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Lotus 演示

Lotus 软件为那些为了最大化员工工作效率而设计的协作软件提供了多平台基础。

Lotus Notes 8

IBM Lotus Notes 8 对核心功能进行了重大改进,新增的强大功能则帮助组织改善协作、提高生产力和简化业务流程。 (注: 本演示中显示的功能可能与最终产品的功能有所区别)

Lotus Notes 8 Mar07

(5 分 54 秒)

Lotus Quickr
Lotus Quickr  

IBM Lotus Quickr 允许用户快速、轻松地访问能够跨越组织、地域和应用程序界限共享的重要信息。它设计独特,可以转变日常业务内容的共享方式并提高团队协作的效率。

(6 分 56 秒)

Lotus Connections

IBM Lotus Connections 是一款新颖、简单易用的社交软件,它通过跨组织访问专门技术和信息,为员工解决实际业务问题提供了全新方式。

Lotus Connections Oct07

(6 分 39 秒)

Lotus Sametime 7.5
Lotus Sametime 7.5  

通过加入多项新功能和增强功能,IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 在实时协同功能上有了重大升级。 (新消息! 即时消息传送演示现已升级到 Sametime 7.5.1。)

Lotusphere 2008 Comes to You

仅提供英文。 Catch a glimpse of some of the exciting new IBM Lotus products and technologies that were demonstrated live on stage at Lotusphere 2008.

Lotusphere 2008 Comes to You Mar08
Enterprise Content Management and Lotus Quickr
Enterprise Content Management and Lotus Quickr  

仅提供英文。 This recorded demonstration shows how the combination of the teamwork enabled by IBM Lotus Quickr and the power of Enterprise Content Management and Business Process Management makes it easier for employees to get their jobs done more efficiently.

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IBM LanguageWare Resource Workbench

仅提供英文。 This multi-part demonstration shows how customers can get started with the IBM LanguageWare Resource Workbench® (LRW) and also showcases the analysis capabilities unleashed by the Workbench.

IBM LanguageWare Resource Workbench Oct08
IBM Mashup Center How-to Demos
IBM Mashup Center How-to Demos  


IBM Mashup Center helps organizations unlock and transform diverse sources of information into mashable assets such as feeds and widgets. These assets can then be dynamically assembled into new applications that address daily business challenges. Enabling business users in this way can reduce application backlog, lower development and increase the reuse of existing assets to reach more people cost-effectively.

These tutorial demos show the steps required to create feeds widgets and mashups, using various data sources such as SQL, Excel and other external data sources, and how to embed a widget into an html page, all using the IBM Mashup Center and its two components InfoSphere MashupHub and Lotus Mashups.

IBM Mashup Center

仅提供英文。 In this demo, see how IBM Mashup Center provides an easy-to-use business mashup platform, supporting line of business assembly of dynamic situational applications - with the management, security, and governance capabilities IT requires. With this lightweight enterprise mashup environment, organizations can unlock and transform enterprise, Web, personal, and departmental information into consumable or "mashable" assets.

IBM Mashup Center Jul08
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IBM Software as a Service Enabling Technologies
IBM Software as a Service Enabling Technologies  

仅提供英文。 This series of in-depth demos and presentations shows how to address a number of technical challenges when building a Software as a Service solution. These challenges are addressed through a set of architectural patterns exploiting features in IBM middleware.

ILO Tour

仅提供英文。 This video tour presents the advantages of Instructor-led Online Training, or ILO, from IBM. It explains how ILO works and highlights some of its more important capabilities.

ILO Tour Sep08
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Introduction to Mashups
Introduction to Mashups  

仅提供英文。 This fun illustrated demonstration helps you learn about mashups and their building blocks, widgets and feeds. See the role of IT in unleashing enterprise resources such as data and logic as widgets and feeds that are consumable by mashups. Watch how users can combine, transform and reuse those elements, together with public widgets, to create powerful business solution mashups that address immediate business needs.

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IBM Workplace Forms

IBM Workplace Forms 为随需应变的业务流程提供了安全功能丰富并且智能化的动态前端。您可以使用 IBM Workplace Forms 产品系列创建、部署和简化基于 XML 表单的过程。

Lotus Forms Sep07

(3 分 39 秒)

Lotus Foundations Overview
Lotus Foundations Overview  

仅提供英文。 This illustrated demo provides a high-level overview of the capabilities of IBM Lotus Foundations, a family of software appliances providing a complete IT solution for small businesses that have little to no in-house IT expertise.

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Lotus Live Text in IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.1

仅提供英文。 This demo showcases Live Text in IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.1. Live Text recognizes specific patterns of text in any Lotus Notes document and allows you to perform various business actions on that text, expanding your scope of information relative to the task at hand.

Lotus Live Text in IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.1 Apr08
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Lotus Notes 8 Smart Assist Composite Application
Lotus Notes 8 Smart Assist Composite Application  

仅提供英文。 See how a payroll clerk saves time and effort using an IBM Lotus Notes 8 composite application. Composite applications in Lotus Notes 8 allow organizations to make use of their current applications and systems in easy-to-use business mashups, helping to streamline employee workflow and improve organizational effectiveness.

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Lotus Symphony

仅提供英文。 IBM Lotus Symphony software is a suite of office productivity applications for creating, editing, and sharing word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. It is designed to handle the majority of tasks that end users perform. Lotus Symphony supports open standards and is available at no charge from IBM.

