11/30/99 Revision GI10-0802-04+ * This update reflects a change to the current -04 being shipped from Boulder. +--------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | IBM | | +--------------------------------------------------+--------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+ Read This First +--- NOTICE -------------------------------------------------------+ | | This document applies to the IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400 Version | 4, Program Number 5733-A18, for all language feature codes. The | information in this document supplements the current level of available | product publications for this release. | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ READ THIS FIRST _______________ Before you install IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400 (VI/400) or its IBM ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400 (WAF) feature, you should read this document, which contains additional information that you need to know. In most cases, this information is not already included in the product documentation. To obtain the most current copy of this document refer to the following web site: www.software.ibm.com/data/imageplus. Choose the ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400 section and look under Highlights. TRADEMARKS __________ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: o AS/400 o IBM o ImagePlus o OS/2 o OS/400 o VisualInfo Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. INFORMATION FOR ALL CUSTOMERS _____________________________ The information in this section applies to all customers. This is information that can help the installation or migration go more smoothly. Non US English customers should also see the section with special notes later in this memo. Patches and PTFs CURRENT PATCHES FOR VI/400 AND WAF FEATURE: The latest patch libraries for VI/400, its WAF feature, and the VI Client are available at an ftp site. Use your favorite browser and connect to ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com. Then, step through the directories as400/products/visualinfo/fixes/v410 and view the file README.TXT for instructions. If accessing the ftp site is not an option, please contact VI/400 support for these libraries. PTF SH13230: The PTF SH13230 is available on tape media. This PTF is an accumulation of all VI/400 and WAF V4R1 patches as of May 18, 1999. The original patch libraries are still available at the ftp site noted above. If you have recently received your VI/400 and WAF feature V4R1 tapes, but did not receive SH13230 - it can be ordered via ECS or with a call to VI/400 support. For patches since May 1999, use the ftp site. PATCH SC24274 FOR MIGRATION AFTER 12/31/99: If you are migrating from WAF V3R1 or V2R4 AFTER 12/31/99, the patch SC24274 IS REQUIRED. This patch is available now at the ftp site with other fixes. It can be found in both the v310 and v410 directories under the fixes directory. The file names are sc24274.txt and sc24274sf.bin. CLIENT ACCESS/400 FIXES FOR WINDOWS NT VERSION 4.0 AND SERVICE PACK 4,: There is a problem with image file corruption when when using IWPM/NT with NT Version 4.0 plus SP4. CA/400 has fixes to keep the problem from occurring. For CA/400 V3R1M3 - ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v3r1m3/files/ sa77896/ For CA/400 V3R2M0 - ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v3r2m0/files/ sa77896/ YEAR 2000 PTFS FOR OS/400: If you are using OS/400 V3R1 or V3R6, PRIOR to migration, you MUST apply the appropriate OS/400 PTFs for your system to make it Year 2000 Ready.(1) See Table 1. --------------- (1) IBM's definition of Year 2000 Ready is as follows: This product, when used in accordance with its associated documentation, is capable of correctly processing, providing, and/or receiving date data within and between the 20th and 21st centuries, provided that all products--for example, hardware, software, and firmware--used with product, properly exchange date data with it. --------------- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 1. Year 2000-Enabling PTFs for OS/400 | +------------------------+----------------+----------------+--------+-------+ | FUNCTION | V3R1PTF | V3R6PTF | SBCS | DBCS | +------------------------+----------------+----------------+--------+-------+ | QCENTURY system value | SF35288 | SF35286 | X | | +------------------------+----------------+----------------+--------+-------+ | QCENTURY translated | SF35204 | SF35249 | | X | +------------------------+----------------+----------------+--------+-------+ Moving to RISC and Installing VisualInfo for AS/400 VisualInfo for AS/400 is available on CD-ROM and tape. The version of the product on CD-ROM is in RISC format and can only be installed on AS/400 RISC systems (V3R6 or higher). The version of the product on tape is in CISC format and can