Introduction: ------------- vic410b.exe is a self-extracting zip file containing the current fixes for the VisualInfo/400 Client for Windows v4.1 as of January 24, 2000. This is a cumulative fixpack and contains all fixes since the Client became generally available in December, 1997. If you do not have a vic410b.txt file in your %FRNROOT% directory, you should apply this fixpack. Remember to periodically check our web site for new vic410n.exe fixes: . Contents: --------- *Installation Instructions *Quick Verification *Enhancements *APARS fixed *Complete Listing of Files Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1. In order to apply these fixes you will need to replace some application files in your VisualInfo installation area. Therefore you may want to make a backup of your files in your \FRNROOT directory first. 2. Make sure you close all instances of the VisualInfo Client for Windows before you attempt to update your system. 3. Run the downloaded vic410b.exe Destination = location of your frnroot (ex: c:\frnroot) Be sure 'Recreate subdirectories' is selected Then press the FINISH button and the updates will be applied. 4. Move the frnwimgd.ocx file to your system directory. On Windows NT, this may be "C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32" and on Windows 95, this may be "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM". We recommend that you use the DOS Command Prompt to copy this file over the original version, as the Windows Explorer sometimes will update shortcuts and other registry entries to point to the original file, not the new one. If this file is properly installed, IR40625 will be fixed and the Tab key will work to move the focus through the fields in the Index and Search dialogs. If this is not working after this fix is applied, go to the system directory and type: REGSVR32 FRNWIMGD.OCX You should see the message "DllRegisterServer in frnwimgd.ocx succeeded." Quick Verification of the Installation: --------------------------------------- Verify the date of EKDWS.DLL in FRNROOT\DLL is 11/10/99. Enhancements: ------------- 1) We have included the file in the FRNROOT\SAMPLE directory. This file contains sample code that uses OLE interfaces to drive the client. See the associated readme.txt in that zip file for more information. Client APARs fixed in this Fixpack (Fixpack B): ----------------------------------------------- IR38893 Printing any part of a document disables Page Up/Down keys When a document window was open and the user opened up a dialog such as Print, the focus did not correctly return to the document when the dialog was closed. This affected the page up/down keys and also the scroll bars. Focus now returns to the document correctly. Scroll bar behavior is also improved in other situations, like window resizing. IR39291 Unable to select tray when printing Attempts to select a printer tray through the Print Settings dialog failed. Selecting an alternate tray is now possible. IR40019 Annotations displayed with the Bedrock engine are mis-located Annotations on documents viewed with the "Bedrock" engine (e.g. MODCA documents) showed up in the wrong locations. The annotations now appear correctly. +IR40086 Indexing ACL - select folder and delete The windows client did not appear to be following the security restrictions set up in the SysAdmin. Setting up security to disable users from changing the index class of some folders wasn't working. The user could still reindex and delete those folders. Security restrictions are now followed. IR40259 Data retention while re-indexing As users switched among index classes, the original indexing information was not always being re-populated into key fields for new index classes. The data is now retained in memory and used while re-indexing. IR40615 Notelog dialog should scroll to bottom of previous notes For users with authority to append to but not modify the notelog, the most recently-typed notes should be shown in the top notelog field. The read-only top field is now scrolled to the bottom. +IR40761 Item.Class property disabled with Application.Disable Menus If you called the Application.DisableMenus method with the Flag argument containing the IP2_DISABLE_INDEX_CLASS_CHANGE value prior to using Item.Class to change the index class, the Item.Class to change the index class, the Item.Class call would fail, reporting that the user had insufficient privileges. The call no longer fails. IR41049 Can't logon from client if FRNOLINT.TBL has too many entries The client was unable to handle a network table (FRNOLINT.TBL) with more that 15 or 20 entries. Logon was not possible. Large network tables are now handled properly. IR41076 TOC changes sort order after refresh Sort sequence of workbasket Tables of Contents was inconsistent. The order in which the documents are displayed, although sorted on the time and date stamp, changed