Beta Instructions for Resource Dependency Services The items below document problems found in the beta driver of Resource Dependency Services. Please read through these items and perform the necessary steps. The "Stage" value indicates when a problem must be fixed. Some problems will need to be fixed right after a VE install, others may be uninstall related. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem 1: Running the RDS data collectors does not create relationships between resources. Selecting an item in the topology viewer and choosing to show a topology will result in a message saying no relationships were found. Stage : Immediately after install Solution: Note: This problem is fixed in the 5520 ODI Driver. The following DDL file must be run after the VE install is complete. 1) Using your browser, download the file to the RDS Server. 2) Place the attached RelationshipStore_create.ddl file into the bin directory of the DB2 Instance owner. The default location of this directory is /opt/IBM/VE2/DB2/vedb2ur/sqllib/bin, where vedb2ur is the userid of the DB2 Instance owner. Be sure that the DB2 Instance owner has the proper permissions to this file using the chmod command. 3) From a command shell, either log on as the DB2 Instance owner or logon as root onto the system that had RVS installed on. If root, you'll need to su to the DB2 instance owner. By default this is vedb2ur. 4) Cd to the sqllib directory of the DB2 Instance owner, by default this would be /opt/IBM/VE2/DB2/vedb2ur/sqllib 5) run the command ./db2profile. 6) cd ./bin 7) Connect to odirm DB. db2 connect to odirmdb 8) Run the following command; db2 -tvf RelationshipStore_create.ddl 9) You should see a table get dropped and get created. 10) Restart the VEMS server by logging on as root. 11) cd to /opt/IBM/VE2/VEMS/bin 12) Enter the command ./ VEMS 13) You will be prompted for a user and password, enter the username veadmin and the password for veadmin. 14) Once step 13 completes, start the server by entering the command ./ VEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 2: This is an uninstall only issue. This problem does not affect install or runtime behavior. When ODIAppSvr is uninstalled it does not remove the odirmdb DB2 database that was created at the DB2 server installation that was provided to it by the DB2 suite installer component. The database needs to be removed after uninstalling ODIAppSvr. From a 'real' users perspective ODIAppSvr is uninstalled when RDS is uninstalled. Automatic deletion is not done due to the topologies that are supported by the DB2 installer. This database 'could' also be used by multiple installations of ODIAppSvr, which would be driven by the topologies RDS supports. Stage: Immediately after uninstall. Solution to Problem 2: 1) From a command shell, either log on as the DB2 instance owner or logon as root onto the system that had RVS installed on. If root, you'll need to su to the DB2 instance owner. By default this is vedb2ur. 2) Cd to the bin directory of the DB2 Instance Owner, by default this would be /opt/IBM/VE2/DB2/vedb2ur/sqllib/bin. 3) Execute the command ./db2 drop database odirmdb 4) Execute the command ./db2 uncatalog database odirmdb (the previous step may have done this, so this may generate an error). If there is any indication that the uninstall failed, follow these steps: 1) Logon to the WebSphere Admin console as veadmin. 2) Click on Enterprise Applications and remove these applications 3) Remove the datasource that RVS uses, by clicking on Resources, then JDBC Providers in the navigation tree on the left of the Admin Console. 4) Click on the JDBC Provider that has a name of DB2 Universal Driver Provider (XA), with a description of RVSFramework JDBC Provider. 5) Click on datasources. 6) Delete the datasource that has Resource Virutalization Services in its name. 7) By following step 3, remove the DB2 Universal Driver Provider (XA) with the description of RVSFramework JDBC Provider. 8) Save the changes.