be installed on AS/400 CISC systems (V3R1 or higher) or RISC. Installing VisualInfo for AS/400 from tape on a RISC system requires conversion of object code to run in a RISC environment. Product Documentation After installing the product, you can restore and access manuals in the softcopy product library from the VIDOCS folder in the QDLS file system. Refer to "Restoring the Softcopy Product Document Library" in the IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400: Planning and Installation Guide. The folder referenced in the manual is incorrect. VIDOCS is the correct folder to use on the RSTDLO command. CD-ROM Special Notes If the name of your CD-ROM drive is not OPT01, you should use the following command with the cd, VI400 Primary Processor LCD4-1221, BEFORE beginning the install or migration: RSTDLO DLO(*ALL) SAVFLR(VIxxxx) RSTFLR(VICLIENT) DEV(yyy) OPTFILE('/QDOC') NEWOBJ(*NEW) xxxx = your WAF language feature (2924 = US English) yyy = your CD-ROM device name During installation or migration using the CD-ROM, messages might be sent to the QSYSOPR message queue to load the next CD-ROM even if you have already loaded it. If you receive this message, go to the QSYSOPR message queue and type "G" to continue migration. If you have specified an optical drive for the device on the Installation Parameter Panel and it is not accepted or recognized, you should cancel. Then take the option off of the EKDIAM menu again and specify the optical device again. If it does not work, you should follow the instructions in the next paragraph. A refreshed CD-ROM was provided to correct migration issues. When this CD-ROM was created the Volume ID was changed. Due to this change, migration to VI/400 V4R1 will fail with a message indicating invalid device type. To allow the migration to run correctly a customer should do the following: Enter the LODRUN command. Once LODRUN has completed, you must change information in the data area EKDTAPNUM. This data area will be located in a library called EKDIAMxxxx where xxxx is the country language code. Use the CHGDTAARA command to replace the first 6 positions of the data area with blanks. CHGDTAARA DTAARA(EKDIAMxxxx/EKDTAPNUM (1 6)) VALUE(' ') Once this has been done, you can now go back to the install screen and choose the option for migration you were planning to use. At this point you may get an error message EKD8391 about invalid WAF objects. This is a warning message that will occur if you are migrating an environment that has custom code or file cabinets defined. Make sure you have saved your data library before going on with the migration. After you have verified that your files are saved, press ENTER to continue. Using a Non-QDLS File System If you plan to use a non-QDLS file system in your environment, the default value for maximum documents in the object directory (folder) profile might not provide optimal performance. You should work with your AS/400 specialist to determine the best file system for your needs and to help you determine the best value for that option. When creating directories and subdirectories in non-QDLS, use the Change Primary Group (CHGPGP) command to specify your group profile as the new primary group on the directory and the subdirectory. This will allow an administrator to run the delete processor without requiring *ALLOBJ special authority. This will also allow users with proper priveleges to delete documents without problems. Optical 9402/5363 (System 36) optical devices are no longer available. Information in the product interface and product documentation about these devices is provided for customers who have not yet migrated to 3995 optical devices. Coexistence Between VisualInfo for AS/400 and Workfolder Application Facility "Choosing an Environment for your System" in the IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400: Planning and Installation Guide, lists the functions of VisualInfo for AS/400 and Workfolder Application Facility. It can help you decide whether you need to install and use Workfolder Application Facility with VisualInfo for AS/400. The IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400: System Administration Guide and the IBM ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400: System Administration Guide each contain information about coexistence between VisualInfo for AS/400 and its Workfolder Application Facility feature. This information is important for customers who plan to use both environments or for existing Workfolder Application Facility customers who plan to move to the VisualInfo for AS/400 interface. This section provides some additional considerations: MASKING: One difference not mentioned in the referenced manual is the ability to create and display document masks. Originally, the VI Client did not support the create or display mask function. There is now a file handler