Introduction: ------------- vic430l.exe is a self-extracting zip file containing the current fixes for the VisualInfo/400 Client for Windows v4.3 as of May 20, 2003. UNLIKE PREVIOUS FIXPACKS, THIS IS NOT A CUMULATIVE FIXPACK. THIS FIXPACK SHOULD ONLY BE INSTALLED AFTER INSTALLING FIXPACK E. If you do not have a vic430l.txt file in your %FRNROOT% directory, you should apply this fixpack. Remember to periodically check our web site for new vic430n.exe fixes: . Contents: --------- *Installation Instructions *Quick Verification *APARS fixed *Complete Listing of Files Installation Instructions: -------------------------- NOTE: SERVER PTF SH15230 OR HIGHER IS REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THESE FIXES. For the most current list of server PTF's, reference the II11424 document at this web site: . 1. In order to apply these fixes you will need to replace some application files in your VisualInfo installation area. Therefore you may want to make a backup of your files in your \FRNROOT directory first. 2. Make sure you close all instances of the VisualInfo Client for Windows before you attempt to update your system. 3. Run the downloaded vic430l.exe Destination = location of your frnroot (ex: c:\frnroot) Be sure 'Recreate subdirectories' is selected Then press the FINISH button and the updates will be applied. Quick Verification of the Installation: --------------------------------------- Verify the date of vic.exe in FRNROOT is May 19, 2003. Documentation Changes: --------------------------------------- FixPack K: 1) As part of the change for IR49543 (see below), there was a change to the underlying C APIs (for APAR SC35580). Specifically, the documentation for "SimLibStoreNewObject" should be amended as follows: a) Under "Return Values", the first two parameters should now be documented as follows: usParam - Contains the value 0. ulParam1 - Contains hObj, an HOBJ pointer to an object handle block. b) Under "Guidelines for Use", the following section should be added: Follow-Up Tasks o After your application finishes with hObj, the object handle, free the space by using the SimLibFree function. Client APARs fixed in this Fixpack (Fixpack L): ----------------------------------------------- IR48082 An error should be displayed if viewer cannot save annotations Users were not informed if the viewer was unable to save changes to annotations. An error message is now displayed if annotations cannot be saved. IR49720 Printing MODCA documents to a network printer Printing MODCA documents to certain printers may result in blank pages being printed. Under certain circumstances, the printing process may be very slow. A new printing module has been added into the IBMBR.ENG to solve these issues. If you are having these problems, you can enable the new MODCA printing module by opening the frnwview.ini file and entering: New MODCA Print=1 under the "PRINT" section. If you are not having these problems, this entry need not be set or can be set to "0". IR49906 Error 6905 shows up when closing an AFP or PDF document Closing an AFP or PDF document which is opened through alternate viewer causes a 6905 error. The error pops up by the client. The problem is fixed. The 6905 error should only show up when the document is going to be saved and saving the document fails. If the document is not going to be saved, this error is meaningless. IR49913 Printed images might get clipped with some margin settings Printed images might get clipped if certain smaller margin values are specified. The printing module in the Viewer was fixed to adjust the margins so that images do not get clipped when printed. IR50095 Problems with long printer names CM Client / Viewer may fail to print documents to a network printer whose name is longer than 31 characters. This problem is because of the limitation of a standard Windows data structure (DEVMODE). We implemented a work-around for this problem within the Viewer. If the printer name is long, and if the Viewer is unable to open the printer, then we would search through all the printers installed on the machine and choose the one that matches the first 32-characters of the selected printer. The limitation is that this fix may not work correctly if there are multiple network printers with identical first 32 characters installed. IR50631 Some annotations do not get printed at bottom of page Printed annotations might get clipped if certain page sizes are different. The printing module in the Viewer was fixed to adjust the annotation print sizing so that annotations do not get clipped when printed. To enable this new behavior, open the frnwview.ini file and enter: NEW_OVERLAY_PRINT=1 under the "PRINT" section. IR50370 Client not printing properly when one printer returns invalid info Client doesn't print properly when one of the printers failed to return correct DEVMODE information. When one printer fails to return correct DEVMODE information, client can still print to other printer. IR50726 Item should be closed after Continue action. If a document or folder is opened, after a Continue action, it should be closed. For an item opened from a system-assigned workbasket by a non-admin user, the next item should be opened. The Client now works as described above. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack K: ----------------------------------------------- IR47211 Printing sometimes generates margins that are too wide The client can be configured to use specific margins while printing documents. On some printers (like Intercope Fax), specifying these margins will cause the documents to be printed with wider margins than those specified. The Viewer module that handles printing was fixed to calculate the appropriate rectangular regions based on margins, onto which documents need to be printed. IR47869 Problems with printing annotations When printing a document, the document with certain annotations such as sticky notes, the annotations did not retain their proper positions. Depending on the font size used, they may in some cases overlap the document content. Annotations now appear in the same location on a page they were initially created. As an additional enhancement, to ensure that the document content is readable if a Sticky Note annotation overlaps the content, it is now possible to make Sticky Note annotations transparent. To do this, open the frnwview.ini file and enter: Transparent Sticky Notes=1 under the "[View Options]" section. IR48688 Client and viewer are still running even after OLE program quits Client and viewer are still running and sometimes crash after OLE program terminates. The crash happens some time after OLE program termination. The problem has been solved so the client and viewer terminate properly. IR48875 When scanning fails, the Retry button does not function properly During scanning if a user gets a paper jam, the retry button does not function properly. The retry button now allows the scanning to be attempted again. IR48909 VI/400 v4.3 client logs do not have timestamps The vic.log and vic.err files do not contain timestamps. Also, the logging of the timestamp for the executable file was not always accurate. These log files now contain timestamps for all lines. Also, the logging of the build timestamp of the executable file has been improved to always be accurate and to have DLL info, where relevant. IR48974 Invalid error message when printing from TOC An invalid error message was being shown when printing from a Table of Contents. This error message no longer appears. IR49026 User options are not shown correctly User options were not being not shown correctly when a document was open. User options are shown correctly now when a document is open. IR49066 Workpackage is locked when item is viewed from SAW The workpackage remained locked after viewing an item from a system-assigned workbasket. Now, the workpackage lock is released after viewing the item from a system-assigned workbasket. IR49082 Workpackage locked after view doc workflow info The workpackage remained locked after the user viewed the workflow info of the item. Now, the workpackage will not be locked when the user views the workflow info of the item. IR49245 ActionList defined by WMB not shown correctly for item in SYSWB When an item is opened from a system-assigned workbasket, the default action list was shown and the action list defined in WMB is ignored. Now, when opening an item in a system-assigned workbasket, the action list defined in WMB will be used. IR49249 The viewer window freezes after minimize/restore If the user minimizes the document and then restores it to normal, the client's display is frozen until the user clicks outside the document. The client's display is no longer disabled in this situation. IR49259 Blue checkmark doesn't show correctly for open documents When a document was opened, the blue checkmark wasn't shown until the user performed a refresh or checked the workflow info. The blue checkmark is shown correctly now. IR49530 Creating a work dir fails if HOMEPATH is set but not usable Under APAR IR47982, to fix a problem with clients in Terminal Server environments, the client was changed to use an "FRNWORK" directory under the HOMEPATH. The HOMEPATH environment variable should always point to a valid directory but this is not always the case. When HOMEPATH was not valid and usable, the client was unable to store files in a working directory. The client now used the following logic to determine a location for its working directory: 1) If the FRNCACHE environment variable is defined and refers to a directory that either exists or can be created, this directory is used; else 2) If the HOMEPATH environment variable is defined and is not "\" and a "FRNWORK" directory exists or can be created under the HOMEPATH, then this directory is used; else 3) If the FRNROOT environment variable is defined and a "WORK" directory exists or can be created under the FRNROOT, then this directory is used; else 4) A "WORK" directory under the current working directory is created, if necessary, and used. IR49543 Cannot add a notelog part after a userexit