settings in iSeries Access for Windows Properties that control how often Check Service Level runs at logon time will be ignored on Windows Vista. To run Check Service Level manually, click Start, All Programs, then iSeries Access for Windows, then Service, then Check Service Level. Another issue has to do with the Welcome Wizard. If you run the setup.exe program to install the entire product along with the service pack, you will have the opportunity at the end of the installation to choose whether you want the Welcome Wizard to be launched at the next logon or not. Because the Welcome Wizard uses the Microsoft WinHelp engine to display its contents, if you are installing on a Windows Vista PC, the Welcome Wizard will not work unless you have downloaded the WinHelp engine from Microsoft's website and installed it on the PC. If you have not done this, when you next logon, you will receive a message from Windows Vista stating that you cannot get help from the program because it uses the WinHelp engine, which is no longer shipped with Windows Vista. This can be a nuisance, especially when the Welcome Wizard is automatically launched at every logon. Therefore, you may, at install time, elect not to have the Welcome Wizard run at logon time, by unchecking the appropriate checkbox. The logon-time run of the Welcome Wizard can be re-enabled from the "Other" tab of iSeries Access for Windows Properties, once the WinHelp engine has been installed on the PC, if you wish. If you already chose to run the Welcome Wizard at logon, you can disable this via the "Other" tab as well. A third issue is related to installing from the applied iSeries PTF. Once the PTF is applied, you can install this service pack or complete merged image from the network share called QIBM on your iSeries system. Accessing this share uses the LAN Manager component of Windows, and NetServer support on the iSeries server. In Windows Vista, Microsoft has changed the default negotiation method for such connections, so that, at this time, accessing shares on the iSeries system will fail. One way to work around this problem is to change a policy setting on the PC. This action requires administrator authority, and can be performed as follows: 1) Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click Run; then type "secpol.msc" (without the quotes) in the Open text box, and click OK. 2) If a User Account Control dialog box appears. verify that the details shown match the request you initiated (you are starting the Microsoft Management Console), and if so, click Continue. 3) From the Local Security Settings console tree, expand Local Policies, then click Security Options. 4) In the right pane, scroll down to the setting called "Network security: LAN Manager authentication level Properties" and double-click it. 5) Note the current value. The default value at the time of this writing is "Send NTLMv2 response only" If the value is not as follows, change it to be: "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated" then click OK, and exit the Local Security Settings console. You should now be able to access network shares on the iSeries system. The last issue has to do with installing from a network share. Testing has shown that, in some cases, installing iSeries Access for Windows on a Windows Vista PC from a network share, fails. In such cases, copying the files from the network share to the PC's local hard disk, then re-starting the installation from the local hard disk, completes successfully. The cause of this failure is being investigated. There are other issues, known problems, and details regarding how iSeries Access for Windows works on Windows Vista, that IBM highly recommends that you read about. See information about APAR SE27507 below, and web links listed there, to read this information so you are prepared to run iSeries Access for Windows on Windows Vista. NOTICE: ------- Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased levels. This PTF may be a prerequisite for future PTFs. By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the foregoing. This PTF is subject to the terms of the license agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program for which you are obtaining the PTF. You are not authorized to install or use the PTF except as part of a Program for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement. SUBJECT TO ANY WARRANTIES WHICH CAN NOT BE EXCLUDED OR EXCEPT AS EXPLICITLY AGREED TO IN THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT OR AN APPLICABLE SUPPORT AGREEMENT, IBM MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON INFRINGEMENT, REGARDING THE PTF. The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you in printed form and/or may be viewed using the Work with Software Agreements (WRKSFWAGR) CL command. ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 INSTALLING FROM AN iSeries SYSTEM 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE 1.3 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS 2.1 iSeries SERVER FIXES 2.2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION WITHIN iSeries NAVIGATOR 2.3 iSeries NAVIGATOR DATABASES COMPONENT 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI25949 (December 2006) 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 1.1 INSTALLING FROM AN iSeries SYSTEM -------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the iSeries Access for Windows service pack through the iSeries PTF ordering process either as an individual PTF order or as part of an OS/400 PTF cumulative package. Once this service pack has been applied to an iSeries system with the LODPTF and APYPTF iSeries commands, it can be installed on individual PC's with the "Check Service Level" or "Install Service Pack" shortcuts in the iSeries Access for Windows Service folder. Check Service Level, controlled by the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab, will detect that the Service source directory has been updated, and will present the user with the option to install the service pack at startup time as well. The APYPTF will update the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image) on the iSeries. Any client that installs iSeries Access for Windows (or selected components) from this image will automatically receive this service pack level (no extra steps or reboots). In this scenario, the service pack cannot be uninstalled on the client PC because it is merged in with the base release. Running setupsp.bat from the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image) will launch the service pack install wizard. View setupsp.bat via Notepad or Wordpad to see instructions on how to invoke setupsp.bat to record or run a silent service pack install. RMVPTF will restore your iSeries install image to the prior service level (or the base release if there was no prior service pack applied). 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE --------------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the iSeries Access for Windows service pack as a set of install image files via a download from IBM's FTP site. Install the service pack by running the "SETUP.EXE" program from your PC. This program is part of the install image files shipped with a service pack. If you change the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab Source Directory to the directory containing these install image files, you can also use the "Check Service Level" or "Install Service Pack" shortcuts in the iSeries Access for Windows Service folder. Before running this program, copy the service pack install image files to a local drive on your PC or to any accessible network drive. Once the install setup program has completed, you can then remove the install image files from that drive. 1.3 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following method could be used if you downloaded the service pack image from the iSeries Access for Windows web page location: http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/access/casp.html The iSeries Access for Windows service pack PTFs are combined with the original iSeries Access for Windows installation image in QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image NOTE: this directory is a symbolic link to QIBM\ProdData\CA400\Express\Install\Image There is one physical directory - either of these paths will access the directory. This means that a user can install (or upgrade) iSeries Access for Windows from this combined image directory and get the latest applied service level automatically in one integrated step - since the original installation image files have been replaced by updated versions via the service pack PTF. Selectively installing components from this combined image directory will also automatically get the latest applied service level for that component. If you tailored the iSeries Access for Windows install image to another directory (for instance, on another server), using the Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) tool, you can use the PTFFORM.EXE download in the FTP directory to duplicate the function of applying the iSeries PTF by following these steps: 1. Download PTFFORM.EXE (from the tailored/ FTP directory) to a directory on your PC or server. 2. Run PTFFORM.EXE to automatically expand the service pack image files to a temporary directory. 3. You will then be prompted via a wizard panel to select the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory to update to the new service level. 4. The components that are contained in the target install image will be automatically updated to the new service level from the files in the temporary directory, and then the temporary directory will be removed. 5. After completion, you can delete the downloaded PTFFORM.exe file, as it is no longer needed. Now you have combined this service pack level with the iSeries Access for Windows installation image, so that users can install iSeries Access for Windows plus this service pack in one integrated step. Note that this procedure also works if the installation image has already been combined with a prior service pack level. This procedure will replace the prior service level in the combined image with this new level. Alternatively, if you have a full copy of the original iSeries Access for Windows install image in a directory, you can combine PTFFORM.EXE with this full image, using the same 5-step procedure detailed above. Then you can run Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) from this full image directory, to create tailored image directories that will automatically have the service pack merged in. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------- 2.1 iSeries SERVER FIXES -------------------------- In addition to installing the iSeries Access for Windows Service Pack, all servers should stay current on the latest Cumulative PTF Package, HIPER Group PTF, and Database Group PTF. Refer to IBM eServer iSeries Technical Support: Recommended fixes at http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/slkbase.nsf/recommendedfixes 2.2 Application Development function within iSeries Navigator --------------------------------------------------------------- The Application Development folder within iSeries Navigator is added when the iSeries Navigator Network component is installed. Application Administration can be used to restrict the display of the Application Development folder to certain users or groups of users. 