Midrange Image Support INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 3039 Cornwallis Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Workfolder Application Facility/400 V3R1 This letter is in response to the problem as described below. The modification was made to AS/400 ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility/400 Version 3 Release 1. The NTSCAN library provided via the FTP site contains the following modules which have been altered to enable WAF R310 to communciate with IWPM/NT; Problem Description and Resolution Modules: EKDOU452P, EKDTIR01, EKDWM106, EKD1001, EKD1005P, EKD1005, EKD4501, EKD9B01P, EKDIWPFMT, QLBLSRC. APAR# SC23739 (NTSCAN supercedes APAR SC23739) User exit 1 (EKD0101) and user exit 4 (EKD0102) are described as being called whenever a document is indexed into a new or existing case In the Scan documents into a single case function, however, the exits are called before the document is scanned, so an extra call is always made before the customer exits the scan session. This causes document and identifier information to be passed to the user exits for a document that is never created. Modules: EKD1007, EKD0048 (new module) . Important! This is a modification to Workfolder Application FACILITY/400 V3R1. You should apply this fix when there is no user activity. Installation Instructions 1. Sign on to the system as QSECOFR, the security officer. 2. Backup your program library. 3. Use the Restore library command to restore the NTSCAN library from the tape provided: This library contains various objects that have been modified or created for the previously listed fix (NTSCAN). The library also contains a source file, QLBLSRC, that has one member, EXIT0048. 4. Add the NTSCAN library to the top of the user's library list. Make sure this library is in the user's library list when the session is started. Add the library to either the job description or your system library list values. Use whichever method you normally use to add your current WAF libraries to your library list. 5. Grant *USE authority to the library and its objects using the Grant Object Authority command (GRTOBJAUT). Whats new in NTSCAN The following items are functions enabled with this fix. This is in contrast to function previously available in the IWPM/NT Beta. Important! If you use IWPM/DOS, be aware that this code is no longer compatible with WAF. This code will not work. IWPM/DOS was withrawn from service in 1994. Please see the README and FAQ text files that are shipped with the IWPM/NT code for a complete description of functions and usage. 1. Scanning is now supported. The following input processing methods are supported: 1=Scan Only 2=Scan into a single case 4=Scan/Capture and index 5=High-speed scan, which includes bar/patch code support Work management scan is also supported for workbaskets 1, 4 and 5. Important! IWPM/NT scan with WAF is not designed for high-speed or volume scanning. If you desire high-volume or high-speed capture, please contact your IBM representitive for a list of vendors. 2. Form overlay is now supported. 3. Form scan/capture is now supported. 4. Content class support will be provided later in 1997. 5. Annotation support (notes/highlights) will be provided later in 199 Notes about SC23739 1. A new user exit was created to address the issues described in APAR SC23739. User exit 48 (module name EKD0048) is called after the document is scanned, serving as notification that a document has been added to a case. 2. EKD0048 is only called from the Scan documents into a single case function. 3. EKD0048 is called in all situations -- whether the document was added to an existing case, or to a new case, or whether it matched a pend. A parameter, CASE-INDICATOR, denotes new (0), existing (1), pend match (2). 4. This user exit serves as notification only -- that is, there are no output parameters other than return code. 5. To view the system names for the data passed to user exit 48, look at the source code for the stub program, EXIT0048. The following data is passed to module EKD0048: - Case ID assigned by the system - Identifier entered or supplied - Queue ID for the case to which the document is to be added - Document type supplied or selected at time of input - Document ID assigned by the system - Description associated with this case (may be blank) - Case indicator to show whether case is new or existing or whether document matched a pend The following data is returned to the calling module: - Return code The return code determines the next action. Valid return codes are 0, 2, and 3. A non-valid return code is ignored and treated as a 0 return code. - Return code 0 - Processing continues - Return code 2 - F12, Cancel from user exit Error message EKD-2222 is displayed on panel EKD10202. The document is placed in the index queue. - Return code 3 - F3, Exit from user exit The current document is placed in the index queue. The user is returned to menu EKD150. Error message EKD-3333 is recorded in the error log.