The following ODBC DLL solves the problem reported in APAR SA90296. Problem description: SQLDescribeCol API returns 0 (zero) bytes as the column size for CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, and GRAPHIC columns to pre-V4R4 AS/400 systems. In order to use this DLL you need to: 1.- Stop any ODBC application that is using the Client Access ODBC Driver. 2.- Rename the previous CWBODBC.DLL file that is normally located at: \Program Files\ibm\Client Aceess\Shared This path could be different depending on where you specified to install Client Access Express. 3.- Download this DLL file and copy it into the directory where the original file was found. There is no need to restart the computer. Note: Before copying this DLL file, it is highly recommended that the latest Client Access Service Pack be installed on your PC.