2.3 iSeries NAVIGATOR DATABASES COMPONENT ------------------------------------------ The 'Import Data' and 'Export Data' wizards in iSeries Navigator use the CPYFRMIMPF and CPYTOIMPF CL commands, respectively. The commands may function check with an MCH3402 message when executed by iSeries Navigator. The first time the wizards execute the command it will succeed, but later attempts may fail if the database host server job is reused for a later use of the wizard. The commands may fail with a CPF4248 message with reason code 3 for an ASCII or Unicode CCSID. This is an error in writing data to the error record file (ERRRCDFILE parameter on the CPYFRMIMPF command) if the data file is ASCII or Unicode. Lastly, a problem with system names that contain double quote characters has been identified. Apply the latest PTFs for CPYFRMIMPF and CPYTOIMPF on the server if you plan to use the 'Import Data' and 'Export Data' wizards. PTFs SI20896 and SI17385 for product 5722SS1 V5R3M0 are required. PTFs SI21418 and SI21459 for product 5722SS1 V5R4M0 are recommended. In V5R4M0, SQL Assist has been changed so that 'smart statement selection' can be used to pre-prime the SQL statement at the cursor position into the SQL Assist dialog. In V5R3M0 and earlier, the user had to manually select the SQL statement that SQL Assist would use. The new design is similar to using 'smart statement selection' to execute an SQL statement. However, when 'smart statement selection' is enabled, the user will be unable to position the cursor at an arbitrary place in the script and start with a default SQL statement in SQL Assist. The SQL statement nearest the cursor position will be shown in the SQL Assist dialog. If the user wishes to use SQL Assist to insert a new statement into the script, disable 'smart statement selection' with the 'Options/Smart Statement Selection' menu item. SQL Assist will appear with a default statement, or with the text that was explicitly selected as it would in V5R3M0. APAR SE22766 documents the following scenario that will be addressed in a future release: Run SQL Scripts now reports the return code from a stored procedure for the CALL statement. The return code is specified by an optional RETURN statement in an SQL stored procedure, or by a high level language construct in an external stored procedure. If the user runs a CALL statement to call a stored procedure A that returns a return code, Run SQL Scripts will report the return code. However, if the user runs another CALL to a stored procedure B which does not execute the RETURN statement, Run SQL Scripts will report the previous return code from A as the return code for the latter stored procedure B. The following document conditions that will be fixed in a future release: APAR SE25353: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0443 ANALYSIS QUERIES FETCHING The 'Analysis Queries' dialog from 'Analyze...' option for a SQL Performance Monitor or SQL Plan Cache Snapshot may stop displaying results after working with a specific SQL Performance monitor or SQL Plan Cache Snapshot after displaying several reports. This symptom may happen with any detailed report or SQL Plan Cache Snapshot, such as the resulting list from 'Analysis Queries' option on 'Analyze...' for SQL Performance Monitor or SQL Plan Cache Snapshot. Everything in the report may work fine for a while before the user may see the MSGSQL0443 error message and a resulting blank list. Right-click on a SQL Performance Monitor or SQL Plan Cache Snapshot, select 'Analyze...' option on the context menu. It will bring up the Analyze dialog. Select 'Analysis Queries' option from 'Actions' menu. From the resulting list, stepping through the rows, one at time and clicking 'View Results' from 'Actions' menu causes the behavior. You may see the MSGSQL0443 error message, and then if you scroll up or down, the list becomes empty. APAR SE25354: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE OVERSIZED ICON ON VISUAL EXPLAIN Visual Explain shows oversized icons. This may happen if you resize the Visual Explain window as it is being drawn and the 'Graph Detail' option is set to FULL. The following document conditions that are permanent restrictions, however, circumventions do exist: APAR SE25179: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGMCH0602 VISUAL EXPLAIN Visual Explain fails with 'Boundary alignment of pointer or template not valid' error message. You may see this error when you use iSeries Navigator for V5R4 against a v5r3 or v5r4 system and try to run Visual Explain. This may happen if the QIWS.QQQDBVE2 stored procedure has been created incorrectly. CIRCUMVENTION: Recreate the QIWS.QQQDBVE2 stored procedure using the following steps: 1) In STRSQL, Run SQL Scripts in iSeries Navigator, or any SQL interface, execute the following statement: DROP SPECIFIC PROCEDURE QIWS.QQQDBVE2 2) From iSeries Navigator, go to Databases > DatabaseName > Schemas > QIWS > Procedures and then Delete the QQQDBVE2 procedure. If the QIWS is not listed on schemas, you can add it through 'Select Schemas to Display' option of the context menu of the Schemas folder. 3) iSeries Navigator is responsible for creating this procedure. The next time Visual Explain is used it will recreate the QQQDBVE2 procedure. APAR SE25238: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0332 NEW SQL PLAN CACHE SNAPSHOT iSeries Navigator cannot create a SQL Plan Cache Snapshot. A message dialog may display the MSGSQL0332 and a MSGCPD4381 may be displayed in the Job log. If the control files that iSeries Navigator uses to retrieve the list of monitors have different CCSID's, the query will only work if the conversion between both CCSID's are supported. CIRCUMVENTION: The control files QAUGDBPMD and QAUGDBPMD2 are used to get the list of SQL Performance Monitors and SQL Plan Cache Snapshots. The control files may exist in QUSRSYS library if working with the SYSBAS ASP and may be in the QRCYnnnnn library if connecting to an IASP as well. Alter either one or the other control file's columns that are CCSID based so they have the same CCSID in those columns as the other control file. Another work-around is to delete one of the control files, sign-on to iSeries Navigator using a userid with a compatible CCSID and this will recreate the control file using the user's CCSID. 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- This a list of APAR fixes included in this service pack. Each service pack is cumulative; the current service pack includes all the fixes from the prior service pack levels. The APAR abstracts are listed by installable component within a service pack level. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI25949 Build date = December 2006 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE27505 : CA400EXP-NLS-INCORROUT Japanese character conversion Some characters are corrupted when converting the data from Unicode (UCS-2) to mixed-EBCDIC (5026/5035). The affected characters are: X'815C' (HORIZONTAL BAR) X'8160' (FULLWIDTH TILDE) X'8161' (PARALLEL TO) X'817C' (FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS) RESOLUTION: To support the conversion of these Unicode characters to mixed-EBCDIC, you will need to perform two tasks, one on the host side and one on the client side. 1. Install the iSeries PTF that matches the i5/OS release level - V5R3 PTF SI25845 - V5R4 PTF SI25738 2. The client has 2 tables that need to be updated. The file names are: - 04b013ab.tbl //DBCS 1200 -> 5035 - 04b013a2.tbl //DBCS 1200 -> 5026 The tables are normally stored in the following path on the client: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\IBM\Client Access but may exist elsewhere. If they are not there, search your PC to find them. When you find them, open a command prompt at their location. If you do not find them, search for other files whose names are similar and have a .tbl extension, and open a command prompt there. If these two tables already exist, rename them from the command prompt as follows: ren 04b013ab.tbl 04b013ab.tbl.bak ren 04b013a2.tbl 04b013a2.tbl.bak Download new versions of these 2 tables by typing the following at the command prompt: cwbnltbl 1200 5035 cwbnltbl 1200 5026 where is the host where the iSeries PTFs were installed. Verify that the two new tables were created on the client. dir 04b013ab.tbl dir 04b013a2.tbl Restart all applications using iSeries Access to have the new tables take effect. APAR SE27507 : CA400EXP Support running on Windows Vista iSeries Access for Windows needs to be updated so it runs and is supported on Microsoft Windows Vista. There are several problems that need to be fixed, and behaviors that need to be changed to work better with the changes Microsoft made in Windows Vista. RESOLUTION: This PTF provides support for most iSeries Access for Windows functions on Windows Vista editions intended for business use. Problems that still exist are as follows: One known problem is that most help functions do not work. Message help, F1 help, context-sensitive help, the User's Guide, the Welcome Wizard, the Toolkit -- most sources of help and information -- do not work. The reason is that most of iSeries Access for Windows uses the Microsoft WinHelp engine to display help text, and Microsoft has not yet released a WinHelp viewer for Windows Vista. This problem will not be fixed by IBM in V5R4. Instead, when released by Microsoft, users will need to download the WinHelp engine as instructed by Microsoft and apply it to each PC running iSeries Access for Windows. See the microsoft.com website for more information; at the time of this writing, the webpage http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917607 contained some relevant information. The help provided by iSeries Navigator uses multiple delivery engines, not just WinHelp -- but also has some problems. This help will not work unless iSeries Navigator is run with elevated authority. For example, right-click on the iSeries Navigator icon, and choose "Run as administrator", then answer the prompt for elevation. Most help will then work; however, some help still uses the WinHelp engine and will not work until you have downloaded and installed the WinHelp engine, as noted above. This authority-related problem exists when running on Windows XP as well, so it is not new -- however, Windows Vista is, by default, more secure than Windows XP, and runs applications with lowest authority unless instructed to do otherwise. This is different than Windows XP behavior. In Windows XP, iSeries Navigator help works for members of the Administrators group, because processes for such users are already run with elevated authority. This problem is under investigation and may be addressed in a future V5R4 service pack. Some print-related functions also do not work reliably on Windows Vista. Both the AFP and SCS print drivers are being reworked and have not been thoroughly tested on Vista. The AFP print viewer still has problems on Vista. These issues may be addressed in a future V5R4 service pack. A third problem has to do with the Check Service Level function. Check Service Level determines whether there is a more recent version or service pack of iSeries Access for Windows available at a configured location, than is currently on your PC. Due to a Microsoft restriction new in Windows Vista, programs that run at logon time may not use administrator authority, and may not launch other programs that do. Because Check Service Level launches applications that require administrator authority (such as Service Pack install), it may not run at logon time. Settings in iSeries Access for Windows Properties that control how often Check Service Level runs at logon time will be ignored on Windows Vista. To run Check Service Level manually, click Start, All Programs, then iSeries Access for Windows, then Service, then Check Service Level. A fourth problem also has to do with Windows Vista's stronger security model, and concerns the PC5250 emulation component of iSeries Access for Windows. The traditional location for storing PC5250 workstation (.ws) files and other files such as macro definitions has been: (iSeries Access for Windows install path)\emulator\private . As in previous versions of Windows, members of the administrators group have write authority to this path, but, by default, other users do not. However, unlike previous versions of Windows, on Vista, even programs that are run by administrators have lowest authority by default. Because of this, not even administrators may write to the traditional path without special action. One of the following must occur for saving profiles, macros, etc. to work: 1) Re-configure the PC5250 save location. This can be done using iSeries Access for Windows Properties on the PC5250 tab, or by running cwbcfg with the /PC5250PATH parameter: cwbcfg /pc5250path (new path) Note that this changes the path for all accounts on the PC, plus for any new accounts created later. See below for new symbolic values that may be used in either of these places to represent the PC5250 files path. 2) Configure security for the traditional path such that all users may write there. 