Tips for Workflow Builder for CM 5.1 - The Content Manager for iSeries Client for Windows is a prerequisite for Workflow Builder 5.1. If you install the Workflow Builder 5.1 before installing the 5.1 version of the client, you will receive a message that indicates the 5.1 client is not installed and that you can "use the current client". This is misleading, because you cannot use the current client. Therefore, please install the Content Manager for iSeries Client for Windows before you install the Workflow Builder 5.1. - The Workflow Builder 5.1 does not allow you to select an install directory at this time. It always installs in C:\WMB. For now, if you need to have WMB in another directory, you can copy the contents of C:\WMB to another directory and update the registry. This issue is being looked into for future builds of the product. Last updated: July 26, 2001