Current Posting: 3/15/2002 **** ALWAYS REVIEW INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSSIBLE UPDATES **** The WAF430x patch libraries are provided by IBM as a means of delivering the latest enhancements and fixes to V4R3 ImagePlus VisualInfo WAF feature customers. This document includes the installation instructions for the files from our FTP site. The latest copy of this document is available as 'readme.txt' at FTP site: ' This document is also available as member NEWFUNCTN in file README, once the fix packages are restored to your system. You can use the DSPPFM or WRKMBRPDM commands to view or print that member. Information on the APAR fixes included in these fix packages can also be viewed once you have restored them to your system. See the installation instructions below for more information. If you have difficulties using FTP to receive these fixes or require further assistance, please contact VI/400 Support through your normal support channels. ********************************************************************* Contents: * Installation Instructions * TCP/IP Interface for IWPM/NT * Viewing WAF Documents with Form Overlays in VI Client * Want to Stay Informed? ********************************************************************* * Installation Instructions: ********************************************************************* NOTE: These packages also contains APAR fixes. For information on the APAR fixes included in the WAF430x fix packages, once you have restored them to your AS/400, refer to the FIXESx (ex: FIXESA) member in the README file. To view or print that file, use the DSPPFM FILE(WAF430A/README) MBR(FIXESA) command, for example. WAF430A.BIN -- This contains the current version of WAF430A patch library which should be restored to your AS/400. WAF430B.BIN -- This contains the current version of WAF430B patch library which should be restored to your AS/400. WAF430C.BIN -- This contains the current version of WAF430C patch library which should be restored to your AS/400. INSTALLING WAF430A: Before FTP'ing this file to your AS/400, use the CRTSAVF command to create a save file named WAF430A. Then, you can either use AS/400 FTP to GET the file directly from the FTP, or retrieve it to a workstation file then from DOS use PUT to transfer it onto the AS/400 save file. REMEMBER TO USE BINARY TRANSFER MODE! Once the WAF430A savf exists on your AS/400, use the RSTLIB command to restore the WAF430A library from the WAF430A save file onto your AS400: RSTLIB SAVLIB(WAF430A) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(xxx/WAF430A) + MBROPT(*ALL) ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) INSTALLING WAF430B: Before FTP'ing this file to your AS/400, use the CRTSAVF command to create a save file named WAF430B. Then, you can either use AS/400 FTP to GET the file directly from the FTP, or retrieve it to a workstation file then from DOS use PUT to transfer it onto the AS/400 save file. REMEMBER TO USE BINARY TRANSFER MODE! Once the WAF430B savf exists on your AS/400, use the RSTLIB command to restore the WAF430B library from the WAF430B save file onto your AS400 into the WAF430B library: RSTLIB SAVLIB(WAF430B) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(xxx/WAF430B) + MBROPT(*ALL) ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) INSTALLING WAF430C: Before FTP'ing this file to your AS/400, use the CRTSAVF command to create a save file named WAF430C. Then, you can either use AS/400 FTP to GET the file directly from the FTP, or retrieve it to a workstation file then from DOS use PUT to transfer it onto the AS/400 save file. REMEMBER TO USE BINARY TRANSFER MODE! Once the WAF430C savf exists on your AS/400, use the RSTLIB command to restore the WAF430C library from the WAF430C save file onto your AS400 into the WAF430C library: RSTLIB SAVLIB(WAF430C) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(xxx/WAF430C) + MBROPT(*ALL) ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) CREATING A PATCH LIBRARY: In order to save a library list entry, it is suggested that you create a library such as WAF430LIB, and then copy the contents of WAF430A, B, and C into this library, with objects from the WAF430B library replacing objects of the same name from WAF430A, and then objects from the WAF430C library replacing objects of the same name from WAF430B. Then, add the WAF430LIB library to the top of the image users' library list. POST INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Each time you install this library you will need to: 1) Use the GRTOBJAUT command to grant authority to your VI/400 users to library WAF430LIB and objects contained within 2) Remove any patch libraries (@SCxxxxx) for APAR's which have fixes provided in this fix package. See the appropriate FIXESx members referenced above. Reference these steps each time for special instructions which may be required. ********************************************************************* * TCP/IP Interface for IWPM/NT and IWPM/95: ********************************************************************* For customers that require the user of keystroke buffering or desire a native TCP/IP interface, you can choose "TCP/IP" inside IWPM's EHLLAPI Session settings. All users need to make sure that the version of the EKDTIR01 program that is highest in their library list is the version that matches the emulator setting inside IWPM's EHLLAPI "Session settings". 