creates another part If a user exit or other program added a new part to a document that the client had open, and the client then attempted to create a new notelog part, the client was unaware that the server was forced to use a different part number for the notelog from the one that the client requested. As a result, an attempt to immediately re-open the notelog would result in the wrong part being opened. The client has been enhanced to take advantage of a change in the SimLibStoreNewObject API. The client now learns of the new part number and uses this value. IR49561 Continue option is disabled if an item is in multiple workbaskets If there are multiple workpackages (in multiple workbaskets) for an item, and an non-admin user opens such an item from a system- assigned workbasket, the "Continue" option is disabled. This is now fixed so that is option is available. IR49620 No warning is needed when notelog doesn't exist The client displays the following warning message when the user tries to open the notelog but there are no saved notes and the user cannot create a new notelog (either because s/he lacks permissions or because the item is open in Browse mode): "The system cannot open the note." This can be confusing because it can be perceived as an error message. The client now opens an empty, read-only notelog window in this case. IR49677 After a new installation of the client, print caused client to crash On some machines, after a new installation of the client, printing a document will cause the client to crash. This is fixed and the client no longer crashes. IR49755 UserOptionUserExit causes crash when called from search result If the user selects the UserOption user exit menu item with a Search Results folder selected, the client crashes. The UserOption user exit is no longer presented as an option for the Search Results folder itself. Additionally, the correct user exit, if any, is now offered for other folders if they are selected by clicking on the folder icon in the upper-left corner of the window. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack J: ----------------------------------------------- IR47887 No fly over help for action list icons. There was no fly over help for the action list icons. This help (also called "hover help") is now provided. IR48127 Scan-ahead feature should be turned on and off through vic.ini The Scan-ahead feature should be turned on and off through vic.ini. It now can be. By default, the scan-ahead feature is on. To turn it off, open the vic.ini file and enter: Scanahead=off under the "[Scan]" section. IR48378 Document in folder tocview doesn't have correct action list When focus was on a document in a folder, the action list didn't get updated; it was still the folder's action list. With this fix, when clicking on document in a folder, the action list will be changed to reflect the document's action list. IR48414 Sticky notes should have a default minimum size When a document is zoomed to 33% the text on the sticky note can not be read. The text now has a minimum font size of 8 (default). To enter or modify the default, open the frnwview.ini file and enter: MinimumNoteFontSize=8 under the "[View Options]" section. Values of 10 and 12 are also acceptable. IR48621 Short cut defined by action list doesn't work in docview. The short cut defined by an action list doesn't work when the document is opened. With this fix, the short cut defined by the action list works. IR48622 Only WB actions are shown when multiple items are selected. When selecting multiple folders and/or documents, only the workbasket actions are shown even if the selected items are in same workflow. With this fix, when selecting multiple folders and/or documents, the correct actions are shown. internal Item.SavePart() sometimes fails, if annotation does not exist. The OLE API "Item.SavePart()" sometimes fails when the client tries to save both the annotation and the base part, but the annotation does not exist. When the annotation does not exist, "Item.SavePart()" now saves the base part only and does not fail the operation. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack I: ----------------------------------------------- IR42966 OLE function RefreshTOC does not show added items in TOC The OLE function RefreshToc did not update the TOC. The function now updates the TOC correctly. IR47456 Viewer sometimes prints multiple copies of a documents The Viewer sometimes printed multiple copies of documents. It is now fixed to print the number of copies specified. IR47758 Rotated document, when printed, is not rotated When a document is rotated and printed, the printout did not match the display. The Viewer is now fixed to print the document corresponding to the display. IR47760 After autofoldering, the TOC is not up-to-date After autofoldering, the TOC was not up-to-date. Autofoldering adds the item to another folder. The folder is now getting refreshed so that the contents are up-to-date. IR47840 Show the server name in the title bar. When running multiple clients against multiple