========================================================================= Readme File for AS/400 Client Access for Windows 95 Service Packs 5763-XD1 V3R1M1 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SF43839 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= IMPORTANT: Be sure to check Informational APAR II09921 for the latest list of OS/400 PTFs that must be installed on the AS/400 prior to attempting any Client Access functions. Some of the fixes contained in this service pack PTF may not work if these OS/400 PTFs are not installed on the AS/400. If you have internet access, the text of Informational APAR II09921 is available at "http://www.as400.ibm.com/clientaccess/" under the "Information APARs" link. Summary of new fixes: The "Transfer" pull down menu items and the "Send" and "Receive" buttons in PC5250 have been changed to invoke CA/400 data transfer instead of PC5250 file transfer. This only applies when CA/400 data transfer is installed. --------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------- 1.0 OS/400 PROGRAM TEMPORARY FIXES (PTFs) REQUIRED 2.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 INSTALLING FROM A MANAGING AS/400 SYSTEM 2.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE 2.3 INSTALLING FROM DISKETTE 2.4 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS 2.4.1 SILENT INSTALL CHANGES TO ENABLE UNINSTALL 2.4.2 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 2.5 NETSOFT ROUTER CONSIDERATIONS 2.5.1 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS ON SDLC-ATTACHED PC's 2.5.2 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS ON ASYNC-ATTACHED PC's 2.5.3 CHANGING WORKSTATION ADDRESS FOR ASYNC-ATTACHED PC'S 2.5.4 ANYNET CONNECTION PROBLEM 2.5.5 SDLC PERFORMANCE 2.5.6 DISCONNECTING AND RECONNECTING TO SYSTEMS 2.5.7 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS OVER SLOWER CONNECTIONS 2.5.8 INSTALLING WINDOWS 95 32-BIT TWINAX SUPPORT 2.5.9 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS ON TWINAX-ATTACHED PC's 2.6 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS 2.6.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE CCSID IS 65535 2.7 PC5250 CONSIDERATIONS 2.7.1 STATUS POP-UP WINDOW 2.7.2 HOW TO SWITCH THE CTRL AND ENTER KEYS 2.7.3 HOW TO CHANGE THE DEFAULT FILE TRANSFER TYPE 2.8 IBM PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSIDERATIONS 2.8.1 ROUTER STATE 2.9 ANYNET CONSIDERATIONS 2.9.1 ANYNET OVER ETHERNET 2.9.2 SNA INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND OVER ANYNET 2.10 UPGRADING TO THE V3R1M2 RELEASE OF CLIENT ACCESS 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF43839 (NOVEMBER 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF42350 (AUGUST 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF41491 (JUNE 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF41118 (MAY 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF40081 (APRIL 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF39584 (MARCH 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF39059 (MARCH 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF38281 (FEBRUARY 1997) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF36801 (DECEMBER 1996) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF36096 (NOVEMBER 1996) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF35935 (OCTOBER 1996) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF35403 (OCTOBER 1996) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF34290 (SEPTEMBER 1996) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF33775 (AUGUST 1996) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 OS/400 PROGRAM TEMPORARY FIXES (PTFs) REQUIRED --------------------------------------------------- For a list of OS/400 PTFs that must be installed on the AS/400 prior to attempting any Client Access functions, please reference Informational APAR II09921. 2.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 2.1 INSTALLING FROM A MANAGING AS/400 SYSTEM --------------------------------------------- Note: The following method would be used if you have received the Client Access service pack through the AS/400 PTF ordering process either as an individual PTF order or as part of an OS/400 PTF cumulative package. Once this service pack has been applied to the managing AS/400 system with the LODPTF and APYPTF AS/400 commands, it can be installed on individual PC's with the "Install Service Pack" program icon in the Client Access Accessories folder. The "Client Access Login Service Check" program icon created in the Windows 95 Startup folder will also detect that the managing AS/400 system has been updated, and will present the user with the option to install the service pack at startup time as well. 2.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE --------------------------------------------- Note: The following method would be used if you have received the Client Access service pack as a set of install image files. Install the service pack by the running the "SETUP.EXE" program from your PC. This program is part of the install image files shipped with a service pack. Before running this program, copy the service pack install image files to a local drive on your PC or to any accessible network drive. Once the install setup program has completed, you can then remove the install image files from that drive. 2.3 INSTALLING FROM DISKETTE ----------------------------- Note: The following method would be used if you have received the Client Access service pack as a set of install diskettes. Install the service pack by inserting diskette 1 into your diskette drive and running the "SETUP.EXE" program. Follow the setup program instructions, inserting additional diskettes as required. Note to administrators: To create service pack install diskettes, the service pack must be applied to a managing AS/400 system. Since there are changes to the Create Install Diskettes program in the service pack, the service pack must be installed on the PC that will be used to create the service pack install diskettes. The service pack can be installed by running the "Install Service Pack" program icon in the Client Access Accessories folder on your PC. Once the service pack is applied on the AS/400 and on the PC being used to create service pack install diskettes, you can run the "Create Install Diskettes" program icon in the Client Access Accessories folder on your PC. Service pack install diskettes cannot be created from the set of service pack install images. If users get a message saying Client Access cannot load CWBINUTL.DLL it may be because your service pack diskettes were built from a PC that didn't have this service pack installed on it prior to building the service pack diskettes. 2.4 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the Install/Uninstall function. 2.4.1 SILENT INSTALL CHANGES TO ENABLE UNINSTALL ------------------------------------------------- The current .iss sample file for silently installing a service pack, setsp.iss, located in your Client Access directory, does not enable the service pack uninstall function. To enable uninstalling the service pack make the following changes to your copy of setsp.iss: < start of setsp.iss > [InstallSHIELD Silent] Version=v3.00.095 File=Response File [Application] Name=ClientAccess Version=CurrentVersion Company=IBM [DlgOrder] Dlg0=SdAskOptions-0 Count=2 Dlg1=SdStartCopy-0 [SdAskOptions-0] Component-type=string Component-count=0 [SdAskOptions-0] Component-type=string Component-count=1 <=== see Note 1 below Component-0=Enable service pack uninstall <=== see Note 2 below Result=1 [SdStartCopy-0] Result=1 < end of setsp.iss > Note 1: This line was "Component-count=0". Note 2: This line is new. The string has to be exactly what is displayed for the uninstall option checkbox if a non-silent install is done -- the English string is shown in this example. To determine what this string should be in your language, run setup.exe from the service pack install image. The "Welcome" panel shows two check boxes. Copy the second check box's function description string to the setsp.iss file. You can then cancel the install by selecting the Cancel button on this panel. 2.4.2 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK -------------------------------- To remove this service pack from your PC: 1. Click the Windows 95 Start button, click on Settings, and then click on Control Panel. 2. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. 3. Click on the Install/Uninstall tab, click on IBM Client Access for Windows 95 Service Pack SFxxxxx item, and then click on the Add/Remove button. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. 2.5 NETSOFT ROUTER CONSIDERATIONS ---------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the NetSoft router to install service packs with some connectivities. 2.5.1 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS ON SDLC-ATTACHED PC's ----------------------------------------------------- If your PC is at a service pack level prior to SF38281 and you have an SDLC-attached PC, and the only connectivity that you have to the AS/400 for that PC is SDLC, then you will be unable to install the service pack to your PC using conventional means (by clicking on the "Install Service Pack" program icon in Client Access Accessories folder). If all of the above is true except that your PC is at service pack level SF38281 or later see section 2.5.7 on how to get service packs installed. The suggested way of installing the service pack in this case is to take one of the options below. 1) Find another Windows 95 PC connected to the AS/400 that uses a different connectivity (such as token ring), and create a set of service pack install diskettes. To do this choose "Accessories" from the Client Access folder, then choose "Create Install Diskettes", and then choose "Service Pack (SP)". When this is completed, use these diskettes to install the service pack onto your SDLC-attached PC (by running SETUP.EXE from diskette 1). 2) Find another non-Windows 95 PC connected to the AS/400 and copy the files from QCA400\WIN32\SERVICE\CDROM directory to a set of diskettes, and then create a temporary directory on your SDLC-attached PC's hard drive, and copy the files from the diskettes to that directory. Run SETUP.EXE from that directory. 2.5.2 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS ON ASYNC-ATTACHED PC's ------------------------------------------------------ If your PC is at a service pack level prior to SF38281 and you have an Async-attached PC, and the only connectivity that you have to the AS/400 for that PC is Async, then you will be unable to install the service pack to your PC using conventional means (by clicking on the "Install Service Pack" program icon in Client Access Accessories folder). If all of the above is true except that your PC is at service pack level SF38281 or later see section 2.5.7 on how to get service packs installed. The suggested way of installing the service pack in this case is to take one of the options below. 1) Find another Windows 95 PC connected to the AS/400 that uses a different connectivity (such as token ring), and create a set of service pack install diskettes. To do this choose "Accessories" from the Client Access folder, then choose "Create Install Diskettes", and then choose "Service Pack (SP)". When this is completed, use these diskettes to install the service pack onto your Async-attached PC (by running SETUP.EXE from diskette 1). 2) If you don't have access to another PC with an AS/400 connection, then the service pack can still be installed. To do this, follow these steps: a) Make a connection to the AS/400 (from your Async-attached PC). b) Assign a Network drive to the AS/400, using Explorer. c) Create a temporary directory on your local hard drive, and copy all of the files in the QCA400\WIN32\SERVICE\CDROM directory to that directory. d) Run SETUP.EXE from that temporary drive. 