========================================================================= README File for AS/400 Toolbox for Java Service Packs ** 5763-JC1 ** V3R2M1.2 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SF50053 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1998. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= --------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------- 1.0 CO-REQUISITE PTF 2.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF50053 (July 1998) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SF48806 (June 1998) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 CO-REQUISITE PTF --------------------- The following PTF must be applied to the AS/400 before applying this PTF: For V3R2, SF46760 must be applied first. For V3R7, SF46758 must be applied first. For V4R1, SF48210 must be applied first. For V4R2, SF48209 must be applied first. For V4R3, SF48733 must be applied first. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- The following lists the APARs fixed at each of the service pack levels. Each service pack PTF is cumulative, that is, the most recent service pack PTF released contains all the fixes from prior service pack levels in addition to the APARs listed for a particular service pack. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF50053 Build date = July 1998 --------------------------------- AS400 ----- APAR = SA75253 Once a connection is made, the AS/400 Toolbox for Java AS400 object will not apply changes made to the system name, user ID, or password even after a disconnection. Record-level access ------------------- APAR = SA75252 The AS/400 Toolbox for Java AS400FileRecordDescription does not properly convert an AS/400 binary field with a length of five digits to an AS400Bin4. VMessage -------- APAR = SA75251 The AS/400 Toolbox for Java VMessage properties pane width is too large for low resolution display windows. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SF48806 Build date = June 1998 --------------------------------- General ------- APAR = SA73844 When running in a browser, the AS/400 Toolbox for Java classes can not connect to an AS/400 when the signed jar file containing the Toolbox classes and HTML files are from a different HTTP server. Some new AS/400 Toolbox for Java Bean info classes will not introspect correctly. The AS/400 Toolbox for Java graphical user interface popup menus do not work in AIX. The AS/400 Toolbox for Java ErrorDialogAdapter class hangs on AIX. The AS/400 Toolbox for Java dynamically loads a few classes at run time using Class.forName() where a different class is needed for each workstation. For example, class "A" is needed when running OS/2, class "B" is needed when running inside Internet Explorer 4.0, etc. These classes are provided by the workstation. The CRTJVAPGM AS/400 command at optimization level 40 requires all classes be on the AS/400's JVM. Because some of the classes do not exist on the AS/400, the Toolbox zip/jar files will not work when compiled at optimization level 40. Use optimization level 30 instead. CommandCall ----------- APAR = SA73844 The AS/400 Toolbox for Java CommandCall class does not correctly determine the CCSID to use during conversion when running to DBCS systems. JDBC ---- APAR = SA73844 The AS/400 Toolbox for Java JDBC classes do not convert Julian dates correctly. APAR = SA73845 When running stored procedures with IN, OUT parameters via the JDBC driver, a SQL exception with the message "Descriptor index not valid" or a NumberFormat exception is thrown.