3) Run PC5250 emulation with elevated authority. For example, click Start->All Programs->iSeries Access for Windows->Emulator, then right-click on Start or Configure Session, and select Run as administrator. Answer the prompt for elevation; then any session started from there will run with elevated authority and be able to write to the traditional save location. 4) Disable User Account Control, the feature of Windows Vista that causes programs to run with low authority by default. One change of behavior in the PC5250 function that will help work around this problem is that the default PC5250 files path is now, as Microsoft recommends, a per-user location, namely: (Application Data)\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\private . This new default applies to Windows Vista PCs only -- the default on previous versions of Windows is still the above traditional path. Note that any user for whom the PC5250 files path is already set will not have it changed. It has been set for a user if they have logged onto Windows since iSeries Access for Windows has been installed, or if an administrator has run cwbcfg to set the path explicitly. Thus, this new default will make a difference mainly on PCs where iSeries Access for Windows has never been installed. Besides changing the default PC5250 files path on Vista PCs to be located within the per-user Application Data (or "AppData") folder, another similar location is now available to configure as the PC5250 files path. It is the Application Data location that is common among all users. Both of these values may be specified by an administrator running cwbcfg, or by a user in iSeries Access for Windows Properties. The following values may be specified: *MYAPPDATA -- the per-user application data folder *ALLUSERSAPPDATA -- the common application data folder Each of these (including the asterisk '*' as the first character) are special values and cause iSeries Access for Windows to look up the actual folder location and set the PC5250 files path to that location. Use these as follows: cwbcfg /pc5250path *MYAPPDATA or cwbcfg /pc5250path *ALLUSERSAPPDATA or enter one of these special values on the PC5250 tab of iSeries Access for Windows Properties, in the User specified path field. Note that once you use this value on the PC5250 tab, the next time you see that tab, the actual resolved path will be displayed in that field instead of the symbolic name. Note that the new default value applies only on Windows Vista PCs, but the use of *MYAPPDATA and *ALLUSERSAPPDATA does not -- these may be used on all supported versions of Windows. In future releases, iSeries Access for Windows might not support the old traditional PC5250 files path or the My Documents path. The *MYAPPDATA and *ALLUSERSAPPDATA locations are not as easy to navigate to as was *MYDOCUMENTS, because these folders are, by default, hidden by Windows. You can elect to have all hidden files and folders made visible, but easier and more secure ways to get to these locations exist. One is as follows: 1) Click Start 2) Place your cursor in the Start Search field 3) To access the base path for *MYAPPDATA, enter %APPDATA% in the field and press Enter. 4) To access the base path for *ALLUSERSAPPDATA, enter %ALLUSERSPROFILE% in the field and press Enter. 5) Navigate within the folder view to: IBM\Client Access\Emulator\private That is where the PC5250 files will be stored. If you don't want to do so much typing, you can instead create a shortcut whose command is either: %APPDATA%\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\private to access the *MYAPPDATA location of PC5250 files, or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\private to access the *ALLUSERSAPPDATA location of PC5250 files, and then simply double-click the shortcut to be taken directly to the location. A few other, minor problems exist with PC5250; all are being investigated for a future fix. The first is that the Shift Out (SO) character does not display properly when running on Windows Vista. The second is that the Microsoft Paint program does not get invoked when the Create button is pushed on the Create Tool Bar Item - Customize dialog. As a workaround to this problem, you can manually invoke the Paint program from the Start menu. In addition to the problems with function just mentioned, there are several ways that most applications, iSeries Access for Windows included, will work differently on Windows Vista. For more detailed information about the behavior and limitations of iSeries Access for Windows when run on Windows Vista, see the following sources of information on the web: 1. Official support information, at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/access/supportedos.html 2. Information APAR number II14239. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE26734: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Wrong Shortcuts settings When a shortcut is created for a specific task in iSeries Navigator, if you open that shortcut and customize that task and close the iSeries Navigator, the customization is not stored properly, and when you open the shortcut again, it will display the default customization. APAR SE27312: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Authority error creating a folder When user without *AUDIT special authority creates a new folder the iSeries Navigator displays the message "User does not have the correct authority" but it creates the folder. The error message should not be displayed in this case. APAR SE26127: CA400EXP-OPNAV ENVIRONMENT CANNOT BE DELETED A new environment that is added to iSeries Navigator cannot be deleted. Within iSeries Navigator, right click on "My Connections" node, then "Connection to Servers", and then choose "Environments". Now click on the "Add Environment..." button. Give a name to the new Environment and press enter. Select the new environment and press the "Delete.." button. A dialog will appear asking you if you want to continue. Click Yes, and you will notice that the environment is not deleted. APAR SE27313: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT VARYING DATA SIZE DESC DIALOG Using iSeries Navigator, the 'Varying length data size' field in the table's description dialog is always displayed as zero. RESOLUTION: The table's description dialog will now display the correct value and formatted in the number of bytes, if the following i5/OS PTFs are applied: 5722SS1 V5R3M0 SI24711 5722999 V5R3M0 MF40539 5722999 V5R3M5 MF40540 5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI24712 5722999 V5R5M0 MF40742 If the user has a system with the server PTFs applied but does not have the iSeries Navigator PTF, they will see the number of 4096 byte pages in this field. APAR SE27315: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-WAIT UNSUPPORTED REFRESH ACTION IN VE The 'Refresh' toolbar button and 'Refresh' menu action in Visual Explain window do not work even though the refresh capability is enabled. When the 'Explain While Running...' action is selected in Run SQL Scripts, and then the Visual Explain picture is shown, the 'Refresh' toolbar button and 'Refresh' menu action do not work. RESOLUTION: The 'Refesh' capability is not supported in V5R4, so the 'Refresh' toolbar button and 'Refresh' menu action will now be disabled. APAR SE27411: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SHOW ACTIONS OVER MQTs IN VE When viewing a Visual Explain diagram that contains a Materialized Query Table (MQT), and selecting either the Show Related or Show Indexes context menu choices for that MQT, the resulting windows will be displayed with no items in the lists, even though there are related objects or the MQT has indexes. This problem occurs when using an English version of iSeries Access for Windows. Also the 'Show ... ' menu choices for tables or MQTs within Visual Explain will also bring up empty lists for other language versions of iSeries Access for Windows. CIRCUMVENTION: These windows are correctly populated if the user selects the respective option in the context menu from the object listed in the Tables folder instead either from the Visual Explain window on any language. APAR SE27460: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Router selection hangs Trying to select an existing route interface in the Internet Setup Wizard, the wizard hangs when the "Next" button is pressed in the "Choosing an Interface" panel. You may bring the wizard up by expanding the Network folder in the iSeries Navigator and selecting the 'Internet Setup Wizard' option from the Internet folder's context menu. APAR SE27412: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0443 CANCELING THRESHOLD PROMPT When viewing the Show Statements dialog for either an SQL Performance Monitor or an SQL Plan Cache Snapshot, a MSGSQL0443 may result when the user presses the 'Retrieve' button. The error occurs as follows: When the user first presses the 'Retrieve' button, if the number of statements exceeds a threshold, a dialog appears to allow the user to change the threshold. If the user decides to cancel the dialog and then provides more filtering criteria to reduce the number of statements, the user will get the error the next time the 'Retrieve' button is pressed. APAR SE27413: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE NONE TREATED AS A DELIMITER IN IMP/EXP Using the Import Data or Export Data wizard in iSeries Navigator the user may get an exception like: 'The string delimiter cannot equal the date separator' or 'The string escape character cannot equal the date separator.' The error may occur when selecting the 'None' option as String delimiter or as String escape character in the wizard. Either of these combined with the *YYMD as the date format value will get the exception. APAR SE27459: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE SUPPORT CONDENSED INDEX ADVICE This PTF adds client support for use of the Database Index Advice Condenser. The Index Advisor, a feature introduced to DB2 for i5/OS V5R4, records statistics on a system's indexing needs. Each time a query is run in which a permanent index is recommended, the Index Advisor records the index which could be used to improve that query's performance. Each time a unique index is advised, a new entry is created in the table. If multiple advice occurs on the same unique index, the information is added to the existing entry. For example, the "Number of Times Advised" entry is incremented, and the "Last Advised for Query Use" is updated with the current time. In its raw form, index advice can be unnecessarily large. Although all entries in the table are unique, some entries can be redundant. One good example of this occurs when the same columns are advised but in a different order and the order of these keys is unimportant. In this case, the columns can be arranged to create one index that covers both instances of advice. The following examples assume all advice is on the same table, same partition, with the same index type and NLSS schema and table. Keys Advised Leading Keys, Order Independent C1, C2, C3 C1, C2, C3 C1, C3, C2 C1, C3, C2 In this case, since all columns are in both sets and all are order independent, the two instances of advice would be condensed into either { C1, C3, C2 } or { C1, C2, C3 }, depending upon the order of the two instances of advice in the Index Advisor table. RESOLUTION: iSeries Navigator will provide the ability to condense multiple instances of index advice for a table so that the index can be utilized by a larger set of queries. A 'Condense advised indexes' option will be appear in the Database and Schema folders and the context menu for a Table. The following PTF is required for 5722SS1 V5R4M0: SI25469. APAR SE27461: CA400EXP-NETWORK-INCORROUT DNS autostart checkbox not saved When you go into iSeries Navigator-Network-Servers-DNS-Properties and attempt to change the setting of the 'Start when TCP/IP is started' checkbox, the setting does not actually change on the iSeries. APAR SE27468: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE NODE UNEXPANDED IN HEALTH CENTER HIST Use iSeries Navigator when viewing a Health Center History for either Design Limits or Size Limits, and there is more than one collection in the history file. If you expand the last limit node for the first collection, and then try to expand