2.5.3 CHANGING WORKSTATION ADDRESS FOR ASYNC-ATTACHED PC'S ----------------------------------------------------------- A tool is now available for changing the workstation address for a NetSoft Async connection. This will be a new icon in the NS/Router program group called "Async Workstation Address". Double-clicking on this icon will cause a dialog box to be displayed that will allow the user to change the DEFAULT value for the workstation address. The user will need to use this to change the value BEFORE creating an NS/Router object to make an Async connection. If the NS/Router object was created before changing the default value with the "Async Workstation Address" tool, it must be be deleted, and a new one created. This is only needed by customers dialing in through a large network requiring a value other than '20'. If the user is dialing directly into the AS/400, this tool does not need to be run. 2.5.4 ANYNET CONNECTION PROBLEM -------------------------------- If you are unable to connect via AnyNet, and receive an Anynet-04 message in the NetSoft event log, the problem could be a shortage of space on your PC's hard drive. Try freeing some additional space on your hard drive, and/or empty your recycle bin if it has anything in it. This may resolve the problem. 2.5.5 SDLC PERFORMANCE ----------------------- Use the following Line mode settings to obtain the best SDLC performance: - For a switched line, "Constant Request-to-Send" should be set only if the modem support full duplex. - For a non-switched line, (leased line or point-to-point), "Constant Request-to-Send" should be set if you are using full-duplex and a non-multi-dropped line. Otherwise, this setting should be "Line Turnaround Required". Line Turnaround Required is the default setting and should be used for half-duplex or dialup connections. Constant Request-to-Send improves throughput, but requires a full-duplex point-to-point circuit. 2.5.6 DISCONNECTING AND RECONNECTING TO SYSTEMS ------------------------------------------------ After disconnecting Client Access from an AS/400, you should wait a few seconds before trying to reconnect to it. For slower link types (like async and SDLC), the amount of time to wait will be longer than for the faster link types (802.2). 2.5.7 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS OVER SLOWER CONNECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- If your PC is at a service pack level SF38281 or later and you have an Async-attached PC or SDLC-attached PC, and the only connectivity that you have to the AS/400 for that PC is Async or SDLC, then you can use the following method to install service packs to your PC. InstallShield is the tool used to provide the install support for Client Access for Windows 95. The same tool is used for installing service packs. Setup.exe has a 2 minute timeout which occurs when installing service packs over any slow communications line. A parameter has been added to Login Service Check (a.k.a. Check Version), cwbckver.exe, that will copy the service pack image to the PC's temporary directory, and install the service pack. To use this new support you will need to install ServicePack SF38281 on your PC and change the parameters of the 'Client Access Login Service Check' icon in the 'StartUp' folder. Set-up steps: 1. Make sure you have SF38281 installed on the PC before using the new parameter. If it is not installed the parameter will be ignored. 2. Right mouse click on the 'Start' button in the task bar. 3. Select the 'Explore' menu choice. 4. Double-click on the 'Programs' folder. 5. Double-click on the 'StartUp' folder. 6. Right mouse click on the 'Client Access Login Service Check' icon. 7. Select the 'Properties' menu choice. 8. Click on the 'Shortcut' tab. 9. In the 'Target:' entry field will be something similar to: C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbckver.exe LOGIN After the 'LOGIN' parameter add ' 0 LOCAL'. The parameters are case sensitive, so be sure to type them in upper case. The 'Target:' entry field should now look like: ...\cwbckver.exe LOGIN 0 LOCAL Parameter description: LOGIN parameter tells Login Service Check to do the login service check. 0 is the number of seconds to wait after Login Service Check starts before checking the service level on the managing system. LOCAL parameter tells Login Service Check to copy the service pack install image files from the managing system to a temporary directory on the PC. The files will be copied to the 'CA400' directory in the Windows 95 Temp directory (for example, C:\Windows\Temp\CA400). If the CA400 directory does not exist Login Service Check creates it. Possible errors: - A message is issued if there is not enough disk space to copy all the files. If you get this message you will need to free disk space on the hard drive specified in the message. - A message is issued if one of the files could not be successfully copied. If you select OK, Login Service Check will attempt to copy the remaining files and install the service pack. If you select Cancel, check version will stop copying files and delete any of the files it has already copied. Status: No status information is displayed while the files are copied. To determine if Login Service Check is progressing look in the 'CA400' temporary directory (for example, C:\Windows\Temp\CA400). You should see new files appear periodically. Notes: 1. The LOCAL parameter also works for upgrades to a new release. To use Login Service Check to automatically upgrade you will need to use the LOCAL parameter to avoid the time out. 2. The files in the CA400 temporary directory will be deleted if the user does not let Setup automatically perform the reboot. If the user does let Setup perform the reboot, the files in the CA400 temporary directory are not deleted, and the user should delete the files in CA400 manually after the reboot. 2.5.8 INSTALLING THE WINDOWS 95 32-BIT TWINAX SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------ After you have installed Client Access Service Pack SF39059, a new subdirectory with the update software will be created on your computer. This TWINAX directory will be created under the directory in which Client Access was installed. The path is normally "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\twinax", where C: is the drive where Client Access is installed. Print off the README.TXT in the TWINAX directory. Follow the README.TXT instructions to go through the installation process (INSTALL.EXE). Refer to informational APAR II10307 for additional information. 2.5.9 INSTALLING SERVICE PACKS ON TWINAX-ATTACHED PCs ------------------------------------------------------ If you have a twinax-attached PC and you are not currently able to connect, then you will be unable to obtain the service pack using conventional means (by clicking on the "Install Service Pack" program icon in Client Access Accessories folder). The suggested way of obtaining the service pack in this case is to take one of the options below. 1) Find another Windows 95 PC connected to the AS/400 that uses a different connectivity (such as token ring), and create a set of service pack install diskettes. To do this choose "Accessories" from the Client Access folder, then choose "Create Install Diskettes", and then choose "Service Pack (SP)". When this is completed, use these diskettes to install the service pack onto your twinax-attached PC (by running SETUP.EXE from diskette 1). 2) Find another non-Windows 95 PC connected to the AS/400 and copy the files from QCA400\WIN32\SERVICE\CDROM directory to a set of diskettes, and then create a temporary directory on your twinax-attached PC's hard drive, and copy the files from the diskettes to that directory. Run SETUP.EXE from that directory. 3) Additional means of obtaining service packs are described in informational APAR II09523. 2.6 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the Data Transfer function. 2.6.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE CCSID IS 65535 ----------------------------------------------------- The Data Transfer function will not translate data between ASCII and EBCDIC, if the CCSID of the file on the AS/400 is 65535. Uploads to the AS/400 file will generate message "CWBTF0005 - Data in this field is incorrect or does not match PC data type." Downloads to the PC will complete successfully, but the data will not be converted, appearing as hexidecimal data instead of the correct character data. Data Transfer will now allow conversion from CCSID 65535 to the PC CCSID on transfers to the PC. The AS/400 job CCSID will be used for the conversion. Data Transfer will also convert from the PC CCSID to the AS/400 job CCSID for transfers to the AS/400 when fields are tagged with the 65535 CCSID. This conversion is controlled by creating an INI file named CWBTFR.INI in your Windows install directory (which is usually C:\WINDOWS). For your convenience, we have shipped a sample CWBTFR.INI file in the Client Access install directory (which by default is C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access). We also included a CWBTFR.TXT file, which explains the different fields. To use CWBTFR.INI, copy it to your Windows install directory and change it to reflect the options you wish to use. The CWBTFR.INI file must contain ONE of following lines: ForceTranslation=0; for no translation of 65535 data OR ForceTranslation=1; for translation of 65535 data If the CWBTFR.INI file is not found, or the correct section and value names are not present in the CWBTFR.INI file, Data Transfer will default to not translate 65535 data. WARNING: Enable this fix only if you are confident the data contained within columns tagged with the 65535 CCSID are in a defined CCSID that matches the user profile CCSID of the jobs that will access it. Accessing 65535 CCSID data from a job CCSID that does not match the data may corrupt data within the database file. If you don't enable this fix by providing a CWBTFR.INI file, transfers will continue to behave as they did before. Columns tagged with the 65535 CCSID are designed to not be converted when transferring to/from the PC. Using this fix, which forces a conversion to take place, is to be done only when it is not possible to change the column or file CCSID from 65535. Every attempt should be made to appropriately tag the data with the correct CCSID. For more information on the 65535 CCSID, see topic in the AS/400 National Language Support book, SC41-1301-00. Conversions from CCSID 65535 fields are prone to errors under multi-language situations where AS/400 user job CCSIDs do not match. 2.7 PC5250 CONSIDERATIONS -------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the PC5250 function. 2.7.1 STATUS POP-UP WINDOW --------------------------- In order to activate the fix for APAR SA58516, the following lines must be added to you PC5250 workstation profile(s) (*.ws files). These files are normally found in the Emulator\Private subdirectory of the Client Access install path. [PRINTERS] PrtStatusDlgInPS=Y This will result in the status popup box for PC5250 printer emulation to not be movable outside of the PC5250 emulation screen. Not adding these lines will result in the status screen being movable outside of the PC5250 emulation screen. 2.7.2 HOW TO SWITCH THE CTRL AND ENTER KEYS -------------------------------------------- Before Service Pack SF42350, the default action for the Enter key was "Field Exit", and the default action for the Ctrl key was "Enter". These actions were swapped in SF42350. If you are using a keyboard mapping file (.kmp file) you are not affected. If you would like to switch the keys back, perform the following steps to create a keyboard mapping file with the original keyboard layout. 1) Start a PC5250 session 2) From the "Assist" pulldown, select "Keyboard Setup...". 3) Click the "User-Defined" radio button for "Current Keyboard" and then click the "Customize" button (if you have an existing keyboard layout select it with the "Browse" button). Steps 4-10 change the Ctrl key to be Enter in your PC5250 session. 4) Click on the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard layout. 