IBM VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3 support information

The following informational APAR lists all the available PTFs for the VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3. As this is an informational APAR, its number consists of two I's followed by a five digit number.

Note: These change on a regular basis. Please check back for new listings.

APAR # Description

II11424 PTF list for VisualInfo for AS/400 V4R3

Note: Behind the scenes, this link is going to the Rochester AS/400 APAR site. To get there yourself, you would do the following:

1. Point your browser to

2. At the "iSeries and AS/400 Technical Support" screen, click on "Technical Information and Databases".

3. At the "iSeries and AS/400 Technical Information and Databases" screen, click on "Authorized Problem Analysis Reports APARs".

4. At the "AS/400 Authorized Program Analysis Reports APARs" screen, click on "All APARS by Component".

5. On the "APARs by Component" screen, click on the "Search" button.

6. Type "5769VI100" on the Search line. Then click on the "Search" button.

7. The listing for APAR II11424 should appear.

8. Click on the II11424 link and you will see the same information as you see when you click on the link above.

You can use this web site to search on other products on the AS/400 as well, such as Client Access or the Operating System.


How to Order Informational APARs through ECS on the AS/400 System.

To order an informational APAR through ECS from the AS/400 system, enter the command:


where xxxxx is the five digit number of the APAR.The information arrives electronically on the AS/400 system as a cover letter. To view the cover letter do one of the following:

  1. Enter the command:


    The data is copied to the file QAPZCOVER in library QGPL, member Qiixxxxx.

  2. Type DSPPRTF INFOAS4 on the command line, then look for the appropriate number from the list above. Select option 8 to display the cover letter or option 6 to print it.