servers, there was no way to know which client went to which server. The vic.ini file has been updated and the entry 'ShowServerNameInTitleBar' has been added. The default value is 'no' which means the server name is not shown as part of title. Changing it to 'yes' causes the server name to be shown as part of title. IR47843 Unable to launch viewer if access to WINNT is restricted If a User does not have the proper privileges to write to files in the WINNT directory an error launching the viewer occurs. This fix creates the FRNWVIEW.CFG file in the directory pointed to by the APPDATA environment variable (that's the default directory for the users) if the user is not an administrator. IR47878 Improve performance and prevent hangs under TSE The Client applications hangs up when multiple documents are opened and closed frequently. The problem appeared specifically on Terminal Server Systems. The Viewer is now more efficient in its use of threads. This will make the system more stable and will boost overall performance while opening documents. IR47982 Under TSE, working files should be stored in per-user directory In a Terminal Server Edition environment, working files should not be stored under the standard %FRNROOT%\WORK directory. Multiple versions of the client using the same directory can cause one user to accidentally delete another user's working files. Also, in some cases, users may not have permissions to write to this directory. If a TSE environment is detected, the working files are stored in a FRNWORK directory under each user's %HOMEPATH%. IR47986 Client crash when autofolder failed to get parent folder info If, for some reason, the client was unable to get the parent folder information while attempting to auto-folder a document, the client would crash. The client can now handle this error and does not crash. IR48001 Multiple 6223 errors are logged when the WB list is first opened An FRN6223 error is logged for each workbasket when the workbasket list is first opened. These errors no longer occur. IR48117 MO:DCA docs with different x- and y-DPIs appear squished MO:DCA documents with different X- and Y- DPIs appear with the wrong aspect ratio ("squished"). These documents are now displayed correctly IR48349 OLE: Item.SavePart() fails. Open the part through GetPartFile() and modify it. Use SavePart() to save it. Saving fails. The changes are now being saved. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack H: ----------------------------------------------- IR46213 Item.SavePart(0) call fails. Calls to the SavePart() OLE method failed if there was no annotation (.T_L) file. The client no longer looks for an annotation file unnecessarily. IR46441 If QuerySortUE called, Priority gets copied to CheckedOut field The Priority (if non-0) is getting copied into the CheckoutID field if any QuerySort user exit is called. Columns now contain correct information. IR47377 Autofolder fails when the document is indexed more than once The client was not properly handling documents that were re-indexed after already having been auto-foldered. This problem is now resolved. IR47435 Allow user to specify an initial fit type in the frnwview.ini file Users may add an "Initial Fit" parameter in their frnwview.ini file to set the default fit value as shown below: [View Options] Enhanced=1 Initial Zoom=100 Initial Fit=Page_width The valid values for "Initial Fit" are: Normal Page_length Page_width Page_within Window_width Window_length These values are not case-sensitive. The default fit is Normal. Note that "Initial Zoom" is ignored if "Initial Fit" is anything other than "Normal". IR47462 If an item can't be routed, it remains locked after it's closed The client locks items when attempting to route them. It was not releasing this lock if the route failed. This problem is now resolved. IR47490 Blue checkmark disappear when same user open same doc in 2 vic If the same item were opened by the same userid in two clients, the check mark indicating that the item was checked out would disappear from one of the clients. This problem is now resolved. IR47528 Error when closing the doc before print job finishes spooling If a document that was being printed were closed before the print job finished spooling to the printer, an error would occur and not all pages would print. The client now properly handles attempts to close documents that are being printed. IR47568 Paper jam causes incorrect pages to be scanned. No error message When a paper jam happens during scanning, no error message was being shown. Incorrect pages are scanned until the scanner jam is corrected. The client no longer reads in bogus or partially scanned pages. IR47747 Mapped network drives are not working The client was unable to retrieve a document from lan-attached optical through mapped network drives. This access method now works correctly. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack G: ----------------------------------------------- IR43813 Problem scrolling a document with scroll-wheel mouse When scrolling a document with a scroll-wheel mouse, lines appear on the document. This problem has now been fixed. IR43925 Memory leaks when text files are viewed When text files were viewed, not all memory was released. This problem has now been fixed. IR46511 Work-related actions are allowed on documents that are locked When a user opens a document from a workbasket in Browse mode because someone else has the document and the workpackage locked, work- related actions should not be allowed. Also, workpackage locks were getting reset when the second user opened the document in browse mode. These problems are now solved. IR46574 Annotation menu items should not be enabled without sufficient privs When a user only has "update", not "add", document TOC privileges, the annotation-related taskbar and menu items should be disabled if an annotation part does not already exist. IR46763 Cannot display JPEGs without valid DPI information If a JPEG has presumably invalid DPI information (less than 20 or more than 10000), the image could not be displayed. Now, such DPI values are ignored and assumed to be 100 and the images display. IR46766 Client shouldn't show err if ItemCompleted UE sets fContinue=0 If the ItemCompleted user exit sets fContinue to 0, no error message should be displayed when the item is not routed. IR46833 Stamp annotation is distorted with a negative number for the angle When the user changes the stamp property "angle" to a negative number the text contained in the stamp moves outside the display window. This problem has now been fixed. IR46905 Overlays intermittently do not display Customer has overlays that intermittently fail to display. Once they fail, the client needs to be restarted to be able to view the overlays again. This problem has now been fixed. IR46933 Rotated docs handled differently than AFP viewer Rotated AFP documents are not displayed correctly. The viewer now looks for an environment variable named FIWTAPI_AFP_ROTATE to indicate that these documents should be rotated in the same manner as the AFP viewer does. Alternately, users can include the line: FIW_AFP_ROTATE=TRUE in the [Settings] stanza of their FRNWVIEW.INI files to achieve the same effect. IR46940 AFP documents are not displayed with the desired fonts Certain AFP documents are not displayed correctly with the default fonts. The Viewer has been modified to search for a font file named FIWTFONT.FLT for alternate fonts. IR46964 Lock is not cleared when 'Remove from workbasket' fails If a user attempts to remove an item from a workbasket, either directly or by changing the process or continuing on a process, and the attempt to route the item or end the process fails, the item's workpackage was remaining locked. This problem only occurred when an item was selected from a table of contents, not when the item was open. Workpackage locks are now cleared when attempts to route an item or end a process fail. IR47142 Embedding the AFP viewer causes the client to crash The client would crash if an alternate viewer was set up to handle a content class through OLE embedding and the viewer itself didn't support embedding. The client no longer crashes in this case. IR47372 Sometimes a different stamp annotation appears from what was chosen Under some conditions, when the user chooses a stamp annotation from the list, a different annotation appears. This problem is now corrected. IR47382 Client crashes when same item is opened from WB and search If an item is opened from a work-aware table of contents (e.g. a workbasket) and then found from a simple search, the workpackage information is lost and the client crashes when trying to clear the workpackage lock. This no longer happens and the client no longer crashes in this case. IR47394 The vic.err file should not contain "error retrieving menu" messages The "error retrieving menu" messages are not real errors and should not be logged as errors. These messages are no longer logged. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack F: ----------------------------------------------- IR38231 Disable SAVE button on Index dialog The "Save" button the Index dialog can be confusing to inexperienced users since it saves the values as defaults, not to the server. A new option "DisableEditIndexSaveOption" has been added to the vic.ini file under the "[Options]" section. This option defaults to "no" but can be set to "yes" to disable the "Save" button. IR39293 No sort of Index class tabs in Windows The Index class tabs in Tables of Contents were not sorted alphabetically. These tabs are now sorted. IR40657 Unable to display WMF files correctly Unable to display WMF files correctly - parts of the image may be missing. The new version of the view.dll corrects the problem IR43782 Missing error message when auto-foldering fails When the auto foldering feature fails to insert a document into its correct folder, the user was not notified of the error. Auto-foldering errors are now displayed to the end user. IR44120 Client crashes executing a user action on a doc in a folder If a customer opens a Document