3/3/00 NOTE: The module EKDTIR01DD included in this WAF430A fix package is a fix for the IWP/DOS command interface used when the EHLLAPI emulator is NOT TCPIP. The 'DD' at the end of the name should be removed if you need this version of the program. We suggest that you rename the program to EKDTIR01 and keep it in your WAF430LIB library, so that it will be the highest image library in the users' library list. 8/27/01 NOTE: The module EKDTIR01XX included in this WAF430B fix package is a fix for the TCP/IP command interface used when the EHLLAPI emulator is set to TCPIP. The 'XX' at the end of the name should be removed if you need this version of the program. We suggest that you rename the program to EKDTIR01 and keep it in your WAF430LIB library, so that it will be the highest image library in the users' library list. There are 2 versions of the EKDTIR01 program: EKDTIR01DD *PGM WAF430A CBL IWP/DOS command interface mod EKDTIR01XX *PGM WAF430B CBLLE IWPM/NT TCP/IP interface If you have chosen "IBM Personal Communications" for your Emulator in IWPM/NT or IWPM/95's EHLLAPI "Session settings", then you would rename the EKDTIR01DD program in WAF430LIB to EKDTIR01, and you would have the WAF430LIB library highest in the users' library list. If, on the other hand, you have chosen "TCP/IP" for your Emulator in IWPM/NT or IWPM/95's EHLLAPI "Session settings", then you would rename the EKDTIR01XX program in WAF430LIB to EKDTIR01, and you would have the WAF430LIB library highest in the users' library list. Please note that TCP/IP has the following limitations: ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Session A must be the session used to send images to IWPM. 2. Multiple 5250 sessions are not supported. 3. Attempting to "enable" the AS/400 portion of the code without installing the workstation code will result in a hang condition on the workstation. 4. Scan functions require the user to press the Enter key in order to cause the IWPM/NT scan dialog to appear. Once started, the scan interface should be the same as with EHLLAPI. 5. Capture functions require the user to press the Enter key twice in the 5250 session in order to cause the document in the IWPM/NT window to be stored. 6. Annotation and modify work the same as with EHLLAPI. 7. The latest Windows/95 service updates should be applied to avoid a hang condition. To obtain the necessary fixes, go to the following web site: then select Service Updates. From there, you should select the Windows Sockets 2 for Windows 95 fixes. These fixes are in addition to service pack 1. If problems persist, the user may enable a debug feature that will cause the AS/400 server code to log information. If the VI/400 SupportLine personnel instruct you to do this, you would: 1. From the user's interactive 5250 session, create a data area as follows: CRTDTAARA DTAARA(QTEMP/EKDTCPDBG) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) 2. Recreate the failing scenario. 3. Print the data in QTEMP/QVISNDRCV using CPYF to *PRINT Please note that IWPM/NT and IWPM/95 fixpacks are available at the following web site: You should check this site regularly to make sure you're operating with the most recent fixes and enhancements. ********************************************************************** * Viewing WAF Documents with Form Overlays in the VI Client ********************************************************************** Steps need to be taken in order for the VI Client to be able to view WAF documents which contain overlays (PTOCA architecture documents), as well as IWPM-created annotations, masks and highlights. The VI Client will be unable to hide these annotations made on a WAF document because they are part of the architected data stream and not a "layer" to be peeled off as they are in the native VI Client documents. You will need to implement the code as follows: On the PC side: --------------- 1. From an MS-DOS prompt on your Windows desktop, type FRNWVIEW from your C:\FRNROOT directory. This will start the viewer component of the VI Client. 2. Select "Options", then "File Handlers". 3. Now use the Remove button for the two existing file handlers (this will cause them to move their entries to the window on the left). 4. Then, use the "Browse" option to locate FRNROOT\IBMBR.ENG, and select "Open". This file handler will be added to the window on the left. 5. Now add each file handler, with the "IBM Engine" first, then the Pixel engine, then the Mastersoft engine. As you add each file handler, it will appear in the window on the right. On the AS/400 side: ------------------- 1. Sign on as the VI Administrator. 2. Through the key field profile maintenance screen, define an 8-byte key field named VIFORM with a description of VIFORM. 3. Define an index class named VIFORM. The first key field should be VIFORM. Any of the other key fields can be used to help identify or manage the form overlays. Note that the form names (VIFORM) are expected to be unique, but this is not enforced. 4. After a form has been created in WAF, the actual form document (in folder EKDFORMS) should be imported into VI through the VI Client. 5. Then, index the imported document into the VIFORM index class, identifying the overlay with the 8 character form name. This name must be in all upper case (even if the form itself in EKDFORMS is lower case). Note: The VI version of the form (in index class VIFORM) will not display independently but is used during display of other documents which include the form. When a document is displayed that contains a form overlay, the viewer engine (IBMBR.ENG) will send a message back to the VI Client. The VI Client will call SimLibOpenObjectByUniqueName, which is an existing VI API that has been added to VI/400. This API will search for the form name, open it, and return the content to the VI Client, which will pass it on to the viewer engine. ********************************************************************** * Want to Stay Informed?!?!?!?! ********************************************************************** In an effort to be proactive for our customers, we are maintaining an e-mail distribution list of our customers that we can use to notify you of service-related information, e.g., when new fixes are available. If you are interested in having someone in your organization on this list, send an e-mail with the address AND THE RELEASE LEVEL OF VI you are using to END Last updated: 3/15/02