Last updated: September 2,1999 +------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | IBM | | +------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+ TO: Licensees of IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo Version 4, IBM Operating System/400 SUBJECT: Program Number 5733-A18 -- Release 01, Modification Level 00 PTFs for Feature 5050 The material you have received is listed on the enclosed Packing List. Please review the Packing List to ensure you have received all items listed. The enclosed Machine Readable Materials contain the only PTF(s) currently valid. The MRM label(s) show the following PTF sequence number(s). PTF MRM LABEL SH13248 SH13248 This Program Temporary Fix (PTF) is subject to the provisions of the Agreement for IBM Licensed Programs. By this Agreement, the customer has agreed not to provide or otherwise make available the PTF(s) to any person other than customer or IBM employees. If the customer wishes to dispose of the licensed PTF(s), which remains the property of IBM, the customer should destroy the PTF(s) and certify the destruction thereof to IBM in writing. The PTF(s) may not be given to third parties, except during the period any such person is on the customer's premises with the customer's permission for the purposes specifically related to the customer's use of the PTF(s). IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo for AS/400 Version 4 Workfolder Application Facility Feature (WAF) _____________________________________________ Product Number: 5733-A18 This document contains installation instructions for PTF SH13248 as well as information about the functions provided in this PTF. It should be used to supplement the WAF product documentation from V4R1. The WAF functions provided in this PTF are equivalent to those provided in the VisualInfo for AS/400 WAF Feature in V4R1 at PTF level SH13230 or it's equivalent (EKD411* libraries). Who Should Install PTF SH13248 ______________________________ This PTF is intended for customers who used VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R1 with the WAF feature but now wish to migrate to VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3 yet continue to make use of WAF functions. With this PTF, existing WAF customers will be able to continue to use the WAF functions from V4R1 while running with VisualInfo V4R3. ***IMPORTANT*** This PTF will only load on systems which migrated to VisualInfo V4R3 from VisualInfo V4R1 with the WAF feature. .pa Preparations for Installing PTF SH13248 _______________________________________ 1) You must migrate from VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R1 with the WAF feature to VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3. Here are some related tips: a) Record the names of your WAF libraries used while on V4R1 for reference during the migration to V4R3 and installation of this PTF. (ex: EKDLIBFIL, EKDLIBTXT, EKDGPL, EKDAPI, EKDEXIT, EKDLIB) b) During the migration to VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3 be sure to reference the migration/installation tips in the inst430.txt file on our FTP site: c) Record the name used for your "VI/400 File Library" in V4R3. This will be whatever name you specified for the parameter by that name during EKDPOST. For example, if you keep the default your V4R1 file library (ex: EKDLIBFIL) will be renamed to QUSRVI making QUSRVI the new name of your file library. d) Do not delete the other WAF libraries after migrating to VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3 (ex: EKDLIBTXT, EKDGPL, EKDAPI, EKDEXIT, EKDLIB) 2) Before installing PTF SH13248, backup any existing VisualInfo for AS/400 libraries. To do so, sign on as security officer and use the AS/400 Save Library Command (SAVLIB) from the SAVE menu. Installing PTF SH13248 ______________________ 1. Signon to the AS/400 as QSECOFR or user ID with comparable authority. 2. Issue the RSTOBJ command as follows to restore each of the following save files: PTFFILSF, PTFTXTSF, PTFEXTSF, PTFAPISF, PTFLIBSF, PTFINSTSF RSTOBJ OBJ(PTFFILSF) SAVLIB(QGPL) DEV(TAPXX) ENDOPT(*LEAVE) + RSTLIB(XXXXXX) replacing XX for the tape device name and appropriate restore library, we recommend QGPL. You can use F9 to retrieve the command and change the OBJ parameter until each of the save files are successfully restored. 3. Issue the following command from the AS/400 command line once the save files have been uploaded. This restores the installation library: RSTLIB SAVLIB(PTFINST) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(yourlib/PTFINSTSF) 4. Add PTFINST to your library list (ADDLIBLE). 5. Type the command EKDPTF and press F4 to prompt it NOTE: The command (EKDPTF) will perform the necessary restores from the save files. Do not attempt to restore the libraries from the save files yourself. 6. Complete the prompts with your library names. For the File library be sure to use the name you specified for your V4R3 file library during EKDPOST (ex: QUSRVI). For all other libraries specify the name of your V4R1 WAF libraries, (ex: EKDLIBTXT, EKDGPL, EKDAPI, EKDEXIT, EKDLIB) 7. Press Enter. Message "EKD8369 System was successfully installed" will be issued when the PTF apply is complete. Post Installation Instructions ______________________________ 1. After successfully applying the PTF, authority should be granted to all the affected libraries as specified during the installation. Use the AS/400 command GRTOBJAUT to grant *ALL authority to each library and the objects in them to the group profile(s) used by your WAF environment. 2. The library lists for each environment will need to be setup to reference the appropriate libraries. This is normally controlled via job descriptions (ex: ekdjobd and qvijobd) associated with user profiles. NOTE: This PTF does not permit the sharing of VisualInfo and WAF program libraries. While the file or data library is shared between VisualInfo the programs are not. As depicted below, the library list should be controlled to match whether a user is working through VisualInfo or WAF. Example library list for working in the WAF environment: QTEMP QUSRVI EKDLIBTXT EKDEXIT EKDGPL EKDAPI EKDLIB QGPL Example library list for working in VisualInfo for AS/400 environment: QTEMP QUSRVI QVI QGPL NOTE: Fix libraries used while running VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R1 should be removed from the library list (ex: EKD411LIB or any @SC* Libraries). The code contained in this PTF provides fixes equivalent to the SH13230 PTF level of V4R1. Fixes beyond that PTF for V4R1 will be made available separately for this new WAF running on VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3 at the following FTP Site: under the WAF directory. Directions related to applying those fixes will also be included at that sight. 3. After successful completion you may delete the PTFINST library and the save files that were created by this process: PTFINSTSF, PTFFILSF, PTFTXTSF, PTFEXTSF, PTFAPISF, PTFLIBSF. Frequently Asked Questions __________________________ Q. Can I migrate from WAF/400 3.1 directly to VI/400 4.3 and then apply PTF SH13248? A. No. You must have been at VI/400 4.1 with the WAF feature installed and then migrate to VI/400 4.3 prior to installing PTF SH13248. Q. Can I migrate my VI/400 4.1 environment to VI/400 4.3 and run for a while before applying the PTF SH13248? (reason: you may want to run the VI/400 4.3 environment for a period of time to see if you need or want the WAF feature). A. Yes. PTF SH13248 may be applied anytime after the VI/400 4.1 environment has been migrated to 4.3. Q. How much space is required for applying PTF SH13248? A. It requires approximately 120meg, most of which is required only during the PTF installation to store the save files and PTFINST library. NOTE: Do not attempt to restore any library from the save files other than the PTFINSTSF save file. The PTF installation program for PTF SH13248 will perform the necessary restores. IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions