Last updated: November 8, 2005 Interim WAF APARs: Description of APARs that follow WAF530A: ----------------------------------------------------- SC37491 -- MCH3601 error from program AICAPGM when trying to delete WAF doctype profiles. SC37510 -- "Work any Case" F17 to fill out a form does not produce a viewable image. When displayed in IWPM, get EVNA8006 or FIW2106W. SC37532 -- CLRINTRTV and several other commands cause CPF0001 error because they were hard-coded to look for a library named WAF530LIB. SC37626 -- Document description not changing when document in WAF is indexed or reindexed and its document type changes. SC37653 -- WAF case activation does not create EKD0250 record for cases when it is run. SC37654 -- MCH3601 on IMPORT API, error creating IMPTFIL1 file. SC37677 -- WAF ERRLOG API puts "Error Extended Message" data into the last 2 positions of the REPID field. SC37702 -- WAF DEFSTOBJ API does not work correctly. It is possible to add a document to a closed case; also, 8020 is returned when case is not closed. SC37707 -- When you "Change on-demand print options" from EKD200 menu, the program puts the first 2 characters of the print queue in the wrong field. Directions to download the APAR Fixes: -------------------------------------- 1. Download the appropriate SCNNNNN.SAV file to your PC's hard drive (I use path C:\DOWNLOAD in my example). 2. Create a save file on the AS/400 in library QGPL with the name SCNNNNN. 3. FTP the SCNNNNN.SAV file into the waiting save file in library QGPL. You can do this by going to an MS-DOS prompt and typing: FTP (replace this with the address of your AS/400) BIN PUT C:\DOWNLOAD\SCNNNNN.SAV QGPL/SCNNNNN.SAVF QUIT 4. RSTLIB SAVLIB(@SCNNNNN) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/SCNNNNN). 5. Grant object authority to this new @SCNNNNN library to the WAF users in xxxGROUP. 6. Add the @SCNNNNN library to the top of the users' library list, or combine these individual @SCnnnnn fixes into a library you create named WAF530LIB. Then add WAF530LIB to the top of the WAF users' jobd libl. END