choice that will allow a user to display the masks that IWPM creates, however when the masks are displayed, the Hide function will not work for the masks. If you are currently using ImagePlus Workstation Program masking you will have to decide whether or not to use the VisualInfo for AS/400 client. See information in the section 'Obtaining the VI Client and latest APAR fixes' to find additional instructions regarding file handlers. ANNOTATION: Annotations are handled differently when created with Workfolder Application Facility or when created with VisualInfo for AS/400. Annotations created with IWPM via Workfolder Application Facility will always be visible with the VI client. When you select the Hide button from the toolbar when viewing a document, you will still see the IWPM annotations. Any notes created using the VI client are hidden or shown according to the selection of the button. FORMS DISPLAY: The System Administration guides state that documents with forms can only be displayed correctly through the WAF interface. Changes have been made to allow the VI client to display documents with form overlays completely. See information in the section 'Obtaining the VI Client and latest APAR fixes' to find additional instructions regarding form display. FILE CABINET DESCRIPTIONS: The following terms are used in this section, which are the panel labels used in the system administrator profile functions. KEYWORD Refers to Workfolder Application Facility file cabinet keys KEY FIELD Refers to VisualInfo for AS/400 index class keys During migration, Workfolder Application Facility file cabinet profile information is used to create corresponding VisualInfo for AS/400 key fields and index classes. This is also done each time a file cabinet is created or changed. Each file cabinet keyword becomes a unique key field. Here is an example: The file cabinet, ACCTPYBL, has a keyword, which has Account Number as its description. Another file cabinet, ACCTRCBL, has a keyword, which also has Account Number as its description. The migration program does not recognize that the two keywords have the same description, so two key fields are created. Both key fields will have the same Account Number description. The VisualInfo for AS/400 client presents the available key fields to the user as a list of descriptions. In this particular example, when choosing to search across all index classes, or create a new index class, the user sees Account Number twice in the listbox of all key field descriptions that the VisualInfo for AS/400 client displays. Nothing distinguishes either description as being the account number for accounts payable or accounts receivable. In addition, the client uses the description to construct the search string for advanced searches. If the description is not unique, search results are unpredictable. Therefore, you should assign unique descriptions to all keys, whether you use the Workfolder Application Facility system administrator panels to change or create file cabinets or the VisualInfo for AS/400 system administrator panels to change or create key fields. CASE-SENSITIVITY OF KEY FIELD VALUES: While you can enter key field values in mixed case in VisualInfo for AS/400, you can enter keyword values only in uppercase in Workfolder Application Facility. If you use both the VisualInfo for AS/400 and Workfolder Application Facility interfaces, VisualInfo for AS/400 users must enter key field values for documents in all uppercase to allow Workfolder Application Facility users to successfully search for these documents. This limitation applies to documents created using the Workfolder Application Facility interface when indexing values may be subsequently changed using VisualInfo for AS/400. Documents created or modified using VisualInfo for AS/400 can never be retrieved by the Workfolder Application Facility interface. Obtaining the VI Client and latest APAR fixes Once you have completed your VI/400 installation/migration, you should obtain the latest copy of the VI Client and the latest APAR fixes available for VI/400 and the WAF feature. In addition to the latest fixes, there are functional enhancements available. The following is a list of these enhancements: o Support for TCP/IP for the VI Client o The requirement to use a mapped drive to access image data on a library (primary) server been removed for the VI Client o All VI/400 client APIs are supported on the server, OS/400 V3R2 and V3R7 and higher o Sample programs are provided in C, COBOL, and RPG to demonstrate the use of selected VI/400 client APIs on the server o VI/400 server exits running on OS/400 have been added at selected points in the processing o A new server API has been created on OS/400 to display documents through the VI Client o A new server API has been added which improves the capability to integrate workstation applications