Lotus Symphony May08
Lotus Web Content Management: Create Personalized Promotions
Lotus Web Content Management: Create Personalized Promotions  

仅提供英文。 Green Insurance uses IBM Lotus Web Content Management to quickly deploy personalized promotions to valued customers. This demo uses software from IBM Acquisition Aptrix.

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WebSphere Portal eGovernment Social Services

仅提供英文。 See how an IBM WebSphere Portal software-based solution provides collaboration and integration technologies to help constituents easily interact with government agencies who support them, while providing employees at those agencies with timely access to the information and resources they need.

WebSphere Portal eGovernment Social Services Aug08
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WebSphere sMash and Lotus Mashups
WebSphere sMash and Lotus Mashups  

仅提供英文。 View this demo, recorded at the Impact 2008 event, to see how IBM WebSphere sMash provides a simple, powerful scripting environment to create widgets that integrate with IBM Lotus Mashups, enabling the creation of new Web 2.0 applications. (Note: Product names and/or features shown in this demo may differ from those of the final product)

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IBM Workplace Forms 和 Lotus Notes Domino

通过将 IBM Workplace Forms 同 IBM Lotus Notes 和 Domino 相互整合,企业能够轻松制作电子表格,以供员工、客户、合作伙伴和供应商使用。该整合有助于企业提高效率并最大限度地提高投资回报。

Lotus Forms and Lotus Notes and Domino Sep07

(4 分 35 秒)

Lotus Forms Designer
Lotus Forms Designer  

了解使用 IBM Lotus Forms Designer 创建基于动态、安全、功能丰富的电子表单的解决方案如何快速、简便。Lotus Forms 软件产品基于开放标准,使用 eForms 作为面向服务的架构简单易用的前端,帮助用户跨多个行业加速数据整合。

(6 分 16 秒)

Lotus Forms in FileNet P8

仅提供英文。 IBM Lotus Forms provides many advantages in security, rule representation, and workflow integration for the forms experience within the FileNet P8 Workplace. Lotus Forms provides ease of use to help increase productivity in a security rich, browser based forms environment.

Lotus Forms in FileNet P8 Jan08
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Lotus Expeditor and Lotus Forms
Lotus Expeditor and Lotus Forms  

IBM Lotus Expeditor 和 IBM Lotus Forms 软件共同构成了可提高业务灵活性和响应能力的集成应用程序的基础,并改善了客户服务质量。

(6 分 37 秒)

Lotus Expeditor Car Rental Customer Service

仅提供英文。 This demonstration uses a Car Rental Customer Service scenario to show components managed in a Lotus® Expeditor composite application that is tightly integrated with the IBM WebSphere® Portal Server environment, allowing seamless operations in connected or disconnected modes to help speed responsiveness to customers.

Lotus Expeditor Car Rental Customer Service Mar07
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WebSphere Everyplace Deployment
Lotus Expeditor Mobile Insurance Adjuster  

WebSphere Everyplace Deployment 使 IT 基础架构实现扩展,使得客户、业务合作伙伴和员工可以实时访问各种流程、信息和应用程序。

(4 分 56 秒)

Lotus ActiveInsight

IBM Lotus ActiveInsight 提供了一种将人员、流程、系统和技术互连在一起的解决方案,帮助各大公司实现其业务目标。 它支持不同组织级别中的员工监控并了解具体期限内的业绩目标,关注企业的重要事项,并提前解决关键问题,防患于未然。

Lotus ActiveInsight Mar07

(7 分 29 秒)

Lotus Domino Web Access
Lotus Domino Web Access  

IBM Lotus Domino Web Access 7 delivers secure, reliable Domino messaging and collaboration to Windows® and Linux® browser clients, helping employees manage business-critical information and more efficiently perform their daily tasks.

(6 分 41 秒)

Lotus Domino Designer 7

IBM Lotus Domino Designer 7 包括一些基于与 Web 标准更紧密集成,更频繁地交互使用各项 IBM 技术,并且易于使用的理念构建的新功能。

Lotus Domino Designer 7 Jun05
Lotus Workforce Management
Lotus Workforce Management  

IBM Lotus Workforce Management 可帮助企业提高效率、增强战略要点。 它提供了直观的用户界面,可配置性高,使用 IBM WebSphere Portal 强大而开放的集成功能,可建立到 SAP 和非 SAP 环境的接口。

(6 分 47 秒)

Lotus Sales Management

仅提供英文。 IBM Lotus Sales Management software is a customizable IBM WebSphere Portal-based solution that helps both sales representatives and sales managers improve team productivity and maintain a high level of business insight.

Lotus Sales Management Jan08
Lotus Workflow/DECS
Lotus Workflow/DECS  

This demonstration shows how JK Enterprises automated their purchase order process using IBM Lotus Workflow and integrated enterprise relational data into that process using Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS).

Lotus Forms and IBM Content Manager

了解一家银行利用 IBM Content Manager 的文档管理能力和 IBM Lotus Forms 的电子表格功能完成联机电汇的情况。这两种产品的结合造就了卓越的电子表格和内容记录管理解决方案。

Lotus Forms and IBM Content Manager May06

(5 分 23 秒)






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