that is contained in a Folder that is contained in a Workbasket, and executes "User defined options" from the Action List, the Client crashes. This release fixes that problem. IR44195 Image quality problems with IBMBR engine Parts of characters in MO:DCA documents do not always appear, even when "Enhance" mode is turned on for viewing. The "Enhance" option now noticably improves the display of some MO:DCA documents. IR44202 Print 'Settings' button doesn't work on Win2000 When the client is used on a Windows 2000 workstation, the setup button on the print dialog box would fail to display the printer setup dialog. This release fixes that problem. IR44207 Enable CM client to print on Legal size paper The client was unable to print a document correctly when Legal size output was selected. The correct printer configuration is now used so that Legal size printing is supported. IR44209 Workflow privileges are not being honored when assigned via ACL User has a limited base privilege set. When workflow privileges are being granted via the ACL they are not honored. The customer is specifically interested in Start a Process, Remove from Process, Add to Process and Continue Process. With this fix, "Start Process" is always enabled in pull down menu, and correct ACL checks are applied in all operations of workflow. IR44211 Icons for workflow are not working properly Workflow icons were not working properly as defined in the Action Lists. Some of them are missing, duplicated or have an incorrect icon image. The workflow icons now work correctly. IR44216 Inconsistent results when adding from a search results folder When a document is added from a search results folder to a workbasket, the results are unpredictable. The document may or may not get removed from another workbasket in which it previously resided. With this fix, the document will never be removed from any other workbasket when it is added to a workbasket from a search results window. Also, "Continue", "Change Process", "Complete Process", "Remove from Process", and "Remove from Workbasket" will be disabled in the search results window. IR44268 Initial zoom factor for documents is variable In the current VI/CM viewer, documents are opened with a zoom factor that allows them to fit to the width of the window. Various customers have requested that they be able to specify the inital zoom factor instead. It is now possible to specify an initial zoom factor for documents. To do this, add a line such as "Initial Zoom=100" (for initial zoom = 100%) under the "[View Options]" section in the frnwview.ini file. IR44354 Unable to switch between printers Under some conditions, the user is unable choose what printer to print to. In this case the print job my go to the previously selected printer or the system default printer. The client is now able to switch to any printer for printing. IR44396 NLS Incorrectly handled Latin-2, Greek and Russian chars Czech, Greek, Russian etc. characters are not correctly displayed for text documents or properly printed for indexing info and notes. These characters are now handled properly. IR44413 Index dialog reverts to default size when re-opened The index dialog always opened with the default size, even if a user had re-sized it to accomodate large fields. The dialog now opens using the same size and position as when it was last closed. IR44487 Basic search with wild cards can return unexpected results In some cases a wild card search can either return extra items or no items. The client pads search strings as appropriate to accomodate the fixed-length 40-character storage of attributes. *IR44535 OverloadTrigger user exit always passed 1 as usOperation The OverloadTriggerUserExit was always being passed 1 (UX_SAVE_ITEM) as the usOperation parameter for Scanning and Importing. Now, the OverloadTriggerUserExit is passed the correct value for the specific operation. IR44561 Full privs to NOINDEX class required to add items to new folder The "Add to new folder" function creates a new folder in the NOINDEX index class and the user is expected to immediately re-index this new folder to a more appropriate class. However, for this to work, users must be able to create items in the NOINDEX index class and must be able to re-index them. This is a problem where access to the NOINDEX index class is restricted. Now, when a user without access to the "NOINDEX" index class performs "Add to new folder", the Default Index Class from the Preferences dialog is used for the new folder if this option is enabled and if this class does not contain any required key fields. Users without access to the "NOINDEX" index class can enable this option to set an alternative index class in which the new folder will be created. IR44694 Error opening annotation when other user has document locked When a user tries to open a document that is already checked out by another user, they get a message prompting them if they wish to view the document in browse mode only. The user clicks on yes and gets an "error retrieving annotation" message and the document is displayed but not the annotations. Browse-mode annotations are now opened correctly. IR44860 Crash when deleting a folder when no other folders are in TOC When a folder is the only Table of Contents in view (when a search result returns a specific folder), and it is selected with the red check mark then deleted, the client crashes. In this case the folder is still deleted. The client no longer crashes. IR44861 Print out is incomplete if document is closed while printing When documents are opened (viewed) in the client application, they are actually copied from a Content Manager server and stored in a temporary working directory, and when they are closed the files are removed from that directory. When printing an open document the print spools from the file in the working directory. So if a user selects to print a large document then is able to close it before spooling (not printing) is finished, the file is removed and thus the printout will be incomplete. Now, a document will not close until print spooling as completed. IR44890 Key field values may be truncated in the Select Folder dialog When a customer adds to an existing folder, the Search Dialog appears, the user enters a value to search on and the Select Folder dialog appears. The Select Folder dialog box is a fixed size and key field values may be longer then the display. In this case users will not be able to see the entire key field information. Now, a horizontal scroll bar is automatically added at the bottom if needed. IR45049 Cannot disable logging for vic.log The logsrc.ini file is supposed to control which modules are logged in vic.log by a d (disable) or an e (enable) next the module name. In this release this feature is fixed and the logsrc.ini file properly controls which module is logged in vic.log. IR45095 When opening a tiff document with a blank page, there is a trap When opening a tiff document with a blank page, the FRNWVIEW (Viewer) program caused an exception "10H" in module PXTRAN32.eng. Blank pages in tiff documents are now handled properly. IR45253 Client crashes after opening a large number of documents When Opening or Browsing a large number of documents from a Table of Contents, a "Can't open empty document" error message appears. When the user selects OK, a General Protection Fault occurs. Now, the client will not crash after displaying this error message. Note that there is still a maximum number of items that can be opened at one time depending on the available resources on the workstation and the client will still stop loading documents if there are not enough resources available to do so. To open more documents, some others need to be closed first. *IR45272 VisualBasic sample code is missing The VisualBasic sample code was not provided with VI/400 v4.3. The sample files are included in this FixPack under the SAMPLES directory. IR45540 Print margin settings are disabled and cannot be changed The Margin Settings on the Page Setup dialog for printing were disabled. The settings are now enabled and can be changed. IR45590 UserID not displayed for locked item When attempting to open a locked document or folder, a warning message is displayed showing the user which has the lock. However, when opening within a Workbasket, this warning message displays either an incorrect user or no user at all. A proper error message is now displayed. IR45608 Menu options for Workflow are incorrect with items in a folder The workflow related menu options are incorrect for items in any folder (e.g. search result folder and folders within Workbaskets). The correct menu options are now displayed. *IR45902 Notes do not get stored in correct alternate location Alternate storage locations for note parts were not being respected by the client application. These locations, if specified, are now used. IR46039 RouteToWorkbasket should optionally remove from the original WB The OLE Item.RouteToWorkbasket(...) method always adds the item to a workbasket. It doesn't remove the item from the original workbasket. In this release, the RouteToWorkbasket method has been enhanced to either route (move) or add an item to another workbasket. An optional fourth parameter, "RemoveFromOrig", has been added to RouteToWorkbasket. This parameter is a Variant and can have the following values: - TRUE: The function will force a route, or throw an error if the item isn't known to be in a workbasket; - FALSE: The function will force an add, leaving it in the original workbasket if it was in one; or - VT_EMPTY: The previous behaviour will remain. That is, if the item is known to be in a workbasket then route it, otherwise add it. Additionally, a new Item method, "DetermineWorkbasket", has been added. This method returns a Dispatch to the Item object representing the workbasket to which the item belongs. If the item doesn't belong to a workbasket, or if it belongs to more than one workbasket, this method will throw an error instead. As a side effect of a successful completion, the initial Item object will become aware of the workbasket in which the item