with those running on the AS/400. o A new interface for IWPM/NT and IWPM/95 customers who require keystroke buffering. o The VI client can now display WAF documents which contain form overlays. These enhancements and the latest fixes are available from an FTP site. For more information and instructions, use your favorite browser and connect to ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com. Then, step through the directories as400/products/visualinfo/fixes/v410 to view the file README.TXT. If accessing the ftp site is not an option, please contact VI400 support for these files. SPECIAL NOTE FOR CUSTOMERS ON NON-US ENGLISH SYSTEMS ---------------------------------------------------- This special note is for new install customers - those who are NOT migrating from a previous release of Workfolder Application Facility. The files in the file library have been created with a Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) of 037. If you need to use another CCSID value, you must execute the following command after installation is complete: CHGCURLIB EKDIAMyyyy (yyyy=your language feature code) EKDNLSCVT FILLIB(xxxLIBFIL) CCSID(nnn) xxx = your WAF library prefix; nnn = your CCSID choice Use F4 with the EKDNLSCVT command and for the CCSID prompt in order to see the options of the CCSID value. This command will perform a change physical file command on each physical file in the file library. If the file has data, it will be copied to save the data integrity. Additional Library for Language Feature 2954 ONLY An additional library has been shipped on tape PRM154 for customers with language feature 2954. If you are planning to use the VI/400 administration menu interface for creating and maintaining profiles, you should restore this library. Use the RSTLIB command to restore ARA.CMNTXT from the PRM154 tape. With this library at the top of your library list, the administration menus will be presented in a consistent language. INFORMATION FOR CUSTOMERS WHO PLAN TO USE THE WAF FEATURE _________________________________________________________ This section is for customers who are planning to use the VisualInfo for AS/400 WAF feature. This information is in addition to the previous section. The Workfolder Application Facility Feature If you plan to install the Workfolder Application Facility feature of VisualInfo for AS/400, you should have received tapes or CD-ROM containing the feature. Check the media and shipping information you received from IBM. The IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400: Planning and Installation Guide and the Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400 Planning and Installation Guide contain tables that identify the various tapes you should have received. Authority to the QUSRSYS Library The Workfolder Application Facility group profile (ex. EKDGROUP) created during installation is granted the appropriate authorities to the QUSRSYS library. If you plan to have other user profiles or a different group profile perform Workfolder Application Facility fax functions, be sure to grant them *CHANGE authority to the QUSRSYS library. Authority to Folders on DASD In a VisualInfo for AS/400 installation that includes the Workfolder Application Facility feature, the system creates an administrator profile for both the VisualInfo for AS/400 environment and the Workfolder Application Facility environment. Either administrator can define folders to be used for image object storage and these folders will be used by both environments. When folders are initially defined, the administrator defining the folders will have ownership of the folder and subdirectory, and will have default authority to the documents placed in the folder. In this dual environment, authority must be given to both of the administrator profiles. If this authority is not given to each administrator, there is potential for access problems. For example, if a VI/400 administrator creates directories (folders), but a WAF administrator starts the delete processor, error messages will be written to the EKD0080 file if the WAF administrator does not have authority to the directories (folders). To avoid this problem make sure that both the administrators are given authority to all the directories. Work Management Builder Work Management Builder has some panels that contain release and version information for OS/2, Workfolder Application Facility, and Work Management Builder that are no longer current. When you order Workfolder Application Facility, you automatically receive the most recent version of Work Management Builder, regardless of information in some of the windows. Using ImagePlus Workstation Program for Windows NT or Windows 95 API LIBRARY REQUIRED: You must include the Workfolder Application Facility API library in your library list if you plan to use the ImagePlus Workstation Program for