the last limit node for the second collection, the node will not expand, even though there should be rows for that node. APAR SE27470: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DISPLAY SIZE FORMAT There are several places throughout the iSeries Navigator - Databases folder where a byte count is expressed in a multibyte format, such as kilobytes or megabytes. These counts are multiples of powers of 10. For example, kilobytes is expressed as bytes divided by 1000, and megabytes is expressed as bytes divided by 1000000. This does not display an accurate number since the right values for these units should be powers of 2, such as 2^10 (1024) for kilobytes, and 2^20 (1048576) for megabytes, etc. For example: 1024 bytes is now displayed as 1 KB. 1091278 bytes is now displayed as 1.04 MB. APAR SE26797: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CLUSTER SWITCH IASP FAILS When running iSeries Navigator on a multiprocessor PC, you will get the error UGCL36: "Unexpected error occurred" if you try one of the following cases: Case 1: - Switching a Switchable Device Steps to recreate: 1. Expand Management Central 2. Expand Clusters 3. Expand a cluster 4. Expand Switchable Devices 5. Select a Switchable Device 6. Right click the Switchable Device and select option "Switch..." Case 2: - Creating a new cluster using the new cluster Wizard Steps to recreate: 1. Expand Management Central 2. Expand Clusters 3. Right click on Clusters and select the "New Cluster..." option In the new cluster wizard these actions will cause the error: a. On panel "Specify Node", press any of the "Browse..." buttons b. On panel "Specify Backup Node", pressing "Browse..." buttons or "Next" button Case 3: - Adding a node using the Add Node Wizard Steps to recreate: 1. Expand Management Central 2. Expand Clusters 3. Expand a cluster 4. Select Nodes 5. Right click on Nodes and select "Add Node..." option On the new node wizard these actions will cause the error: a. On panel "Specify Node", pressing the "Browse" button b. On panel "Specify Node", pressing the "Next" button The error you will get is the same for all the cases. APAR SE27073: CA400EXP associate virtual IP to physical interfaces When a user is changing the properties of a physical interface, the virtual IP interfaces available are not displayed in the "associated interface" combo box under the "Advanced" page using French iSeries Navigator in V5R4. Also in the same combo box, an error message is displayed if "None" is selected as associated interface in languages other than English, after clicking the "OK" button. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE27216: CA400EXP-DATABASE AN SQL STATEMENT WITH JDBC ESCAPE SEQUENCE An SQL statement that contains JDBC escape sequences will receive an error when using the Explain or Run and Explain menu options in Run SQL Scripts. JDBC escape sequences are those in {d, t, ts, fn, ...} such as {oj ... }. The error message displayed is 'Cannot display the query diagram because statistics were not collected for the query.' CIRCUMVENTION: Remove the JDBC escape sequences from the SQL statement before using Explain or Run and Explain. APAR SE27281: CA400EXP-OPNAV-PRINTERS-PERFM PERFORMANCE PROBLEM Listing Upgrading to V5R4M0 of iSeries Access may cause the generation of a list of printers to take longer than the previous release. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE27163: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER BATCH PROGRAMS SHOW ERROR AND CRASH The Data Transfer batch applications (rfrompcb.exe, rtopcb.exe and rxferpcb.exe) crash after displaying certain error messages (CWBTF0022, for instance). This problem only affects users with large character sets (such as Japanese, Chinese etc.), whose characteres cannot be represented by a single-byte character set (SBCS). APAR SE26929: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER RXFERPCB & ACTIVEX NOT REPORTING ERRORS The ActiveX DatabaseTransfer interface for database upload and download requests is not reporting some errors from the host when a transfer fails or works with warnings. The V5R2 client did not have this problem but V5R3 and V5R4 clients do not report some errors. This problem is reflected in programs like RXFERPCB.EXE which uses this interface. APAR SE27233: CA400EXP-DATAXFER MEMBER AND FILE TEXT DO NOT SUPPORT DBCS When performing a Data Transfer upload to create the file and member text, if the file or member description text contains DBCS characters, the transfer will halt with a CWBDB0052 error message. This can occur using the wizard or an existing .fdf to create the file and member. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE27102: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN CONVERTS TABS TO SPACES The iSeries Access for Windows Data Transfer Excel Add-in download function is converting tab characters to spaces starting in the V5R3M0. This does not happen with the stand alone transfer on any release and it does not happen with the Add-in with release V5R2 and earlier. These other versions all keep tab characters as tabs in the downloaded file. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. A new option called TabsToSpacesInAddIn is now supported in the CWBTFR.INI file to allow users to choose whether to convert tab characters to spaces or to preserve them. Considerations: - By activating this option, the Excel Add-in download function will convert tab characters to spaces. Instructions: The option is activated in the CWBTFR.INI file (plain text). The file must reside in the Windows directory (which may be c:\windows, c:\winnt, etc., depending on what version of Windows is installed and how it is installed) and it must contain a section like this: [Client Access Data Transfer] TabsToSpacesInAddIn = 1 Create the file if it doesn't exist or just add the above section if it already exists. ODBC ---- APAR SE26738: CA400EXP-ODBC-PERFM - Several ODBC driver performance fixes While analyzing some ODBC traces, several areas were identified in the ODBC driver code that could be done more efficiently. The following areas were addressed: - Applications accessing LOB fields sometimes will call the SQLGetData API with a buffer size of 0. The purpose for this is to figure out how big of a buffer is needed for a 2nd SQLGetData call to retrieve all the data. - Applications are often coded to the "Prepare-once, Execute-many" methodology. A performance problem was noted when the SQLBindParameter API is called prior to calling SQLExecute on later calls. - When fetching data, the driver wasn't as efficient with conversions as it could have been. Some changes were added to reduce time converting data after the first row has been retrieved. APAR SE27506 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT BLOCK UPDATABLE CURSOR BEHAVIOR WITH ADO/ODBC ADO applications using SQL queries that include the "FOR UPDATE" clause or that request an updatable cursor may see behavior where only one row is returned by the ODBC driver. The ODBC driver is fetching just one row at a time and ADO does not work properly with the way the ODBC driver returns the data. APAR SE26605: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - CORRUPTS PARAMETER MARK Using the iSeries Access ODBC Driver, an UPDATE statement that passes in a value to set on a field via a parameter marker (UPDATE LIBRARY.TABLE SET FIELD1 = ? ...) is successful, but subsequent executes on the same prepare with different values result in incorrect output where the FIELD1 is of type zoned decimal. For example, if the value for parameter 1 is 1050e on the first execute and 1575e,2100e,1575e,0,0,0,193e on subsequent executes, the actual values that the ODBC driver sends to the iSeries table are 1050,1575,2100,1575,575,575,575 and 1935. APAR SE26785: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INTERNAL DRIVER ERROR WHEN CACHE When using ODBC with Extended dynamic enabled and Cache package locally enabled, statements that call stored procedures with the syntax "{?=CALL MYSTOREDPROCEDURE ( )}" will generate an internal driver error. CIRCUMVENTION: Uncheck the Cache package locally option on the Packages tab. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- No fixes. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE27502 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-MSGSQL0470 Don't set null for output-only parameters The application uses a stored procedure that includes output parameters declared as not nullable. When calling the procedure through the .NET provider, if the application does not initialize the output parameters to a value, the .NET provider sets the "null indicator", indicating a null value should be used. The host generates an error SQL0470 because the procedure does not allow null values. CIRCUMVENTION: Set the output and return value parameters to a value before calling the stored procedure. APAR SE27503 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-MSGSQL0502 after calling SP using ExecuteNonQuery An application using the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries .NET provider calls a stored procedure that returns result data, using the ExecuteImmediate() method. This call is successful. Subsequent calls to the stored procedure, however, result in SQL0502, indicating the cursor is already open. CIRCUMVENTION: When calling a stored procedure that returns a result set, do not use ExecuteImmediate(). Instead, use ExecuteReader() or ExecuteScalar(). APAR SE27521: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-UNPRED IDB2DATAADAPTER METHOD LEAKS MEMORY The application uses the iDB2DataAdapter.Fill method to fill a dataset, using the result set from a stored procedure call. Each time the .Fill method is called, the .NET provider leaks memory. The leak only occurs when the stored procedure is called using parameter markers. CIRCUMVENTION: The problem only occurs when calling a stored procedure with parameter markers, so a temporary circumvention is to avoid the use of parameter markers, until this PTF becomes available. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 5.2 (08/28/2006) and the equivalent of PTF 5722JC1 SI25173. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.8 Level 20061116 APAR SE25556: CAEXP-PC5250-PRINT-INCORROUT SPOOL FILE IS HELD WITH MSGCPF5 A specific spool file is held with msgCPF5261 rc10050228. The spool file is for A3 form. The 5250 printer session is used as GDI mode. The form is reduced in size from A3 to A4 by "Printer setting". APAR SE26231: OSP MACRO NAME WITH SPACE HIDES OTHER MACRO NAMES PC5250 macros with spaces in their names hide the presence of other macros with the same prefix before the space. Some other characters in macro names cause the same problem. Examples: aaa.mac aaa a.mac or aaa.mac aaa-a.mac The aaa.mac macro does not appear in both cases. If you use the underscore it will appear sometimes. APAR SE26558: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CURSOR POSITION IS INCORRECT AFT After applying a service pack, the PC5250 cursor position jumps to the upper left hand corner after pressing the enter key. Service packs in which this behavior started are as follows: - V5R3 service pack SI24723 - V5R4 service packs SI23696 and SI24893 APAR SE26717: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGECL37180 THE '@' KEY STROKE THROWS AN The '@' (shift+2) key stroke throws an ECL event error, ECL37180: Internal Emulator Class Library program error, after registering a key event....then after you clear the message box After clicking OK, the '@' sign appears in the emulator. APAR SE27562: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL Unique session ID limit too small The number of connected 5250 sessions that use the same base workstation ID name to generate their session IDs is relatively limited. The reason is that, even when options to avoid duplicate names are used, the base name is enhanced by adding just one letter (a-z) and/or one digit (1-9). This makes it impossible to set up many PCs that all use a common workstation ID (for example, because they share a common .ws profile) to connect to the same iSeries system. RESOLUTION: A new keyword has been defined that, when set, changes how the session ID is generated from the base workstation ID. Follow the below steps to use this new keyword to greatly increase the number of concurrently connected sessions whose session IDs are based on a shared base workstation ID name: 1) Configure the same options you normally would to avoid duplicate names, and save the profile configuration. 