resides so that the RouteToWorkbasket() method will be able to route properly, instead of adding. Note that to route an item, it must be in only one workbasket. To route an item that was not obtained from a workbasket Table of Contents, it is necessary to call DetermineWorkbasket first and then call RouteToWorkbasket, passing TRUE for the RemoveFromOrig parameter. IR46051 Large print margins are displayed and cannot be changed In the PageSetup Dialog, the print margin values would sometimes be displayed 100 times too large. This problem is now fixed in this release. IR46097 Item can be locked by two separate users at the same time When a user opens an item from a Workbasket with List Work = no, another user can open the same item from its index class through a search. The client now locks items when they are opened from system-assigned workbaskets. IR46111 WBItemCompletedUserExit is not being executed The WBItemCompletedUserExit was never getting executed. This user exit is now fully functional and gets called any time an item is about to be removed from a workbasket. Note that if multiple items are selected and the exit returns an error or sets the "Continue" flag to false for any one, a FRN6521A message box will appear. When the message box is displayed, selecting Yes will allow the command and UserExit to be executed on the next selected item, and selecting No will stop the command completely. IR46206 Error message is misleading if a WB item can't be retrieved When the server cannot provide the next item in a workbasket and the workbasket is not empty, the client was showing a "FRN6615A: The operation was not successful. A network problem occurred." error message. Now, if the next item cannot be obtained (perhaps because of insufficient privileges), a "FRN6909A: The system could not query information about the document." error message will be displayed instead. IR46255 Multiple-part documents can't be browsed if they're locked When a multiple part document is locked by one user, another user should be able to open the same document in Browse mode, but can't. The client now tries to open all parts in read-only mode when "Browse" is chosen. This makes it possible to browse locked documents. IR46281 Unintelligible output when printing alternate viewer documents From a TOC view, printing is done by the standard viewer even if the document is assigned to be opened by an Alternate Viewer. If the document type is not supported by the standard viewer then many unintelligible and wasteful pages may be printed. This Client release offers a solution. An entry can be added to the vic.ini file that will keep documents that are assigned to open with an Alternate Viewer from printing. To set this flag, open the vic.ini file and enter: Don't Print Alternate viewer Docs from TOC=1 under the "[Options]" section. IR46295 Resource Handle leak Resource Handles not released after opening and closing documents. Released resource handles from the code, after opening and closing documents. IR46458 Word document not refreshed correctly when zoomed-in Some Word documents were not refreshed properly when zoomed-in to certain values. The background was not always erased during zooming. The background is now re-painted properly during zooming. *APARs marked with an asterisk were not originally listed in the FixPack F documentation (vic430f.txt) but were included in the Fixpack F addendum (vic430fa.txt). Complete listing of files included in this update: -------------------------------------------------- Directory of C:\FRNROOT 09/02/2002 06:30a 126,976 EKDVICLA.EXE 09/02/2002 06:29a 126,976 EKDVICLT.EXE 04/18/2003 04:59p 745,472 frnwview.exe 04/18/2003 04:56p 200,704 ibmbr.eng 12/19/2001 11:41p 241,664 mstrsf32.eng 12/19/2001 11:42p 229,376 pxtran32.eng 06/11/2002 03:41p 38,912 scannt.exe 09/01/2002 03:29p 160,256 VI400TST.EXE 09/01/2002 05:07a 112,128 VI400VFY.EXE 05/19/2003 08:19p 1,264,640 vic.exe 10/29/2002 04:52p 15,004 Vic.tlb 05/20/2003 09:42a 47,460 vic430l.txt 12 File(s) 3,309,568 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\DLL 11/07/2001 06:24p 77,824 autorec.dll 09/02/2002 06:30a 153,600 EKDVICMA.DLL 09/02/2002 06:29a 152,064 EKDVICMT.DLL 09/02/2002 06:29a 719,872 EKDWS.DLL 11/07/2001 06:16p 1,341,440 FIWTAPI.DLL 12/19/2001 11:39p 204,800 frnwieng.dll 10/10/2002 03:52p 466,944 frnwiovy.dll 11/07/2001 06:27p 370,176 view.dll 8 File(s) 3,486,720 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\INCLUDE 08/07/2001 12:10p 2,849 frnwole.h 1 File(s) 2,849 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\LIB 09/02/2002 06:29a 95,850 EKDWS.LIB 1 File(s) 95,850 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\SAMPLES 04/18/2001 12:47p 12,556 exmcjapv.bas 04/18/2001 12:32p 8,548 frnwuecp.c 04/18/2001 12:32p 940 frnwuecp.mak 04/18/2001 12:47p 20,346 frnwwffm.bas 04/18/2001 12:47p 28,571 frnwwffm.exe 04/18/2001 12:47p 551 frnwwffm.mak 04/18/2001 12:47p 34,406 frnwwfvb.bas 7 File(s) 105,918 bytes Total Files Listed: 29 File(s) 7,000,905 bytes --------------------------------------------------