Windows NT or 95 client. The default name for this library is EKDAPI. AUTHORITY TO THE EKDMODFY FOLDER: The installation and migration programs create a new Workfolder Application Facility folder, EKDMODFY, in the QDLS file system. ImagePlus Workstation Program for Windows NT or 95 uses this folder to modify, annotate, highlight, and mask documents. If you plan to use these functions from a workstation running ImagePlus Workstation Program for Windows NT or 95, be sure your Workfolder Application Facility users have *ALL authority to this folder and its subdirectory. NTSCAN LIBRARY NO LONGER NEEDED: If you have been using ImagePlus Workstation Program for Windows NT or 95 with the previous release of ImagePlus, you should take the library NTSCAN out of your library list after migration. The library is no longer needed. MODIFYING DOCUMENTS IN MULTIPLE ENVIRONMENTS WITH NT OR 95: If you have multiple VI/400 with WAF feature environments, special steps are required to be able to modify documents with your IWPM/NT or 95 workstations. A separate folder to hold the modify requests (different from EKDMODFY) must be created for each environment and the data area EKDNTDA must be updated in each environment to point to that unique folder. In addition, the program EKD9B0B cannot be shared - even in the patch library - it will need to be copied into a library that is unique for each environment. INFORMATION FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS WHO ARE MIGRATING TO VISUALINFO FOR AS/400 _____________________________________________________________________________ This section is for those customers who already have WAF installed and who will be migrating to VisualInfo for AS/400. This is in addition to the information already covered in the previous sections. Creating a test environment for migration Some customers find it useful to do a test migration of their WAF environment using non-production data. This provides them with a safe environment where they can verify that their custom code will function correctly with the new version of our product. If you do not already have a test environment, you can create one by installing an additional WAF environment from the original product tapes that you received from IBM for V3R1 or V2R4. Follow the instructions in the V3R1 or V2R4 Planning and Installation Guide for creating multiple environments. Moving from Workfolder Application Facility to a Standalone VisualInfo for AS/400 Environment If you plan to migrate your existing Workfolder Application Facility system to VisualInfo for AS/400 but do not plan to use the Workfolder Application Facility feature, refer to the Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400 Planning and Installation Guide for migration instructions. Because this book ships only when you order the Workfolder Application Facility feature, refer to the softcopy version of this book on the CD-ROM that contains the product documentation. You can also order a copy through your IBM representative. When migrating from a Workfolder Application Facility environment to an environment using only VisualInfo for AS/400, the migration program does not remove the exit and API libraries (ex. EKDEXIT and EKDAPI) associated with the current environment. VisualInfo for AS/400 does not use these libraries, therefore, you can delete them. Before Migration Check for the existence of the logical file EKDNLSLNX. If you do not find it on your system, you should create it using the source in the QDDSSRC file in the library ekdLIBFIL (ekd = your library prefix). You can use CRTLF command or PDM to build the file. Make sure that there are no active jobs on your system that have any of the WAF libraries in their library list. This includes the job where you are doing the migration. Reducing File Size to Aid Migration To maximize performance during migration, you should first reduce the size of the files that VisualInfo for AS/400 will migrate. To accomplish this, follow these steps. 1. Make sure all outstanding requests--such as print requests, fax requests, and store requests--have completed. 2. Refer to "Improving DASD Performance" in the "Managing DASD" chapter of the IBM ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400: System Administration Guide to find out how to reduce the DASD that product files use. This includes running summarization reports, clearing history and log files, and reorganizing files. During Migration On some systems, a message EKD8366 may be received indicating over 17000% DASD space required for migration. This number, or one similar is erroneous. You should determine the space currently taken up by the WAF libraries and roughly double it to see if you have enough space to continue. If your space IS ADEQUATE, PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE. Workfolder Application Facility Custom Code If