order when Refresh was selected. The sort sequence is now consistent. IR41224 Option/layout function does not work for IC with many keyfields Attempts to modify the TOC layout failed for index classes that had more than 30 key fields associated with them. The Client now properly handles index classes with many key fields. IR41247 Client crashes during re-indexing if layout is changed If the user changes the key field layout in the Index Dialog and then selects a new Index Class, the client crashes. The client no longer crashes. IR41282 Scanner hangs if application closed with scan dialog box open If a Windows 95/98 client application is brought down while the scan dialog is open, the scanner cannot be used again until after the machine is re-booted. The client no longer causes the scanner to hang if the client is shut down during scanning. IR41307 Could not open a workbasket with many folders If an item in a very large workbasket is re-indexed by one user while a second user is attempting to open that workbasket, the client is unable to open the workbasket. The client can now sucessfully open the workbasket. IR41320 Advanced search list does not work beyond first 19 items Only 19 Advanced Searches could be defined and used. Additional ones did not function. Client has been changed to allow up to 99 Advanced Searches to be defined and used. IR41331 Double-click doesn't open item if it's only partly shown in TOC If an item is only partially visible in a Table of Contents, it cannot be double-clicked on to open. Double-clicking on a partially visible item now works. IR41370 Client crashes when trying to index a search results folder The client would trap if the user attempted to Index a Search Results folder into an Index Class that had a SaveRecord User Exit defined. The client now handles this condition correctly. IR41380 Intermittent crash when reindexing to new index class Intermittently, the client would crash when re-indexing documents. The client no longer crashes. IR41396 SaveRecord userexit messages not shown If the SaveRecord user exit returns 0 but passes back a non-NULL error buffer, the client should display all the error messages in the error buffer. (Note that this is not the same as the original problem description for this APAR, which specified that error messages should be displayed if the user exit returned a non-0 return code. A non-0 return code is interpreted as an error in the function of the user exit and a generic error message is displayed. This is as specified in the documentation.) The client now displays all appropriate error messages if the exit returns 0 and error messages are provided. It displays a generic error message if the exit returns a non-0 value. IR41399 During indexing, index class combo box wrongly greyed out When indexing an item, if the user selects a class that does not allow re-indexing, the user should still be able to select another class in the dialog since the item has not been saved in this restrictive class. The Index dialog now allows the Index Class to be changed as appropriate. IR41428 When client opened & closed via OLE, error while closing app When the client was opened, documents were viewed and then the client was shut down via VisualBasic calls to the OLE interface, the client would crash when the program was exited. The program no longer crashes. IR41430 The search user exit is not called for advanced search The AlternateSearch user exit was not being called for Advanced searches. The AlternateSearch user exit defined for the "NOINDEX" index class, if any, will now be called for all Advanced searches. Additionally, this user exit will be called for any search over "All Index Classes". IR41474 Client crashes on Windows 95 if Process menu is empty If the user's Access Control List (Privileges) is so restricted that s/he would have nothing on the Process menu, sooner or later the client crashes if the OS is Windows 95. This appears to be a Microsoft bug -- we are working around it by hiding (removing) the Process menu, rather than deleting it from memory. IR41477 User cannot change from default printer selection It was not possible to change from the default printer selection. Once the client was started with a default printer, it would always print to that printer even though the display showed the newly selected printer. This problem only occured with some printers. Switching printers is now possible in all situations. IR41530 Advanced search doesn't work if MaxTOCCount=0 Advanced Searches are only returning 1 item if the maximum TOC count is set to "0", which should signify no limit. Advanced searches now work correctly. IR41625 Right margins of images are being truncated--need fit to page Starting with Fixpack A, printing was changed so that documents were printed at normal/100% size, rather than fit to page, as they had been previously. While this change (for APAR IR40696) was useful in some situations, it forced the right-most and bottom-most areas of the image to be clipped off for others. The above-mentioned change to printing is now undone and, by default, documents print out fit to page once again. However, to satisfy the need for some images to be printed at normal/100% size, a new "Fit to page" checkbox has been added to the Print dialog. This option is on by default but can be turned off as necessary. This new option has only been added to the English version of the Print dialog initially but can be made available for other languages on request. To enable this option, users with the English version of the client must remove the "frnwimgr.dll" file from their \FRNROOT\DLL directory. For all other customers, images will always print fit to page, as they had before. IR41661 Client crash while closing one doc via OLE and opening the next Driven via its OLE interface, the client occasionally traps when closing one document as another is opened. The client no longer crashes. IR41683 User is not notified when annotation changes are not saved If there is a problem saving annotations to a document, the user was not notified. An error message is now displayed if annotations could not be saved. IR41705 Print menu item greyed out for search results folder TOC It was not possible to print the contents of a Search Results folder. Printing is now possible. IR41944 Problems saving/viewing advanced searches with multiple users Advanced searches saved by one Windows NT user could not be seen by another user who did not have Admin authority in Windows. The other user could not save Advanced searches either. These restrictions are now removed. internal Potential "Object Leak" when using Application.Logon Calling the OLE API Application.Logon from an OLE application would in some cases create cause the viewer application to initialize itself with the client twice. This meant that the client would have an extra OLE interface registered back to the viewer, causing an "Object Leak", which in turn would cause the client to remain in memory even though the application connected to it released its references. + Defects that were originally listed as fixed in Fixpack A but were only completely fixed in Fixpack B. Client APARs fixed in Fixpack A: -------------------------------- (Defects fixed between March 1999 and July 1999) IR38507 Not handling decimal comma (European-style) correctly *IR39286 CreateDocument and AddPart OLE methods not working IR39555 Add OLE support to print a document anywhere on a page *IR39622 Actual/Documented USERSORTSTRUCT does not match frnpusrx.h IR39917 Cannot get page number via OLE *IR39919 Changing Index Class name IR39967 OpenDocument OLE method requires value, not reference IR40000 MS Word 97 Support IR40003 Performance enhancements in the client and viewer IR40085 Standardized OLE return codes IR40120 Documents CloseIt method does not work properly IR40170 Unable to disable notelog editing via OLE IR40251 Unable to use shortcut keys to control basic scan IR40253 Menu items disappear when a document is opened more than once IR40260 Keyboard focus not updated correctly for documents IR40275 Reindex ACL problem IR40501 GPF when closing OLE embedded Word DOC file IR40566 Printing errors are printed rather than logged IR40617 SaveRecordUserExit called from Save button IR40625 Incorrect field progression IR40696 Allow users to print "normal" size, not "fit to page" IR40758 New OLE API to copy/add annotations IR40861 OLE linked viewers (MS Word) do not close properly IR40891 Item.ChangeNotes doesn't allow updates IR40912 Notes dialog not reporting errors while saving IR40933 Client holds document in memory when it's being viewed IR40975 Complete IR40501 fix; delete debug dialog *(Defects fixed between September 1998 and February 1999) *IR37242 OLE Window Search results *IR37951 Routing not allowed for system-assigned workbaskets *IR37954 Settings button on Print dialog does not work *IR38598 Save allowed when SaveRecordUserExit can't be loaded *IR38610 Interface to OnDemand via External Object References *IR38713 Docs not removed via APIs *IR38714 USEREXITSTRUCT not passing correct values *IR38728 1 of # page count incorrect on TOC *IR38729 Alt viewer not allowing second view of doc *IR38730 Advanced search queries not being saved *IR38739 Displaying bad message if object server has a problem *IR38740 OLE Automation crash *IR38781 Auto-foldered items don't get removed from wrong folder when re-indexed *IR38805 Can't retrieve documents whose length is a multiple of 32768 *IR38985 Workbasket refresh not working *IR39268 Alternate Search user exit does not return empty fields *IR39292 OS/2 notelog doesn't display correctly under Windows *IR39293 Index class tabs should be sorted *IR39434 The page number disappears if the client loses focus *IR39506 Note log