2) Edit the corresponding .ws file. Find the WorkStationID value in the [5250] section. If the ID does not contain an equal sign ('='), add one to the end. 3) Find the [Telnet5250] section. In that section, add a new line with the following keyword (starting in column 1) and value set: DynamicWorkStationID=YES 4) Save the configuration file, and re-start PC5250. Before adding this new keyword, the equal sign would be replaced by a single digit only, 1-9. After adding the new keyword, the equal sign is replaced by as many digits as it takes to make the workstation ID 10 characters (the maximum) long. It will start with the value 1 and increase to the maximum number that can be expressed using that many digits. For example, if the base workstation ID configured is 'PCTERM', which is 6 characters long, then if the following keywords exist in the right sections of the corresponding .ws file: [Telnet5250] DynamicWorkStationID=YES [5250] WorkStationID=PCTERM= the session IDs generated will start with 'PCTERM0001' and continue to 'PCTERM0002' and so on, to a maximum number of 9999 concurrently connected sessions, when 'PCTERM9999' is used. If fewer characters are used in the base workstation ID, then more unique session IDs can be generated and concurrently connected to the same iSeries system. Notes: 1) If the base workstation ID name is already 9 characters long, you will see no improvement since there is only 1 digit that can be added. 2) This change does not affect the per-PC limit of the number of active sessions. That limit is still 26 active sessions per PC. 3) As the number of active sessions based off the same shared workstation ID increases, the time it takes to start a new session using this workstation ID may also increase. SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- Non-APAR fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ Non-APAR fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- APAR SE27504 : CA400EXP-DTATRANS-INCORROUT ZonedConverter FromBytes fails When calling the FromBytes method of the ZonedConverter ActiveX object, the first call into this converter gets back an empty string and subsequent calls get the correct data. APAR SE26929: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER RXFERPCB & ACTIVEX NOT REPORTING ERRORS The ActiveX DatabaseTransfer interface for database upload and download requests is not reporting some errors from the host when a transfer fails or works with warnings. The V5R2 client did not have this problem but V5R3 and V5R4 clients do not report some errors. This problem is reflected in programs like RXFERPCB.EXE which uses this interface. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI24893 Build date = September 2006 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE25733: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION SIGNON APAR SE25775: CA400EXP - LOB optimization in XDA APAR SE26399: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT JOBS FUNCTION UNAVAIL WITH SSL APAR SE26420: CA400EXP-INCORROUT CWBNL0101 FOR CODEPAGE 1386 to 937 OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE25164: CA400EXP-OPNAV CAN NOT SELECT ANSI/ASCII CCSID ON NETSERVER APAR SE25671: CA400EXP-OPNAV Cannot create remote system configuration APAR SE25735: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS UNABLE TO ADD HOST TO NETGROUP BY IP APAR SE25909: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE MAINTAINED TEMPORARY INDEXES IN ADVISOR APAR SE25910: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE JOB LOG VIEWER HANGS APAR SE25911: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE RSS CANCEL REQUEST NOT FREEING RESOURCE APAR SE25934: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT SWITCHABLE DEVICES JAVA TRACE APAR SE25945: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Unable to restart shared monitors APAR SE26107: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT MULTI-GLOBAL TRANSACT SUPPORT APAR SE26172: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SHOW INDEXES AND MQTs APAR SE26232: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE IMPORT DATA WIZARD ALLOWS INVALID INPUT APAR SE26326: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT PAGES PER COPY DOES NOT SORT APAR SE26328: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT SHORTCUTS TO PRINTER OUTPUT APAR SE26339: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT ADD SECONDARY DISK POOL FAILS APAR SE26342: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT BLANK LINES PASTING FROM RSS APAR SE26346: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT GLOBAL TRANSACTION PROPERTIES APAR SE26430: CA400EXP-OPNAV RUN SQL DEBUGGER NOT DISPLAYING PROPER NLV APAR SE26540: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT DESCRIPTOR INDEX NOT VALID DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE25348: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT PASTING DATA AS LINK IN EXCEL APAR SE25421: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT WRONG COLUMN SORTING IN DISPLAY APAR SE26348: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CREATE HOST FILE WITH EMPTY COLUMNS FAILS DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE26329: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN HANGS AFTER DOWLOADING FILE ODBC ---- APAR SE25951: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - SQLTABLES PROBLEM WITH MQT APAR SE26128: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT PCBVALUE NOT SET FOR RETURN CODE APAR SE26325: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGERROR IN HOST SERVER DATASTREAM MSACCESS 97 OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE25382: CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGSQL0104 When update recordset using system naming APAR SE25454: CA400EXP-OLEDB-UNPRED WHEN IN PARM IS DEFINED AS IN/OUT APAR SE25755: CA400EXP-OLEDB BLANK PROPERTY IN EXTENDED PROPERTIES FAILS .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE25710: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA Read & Write LOB data in chunks more often LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 5.1.1 (05/17/2006) and the equivalent of PTF 5722JC1 SI23572. Also includes the equivalent of PTF 5722JC1 SI24544: APAR SE26135: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT COMMAND PROMPTER INVALID PWD LENGTH 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.8 Level 20060806 APAR SE24106: CA400EXP-OPCON-HOST PRINT FAILS WITH MSGMCH0601 OR MSGCPF519 APAR SE25092: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 WINDOW DISAPPEARS WHEN APAR SE25262: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT PRINT SAME SPOOLED FILE TWICE I APAR SE25697: CA400EXP-COMM-UNPRED PC5250 HANGS AFTER HITTING RESET KEY APAR SE26108: CA400EXP-OUTPUT-INCORROUT DISPLAY FIELDS ARE NOT PRESENTING APAR SE26139: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT IN A CL PGM THE COMMAND STRPCCMD SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ APAR SE25533: CA400EXP-OUTPUT-INCORROUT V5R4 FAXING PC DOCUMENTS SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE25845: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT cpanel src changes not displayed PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI23696 Build date = May 2006 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE24562: CA400EXP-OPNAV HANDLE LEAK IN APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION APAR SE24598: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT extended attributes trap in IFS APAR SE24713: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT INSTALL SAME SERVICEPACK TWICE APAR SE24726: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT SQL BIG-ENDIAN UTF16 WITH 'XXFF' APAR SE25099: CA400EXP-COMM-MSGCWBSY1040 Windows credentials not found APAR SE25422: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL NO PC5250 SOUNDS AFTER V5R4 INSTALL OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE24032: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT INDEX ADVISOR EMPTY WITH IASP APAR SE24173: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MSGCWBNL0107 EDIT TABLE CONTENTS DBCS BLANKS APAR SE24176: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT ACCESS PLAN REBUILD COUNT APAR SE24257: OSP-DB-MSGCPFA0A2 ACCESSING PERMISSIONS FROM ISERIES NAVIGAT APAR SE24550: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT REORGANIZE TABLE INFORMATION APAR SE24551: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MSGCPD8ED5-MSGCPF2718 When adding VE to NWSD APAR SE24625: CA400EXP-OPNAV- Export LPAR configuration to IFS fails APAR SE24642: CA400EXP- Disks on 5787 expansion unit are not displayed APAR SE24710: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT History Log msgs of < 5 chars gone APAR SE24711: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE PER MON QUERY JAPANESE COMPATIBILITY APAR SE24873: CA400EXP-OUTPUT-INCORROUT WHEN EXPORT MONITOR DATA FROM INAV APAR SE24882: CA400EXP-OPNAV-JOBS-INCORROUT CURRENT SQL STATEMENT STATUS APAR SE24894: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-MSGDATA DATA ENTRY ERROR MESSAGE APAR SE25008: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE EXPLAIN SQL FROM VISUAL EXPLAIN APAR SE25012: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE PREFERENCES IN RUN SQL SCRIPTS ARE LOST APAR SE25014: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT TIMESTAMP ON SHOW INDEXES APAR SE25050: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT IPv6 GUI problems APAR SE25054: CA400EXP-OPNAV Error setting spooled file expiration date APAR SE25068: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT INVALID COLUMN ID ON INDEXES APAR SE25104: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE SHOW STATEMENTS DIALOG DIMENSION APAR SE25107: CA400EXP-OPNAV Error code 7 on mirror synchronization on IPL APAR SE25123: CA400EXP-OPNAV Unable to add nodes to administrative domain APAR SE25124: CA400EXP-OPNAV CHANGES TO ADMIN DOMAIN NOT PRESERVED APAR SE25125: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Cannot stop cluster APAR SE25235: CA400EXP-OPNAV User name/password not correct on initialize APAR SE25236: CA400EXP-OPNAV Upper case CHAP name shown in mixed case APAR SE25298: CA400EXP-OPNAV LOAD IMAGE CATALOG PANEL APAR SE25299: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SHOW STATEMENTS SORT COLUMNS DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE24961: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER USERID NOT SAVED CORRECTLY IN DTT FILE APAR SE25102: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER UNEXPECTED ERROR IN EXCEL WIZARD DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE24170: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER USERID TRUNCATION IN EXCEL ADD-IN ODBC ---- APAR SE00013: CA400EXP-ODBC FETCH PROBLEMS WITH SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE APAR SE24285: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT CAN NOT REGISTER ODBC TRANSLATION OP APAR SE24755: CA400EXP-ODBC DRIVER CRASH WITH LARGE SQL_C_DOUBLE VALUES OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE24629: CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGSQL0104 Problems with long database names .