you have developed custom code that uses Workfolder Application Facility files, application programming interfaces (APIs), or user exits, you might need to update your interface. Because no old API library (APIO) is shipped with VisualInfo for AS/400, you should make all Year 2000-specific adjustments before starting migration. Refer to "New in This Release" in the IBM ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400: Programming Interfaces Guide for details about APIs and user exits that have changed for this release. FILE CHANGES REQUIRED FOR YEAR 2000 SUPPORT: To make VisualInfo for AS/400 Year 2000 Ready(1), date fields were increased as follows: _______________ o Julian date fields were increased from a 5- to a 7-digit, contiguous field (YYYYDDD). o Date fields consisting of a 6-digit, contiguous field (YYMMDD) were increased to an 8-digit, contiguous field (YYYYMMDD). The format of the document ID field has not changed. In previous versions of Workfolder Application Facility, 54 files contained one or more date fields. When you migrate to VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R1, VisualInfo for AS/400 migrates all 54 files, adding 19 as the century in the expanded date field--except for the Case Pend Request (EKD0370) file. In that file, VisualInfo for AS/400 adds 19 as the century for the release date if the year is greater than or equal to 85 and adds 20 if it is less than 85. In this case, 040325 would become 20040325. Workfolder Application Facility places a date in the work package priority field in files EKD0741 and EKD0756. However, using the Workfolder Application Facility APIs, you can set the priority to any alphanumeric value. To protect data you might have entered using APIs, VisualInfo for AS/400 does not migrate the priority field in files EKD0741 and EKD0756. Document Expiration and Year 2000 In May 1997, a letter was sent to all customers to discuss the exposure of premature document expiration due to the date field in the EKD0111 file. This file did not handle year 2000 correctly in WAF V3R1, and if the Days on DASD (from Document Type Profile) extended beyond 12/31/99, documents could be prematurely expired and deleted. If documents are written to optical for permanent storage, early expiration and deletion only means that a user will have to wait for retrieval from optical for accessing the document. The risk is for those documents that are not written to optical - which may or may not apply to your installation. The migration of this file is handled differently than other files. The field with the expiration date is a 2 digit year followed by a 3 digit Julian date and it is migrated by adding '19' to make a 4 digit year in front of the Julian date. If your Days on DASD window extends beyond 12/31/99 and you have not been running Remove documents from DASD and the Delete processor, your documents could still be prematurely expired AFTER migration. You should check the data after migration and determine if you have any records that show a year that is less than 1985. If so, you will have to use a tool such as SQL to update the records and get the year corrected. You should check your data and perform any correction that might be needed before you run the Remove documents from DASD in your new VI/400 environment. Another file mentioned in the May 1997 letter that is migrated the same way is EKD0725 - the Work Package at Collection Point file. The date field in this file is also a 2 character year followed by a Julian date. If a Work Package is pended for a number of days (up to 999) that falls beyond 12/31/99, the Work Package could be released earlier than planned. Releasing pended work packages is likely a daily operation on the system. If the release function has not been run for some time to avoid early release, the EKD0725 file should be checked after migration. Correction could be done with the same tool used for the EKD0111 file. ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS In December 1994 IBM withdrew support of ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS. ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS does not work in this release of VisualInfo for AS/400. Do not migrate to this release of VisualInfo for AS/400 until you have replaced all workstations that run ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS. ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS for Windows In September 1997 the ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS for Windows was withdrawn from marketing and it was announced that support for the program would be withdrawn in June 1998. At the same time, the ImagePlus Workstation Program/Windows NT (5639-C58) was announced as the replacement product. ImagePlus Workstation Program/DOS for Windows is not supported by the VisualInfo for AS/400 Workfolder Application Facility feature. NOTE TO CUSTOMERS WHO RECEIVED TAPES PRIOR TO AUGUST 28, 1998 _____________________________________________________________ If you have retrieved a recent copy of this document but received your product tapes from IBM before August 28, 1998 you should review the items below. If your tapes arrived after August 28, 1998 these items will not be a problem for you. AS/400 Systems with DASD Utilization of Less than 1 Percent (1%) On some more recent AS/400 systems the amount of DASD supported can be more than 1 Terabyte (1,000,000,000,000). If the system is newly installed, and does not have very much data loaded, the DASD utilization could be less than 1 percent. This could cause the VI/400 installation to fail. To determine if your DASD utilization is less than 1%, use the WRKSYSSTS command. To avoid the problem, use the following commands before you start the installation: o STRDBG EKDIAM2924/EKDINSTP UPDPROD(*YES) o ADDBKP 71800 ('&disk') Now start the installation. When the breakpoint is encountered, press F10 to access a command line, and issue display commands for the values '&disk' and '&percent'. o DISPLAY '&disk' o DISPLAY '&percent' If either of these values is zero (0) the install will not work. To change the value, issue a CHGPGMVAR for the value that is zero (0). For example, CHGPGMVAR PGMVAR ('&percent' ()) VALUE ('00000001') will change the value of the percent to 1. Press ENTER. The install program should continue successfully. Checking Data Areas Before Migration Verify that EKDPREFIX data area is in your file library. If it is not, create it as follows: CRTDTAARA DTAARA(ekdLIBFIL/EKDPREFIX) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(6) VALUE('ekd') where ekd is the prefix being used in that environment. Verify that a valid print queue name is in position 116 of the EKDLIBLDTA data area in the ekdLIBFIL library by using the DSPDTAARA. If the print queue name is not present, the migration will fail when it is creating the VI/400 administrator user profile. You can use the CHGDTAARA command to put a valid queue name into the data area. The print queue should be one that exists in your ekdGPL library. The following example could be used: CHGDTAARA DTAARA(ekdLIBFIL/EKDLIBLDTA (116 10)) VALUE(EKDOUTQ) where ekd is the prefix being used in that environment. Verify logical file Before Migration Verify that the file EKD0310FS exists in your file library (use WRKOBJ). If it does not, rebuild it using the source from file QDDSSRC that is also in the file library. You can use the CRTLF command or PDM to build the file. Saving Data from EKD0775 file Before Migration BEFORE MIGRATING to VisualInfo for AS/400, check to see if file EKD0775 ________________ exists in your Workfolder Application Facility file library. If you are planning to install the Workfolder Application Facility feature, this file must be deleted, but the data that is in the file should be captured before deletion. To determine if the file exists, perform the following: WRKOBJ OBJ(ekdlibfil/EKD0775) where 'ekdlibfil' is the name of your WAF file library To capture the data from the files, perform the following: 1. Sign on to the Workfolder Application Facility. 2. On the command line type "go ekd370" and press enter. 3. Select option 3--'Pended and open case reports' and press enter. 4. Record the 10 range values on EKD37301 - print screen or copy the values so they can be re-entered after migration is complete. To delete the file, perform the following: 1. On a command line, enter: WRKOBJ OBJ(ekdlibfil/EKD0775) where 'ekdlibfil' is the name of your WAF file library 2. Place a 4 in the option field next to EKD0775 and press enter. 3. Press enter a second time to confirm the deletion. To restore the data once migration has completed, perform the following: 1. Sign on to the Workfolder Application Facility. 2. On the command line, type "go ekd370" and press enter. 3. Select option 3--'Pended and open case reports' and press enter. 4. At panel EKD37301, enter the range values noted before the migration and press enter. 5. Press F12 (two times) to return to the starting menu. Missing Logical files after Migration Logical files may be missing after migration is complete. You should check for EKDNLSOPT1 and EKDNLSOPT2 in your file library (use WRKOBJ). If they do not exist, you can rebuild these files using the source in the file QDDSSRC that is in the EKDLIBFIL library. You can use the CRTLF command or PDM to build the files. System Distribution Directory entries for VI User Profiles After migration, check the system distribution directory (WRKDIRE) to see if the VI/400 system administrator and group profiles were added. QVIADMIN and QVIGROUP are the default names given to these user profiles. If they are not in the directory, you must add the entries. You can use the ADDDIRE or the add option from the WRKDIRE panel.