text should automatically word wrap *IR39552 Occasionally, the wrong annotations appear for documents *IR39787 Y2K: Two-digit date fields were being saved incorrectly *(Defects fixed between January 1998 and August 1998) *IR34798 MODCA/PTOCA documents displayed with wrong font/color *IR36318 FaxRouter v3 integration *IR37107 Incorrect image colors displayed *IR37218 Various view/print problems with MODCA, IOCA, TEXT/ASCII and GIF. *IR37263 Excessive redrawing and focus changes as image gets displayed *IR37325 OPENTOC API fails *IR37326 Client remains active after being closed *IR37350 Print API: the print dialog window remains in background *IR37368 Unable to "un-set" required key fields *IR37483 Date format problems on non-English clients *IR37556 Temp files for launched documents not deleted *IR37568 Index Classes set to autofolder not creating multiple folders *IR37620 Corruption of TIFF6 display when multi-page JPEG displayed first *IR37688 PgUp and PgDn in viewer do not work correctly *IR37704 Odd selection behavior when items are removed from a TOC *IR37708 Display of ASCII files with lines wider than 80 characters *IR37721 Font setting not saved for annotation *IR37757 User Exit documentation incorrect *IR37809 Slow printing through OLE APIs *IR37824 "All Class" search returns results from prohibited classes *IR37844 No error message given when autofolder folder does not exist *IR37963 MSExcel 2.0 - 5.0 docs will not display in VI v2.3 *IR37987 VIC.EXE remains active in Task Manager when client is exited *IR38128 User can't open folder if even one item is prohibited *IR38156 Data not passed in SaveRecordUserExit *IR38207 Viewer overrides "Print markups" on the Print dialog *IR38315 Linked documents can save changes, regardless of authority *IR38336 OLE Printing problems *IR38362 Opaque annotation will not print for PostScript *IR38401 Pass correct UserId and hSession in SaveRecordUserExit *IR38456 Blank screen after print/fax * Defects that were fixed in Fixpack A but were not listed in the list of APARs in vic410a.txt. Complete listing of files included in this update: -------------------------------------------------- Directory of C:\FRNROOT 11/10/99 05:50p 109,568 VI400VFY.exe 11/10/99 05:50p 158,208 vi400tst.exe 01/20/00 11:57a 14,896 vic.tlb 01/20/00 11:59a 1,138,688 vic.exe 12/20/99 10:17p 738,304 frnwview.exe 06/17/99 01:35p 261,120 PXTRAN32.ENG 11/10/99 05:50p 123,904 EKDVICLT.EXE 11/10/99 05:50p 123,392 EKDVICLA.EXE 05/25/99 01:41a 29,054 EKDVIERR.H 12/20/99 10:14p 240,128 IBMBR.ENG 08/03/99 04:38p 31,744 FRNWIMGD.OCX 05/25/99 01:41a 500 EKDVIDSP.MAK 05/25/99 01:40a 574 EKDVIDSP.CPP 06/17/99 01:35p 273,408 mstrsf32.eng 01/24/00 11:03a 22,037 vic410b.txt 15 File(s) 3,265,525 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\DLL 11/10/99 05:50p 182,784 ekdws.dll 09/30/97 09:54p 512,000 ekdws35i.dll 06/17/99 01:35p 66,560 autorec.dll 06/17/99 01:35p 370,176 view.dll 06/17/99 01:35p 261,632 tool32w.dll 06/17/99 01:35p 235,008 frnwieng.dll 11/20/98 05:48p 507,392 FIWSM35I.DLL 11/20/98 05:48p 1,348,608 FIWTAPI.DLL 11/10/99 05:50p 91,648 EKDVICMT.DLL 11/10/99 05:50p 93,696 EKDVICMA.DLL 11/20/98 05:48p 22,528 FIWTMEM.DLL 11/20/98 05:48p 460,288 FIWTJPG.DLL 02/18/99 07:11a 180,224 EKDVIDSP.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 532,992 EXICF.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 101,508 SCCCH.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 16,896 SCCDA.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 18,432 SCCEX.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 81,408 SCCFA.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 74,752 SCCFI.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 67,072 SCCLO.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 94,208 SCCUT.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 93,696 VSW97.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 48,640 W4W349F.DLL 06/17/99 01:35p 53,248 WFWCE.DLL 24 File(s) 5,515,396 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\INCLUDE 05/25/99 01:40a 56,541 EKDVILIB.H 08/21/98 01:10p 3,776 EKDVICMT.H 05/25/99 01:41a 29,054 EKDVIERR.H 05/25/99 01:40a 2,489 ekdviapi.h 05/25/99 01:40a 7,989 EKDVITYP.H 05/25/99 01:41a 10,277 EKDVIWM.H 06/28/99 10:15a 8,425 frnplw.h 7 File(s) 118,551 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\LIB 01/25/99 07:06a 3,992 EKDVICMT.LIB 01/25/99 07:07a 3,992 EKDVICMA.LIB 01/22/99 11:42a 6,464 EKDVIDSP.LIB 05/25/99 01:44a 86,544 ekdws.lib 4 File(s) 100,992 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\SAMPLE 05/25/99 01:41a 455 VI400VFY.MAK 05/25/99 01:40a 5,391 VI400VFY.CPP 07/27/99 07:05a 91,136 3 File(s) 96,982 bytes Directory of C:\FRNROOT\UCONVTAB 12/29/99 07:13a 3,192 IBM-420 04/21/98 12:58p 4,216 IBM-1256 2 File(s) 7,408 bytes Total Files Listed: 55 File(s) 9,104,854 bytes --------------------------------------------------