5) In the "Function" dropdown list, select "Enter/Control". 6) With the function highlighted, click on the "->" next to the "Base" state. 7) Press the "Change Key" button at the bottom. 8) In the "Function" dropdown list, select "Enter/Control". 9) With the function highlighted, click on the "->" next to the "Shift" state. 10) Press the "Change Key" button at the bottom. Steps 11-20 change the Enter key to be Field Exit, New Line, and Carrier Return in your PC5250 session. 11) Click on the " <-' " key on the keyboard layout (this is the Enter key). 12) In the "Function" dropdown list, select "Field Exit". 13) With the function highlighted, click on the "->" next to the "Base" state. 14) Press the "Change Key" button at the bottom. 15) In the "Function" dropdown list, select "New Line". 16) With the function highlighted, click on the "->" next to the "Shift" state. 17) Press the "Change Key" button at the bottom. 18) In the "Function" dropdown list, select "Carrier Return". 19) With the function highlighted, click on the "->" next to the "Ctrl" state. 20) Press the "Change Key" button at the bottom. 21) Exit and save the keyboard mapping. 22) From the "Keyboard Setup" dialog box, click on the "OK" button. The keys should now be re-mapped to the way they were originally shipped in V3R1M1. 2.7.3 HOW TO CHANGE THE DEFAULT FILE TRANSFER TYPE --------------------------------------------------- With service pack SF43839, the default action for the "Transfer" pull down menu items and the "Send" and "Receive" buttons in PC5250 has been changed to invoke CA/400 data transfer rather than PC5250 file transfer. If CA/400 data transfer is not installed on the PC, the default is set to PC5250 file transfer. When these menu options are selected, a control file is created that specifies the host system that the current session is connected to on the "SYSTEM" line of the control file. The control file name contains the session letter and has a type of ".TFR" for transfers from the PC and ".TTO" for transfers to the PC, and it is created in the private directory (Emulator/private). For example, the file name is PC5250$A.TTO for a download from session A. If this file already exists and contains a line that starts with the string "SYSTEM ", then this line is simply updated with the current host system. Otherwise the file is created (or recreated) from scratch. The CA/400 data transfer function is then invoked (CWBTF.EXE from the directory above where the PC5250 executables live) with this control file as the only argument. In order to change the appearance and functioning of the "Transfer" menu option to its original state (i.e. invoking PC5250 file transfer), a user must edit the workstation profile (.WS file) and add the line: ForceDataTransfer=N to the [Transfer] section of this file. If no [Transfer] section exists, then add the lines: [Transfer] ForceDataTransfer=N to the bottom of this file. When CA/400 data transfer is not installed on the PC, no changes are noticed. 2.8 IBM PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSIDERATIONS ----------------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using an IBM Personal Communications connection. 2.8.1 ROUTER STATE ------------------- If you use the IBM Personal Communications connection type, the connection must first be made through IBM Personal Communications. Client Access will start this connection for you when IBM Personal Communications has not been started, only if the following are true: - The directory that IBM Personal Communications is installed to is in the PATH environment variable. - The connection to the desired AS/400 is defined correctly in the IBM Personal Communications default configuration file. If either of the above is not true, the IBM Personal Communications connection must be started manually before using Client Access functions. 2.9 ANYNET CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using an AnyNet connection. 2.9.1 ANYNET OVER ETHERNET --------------------------- When using AnyNet over an Ethernet connection, check the SSAP AA value for the Ethernet line description on the AS/400. This value should be set to 1480. If it is set to 1496 (the default), you will have problems getting a communications connection to the AS/400 using Client Access. 2.9.2 SNA INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND OVER ANYNET ---------------------------------------------- If you want to run incoming remote commands on your PC over an AnyNet connection, you must configure the AS/400 as described below. For this example, the LU name of the PC is 'MYPC', and the name of the AS/400 system from which to send remote commands is 'MYAS400'. 1) Create an APPC controller on the AS/400 for your PC, using the CRTCTLAPPC command with the appropriate parameter values as follows: CRTCTLAPPC CTLD(MYNEWCTLR) LINKTYPE(*ANYNW) RMTCPNAME(MYPC) 2) Add an entry for your PC to the AS/400 APPN configuration list, which must have the same Remote Control Point as the APPC controller created in step 1. For example: ADDCFGLE TYPE(*APPNRMT) APPNRMTE((MYPC *NETATR MYAS400 MY PC)) 3) Add an entry in the AS/400 TCP/IP host entries table for the AnyNet host name for your PC. This host name is formed by combining the LU name of your PC, the network identifier of your PC, and the string 'SNA.IBM.COM'. For example: ADDTCPHTE INTNETADR('') HOSTNAME((MYPC.APPN.SNA.IBM.COM)) 4) Vary on the controller created in step 1. For example: VRYCFG CFGOBJ(MYNEWCTLR) CFGTYPE(*CTL) STATUS(*ON) If the steps above completed successfully, you should be able to run remote commands on MYPC sent from MYAS400, provided that MYPC is connected to MYAS400 using AnyNet and that security checks pass. The sender of the remote command must specify the remote control point name, MYPC, as the value of the RMTLOCNAME parameter of RUNRMTCMD. 2.10 UPGRADING TO THE V3R1M2 RELEASE OF CLIENT ACCESS ------------------------------------------------------ If you plan to upgrade to V3R1M2 Client Access for Windows 95/NT through either the "Client Access Login Service Check" in the Startup Menu or from the "Check Service Pack Level" in the Client Access/Accessories folder, you will need to perform the following steps in the order listed: 1. Apply Service Pack PTF SF38281 on your AS/400 that has V3R1M1 for Client Access for Windows 95 installed. 2. Install Service Pack PTF SF38281 on all of the V3R1M1 Client Access for Windows 95 PCs. 3. Change your managing system to an AS/400 that has the V3R1M2 version of Client Access for Windows 95/NT installed. You will now be able to run the "Login Service Check" or "Check Service Pack Level" functions to upgrade the client on your PCs. If you did not apply Service Pack PTF SF38281 before upgrading Client Access on the AS/400 to V3R1M2, you can still upgrade your PCs from the AS/400 by running setup.exe from one of the following: 1. Map a network drive using the Windows Explorer to the following location on the AS/400: QCA400\Win32\Install\Image. Run setup.exe from this drive and path. 2. The Client Access IBM-supplied V3R1M2 CD-ROM. 3. The Client Access IBM-supplied V3R1M2 diskettes. 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- The following lists the APARs fixed at each of the service pack levels. Each service pack PTF is cumulative, that is, the most recent service pack PTF released contains all the fixes from prior service pack levels in addition to the APARs listed for a particular service pack. The fix abstracts are listed by installable component within a service pack level. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF43839 Build date = November 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA66250 RUNRMTCMD fails intermittently when run on an AS/400 connected to a personal computer using an SNA connection and Client Access. The command is not run on the personal computer, and the resulting spool file on the AS/400 contains only message CWBAR1006. APAR = SA66441 For users of AS/400 System Objects, when a job, printer, or printer output is waiting on a message reply, or when an inquiry message in the message list is waiting on a reply, and the user attempts to reply with the "Reply to message" action, an error is issued: "CPF3CF1, Error code parameter not valid." The message cannot be replied to. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA60711 When you use file transfer from PC5250, CA/400 data transfer is not invoked. The default action for the "Transfer" pull down menu items and the "Send" and "Receive" buttons in PC5250 has been changed to invoke CA/400 data transfer rather than PC5250 file transfer. If CA/400 data transfer is not installed on the PC, the default is set to PC5250 file transfer. Refer to section 2.7.3 for more information on how to change the default back to PC5250 file transfer. AltGr states of keys can be mapped within PC5250 keyboard mapping, but the AltGr state of the specific key executes the Alt state of the key when used (instead of the AltGr state of the key as mapped). APAR = SA64155 It is not possible to enter German Umlauts in alphabetical fields in Display screens, which are discribed by a 'X', in a PC5250 session for the optimized Client for Windows 95/NT. In a 5250 under OS/2 Warp and on a terminal the same works fine. This is an example for a failing SDA screen: 0001.00 A R RCD1 0002.00 A 5 20'INPUT: ' 0003.00 A INP 10X I 5 35 0004.00 A 10 20'OUTPUT: ' 0005.00 A OUT 10X O 10 35 0006.00 A 15 20'BOTH: ' 0007.00 A BOTH 10X B 15 35 APAR = SA64963 When using the "best-fit" setting with the feature 9454 enhancement with COR, 8 LPI documents result in a large font height that nearly touches the adjacent lines. This occurs with PCL5 printer drivers using PC5250 Print Emulation. APAR = SA65153 We are using the DDS keyword HIGHLITE to produce bolding. CA400WINOPT does not print the specific words in bold. This worked under CAWIN R311 with Rumba/400. Examining the communications trace shows that the AS/400 does an absolute horizontal print(34c0), prints the word and then does another absolute horizontal print to the same location. So, it appears to double strike the word being highlited. This fails printing to various types of ASCII printers with various different printer drivers and PDTs. APAR = SA65147 Running an RPG/400 pgm managing a DSPF having defined GETRETAIN and ERASEINP DDS keywords, an I/O field is incorrectly cleared under PC5250. APAR = SA65204 In PC5250, when the user is in an application that displays processing messages and they are lengthy, (such as a SQL or a PDM search) and the user tries to use the System Request function (Shift-Escape), the System Request line may display briefly and then be overlaid with these processing messages. APAR = SA65730 The user maps a key to End Field and when they press that key the cursor goes to the end of the line instead of the end of the field. APAR = SA66171 Spool files containing many fields are incorrectly printed on HP deskjet series when using HPDSKJT.PDT printer definition tables. Spool files are incorrectly broken at 2/3 of first page. The remaining text is printed on next page at same position where it should be printed on previous page. APAR = SA66406 Customer understands that you can search for any combination of words on the screen using EHLLAPI. For example, when they searched for 'Field1 Field2' as one field it was found successfully. When they searched for 'Field3 Field4', which were not as one field the search was unsuccessful. It gave them RC = 24. If the string is not contained in one field in the DDS, the search will be unsuccessful. APAR = SA66407 Using CopyPStoString to gather input/output attributes for all fields on the AS/400 screen, the EHLLAPI is picked up as an unprotected field when it is actually a protected field on the screen. APAR = SA66411 After using TAB and BACKSPACE sequence keys on a PC5250 display session, the keyboard will no longer accept ENTER and other PF function keys. The error has been reproduced by doing the following: 1) Activate a PC5250 display session 2) Start PDM, then press PF6 to create a new RPGLE member type named TEST 3) On the Edit screen type IPF in order to have Edit prompt 4) Type a file name (i.e. FILE1) then press the TAB key and SHIFT+TAB to go back. 5) After pressing BACKSPACE key many times (five or six times), the keyboard will no longer accept ENTER or any other PF keys. All other keys will work fine. APAR = SA66480 Customer has windows 95 keyboard language set to US International. In PC5250 his keyboard setup is defined as "System Language". With this setup he is trying to generate diacritic characters but cannot. APAR = SA66570 Using HPLJIII.PDF with FFF (form feed) in the END_JOB CONTROL CODES SECTION and converted to HPLJIII.PDT, the FFF is being ignored. The PDF Control Codes Section looks like: END_JOB=CUL CBP CSI FFF where the FFF means to add a form feed. Using PC5250 print screen it takes 3 print screens to fill the page before the page is printed and we get 2 1/2 print screens printed on one page. APAR = SA66826 A problem occurs with 0xC9 and 0x5B characters on code page 1152/1026 Latin 5 Turkish. In Turkish code page dotless i and i are coded as follows lower case dotted 'i' = 0x89 upper case dotted 'i' = 0x5B lower case dotless 'i' = 0x79 upper case dotless 'i' = 0xC9 When the user works in CAPS LOCK mode and hits 0xC9, 0x79 is typed in instead and if he/she hits 0x5B, 0xC9 is typed in instead. Typing the characters with the shift key works correctly. APAR = SA67044 Trying to use DW/36 via CA/400 PC5250 results in error message SYS7213. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA63029 Data Transfer to AS/400 hangs when transferring a CSV format PC file which has an empty or "" field as the last field of the last record of the file. APAR = SA65513 Transferring a NO CONVERSION file from the PC to a source physical file on the AS/400 results in message CWBTF0005. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- APAR = SA66606 Attempting to print to a network printer session after the session has been inactive may result in the print not spooling to the AS/400 output queue. Symptoms of the problem include: - The printer icon showing Work Offline and cannot get it to come back online - The printer icon looking like it is active, but when print is sent to it, the data spools only on the PC. The data is never sent to the AS/400 - Printer icons disappearing when attempting to reconnect. All of the above can be recovered from by rebooting the PC. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA68458 Configure an 802.2 connection with NS Router as the connection provider, it connects and everything is working fine. However, after installing MS Internet Explorer 4.0, the NS Router fails to initialize and will return a MSGCE000C. No connections can be made with the NS Router as the connection provider. APAR = SA61458 Various errors with CPIC api's using Client Access Optimized for Windows 95 Netsoft Router. APAR = SA64903 When using RUNRMTCMD, the first time a new router connection is established it works fine. The second time it is used, it fails with MSGCPD3B53 RC080F6051. APAR = SA65062 When user selects the SHUTDOWN option and then the "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode?" option, the icons disappear and CAWIN95 hangs. This error occurs only when WIN95 is ended while CAWIN95 network drives are still connected. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF42350 Build date = August 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA65503 Customer has written an emulator for use with 16-Bit windows. This emulator will run for a while but end up hanging the PC if left idle. APAR = SA66112 A Client Access user is forced to sign on multiple times if the first AS400 connection is made through ODBC. The ODBC application does not specify a userid or password on the connect string and no default user is associated with the system. This causes the standard Client Access sign-on dialog to appear. The customer types in a user profile and password and starts the ODBC application. The user profile entered is not logged as the connection's current user. Because there is no current user (and no default user with a password in the cache), the next Client Access function started will again prompt for user profile and password. Background: Terms: Current User - The AS400 user profile that is currently signed-on (owns the CA400 license) for the AS400 connection. By default, all successive AS400 server connections made will use this profile and password unless overridden by the application. Default User - The AS400 user profile that is associated with an AS400 connection configuration. If no user profile is specified on a connection attempt, this profile (and its cached pwd if available) is used. A change was made in R311 and R312 that alters how a user profile sent in from an ODBC application is treated if an AS400 connection does not already exist. With the code change, a user profile/pwd passed from within an application on an ODBC connect string does not become the "current user". Also, the user profile and password are not stored in the password cache (Windows 95 only). This prevents applications started after the ODBC application from signing on with the first ODBC application's user profile. Instead, they must sign-on as the default user or enter a valid user profile in the AS400 connection dialog. The problem reported above seems to be caused by Client Access not distinguishing between a user profile passed in on an ODBC connect string and a user profile passed in from the AS400 sign on dialog box. A user profile entered in the AS400 sign on box SHOULD become current user. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA64767 The default actions for the Enter and Ctrl keys for PC5250 have been swapped in this service pack. If you are already using a keyboard mapping file (.kmp file) you are not affected. If you would like to switch the keys back, read section 2.7.2 above. Also, customer has found when using the scroll bar option within a DDS subfile from a PC5250 display session from CA400WINOPT R311 or R312 the down arrow scrolls 1 whole page at a time and the up arrow does nothing. APAR = SA63760 Create a PC5250 printer session, turn on HPT for IBM4019 Hp printer, select Drawer 1 and envelope of number10, then save and close the printer session. Upon reopening the printer session the envelope selection will be back to the default of none. APAR = SA63715 When running PC5250 emulation, sending a SFLMSG in a DDS window causes the program to fail with following messages in the joblog: MSGCPF5192 F/QWSGET T/user-pgm RC10050112 MSGRPG1251 F/QRGXMSG T/QRGXMSG MSGRPG1251 F/QRGXMSG T/*EXT APAR = SA63867 In PC5250 in CA/400 for Windows 95 there is a bug in translation table from lowercase to uppercase for Latin2 (CP 870 for EBCDIC; CP 852 for ASCII). When we trying to type national characters to uppercase in input field, all characters are uppercase except: Char 0xDF should be transformed to 0xDA, but is 0xDF Char 0xEA should be transformed to 0xFA, but is 0xEA The hex codes for characters are in EBCDIC CP 870. APAR = SA64991 Using PC5250 the border lines of pushbuttons will disappear on the display when using the HELP key and going back with the ENTER key. Pressing ENTER again the border lines reappear. Using PC5250 at CA400WIN R311 this problem became fixed with SF38490. See APAR SA60165. APAR = SA63514 In 5763XD1 V3R1M0, V3R1M1, or V3R1M2 PC5250 session does not correctly display a field defined in a DSPF. The definitions are as follows: Field1: ENTFLDATR((*DSPATR HI RI) *NOCURSOR) DSPATR(HI) Field2: ENTFLDATR(*NO CURSOR (*DSPATR HI RI)) DSPATR(HI) DSPATR(ND) DSPATR(PR) Field1 will display correctly. Field2 is supposed to display as hidden and protected but does not. Field 2 displays field contents as soon as cursor is moved to the field. Current Service levels are SF39582, SF39584, and SF39220 respectively. APAR = SA64529 There is a problem with the following keys for Czech: Key scan Character on Character Assigned char code the Czech keyb. on PC5250 screen on customize keyboard screen 4E equal (X'3D') minus (X'2D') equal (X'3D') Shift 4E percent (X'25') underscore (X'5F') percent (X'25') 55 acute accent equal (X'3D') acute accent Shift 55 caron accent percent (X'25') caron accent 4A minus (X'2D') acute accent minus (X'2D') Shift 4A underscore (X'5F') caron accent underscore (X'5F') APAR = SA64120 Users are getting incorrect output when printing certain AS/400 spooled files through a PC5250 printer session that is configured using a Windows 95 printer driver. If the AS/400 spooled file is setup to print 132 columns wide using Computer Output Reduction (COR) so that it prints in landscape with a 17.1 CPI font, PC5250 will (depending on the printer driver) print in a font slightly larger than 17.1 CPI causing approximately the last 4 characters to be chopped off (ie, they do not print out). Most Windows 95 printer drivers work fine. The only printer drivers known to fail at this time are for the HP DeskJet 500, 600 and 800 Series printers. Configuring the PC5250 printer session profile to use Host Print Transform (HPT) or a Printer Definition Table (PDT) file works fine. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA63022 When we try to use Data Transfer to download from a file specifying a file(member) but no library, messages msgCWBDB0046 and msgPWS0006 are issued even if the file and member exist in a library in the library list. However, specifying just the file name without the member or library name works. Specifying QCUSTCDT(CUSTCDT) will not work. Specifying QCUSTCDT will work. Specifying QIWS/QCUSTCDT(CUSTCDT) will work. Data Transfer has been changed to search the library list for a file(member) once the CWBDB0046 error is detected. This will permit this enhancement to work as well as not impact performance for others. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA63894 When connecting a PC via SDLC through a large SNA network to an AS/400 (such as the IBM Global Network), the connection attempt may fail. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF41491 Build date = June 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA61787 When the Client Access Login Service Check (Check Version) connects to an AS/400 via either NetSoft or TCP/IP, the conversations are not deallocated when CheckVersion completes. The Check Version task starts a communications link with the AS/400 by mapping a UNC drive. UNC drives can only be disconnected by the operating system. The drive should eventually be disconnected, and the conversations should then end. However, the operating system does not seem to have a predictable algorithm for disconnecting a UNC drive. We have seen times ranging from 15 minutes to well over an hour. Rather than mapping a UNC drive to the AS/400, Check Version will map a drive by explicitly assigning it a drive letter. This type of drive assignment can be disconnected by Check Version when it is done with the drive. When the drive is disconnected, any conversations started by Check Version will end. APAR = SA63394 Using VB with DAO to return multiple result sets from a stored procedure. Instead of doing a SQLFreeStmt with the SQL_UNBIND option the application is unbinding each of the columns individually and rebinding them between result sets. If one of the result sets has fewer columns than the previous result set the ODBC driver will incorrectly indicate an error to the application. VB returns a 3146 error code to the application. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA58860 Pressing the backspace key in PC5250 session when the cursor is in a protected field, like on an OS/400 menu, may cause the session to hang or disconnect. APAR = SA59479 PC5250 printer sessions under CA/Win95 (CA400WINOPT) are printing a blank page before every AS/400 generated spooled file when configured to use Host Print Transform. Virtual Print or Network Print generated spooled files (ie, *USERASCII spooled files) are not preceded by a blank page. This is similar to APAR SA56374 (which has been fixed in PTF SF33616), but that APAR addresses blank pages printing when using PC5250 with only the Windows printer driver. In other words, the printer session profile is not setup for Host Print Transform or a Printer Definition Table. APAR = SA60551 OV/400 documents printed through a PC5250 printer session (in CA/400 for Windows 95) are printing the first page only. This occurs with multiple page documents and multiple letter documents (ie, documents that use OV/400's Data/Text Merge function to print a letter for each record in the database). NOTE: This only seems to occur if the OV/400 document is setup in one of the following ways: 1) The document uses a different paper source for the first page than it does for the following pages (for example, the first page comes from drawer 1 for letterhead and the following pages come from drawer 2 for regular paper). 2) There is a page format on a following page that specifies different page formatting settings (eg, paper source or page rotation) than are specified for the first page. APAR = SA63095 Customer selects a specific value for the host CPI and font from the Printer Control (Text) panel of a printer emulation session. These settings do not seem to have any effect. The values for CPI, LPI, Font, MPL, and MPP are overridden by the OS/400 print file. These fields will be grayed out on the panel so as not to give the user the feeling that the values are actually being used. APAR = SA63192 When running an application from the AS/400 that requires an FTP connection to another system, the following error occurs. PCSCM caused an Invalid Page Fault in module PCSTLNET.DLL at 0137:00d03a64 APAR = SA62973 The PC5250 emulator packaged with CA/400 for Win95/NT will not run over Netsoft's standalone router or Portfolio Enterprise products. This fix is only applicable to customers with the PC5250 (5250 Display and Printer Emulator) component of Client Access Optimized for Windows 95/NT, and the NetSoft NS/Router from NetSoft Corporation. If NetSoft's product is already installed on the PC, this servicepack will add the following registry items to the NetSoft registry tree in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root: Software\NetSoft\NS/Elite\CurrentVersion The service pack will add subtree Sessions\5250\Modules and define key value NSCPIC under the Modules key. The NSCPIC key value data will be the path location of nscpic.dll within NetSoft's NS/Router product. PC5250 will reference the NSCPIC key value to perform the proper linkage with NetSoft's product. If the NetSoft product is installed initially or uninstalled/reinstalled after this servicepack is installed, the servicepack (or a later servicepack) needs to be reinstalled to make the proper registry changes. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA58487 Data Transfer from AS/400 under Client Access for Windows 95. When selecting to "Return records with missing fields" on a Join, resulting data does not contain records with missing fields. It contains only those joined records that meet the Join condition (as if user never selected "Return records with missing fields"). The problem has been fixed for joins of two files when the Return records with missing fields option is selected. This type of join is referred to as an outer join. The problem of outer joins of three or more files is not addressed by this PTF. All inner joins (joins without Return records with missing fields checked) continue to work. APAR = SA62124 Old *.TTO Files, which are created with the DOS Clients, don't work with rfrompcb and cwbtf. The datatransfer ends with errormessages, e.g.: MSGCWBDB0099. There are two problems here. One is a missing blank in the WHERE clause and the other is the >< operator. The missing blank looks like a typo. Other 'and' operators in the same WHERE clause are OK. The >< inequality operator is not supported by SQL. This can be surmounted in the client code, by changing the parsing code. However, due to the complexity of the parsing code, this needs to be fixed at a release boundary in order to get the benefit of the additional testing. APAR = SA62437 When trying to transfer a file from the AS/400 to the PC using Client Access Optimized for Windows 95, the transfer fails with a CWBTF0040 the AS/400 Library/file does not exist. This can reproduced by simply trying to access a Library that has a period in it. For example APPLE3.0/QCUSTCDT will fail while APPLE30/QCUSTCDT will work fine. APAR SA56552 fixed a similar problem but was for the FILENAME not Library name. Library names with '.' in them are valid and will now be properly handled. APAR = SA63168 Client access data transfer hangs when attempting to transfer null (empty) file. Graphical Access ---------------- APAR = SA64577 Provides the following fixes and improvements to Graphical Access as follows: - Adjust positioning of Help text for a command in the command line so the section headings are not cut off on the left. - Improved performance over SNA APPC connections. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA63494 When attempting to connect with the Win95 VXD twinax - you will intermittently get Open Twinax station failed, rc=000000FD. Repeated attempts may connect. This is happening with pcmcia, pci and isa twinax cards. A timer in the MAC driver (PDLWATWV.VXD) was found to be incorrectly set. This has been corrected. The new version of the MAC driver is (01.064). APAR = SA59667 Windows 95 hangs on shutdown after running a PC5250 emulation session over Netsoft. APAR = SA64560 Incoming Remote Command over Anynet fails. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF41118 Build date = May 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ None. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- None. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA64635 Data transfer function in CA/400 for Windows 95/NT does not upload DBCS data correctly to the AS/400. If you have uploaded a database file containing DBCS fields with SF40081 applied to your PC, the AS/400 database file will be corrupted. After applying this fix to your PC, uploading a PC file containing correct data will work. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- None. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF40081 Build date = April 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA62241 The Client Access for Windows 95 Create Install Diskettes program does not create installation diskettes for a secondary language correctly. When Setup is executed from the diskettes that are created for a secondary language, the text displayed on the screen is actually the text for the primary language. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA60494 Customer wrote an RPG application program which writes some records on a display file. Using PC5250 emulator the program issues the first screen, then the session freezes and the job must be closed using ENDJOB. The problem can be circumvented by DFRWRT(*NO) in the display file, but the program becomes too slow. No error messages are logged by the AS/400 or the pc. APAR = SA61796 Application written using DDS windows fails using PC5250 Emulator with MSGCPF5192 RC10050135 when restoring a previous screen. Application works fine on Graphical Access or CM/2. APAR = SA62205 When in a subfile screen using a dds keyword and the arrow key is pressed to send cursor to input field, an invalid page fault occurs in module pcsktk52.dll. If he disables the dds keyword csrinponly, he is able to work around the problem since the cursor is no longer jumping to the input fields when pressing an arrow key. APAR = SA62202 Host print causes incorrect output on a TELNET session. There are some characters missing from the resulting spoolfile. We received the following messages. MSGCPD4008 f/QWPOERRS x/00bd T/QWSPRINT x/0385 MSGMCH0601 f/00214F000000 x/4698 t/QWSPRINT Space offset X'FFFFE5E6' is outside current limit for object WS FM RB - 0000000C. APAR = SA61980 When customer closes his last PC/5250 session, system will return message: PCSWS caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0137:bff9a28c. This PC/5250 icon was created from the "Start or Configure Session" icon in Accessories. APAR = SA62957 When designing drop down screens with SDA, the first menu options should be barfly 1, the second group of menu options should be barfly 2, etc. But with PC5250, the barfly is not correct if the space bar is used, versus the enter key. Therefore, the option is not executed. This happens on both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. APAR = SA62972 5250 print, SCS mode, is improved as follows: 1) the host CPI(FGID) will be used as the CORing base instead of the default of 10 CPI, 2) if the page fits by changing to Landscape without changing the CPI, the host supplied CPI is used. The above is done when the autoPageOrientation mode is on, and the host does not explicitly set the orientation. No data is lost or truncated, and the data is made to better fit the paper. This PTF adds enhancements to 5250 printer emulation. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA62545 Data transfer function in Client Access for Windows 95 does not handle conversion of DBCS Graphic field when the CCSID is 4396. This affects PCs running Japanese Windows 95. APAR = SA62508 After making changes to a Rumba Transfer Request (.RTO), Data Transfer does not correctly save the use FDF option to the RTO file. This only occurs when modifying the use FDF option for transfers from the PC to the AS/400. The RTO file is saved correctly now. APAR = SA58432 Data Transfer in the Client Access for Windows 95 product is much slower than the File Transfer program in the Client Access for Windows 3.x product. Code changes have been made to Data Transfer to improve performance. Users performing transfers from the PC to the AS/400 can expect to see very significant improvements in performance. Users performing transfers from the AS/400 to the PC will also see performance gains. Users transferring small files will not see a significant improvement in performance. A possible mechanism to improve performance for these users is to "tune" the performance of the AS/400. Performance tuning techniques of memory pool management, pre-started job management, and communications frame sizes may help. A redbook, titled "AS/400 Performance Management" (GG24-3723-0x), may help with performance tuning. When using the Netsoft router, it may also help to change the frame size values to the optimal size for your network. To avoid unnecessary communications overhead caused by multiple connections to the AS/400, users should also perform the connection to the system from the AS/400 Connections program before running Data Transfer. It is also helpful to leave the Data Transfer from AS/400 session active between requests if possible. This will further reduce the processing time for subsequent transfer requests. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA61649 Client installed r311 base code SP SF36801, tried to connect and failed with the error code MSG8022-60 RC60 DLC status = X'07' rc07 frame status = X'00' rc00 and XID state = 2 rc2. NOTE: Clients who migrated from r310 to r311 do not see this failure. APAR = SA63308 Client Access for Windows 95 32-bit Twinax support is English only. Client Access for Windows 95 32-bit Twinax installation program and readme documentation will be provided in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF39584 Build date = March 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA62048 Silent Install BootOption=3 statement in the response file doesn't cause the PC to be rebooted. This is only the response file for the service pack silent install. APAR = SA62521 ODBC application program issues an ODBC Connect call, supplying an AS/400 userID/password on the connect. This userID becomes the current user for the connection to the AS/400, and in the case of Windows 95, the password is cached into the Windows 95 password cache (if caching of AS/400 passwords is currently enabled). APAR = SA62522 Passing a value of NULL for the pcbValue parameter on the SQLBindParameter API can cause an incorrect conversion of DBCS character data. The resulting string sent to the AS/400 can contain mismatched SO/SI characters. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA58210 Using PC5250, pasting text from the clipboard into a blank OfficeVision document will only paste the first line from the clipboard. For example, if copying 4 lines of text with 70 characters on each line, only the first line of text will be pasted into the OfficeVision document. The paste function does not insert new lines to make room for the additional text. It stops at the end of document character. APAR = SA59466 With EAB and NOXLATE session parameters set, the PC5250 EHLLAPI Copy Field to String (34) API will return incorrect field attributes. It appears to always return zero, even for underlined and reverse image fields. APAR = SA59637 MSGERR100 with error description 'Error allocating of memory from the Windows global memory heap.' A Retry or Cancel will result in output printing. The problem happens with dotmatrix printers setup with PC5250. The message breaks just prior to output printing. APAR = SA60667 If a setup of a Panasonic 2624 is done using a PC5250 session and gets a PCSWS error, this indicates this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. The details state PCSWS caused a stack fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0137:BFF783DF. This happened when selecting File, then Print Control, then Text then pressing Enter. APAR = SA60676 When performing local screen prints from a PC5250 display emulation screen, the PC will run out of system resources and eventually lock up the PC. APAR = SA61263 DDS Keyword WDWTITLE *BOTTOM doesn't run using PC5250. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA61708 When sending PC data from a DBCS PC to a physical file with all of its fields of O-type (DBCS), there is no problem. But if sending data to the physical file that one of its fields is A-type (SBCS), an error occurs, for example: CWBDB0036 - Server Returned SQL error SQL0332 - Character conversion between CCSID 949 and CCSID 883 not valid. 949 is the ASCII mixed CCSID for Korean. 833 is the EBCDIC SBCS CCSID for Korean. Error SQL0332 is displayed in the joblog of on the AS/400. APAR = SA61870 When the WHERE or JOIN BY clauses have T1/T2 types of file name delimiters, and the file name contains a T with numeric values, Data Transfer will hang. APAR = SA62518 Unique national language characters are not being displayed correctly in error messages displayed by Data Transfer. Graphical Access ---------------- APAR = SA62523 Provides the following fixes and improvements to Graphical Access as follows: - Display Spooled File improved so it maintains the horizontal scroll position during forward and backward scrolling. - Support system names of longer than 8 characters for SNA connection. - Remove partial instruction line from list box for Display Open Files. - On resizing graphical window from the bottom, move up bottom push buttons so they remain operational. - Correct instruction line in InfoSeeker screen that displays content of a book. - Correct character presented for CCSID 1112 (Latvia, Lithuania) for special character code points 4A, 70, 80, DF, and EA. - Corrects character presented for CCSID 1122 (Estonia) for special character code points 70, 80, B0, and EA. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA60355 When a user starts the 5250 emulator that starts the NetSoft router, if the AS/400 returns a message (for example the passwords expired) it remains hidden behind the emulator screen and the users must use a ALT-TAB to see it. APAR = SA60927 If a NetSoft router is configured for Anynet with a primary system and remote system that is connected to the primary system, trying to connect to both systems from the NS/Router dialog box works OK. However, when attempting to use the AS/400 Connections dialog box to start the connections, the second system does not connect and it does not error or time out. This occurs when the connection defined in the AS/400 connections dialog box has PC5250 defined as the default view. If they are defined as 'Connect only' the problem does not occur. APAR = SA61298 RUNRMTCMD fails with error MSGCPD3B54 with sense code of 082D. If the user varies off the CTL and back on it will work, but if the user disconnects they will have to vary the CTL back off and on to get it to work again. APAR = SA61371 If a user enters a userid with an underscore in it using the NetSoft router MSGCPI96C6 will be generated on the AS/400. The PC will not see an error message and will function normally. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF39059 Build date = March 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ None. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- None. Data Transfer ------------- None. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA60677 Added Window 95 32-bit twinax support. This support can be used with the following Twinax adapters: - The Enhanced 5250 Display Station Emulation Adapter (Feature Code 2911 Part/Number 30F5383) - The 5250 Emulation Adapter/A (Feature Code 3494 Part/Number 64G3494) - The IBM System 36/38 Workstation Emulation Adapter/A (Feature Code 6279 Part/Number 69X6279) - The 5250 Emulation PCMCIA Adapter (Feature Code 2808 Part/Number 92G5360) - The IBM 5250 Emulation PCI Adapter (Feature Code 0207 Part/Number 88H0207) Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF38281 Build date = February 1997 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA56254 Check Version fails to complete. When a service pack is detected, user is prompted to apply. If yes, setup is run. Install Shield is initiated and the progress slide bar to show 0%. Check Version freezes at this point. Sometimes, it will get to 2%. The slidebar times out after two minutes and disappears, but Check Version is still running on taskbar, no way to end. This failure only occurs under NetSoft NWSAA. APAR = SA59340 Multithreaded applications running under Windows 95 may hang or fail when run with a Client Access network drive assigned. Only applications that use SuspendThread() and ResumeThread() are effected. Applications that use other Windows 95 synchronization objects (events, for example) will work when a network drive is assigned. Powersoft Optima++ is an example of an application that fails. APAR = SA59974 The ODBC driver incorrectly reports a RC22003 (numeric value out of range error) on a SQL_FETCH call. The problem can occur on single precision floating point fields (SQL_REAL or the AS/400 FLOAT(24) data type). The ODBC specification states that a SQL_REAL display size should be 13 bytes. If the column is bound to a storage space of this size, the error will occur. APAR = SA59977 An access violation was caused by the ODBC driver when an application attempted to set a parameter marker to SQL_NULL_DATA. The problem only occurs when using the SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC macro. When SQL_NULL_DATA is specified on the SQLPutData, an access violation is raised when the statement is executed (the last SQLParamData). APAR = SA60452 When using RMTCMD.EXE some national language characters such as the '„' (a + diaeresis) are not getting converted properly. APAR = SA60455 The ODBC driver has a memory leak when an application executes a stored procedure that returns a result set. This happens using either the SQLExecDirect API or the SQLPrepare and SQLExecute APIs. A block of memory will be lost each time the procedure is executed. After many iterations of this sequence the program can get a memory or resource allocation error. APAR = SA60612 The ODBC driver is ignoring the 'DBQ' parameter in the SQLDriverConnect connection string. The DBQ parameter specifies the default library name(s) for the current connection. This value should override the 'DefaultLibraries' value as specified in ODBC administration. The value is not being overridden and the value specified in ODBC administration is being used instead. APAR = SA60752 ODBC driver returns 'Driver Not Capable' error for call to SQLExtendedFetch for SQL_FETCH_FIRST under certain conditions. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA58245 Problem 1 Function key ignored the first time it is pressed after switching to the session from another PC5250 session. Problem 2 When on a Greek version of Windows 95, a PC5250 connection over 802.2 can not be obtained. A blank screen with no indicators in the operator indicator area is the result. APAR = SA58656 EHLLAPI returns visibility equal to 0 (non-display) for the Query Field Attribute EHLLAPI API call for all fields. It should return 1 for displayable fields. APAR = SA61174 Accented Greek characters can not be entered from keyboard. When pressing the dead key followed by a Greek letter, the keyboard goes into a lock condition. Also when the keyboard is in an English state the dead key types Greek 'o' instead of the accent character. In the Assist menu the Keyboard setup had been changed to "System Language" without success. Windows code page is 1253 and OEM code page can be 869 or 737. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA60170 Using Data Transfer to transfer more than 32 Kb of data will cause the transfer program stop communicating with the AS/400. The external symptoms may include following error: The Data Transfer window with the "Received record" count will continue to display the final record number. The errors that will always occur include: Data Transfer will appear to transfer the file normally but will "hang" if any subsequent actions are taken other than to exit the program. The one common problem will be that the QZDAINIT program on the AS/400 will not end. APAR = SA60648 The BIFF files transferred by Data Transfer do not contain the correct font information. When DBCS data exists in the file, it is not displayable because the font specified is Arial. The Arial font does not contain DBCS characters. APAR = SA60791 When performing a data transfer from the PC to the AS400, hex value 09 will not be correctly translated to hex 05. Rather, the 09 will be translated to a hex 40. APAR = SA60892 The Data Transfer function preserves trailing blanks when downloading data to an ASCII text file. This is inconsistent with the behavior of previous Client Access file transfer functions. APAR = SA61002 When using Data Transfer from AS400, Data Options -> Details... gets you to Receive Request Details. On the Select page, you double-click the fields you want to select and they are dynamically added to the Select Clause. Once that clause is a certain length (approximately 260 characters), any further selections in this manner truncate that string in order to fit the new selection. Manually typing in the field names does not pose this problem (in neither the Select Clause nor the Select: on the previous panel). This problem also occurs for the Order By clause on the same Receive Request Details panel. Graphical Access ---------------- APAR = SA61394 Provides the following fixes and improvements to Graphical Access as follows: General ------- - WRKQRY is correctly presented graphically. One screen was presented nongraphically and one had text in the position to field. - On the Programmer Menu, extra text characters to the right of menu options have been removed. - The View Topics choice under the Functions pull-down of Help screens, now properly supports deselecting and reselecting topics. - Operation of DUP and Field Exit keys corrected. - In Japanese, Display Spooled File now has a correct data ruler. - In Japanese, Work with Spooled Files, a partial row of characters at the bottom of the scrollable area has been removed. - DBCS code points for hexadecimal "68nn" were changed to match IBM standards. - In DBCS language help, the words representing hypertext links were changed to green to distinguish them from headings. - Menu options beginning with a numeric are now correctly formatted with a push button (e.g., GO CFGPCS). OfficeVision ------------- - Removed the generation of additional blank lines in the editor during typing of continuous wrapping text. - Corrected handling of numeric field editing. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA57948 When using an async connection a PC5250 emulation session may drop after issuing the commands "CALL QUSCMDLN" or "STRSST". APAR = SA60183 When the Windows 95 Shutdown function is invoked with the "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode?" option, the icons disappear and the PC hangs. This only occurs after using the NetSoft router. Toolkit ------- APAR = SA61392 The following APIs were created incorrectly in CWBAPI.LIB: cwbNL_GetANSICodePage cwbNL_GetHostCCSID Invocation of these APIs may result in invalid page fault exception. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF36801 Build date = December 1996 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA58376 If Netsoft router is being used and ODBC application passes user ID and password to ODBC driver, it will not use passed userid if physical connection has already been established. User ID and password that were supplied to Netsoft router upon the initial connection will be passed to AS/400 instead of user ID supplied by ODBC application. Connection will be established but it will be with original user ID and password. APAR = SA59025 16-bit applications cannot see files on CA/400 network drives. Failure happens when application makes FindFirst Matching File API call with volume label bit and one other attribute bit set. Network drives returns volume label of drive instead of files that match search criteria. APAR = SA59113 When using EHNAPPC_Allocate API, if leaving lpszLocationName parameter blank (pointing to null string) user may receive return code 99. EHNAPPC32 Router trace will show lpszLocationName = <> and Retval=99. APAR = SA60303 Problem 1 ODBC driver is returning parameter information from SQLProcedureColumns API in incorrect order. Rows are ordered by parameter type (INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT/OUTPUT) instead of order in which they appear on procedure call. ODBC driver was adhering to ODBC 2.0 Specification which was incorrect and corrected in ODBC 2.1 Specification. Problem 2 ODBC driver is not returning error message with SQLSTATE of 01S05 when SQLCancel is treated as closed cursor. ODBC driver was adhering to ODBC 2.0 Specification which was incorrect and corrected in ODBC 2.1 Specification. APAR = SA60304 Trap in CWBRC.DLL sometimes occurs when using cwbRC_StopSys() API with long system names. APAR = SA60305 ODBC driver will not currently allow the ExtendedFetch API to be used to fetch rows from result sets returned by stored procedures. Problems can also occur using SQLExtendedFetch API where application will receive return code of SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND. There should be data in result set. This is caused by applications using SQLSetStmtOption API to set SQL_ROWSET_SIZE after statement has been executed. Borland's Delphi is one application that regularly uses this sequence of API calls which can cause problems. APAR = SA60307 User-defined File System GUI support for Windows 95 does not correctly convert ANSI characters above hex 80. APAR = SA60308 AS/400 uses Unicode code page 61952 (Unicode version 1.1). Microsoft Windows 95/NT uses Unicode code page 13488 (version 2.0). These code pages are compatible except for Korean characters. Client Access network drives receives file names from Windows 95/NT in 13488 and passes them to AS/400 without converting them to 61952. The AS/400 thinks the characters are in 61952. Since characters are not converted, most Korean characters are incorrect when viewed from AS/400. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- APAR = SA60364 AFP Viewer font and map files needed by DBCS users are not getting installed. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA56872 Printing spooled file containing USERASCII data to a PC5250 printer session causes data to disappear. ASCII printer is attached to PC using PC5250 to define printer session on AS/400. When using Network Print with appropriate Windows printer driver and either Auto-Select or printer data type 4 (ASCII) is directed to this PC5250 defined printer session, output appears to be printing from AS/400 (the spool file goes to WTR status and disappears as if it printed) but it never prints on printer -- data disappears. Problem only occurs when PC5250 printer session is configured using Windows printer driver. If Host Print Transform (HPT) or printer definition table (PDT) file is used instead, it will work. APAR = SA57160 If you have DDS source code on AS/400 with DDS defined to use MOUBTN (mouse button event) keyword, then when you call program you should be able to click with mouse and cursor should then position itself on field mouse is pointing to. However, with PC5250, user clicks mouse and cursor moves to either a number of lines above or below mouse pointer. APAR = SA57413 Problem 1 If user enters OV/400 and revises document with margins wider than screen, when editing existing document and inserting words in line, last character on line is lost. Characters aren't shifted or wrapped to next line but are missing. Problem 2 EHLLAPI program written for Windows 3.1 causes an access violation in pcswlib.dll when it calls the file transfer function. APAR = SA58516 'Status Popup' Window on printer emulation session which contains the 'Ready', 'Job in Process', and 'On-Line' lights as well as the STOP, START, and CANCEL buttons, is movable anywhere on Windows 95 desktop independent of the PC5250 session window. Instead of having two windows it would be less confusing for user just to have one window where 'Status Popup' is fixed on PC5250 emulation session window. See section 2.7.1, STATUS POP-UP WINDOW, above for details on how to enable this change. APAR = SA59021 Over Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 connection, trying to start PC5250 emulation session through Accessories, then 'Start or Configure a session' comes up with blank screen. If started through the AS/400 Connection panel, it will start OK. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA58397 If a CSV file containing multiple blank fields in a row (e.g. ..." "," "," ",...) is transferred to the AS/400, not all of the fields' data is transferred. If text field contains no data, it will truncate any trailing fields. This does not happen on all files. APAR = SA59034 When you try to transfer data from AS/400 to PC and are using aliases with your field names, data transfer uses aliases instead of field names. When data transfer creates file with field headers, like a BIFF format, the alias is used as field Header. This is not a problem when using "select where" if you use field name. APAR = SA59303 Trying to transfer an ASCII text file from PC to AS/400 SourcePhysical File in library QS36F using a Group File name of FILE.NAM fails with MSGCWBDB0036 MSGSQL0104. Graphical Access ---------------- APAR = SA58975 Provides the following fixes and improvements to Graphical Access as follows: General ------- - Fix finding of IBMUIM.AWR after backup. - Fix for GA/400 Error Message box not having meaningful text after connection failure. - Support configuring Local LU Name for SNA using /G:DevN=name and /G:DevNS=nn parameters (nn is sequence number suffix). - In Japanese DBCS environment, fixes for: - Entering English lowercase characters - Display Spooled File not being graphical or it is truncated. - Programmers menu not being graphical. - MCH0601 in QUISTSCN after Help, How to Use this Display, or Select Assistance Level request. - Message line is overlaid by the Command Entry line after an invalid command is entered. OfficeVision ------------ - Fix problem of getting wrong panel after ESC key is pressed on Calendar or Work With Mail. - Fix problem of not being able to get back into spell check once you have used Locate and Mark. - Add icon for F9 to unmark misspelled words. - Fix problem to Select Document Formats and Alternate Formats for options 6,7,8,9. - Fix problem of Line Spacing and Justification. Printer Drivers --------------- APAR = SA60310 Unable to configure 4028 printer to print envelopes using Microsoft Word and Client Access AFP print driver. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA60365 In NS/Router status window and in Netsoft Event Log, double-byte characters are displayed incorrectly. Also, some single-byte characters in non-English languages do not display properly. Characters may be displayed as symbols or as blanks. APAR = SA60366 The generally available version of V3R1M1 of Client Access has AnyNet support. However, performance is not at acceptable levels, and needs to be improved to make AnyNet run faster. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF36096 Build date = November 1996 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA58673 Problem 1 ODBC driver needs to be modified to circumvent communication link failure problem (RC=2) when retrieving large blocks of information. Problem 2 Derived columns and columns returned by stored procedures that are not from an open cursor do not have associated column names. APAR = SA59137 Adds the capability to remove the last Service Pack that was installed. APAR = SA59138 When file with .doc extension (from Microsoft word processor) is sent to another user as MIME attachment, it is unreadable by recipient. APAR = SA59139 Windows 95 PCs can be configured so that if more than one user is defined on PC, each user can customize their preferences and desktop settings. In this case, list of configured AS/400s for each user is not properly maintained in Windows 95 Control Panel Passwords applet. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA59094 With service pack SF35514 loaded, executing DUP key in PC5250 session will cause following error: This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. Details show PCSWS caused an invalid page fault in module PCSWS.EXE at 0137:0041c5dc. APAR = SA59102 Pop-up Keypad Setup does not handle long macro files names correctly. Data Transfer ------------- APAR = SA58978 Problem 1 No translation between ASCII and EBCDIC when CCSID of file on AS/400 is 65535. Problem 2 When trying to transfer file from AS/400 to PC, data transfer fails with CWBDB0099, followed by SQL0104. This only happens on files containing '.' in file name. Problem 3 In PC file name Browse dialog, if a PC file is present in PC file name field, garbage data is displayed for file type. Problem 4 When using Data Transfer to upload to and create AS/400 source file, after record # 9999, receive message MSGCWBTF0008 "Numeric data has too many digits for the AS/400 field. Maximum value will be used." Problem 5 When transferring to/from a source physical file that was not created with default columns of SRCSEQ, SRCDAT, and SRCDTA, the transfer may not work correctly. Problem 6 Correct message is not displayed when downloading data to PC and PC file already exists. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- APAR = SA58999 When attempting to print from Borland Delphi applications, an error message is displayed indicating that default printer is not defined for system and Borland Delphi applications cannot print. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA57020 PC is configured to connect to AS/400 using NetSoft through Netware for SAA server. One PC5250 session over NetSoft connection can be started, but subsequent sessions sit input inhibited after entering user ID and password. APAR = SA59140 Workstation address for NetSoft Async connection cannot be changed from default of '20'. This is problem for large networks which use value different than this. Users in these situations cannot make connections to AS/400. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF35935 Build date = October 1996 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ None. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- None. Data Transfer ------------- None. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- APAR = SA58757 The fax support is not functioning correctly. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- None. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF35403 Build date = October 1996 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA58559 Browsing the AS/400 address book from cc:Mail yields several problems. APAR = SA58323 The desktop New menu items for Client Access are hardcoded in English. These items are, "AS400 System", "Data Transfer to AS400" and "Data Transfer From AS400". These need to be shown in the appropriate language. APAR = SA57441 When the ODBC driver connects to a system it does not always set the library list properly. APAR = SA57514 The Microsoft Query application for Windows 95 does not quote identifiers properly in SQL statements. This causes problems when this application is used with the Client Access ODBC driver. APAR = SA55562 An application that uses ODBC to call a stored procedure on the AS/400 that returns output parameters may fail with an Exception error. APAR = SA56959 This APAR is for 16-bit applications using the EHNDT_EBCDICtoASCII data translate API in the Windows 95 client. Using the NetSoft router and running a custom 16-bit application, the EHNDT API will work if the buffer size is smaller than 512 bytes. If greater than 512 bytes, it will hang the 16-bit PC application. APAR = SA58299 The unicode codepoint backslash "005C" hexidecimal is incorrectly converted "82" hexidecimal for the Korean 949 ASCII code page. APAR = SA58300 Network printer profiles with names containing certain characters can cause the list of printer profiles to be displayed incorrectly and some of the profiles to be incorrectly formed. APAR = SA58301 When attempting to display the History log from a non-English version of Client Access, system error "SRVVIEW produced an invalid page fault in KERNEL32.DLL at 0137:bff78040" may occur. APAR = SA58303 Problem 1 Lotus Notes generates the following error after Client Access for Windows 95 is installed: "This application uses CTL3D32.DLL which is not the correct version. This version of CTL3D32.DLL is designed for Windows NT systems". Pressing "OK" from this popup brings up Lotus Notes normally. Problem 2 Lotus Notes generates the following error after Client Access for Windows 95 is uninstalled: "Error loading Program Library: NNOTESWS1157". Lotus Notes cannot be started after this error occurs. APAR = SA58304 National language characters are corrupted in the AS/400 data in the System Object Access displays. For example, when you look at messages in the Messages list, national language characters in the message text are corrupted. APAR = SA58305 In the System Object Access, on the misc tabs (all of them) the translated text displayed to the left on the tab (like: Front side overlay offset, Date created, Time created, Output queue) are not shown correctly. All national characters are shown as an underscore. APAR = SA58306 The dialogs named "Include" and "Printer Output Properties" are too wide on DBCS versions of Windows 95 when the resolution is 640x480 (VGA). APAR = SA58307 All the dialogs that come after the Properties dialogs contain underscores instead of national characters. APAR = SA58308 A trap occurs in System Object Access when: - Open SOA on DBCS system - Open Printer Output - View Details - Find output with "User-specified Data" - Double-click on the user-specified data field - TRAP in CWBSOFUI.DLL APAR = SA57338 Windows 95 does not shut down properly when a network drive or network print connection is made to an AS/400 when the communications provider is the NetSoft router. The PC hangs when the desktop is cleared of icons or at the clouds screen. APAR = SA58310 Windows 95 does not shut down properly when a connection is made to the AS/400 through 16-bit Client Access APIs via the NetSoft router. The PC hangs when the desktop is cleared of icons or at the clouds screen. APAR = SA57796 The programs cwbping, cwbrxd, cwbrxdsd, cwbback, and cwbrest display messages in which national language characters are incorrect for some languages. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- None. Data Transfer ------------- None. Graphical Access ---------------- APAR = SA58309 A number of fixes have been made to Graphical Access with this APAR. The items fixed are listed below. General items ------------- - Fixes the passing of Local LU Name when connecting via Microsoft SNA Server. - Remove the confirmation window when closing Graphical Access to be consistent with other Windows 95 applications. - Supports switching between English and the native language character sets for national languages which support both character sets (e.g., Russian, Greek). - Fixes scroll bar formatting problem after Find function in Display Spooled File. - Fixes fault after selecting prompt pushbutton for Work With Queries on the Programmer Menu. - Fixes graphical formatting of Display Messages in German. - Miscellaneous DBCS fixes for not providing prompt pushbuttons for some parameters in command prompting, not showing pushbuttons above list area in some Work With panels, and truncating text in some DBCS name fields. OfficeVision related items -------------------------- - Editor - Viewing mail - View pulldown places check marks by options selected. - View Composite: No longer get a "not authorized for user" message. - Define Footnote Format (2 of 2) displays window correctly. - View Mail > View > Hidden Instructions > View Hidden Instructions Editor - View Hidden Instructions via the View pulldown now shows the instructions and the previously selected instructions with check marks by them. - When selecting Nontext Document Data, the cancel button appears in the pulldown. - Editor - Copy & Paste text after using scissors no longer hangs. - Editor - CTRL-C will now clear the hang when working with CTRL-A(insert symbols), selecting Text Instructions, and working with Tables/Columns(F15). - Weekly View: File > System requests > No longer get "Object handling error 101" popup message. - Copy/Paste/Append Copy to Notepad using the key combinations now works properly. - Editor: F17 > Select Function: Query, Notepad, and Sort now have the correct F5 Goto characters next to them. - The performance problem when cutting and pasting with a split screen has been corrected. - Merge data options panel no longer initializes with "Incorrect choice; Select from choices shown" message. - Inserting data field using F-keys, panel flow has been corrected to display panel properly. - Insert Symbols panels have been aligned correctly on panels (1 of 9) thru (8 of 9). - Calendar: Add multiple meetings, events, reminders: Set Dates and Times panel no longer scrolls off of the panel when you tab between the fields. - Editor: Performance when scrolling one line at a time using the scroll bar arrows has been improved. - Print options panel, missing colons have been added to panel page 4 of 4. - Create table: The missing panel texts have been added. - Calendar: For every calendar view, View and Functions pull-downs have been added. - The word "Selection" and selection box are removed from the "More Personal Directory Tasks." - Pressing ESC while in Work with Mail now displays the red arrow on the Office menu. - Editor: Basic editor - changing margins and tabs allows single numbering. - Numeric Editing Options: different font for decimal and separator characters are more viewable. - Sort Options Panel: Translated text for "Descending" no longer truncated. - On the send document screen, extra blanks in words are removed. - Getting mixture of Office Menu with Calendar data in it, when doing Attn off Calendar or Mail and then going back into Calendar or Mail no longer occurs. - Pressing ESC key while in Calendar when TELNET to system no longer results in badly formatted Office Menu. - Lockup after multiple Backspaces in the Office Editor no longer occurs. - Data is no longer partly hidden in the Authority field by scrolling arrows. - Tips in View Calendar displays correctly. Printer Drivers --------------- APAR = SA58253 Problem 1 When using the SCS printer driver and printing to a 4234 printer (continuous forms) in IPDS mode, the page alignment is not correct, and printing multiple copies may not function. Problem 2 When using landscape orientation and printing to a 3816 printer (cut-sheet) in IPDS mode, the page alignment is not correct. When printing multiple copies of some large documents, the output will abruptly end in the middle of the 2nd copy. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- APAR = SA58387 When entering a device name on the Local LU page in the "Use a Shared Value" input field, the result is a General Protection Fault (GPF) error in MFC30.DLL or KERNEL32.DLL. APAR = SA56228 This problem prevents the CA400WINOPT ODBC driver from running over the EHNAPPC SNA thunk unless a user ID and password are specified on the driver connect. APAR = SA56172 This problem was detected when running the 16-bit ODBC driver over the SNA thunk layer to the NetSoft router. The NetSoft router returned RC99 to an EHNAPPC_ReceiveImmediate. APAR = SA56517 Customer is not able to connect to the AS/400 using the WIN95 client via the ADVANTIS network. APAR = SA58319 If a non-switched Async connection (direct cable, no modem) is being configured, a message will pop up asking if you want to configure a modem. If you answer no, you should not be prompted again. However, you do get prompted a second time now. Also when attempting to connect, you get the message 2 more times, and you should not get the message at all. APAR = SA58318 In AnyNet, if you make an error while configuring, the PC will go to "processing please wait" while connecting, and never time out. APAR = SA58317 Problem 1 NetSoft migration is not migrating AnyNet *.RTR or AnyNet NSD.INI files completely. The migrated routers have blank information for the Local LU value. Problem 2 Problems occur when switching environments in the Client Access Connections GUI. The NetSoft Administrator program hangs. A CWBLM006 License Management error also occurs. Problem 3 The database OLE function hangs when running NetSoft AnyNet. This works just fine when using TCP/IP and NetSoft 802.2 connections. Problem 4 On a DBCS PC connected via twinax, a connection cannot be made if the NetSoft router was configured using "Easy Start". Problem 5 If an AnyNet connection is being used, and the NetSoft router is autostarted by Network print or Network drives, the connection will not be made. Problem 6 The print emulation function will not work if the connection is made using the NetSoft router. Problem 7 Async connections created with either the Configuration Wizard or the Easy Start Service are not created properly and will not work until they are reconfigured. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF34290 Build date = September 1996 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ None. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- APAR = SA57078 The level of PC5250 Emulator shipped with Client Access/400 for Windows 95 needs to be updated to the CSD1 level. Data Transfer ------------- None. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- None. Toolkit ------- None. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF33775 Build date = August 1996 --------------------------------- Base Support ------------ APAR = SA56582 Mail being sent using addresses from personal address book are not being sent to all the addresses listed. APAR = SA56583 AS400 System Objects list view is blank when initially opened. AFP WorkBench Viewer -------------------- None. 5250 Display and Printer Emulator --------------------------------- None. Data Transfer ------------- None. Graphical Access ---------------- None. Printer Drivers --------------- None. SNA Communications Support -------------------------- None. Toolkit ------- None.