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE24436: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT CLOB LENGTH SET INCORRECTLY WITH APAR SE24985: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT NullReferenceException in GetDcRow LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- APAR SE25325: CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER VERSION TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 5.0 (12/16/2005) and the equivalent of PTF 5722JC1 SI20169. Also includes the equivalent of PTF 5722JC1 SI23220: APAR SE24779: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Prompting problem with CALLPRC 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.8 Level 20060324 APAR SE22922: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CURSOR DOESN'T MOVE TO THE FIRST APAR SE23600: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT EVENT NOTIFICATION NOT WORKING APAR SE23782: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT HACL NOTIFYKEYEVENT APAR SE24597: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT STRPCCMD FAILS WITH BATCH FILES APAR SE24958: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT EXTRA SPACE CHARACTER INVALIDAT APAR SE25088: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT Keyword support for color settings on 5250 The emulator screen color should come in 2 choices: the traditional green screen or black text on white background. RESOLUTION: We will provide the keyword ScreenColor in both pcswin.ini and .ws files for specifying the color mode. For pcswin.ini, ScreenColor should be placed in the [Session] section. For a .ws file, ScreenColor should be placed in the [Colors] section. There will be four color key values: 1. UseDefault - Default green text on black background (Multi-color mode). 2. WhiteBoard - Black text on white background. 3. BlackBoard - White text on black background. 4. SystemDefault - Take foreground & background colors specified for 'Window' Item on Display Properties or Advanced Appearance dialog ('Control Panel -> Display -> Appearance tab -> Advanced button for Windows XP). The value specified in the .ws profile will take precedence over the pcswin.ini value. This way, Administrators can specify an alternative default color mode in pcswin.ini (system-wide color mode setting). So when the user configures a new session, admin-specified alternative default value will be picked up. If the user wishes to override admin-specified alternative default value then, they can specify it in the .ws. This would be per session. If nothing is specified in either pcswin.ini or in the .ws, the default display text will be traditional green screen (multi-color mode). Example for pcswin.ini: [Session] ScreenColor=WhiteBoard Example for a .ws file: [Colors] ScreenColor=SystemDefault CIRCUMVENTION: The colors can be changed/personalized on the menu Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Color Mapping. The color changes will be saved into the .ws if the current session is saved. Also, the color key value will be set to UseDefault (multi-color mode) in the saved .ws file by the application. APAR SE25221: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT Not using iNav default SSL port The communications port on a PC5250 emulation session created by iSeries Navigator should automatically change to match any subsequent port change in the iSeries Navigator connection. This way, when the user chooses to connect with iSeries Navigator using SSL (Port 992), the port should be automatically changed on the PC5250 emulation session to the iSeries Navigator defined port rather than having the user enter the configuration for that emulation session and change the port manually, since by default it is always port 23. RESOLUTION: If the host port number is defaulted (i.e. no port specified in .ws file), and if SSL Security is enabled, then the user can specify a port number to be used by doing the following: 1) Edit the services file in the Windows System drivers directory. For example, edit: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services 2) At the end of this services file, add a new service name and port. The text line should be: telnet-ssl-pcomm 992/tcp 3) Save the services file 4) Start Pc5250 again via Display Emulator in iSeries Navigator Pc5250 will now look up the port number 992 in the services file, and connect using that port over SSL. APAR SE25222: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 Macro poppad window size In V5R3,PC5250 when the Poppad (Pop-up Keypad) size is decreased below a certain width/height, the horizontal and vertical scroll bars are displayed while the button size inside the poppad remains constant. As a result, the number of visible buttons decreases as the size of the poppad window is decreased. When there is a lot of buttons mapped to macros, scroll bars are used to browse and display all the buttons, making it more difficult for the user to find the button needed. RESOLUTION: The PC5250 macro poppad needs to have all of the buttons visible at all times without scroll bars on the window. In V5R2 PC5250, all buttons are resized so they fit into the poppad. For V5R3 and V5R4 to operate without scrollbars on the poppad, add the following keyword to the workstation file (.ws) under the [Poppad] section: ShowScrollBars=FALSE The default value for ShowScrollBars is TRUE, which will show scrollbars on the poppad. APAR SE25223: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 Macro poppad window focus On V5R2,PC5250 the user would work on the active principal window (focused) having the macro poppad window posted in a permanent way but out of focus. The user would select a macro from the poppad while the principal window would remain active (focused), this way the user could keep on working on the principal window. With V5R3 PC5250, when the user clicks on a macro inside the poppad window, the principal window would lose the focus and then pass it on to the poppad, thus the user has to click on the principal window to make it active again. In other words, on V5R2 PC5250, the poppad window never became active unless the user clicked inside it on a zone that is not a macro button. RESOLUTION: The PC5250 macro poppad window will stay focused by default, when a user clicks on a macro within a poppad window. For V5R3 and V5R4 to operate similar to V5R2 where the principal window retains focus even when the user clicks on a macro within the poppad window, add the following keyword to the workstation file (.ws) under the [Poppad] section: Focus2PS=TRUE The default value for Focus2PS is FALSE, which will bring the focus to the poppad window when the user clicks on a macro within the poppad. APAR SE25224: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT Collect and Print PC5250 jobs The printing options do not have a feature to send many print jobs to a single job for storage/distribution or printing. RESOLUTION: To enable PC5250 to collect many print jobs and print them as a single job, three new functions will be added: 1. Switching to Collect Mode. All host print jobs will be saved in a file instead of sent to physical printer. 2. Printing all the collected jobs. All host print jobs saved in the file will be sent to physical printer. 3. Purge collected jobs. The file containing all the print jobs will be deleted. The user can create keyboard shortcuts for these functions using the keyboard re-map utility and also add them as an item in the Toolbar. By default the Collect mode will create the .scs file in the user profile directory by the convention MACHINE NAME_USER_TIME_WS THREADID_DATE_TIME.SCS. -- If the user wants to change the file name, he can use the keyword:SCSFile=.scs in the [printers] section of the ws profile of the printer session. -- If the user wants to change the directory, he can use the keyword:SCSPath= in the [printers] section of the ws profile of the printer session. -- Also there will be an option of printing all the jobs as individual jobs. i.e., if user wishes to, save all the host sent jobs, send them to physical printer without combining all as a single job, but as separate jobs with the advantage of user going to the physical printer only once for collecting printouts. This will be enabled using a .WS keyword "CombineJobs=N" under the [printers] section. This enhancement is available for English National Language Versions (NLVs) only. This includes: -- English (2924) -- English Uppercase DBCS (2938) -- English Mixed Case DBCS (2984) In addition, to enable this function fully, pcsmgres.dll must be downloaded from this site: For V5R3: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v5r3m0/files/pc5250/standard/se25224 For V5R4: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v5r3m0/files/pc5250/standard/se25224 The above addresses should all be on one line for your browser URL. Please consult the readme located in the FTP directory for install instructions. SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE24807: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT File access failure causes fault APAR SE24809: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT Control Panel close may fault APAR SE24811: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT Apply button causes bootp failure APAR SE25097: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT Device id out of sync APAR SE25176: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT gui hang during close APAR SE25177: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT cwbopcon.exe ends APAR SE25424: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT UNUSABLE GERMAN CONFIG PANEL PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI22257 Build date = February 2006 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE23024: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT UTF8 to ME Linux PWS0006 APAR SE23309: CA400EXP - Update the extended user defined field support in XDA APAR SE24325: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PRINTER ASSOCIATION CHECKBOX OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE22769: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-PERFM SPECIFY QAQQINI FILE FOR ANALYZE The 'Analyze' and 'Compare' functions for large SQL Performance Monitors or SQL Plan Cache Snaphots may take a long time to display the results. The time required to run the analysis can be improved by increasing the parallel processing degree that the analysis queries may use. The CHGQRYA CL command and/or a query options file (QAQQINI) and the SET CURRENT DEGREE SQL statement and the QQRYDEGREE system value influence the parallel processing degree. The user cannot use any of these methods effectively to modify the parallel degree used by the analysis queries. The user may right-click the 'SQL Performance Monitors' or 'SQL Plan Cache Snapshots' folder and select the 'Preferences/Settings for Analysis' menu item. A dialog will appear so that the user can specify a schema for the query options file (QAQQINI). The user can then specify the query options file which contains the parallel processing degree option they wish to use. The query options file refers to the parallel processing degree option with the name 'PARALLEL_DEGREE'. The options will be in effect for iSeries Navigator's analysis and comparison queries for both performance monitors and plan cache snapshots. The query options file is in effect only for the named-database that contains the 'SQL Performance Monitors' and 'SQL Plan Cache Snapshots' folder. In other words, the query options file is in effect only for the analysis queries that use a certain database connection in iSeries Navigator. The user must have job control authority (*JOBCTL) and *USE authority to the CHGQRYA command, or the query options file will be ignored. A query options file may be created in iSeries Navigator by right-clicking a named-database and selecting 'Change Query Attributes'. Select the schema where the file exists, or should be created. Press the 'Edit Options' button to create and/or edit the file. APAR SE22770: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SORTING PERFMON AND SNAPSHOT APAR SE22936: CA400EXP-OUTPUT-INCORROUT Precache causes cwbundbs.exe hang APAR SE23087: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MSGCPF2422 Wrong reply with message monitor APAR SE23239: CA400EXP- IFS GUI crashes when getting usage of directories APAR SE23263: CA400EXP-OPNAV Disk Management Miscellaneous problems APAR SE23288: CA400EXP-OPNAV HISTORY LOG DBCS PARSING APAR SE23295: CA400EXP - Problems in DM GUI when TCP/IP is down APAR SE23296: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE STRING INDEX OUT OF RANGE: -1 WILDCARD APAR SE23312: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Unable to change Model System APAR SE23332: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT MRE STACK TRACE ERROR APAR SE23401: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK Missing Virtual Ethernet Ifc Support APAR SE23447: TCPIP-MSGCPF3CF1 CREATING THE PPP PROFILE FAILS WITH CPF3CF1 APAR SE23507: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0443-MSGCPF3224 INDEX ANALYZER Right click a table object and select 'Indexes'. Error MSGSQL0443 may appear in the Index Analyzer if the signed on user does not have authority to the table. The error message may be presented in a number of ways: 1) An error occured while attempting to initialize the list. [SQL0443] UNKNOWN 2) An error occured while attempting to initialize the list. [SQL0443] NOT FOUND 3) SQL State: FFFFF Vendor Code: -443 Message: [SQL0443] UKNOWN ERROR In addition, the job log will contain MSGSQL0443, MSGCPF3224 and MSGMCH1001. iSeries Navigator will display an appropriate authority message when connected to a server at release V5R4M0 or higher with the following server PTFs applied: 5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI20953 5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI19453 MSGSQL0443, MSGCPF3224 and MSGMCH1001 will no longer appear in the job log. iSeries Navigator will display "[SQL0443] UKNOWN ERROR" when connected to a server at V5R3M0 or V5R2M0. Also, MSGSQL0443, MSGCPF3224 and MSGMCH1001 will no longer appear in the job log when the following server PTFs are applied: 5722SS1 V5R3M0 SI19457 5722SS1 V5R2M0 SI19600 APAR SE23618: CA400EXP - Slot D03 on 0595 Tower is not displayed APAR SE23657: CA400EXP-OPNAV DDM SERVER PROPERTIES ON JAPANESE DBCS APAR SE23809: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-PERFM RSS NO BLOCKS RECS ON CALL PARAMS APAR SE23824: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT HISTORY LOG MESSAGE PROPERTIES APAR SE23825: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-UNPRED EXPLAIN SQL FROM VE EMPTY ERROR APAR SE23835: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE PER MON QUERY JAPANESE COMPATIBILITY APAR SE23837: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT INDEX FUNCTIONS APAR SE23840: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT NATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT APAR SE23846: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT IMPORTING FIXED FORMAT DATA APAR SE23847: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SQL PERFORMANCE FUNCTIONS APAR SE23864: CA400EXP-OPNAV DUPLICATE TAPE USES WRONG FROMVOL APAR SE23941: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK RAS Profile connections may fail APAR SE23946: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK UCW fixes for ECC support APAR SE23965: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK AC3 not required for V5R4 VPN server DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE22760: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER - Vertical aligment incorrect for HTML APAR SE23381: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT DATA TRANSFER TO PRINTER APAR SE23668: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER Customized sheet names for Excel files User's application requires Microsoft Excel sheet names to be sheet1, sheet2, etc. but iSeries Access uses the file name as sheet names. This PTF fixes the reported problem. Considerations: - By activating this feature it's possible to customize the name of the sheets of Excel files generated through the Data Transfer From GUI ONLY. - This feature is available ONLY for biff5, biff7 and biff8 formats. - Customized names can ONLY be ANSI strings. UNICODE strings are NOT SUPPORTED. This feature is activated through an INI file (plain text) named CWBTFR.INI. It must reside in the Windows directory (which may be c:\windows, c:\winnt, etc., depending on how and what version of Windows is installed) and it must contain a section like this: [Client Access Data Transfer] BaseSheetName=custname where custname can be any string of up to 10 VALID CHARACTERS. Create the file if it doesn't exist or just add the above section if it already exists. NOTE: Characters such as \,/,?,[,] or * are not allowed. This is an Excel restriction. APAR SE24030: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER A CRASH OCCURS WHEN BROWSE FOR LIBRARIES APAR SE24081: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER INCORRECT CELL TEXT ALIGNMENT IN HTML DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE23267: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-WAIT DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN HANGS ODBC ---- APAR SE22732: CA400EXP-ODBC-PERFM RESULTS SETS ARE RETURNED WITH BLOCKING Currently, when using a Sensitive cursor type in an iSeries Access ODBC application, results sets will be returned with blocking of one row. This can negatively impact performance. This change will allow the iSeries Access ODBC provider to do block fetches of data when the SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY attribute is set to SQL_CONCUR_LOCK and the Database host server indicates that the cursor is Read-only. APAR SE22932: CA400EXP-ODBC Support loosely-coupled XA transactions The ODBC driver currently supports loosely coupled XA/MTS transactions, but does not have the ability to share locks across the loosely coupled transaction branches. An enhancement is needed to provide in this support. New keywords and a new connection attribute will be added to control the locking with loosely coupled distributed transaction branches. Note, this support requires a V5R4 iSeries. The new keywords can be set in the ODBC DSN using the cwbodbcreg.exe tool or passed in on the SQLDriverConnect connection string. The new keywords are: XALCS or XALooselyCoupledSupport Setting this keyword affects whether locks are shared between loosely coupled distributed transaction branches. Possible Values: 0 = Locks are not shared 1 = Locks are shared Default Value: 1 Alternatively, you can activate this new support by calling the SQLSetConnectAttr API and setting the 2144 attribute. The 2144 attribute expects that an unsigned integer value be passed in. Setting this to 0 indicates to not share locks. Setting this to 1 will share locks. The default behavior is 1 which is to share locks. APAR SE23227: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT POUND STERLING SYMBOL IN ODBC DS APAR SE23930: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT Improved Delimited Names Support The ODBC driver is not consistent with how it returns delimited identifier names back to the application. An example of a delimited identifier name is "MyTable" where "MyTable" is the name of a table on an iSeries. Some applications, such as Microsoft Excel, generate SQL statements based off the identifiers the driver returns. These applications build invalid SQL statements if the driver does not return the names in a particular way. To make these applications work better and to be more consistent, an enhancement is being provided. A new keyword is being added that will give the application the ability to affect how delimited identifier names are returned to it. Keyword: DelimitNames Description: This keyword controls how the driver will return delimited identifier names back to the application. This setting affects the following catalog APIs: SQLTables, SQLColumns, SQLSpecialColumns, SQLPrimaryKeys, SQLForeignKeys, SQLSpecialColumns, and SQLStatistics. It also affects how the driver returns identifiers for the SQLColAttribute, SQLDescribeCol, and SQLGetDescField APIs. If set to 1, the driver would return a table name of "MyTable" as "MyTable" instead of as MyTable. Values: 0 = Return undelimited identifier names to the application 1 = Return delimited names to the application Default Value: 0 Notes: - To set this keyword you can specify "DelimitNames=1;" in the SQLDriverConnect connection string. If you can not modify the application, you can use the cwbodbcreg.exe tool found on your machine in the \Program Files\IBM\Client Access directory. To use cwbodbcreg.exe, open a DOS command prompt, navigate to the \Program Files\IBM\Client Access directory, and then run the following (replacing MYDSN with the ODBC DSN you want to update): cwbodbcreg MYDSN DelimitNames 1 - When working with MS Excel you will need to set the DelimitNames keyword to 1 if you have identifiers that are delimited. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- No fixes. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE22266: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA Item has already been added to collection APAR SE22506: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA .NET Provider with .NET Framework 2.0 When using the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries .NET provider with .NET Framework 2.0, an ObjectDisposedException occurs when the application terminates, with a message indicating "Safe handle has been closed." This problem occurs because of an incompatible change made in the .NET Framework. This PTF fixes the reported problem. Note that this is not an official support statement for .NET Framework 2.0. Future compatability with .NET Framework 2.0 is not guaranteed. APAR SE23880: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-MSGCPD0005 Trace - wrong decimal separator APAR SE24056: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA Server trace fails with system naming LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 5.0 (12/16/2005). 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.8 Level 20051220 APAR SE23207: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT SPECIFIC CHARACTERS GET GARBAGE APAR SE23367: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED LONG NAME MACRO IN .PMP APAR SE23503: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DBCS PASTE ADDS SBCS BLANK SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE23862: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT CWBOPAOC.EXE FAULT CONNECTING LAN PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI20465 Build date = October 2005 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE21177: CA400EXP-INCORROUT cwbback.exe faults on some PCs APAR SE21440: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INSERT OR UPDATE FROM PC UNICODE TO APAR SE21823: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT AFP VIEWER ON 64BIT APAR SE22152: CA400EXP-RMTCMD RMTCMDS WHICH PREVIOUSLY RETURNED ERROR LEVE RMTCMD was updated to take advantage of a new message level on the host side (x'02' - return all messages). The return all messages option also returns messages from both the server and program message queues, whereas previous host levels and message levels only returned information from the server queue. This additional message source (program queue) can cause a previously working RMTCMD to return an error level higher than 00. This can cause some client applications to abnormally end. The remote command (RMTCMD.EXE) and remote program interfaces (CWBRC.H) have been changed to allow a more complete list of job messages to be returned. For RMTCMD.EXE, this might cause a different exit ERRORLEVEL to be returned depending on the severity of any newly included job messages. To enable the old behavior for a given PC process, set up an environment variable called CWB_RMTCMD_V5R2_MSG=*ALL or a process name. For example: CWB_RMTCMD_V5R2_MSG=rmtcmd.exe will enable the old behavior for rmtcmd.exe. *ALL would enable the old behavior for all processes within this environment variable scope. CIRCUMVENTION: Job messages can be removed from the returned list by calling RCVMSG MSGTYPE(*EXCP) RMV(*YES) during normal MONMSG processing routines. APAR SE22356: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT IFS fault with extended attributes OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE21629: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-WAIT LOCK NOT RELEASED BY EDIT CONTENTS APAR SE22008: CA400EXP-OUTPUT-INCORROUT Change URL of Infocenter APAR SE22609: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Problems in some Cluster wizards DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE20527: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER UNICODE DATA WITH X'1A' IN THE DATA APAR SE20765: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBTF0005 UPLOAD OF MS EXCEL APAR SE21329: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT WARNING MESSAGES STOP RFROMPCB APAR SE21880: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT SENDS MULTIPLE SHEETS APAR SE22045: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER INCORRECT TRANSLATE FROM VALUE DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE21228: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-WAIT MS EXCEL TRANSFER FROM HANGS ODBC ---- APAR SE20631: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT BLOCK UPDATE FAILS WITH NO MESSAGE APAR SE20801: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT SPORADIC CONVERSION ERROR APAR SE20919: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT STORED PROCEDURES COMPILED WITH *CAL In V5R3 a change has been made to have the Stored Procedures compiled to use the *CALLER activation group to run under compiled level for every transaction instead of isolation level set by the application, As a result, an unexpected isolation level may be used. Support has been added to enable Stored Procedures that are compiled to use the *CALLER activation to pick up the isolation level set by the application using SET TRANSACTION. APAR SE21192: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ODBC RUNNING AT INCORRECT ISOLATION APAR SE21505: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGSQL0100 PRE-FETCH OF DATA APAR SE21580: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSG7399 DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION FAILS WITH ERR APAR SE21773: CA400EXP-ODBC-WAIT A CALL TO A PROCEDURE CONTAINING BLOB APAR SE21909: CA400EXP-ODBC Character truncation error converting exponential number from SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_DECIMAL Character data right truncation error when iSeries ODBC driver converts an exponential or scientific number from SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_DECIMAL Example: 8.16e+007 which equals 81600000. The iSeries ODBC Driver does not support the conversion of scientific number from SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_DECIMAL. In order to have same functionality as other DBMS, support to convert exponential or scientific number from SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_DECIMAL was added. CIRCUMVENTION: If posible change the application to convert from SQL_C_FLOAT to SQL_DECIMAL OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE21950: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT SETTING PROPERTIES WITH SQL SERVER .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE20843: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA DataAdapter with LOB locators fail APAR SE21919: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA Avoid implicit prepares when not necessary The .NET Provider usually does an implicit Prepare of commands when one of the iDB2Command's Execute methods is called. In many cases, this implicit Prepare is unnecessary, and results in extra data flowing to and from the iSeries server each time a command is executed. The provider should only implicitly Prepare commands when a Prepare is necessary. This PTF fixes the reported problem. The provider will still implicitly Prepare commands that need to be prepared, but it will no longer implicitly Prepare commands that don't need to be prepared. If the application repeatedly runs a command and wishes to ensure the command gets Prepared, it can call the iDB2Command.Prepare() method to prepare the command before executing it. APAR SE21966: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT .NET PROVIDER CONNECTION MANAGEMENT LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 4.8 (10/06/2005). 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.8 Level 20050818 APAR SE20279: OSP-PAR PRINTER SESSION, FILE, PAGE SETUP, FORMS SETTING APAR SE20458: CA400EXP-INCORROUT DISABLE STRPCCMD COMMAND VIA WS KEYWORD iSeries Access for Windows PC5250 needs client-side control on commands issued via the STRPCO/STRPCCMD server commands. PC5250 will allow users to disable STRPCCMD through a new WS profile keyword, "Ignore_STRPCCMD". Users can edit a .ws file to add the following to the [5250] section of the .ws profile to enable/disable STRPCCMD. The keyword can have values 'Y' and 'N' with the default being 'N' to allow the STRPCCMD command. Users who want to block STRPCCMD will have to set the keyword to 'Y'. The keyword can be set as follows: [5250] Ignore_STRPCCMD=Y When the keyword is set to 'Y', PC5250 ignores the parameters associated with STRPCCMD and simply sends back to the server an Enter key to refresh the screen. CIRCUMVENTION: Control access to STRPCO and STRPCCMD commands via iSeries authority permissions. APAR SE20629: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-MSGCPF5261 ERROR PRINTING WITH RHM WITHIN APAR SE20734: CA400EXP-PC5250 KANA MODE INPUT INCORROUT ON CP1399 SESSION. APAR SE20890: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT FUNCTION KEY NOT ALLOWED WHEN US APAR SE20923: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT LETTER "O" AND ZERO NOT DISCERNA When using the Monotype Sans Duospace WT font in a PC5250 session, the capital "O" and number zero cannot be differentiated. This will be fixed by providing a new font that differentiates the capital "O" and zero characters. This new font is named "PComm Session" and the file is pcommsess.ttf . During install, the previous True Type Font file "Monotype Sans Duospace WT" (file name mtsandw.ttf) will be deleted. Any users that previously were using the Monotype Sans Duospace WT font for a higher resolution display, will automatically be switched to the default IBM3270 font. Those users that want to return to using a True Type Font or start using a True Type Font for the first time, need to follow the instructions for the Select Display Font dialog included in the following revised text from APAR SE18848: A change from raster (bitmap) fonts to True Type Fonts will be made. True Type Fonts are scalable and display text well at higher resolutions. This new feature will be implemented only for English and West European languages (PC codepage 1252). No other languages will support these higher resolutions. New monospaced True Type Fonts containing all the characters from the current IBM3270 raster font will be installed in the PC5250 installation folder. -- PComm Session (pcommsess.ttf) (for displaying text) -- PCOMMAPL (pcommapl.ttf) (for displaying APL characters like box drawing, scrollbars, etc) IBM3270 will still be the default font. The new PComm Session font (pcommsess.ttf) will need to be selected by the user via the Select Display Font dialog. Whenever the Pcomm Session font is selected, PC5250 will automatically select PCOMMAPL (pcommapl.ttf) as the APL font. Note: Operator Information Area (OIA) fonts will not be changed. At higher resolutions, characters displayed in the OIA might appear smaller than the PC5250 window text. APAR SE21646: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT POPUP MENU BAR OPERATION If the Menu-Bar is hidden, and the Popup Menu-Bar is used, duplicate menu items can result. For instance, if Communication-> Configure is selected, and then the resulting panel is closed, the next time a right click is done on the title bar, multiple Popup Menu-Bar menu items appear, and within those, multiple duplicate menu items. Also, during this process, if the emulator window is maximized, it will be restored to non-maximized form, rather than staying at the desired maximized position. APAR SE21726: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT KOREAN INPUT ON CODEPAGE 037 SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- APAR SE22490: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT SSL GSKIT Update Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) component to level GSkit . This PTF updates SSL to the new level. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE21607: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT OpNav service functions unavailable PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the Install/Uninstall function. 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK ------------------------------ To remove this service pack from your PC (if the service pack was originally installed with the Enable Service Pack Uninstall option): 1. Click the Windows Start button, click on Settings, and then click on Control Panel. 2. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. 3. Click on the Change or Remove Programs button (if necessary), then find and click on the IBM iSeries Access for Windows SI25949 item, and then click on the Change/Remove button. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Note: The SSL component fixes installed with this service pack cannot be removed as part of the service pack. To remove SSL fixes, use Selective Setup to remove the SSL component, then run Selective Setup again to re-install the SSL component, then apply the desired level of product service pack. 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? ----------------------------------------------- InstallShield is the tool used to provide the install support for iSeries Access for Windows. The same tool is used for installing service packs. Setup.exe has a 2 minute timeout to initialize to the first wizard panel, which could expire when installing service packs over very slow communication lines. If installing from a CD or a faster connection is not possible, then the service pack could be installed in this manner: 1) A setting exists on the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab that will copy the service pack image to the PC's temporary directory, install the service pack, then remove the copied files. To use this support you will need to specify this setting ("Copy install image to PC before installing"). 2) Run Check Service Level (either from the IBM iSeries Access for Windows Service folder shortcut or when Check Service Level runs at system boot on its defined schedule) STATUS: No status information is displayed while the files are copied. To determine if the transfers are progressing, look in the 'CA400CKV' temporary directory (beneath the PC temporary directory, for example C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp). You should see new files appear periodically. 3) Proceed through the Service Pack install wizard to complete the install. 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL ------------------------- To prevent users from installing the Service Pack, an administrator can use the SP.TXT file. If the administrator places a file named SP.TXT (with a 'N' in the first position of the first line) in the service pack installation image directory, the service pack will not be installed. 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the Data Transfer function. 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 ----------------------------------------------------------- WHY DOES MY DATA LOOK LIKE GARBAGE WHEN I PERFORMED A DOWNLOAD? By default, the Data Transfer function will not convert data between EBCDIC and ASCII if the data is tagged with a CCSID of 65535. In older versions of the Win 95/NT Client Access product, the 65535 conversion was controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. This process has been changed, and the conversion is now controlled by the Data Transfer user interface. Once the setting has been made in the user interface, it is then stored in the transfer request. This is only true for .TTO, .TFR, .DTT, and .DTF files. .RTO and .DT files are still controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. The conversion setting for .RTO and .DT files can be modified in the Data Transfer user interface, but the setting will not be saved. The setting to control the conversion is found in the File, Properties information. WARNING: This feature is designed as a workaround for people that can not change the CCSID of their files. In order for this translation to work properly, you must be confident the data in the file matches the CCSID of your user profile. The design of the iSeries is that data with a 65535 CCSID are not to be converted. This feature will attempt to do a conversion of the data from the job CCSID to the PC CCSID. This conversion may not work if the data in the file does not match the user profile/job CCSID. The correct solution to this problem is to appropriately tag the data with the correct CCSID. One way of doing this is by using CHGPF. For more information on the 65535 CCSID, please reference the iSeries National Language Support Manual.