IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CUSTOMERS INSTALLED WITH LANGUAGES 2923 (Dutch), 2929 (German), OR 2939 (German MNCS). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Some IBM-supplied data in the file defining privilege sets is misaligned and can cause MCH0603 when logging onto the CM client or when working with default privilege sets - *ALLPRIV, *WAFUSER, *NOPRIVS, and *SYSAD. The problem can be seen when data is displayed in the EKD0861 file as shown here with DSPPFM command: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+... *ALLPRIV ** Alle bevoegdheden 1155N *ALLPRIV ** Alle bevoegdheden 1156N *ALLPRIV ** Alle bevoegdheden 1157N The data out to right ... "1156N" is shifted to the left. This discrepancy also occurs in *WAFUSER, *NOPRIVS, and *SYSAD. The data at the end of the record needs to be 'moved' over so that it is aligned correctly. In particular the character "N" should be in a field called 'Delete Flag' (P1DELFLG). To find the 4 records that are incorrect - use DSPPFM on the EKD0861 file in order to list all records and page down making note of the record number where the "N" that should be in position 45 is shifted one position to the left. Here is an example - (NOTE: it is NOT to scale - some spaces have been removed): Privilege Description P1 Value Key Value Delete String Flag 000049 *NOPRIVS ** Geen bevoegdheden 0 1 05N The data should look like (also NOT to scale, some spaces removed): Privilege Description P1 Value Key Value Delete String Flag 000049 *NOPRIVS ** Geen bevoegdheden 0 105 N STEPS TO CORRECT: ----------------- <> 1. Make note of the record number of each misaligned record so that you can use the record number in the DFU utility to correct the data. If you don't have record number you can use the page down key to scroll to the correct record. 2. Make sure you have the EKD0861 file backed up. 3. Type STRDFU and then take option 5 to update data using temporary program. 4. Specify EKD0861 as the data file and specify your CM file library. 5. You will have screen prompting for record number - you can use the record number determined above and press Field Exit and then enter. 6. You should see the data from that record on the screen and you can correct by typing into the fields. As an example: Looks like this before change: WORK WITH DATA IN A FILE Mode . . . . : CHANGE Format . . . . : EKD0861R File . . . . : EKD0861 *RECNBR: 49 Privilege String: *NOPRIVS Description: ** Geen bevoegdheden 0 P1 Value: 1 Key Value: 05N Delete Flag: EKD0861_FILLER_50: 7. Make the records look as below making sure the "N" gets into Delete Flag field: WORK WITH DATA IN A FILE Mode . . . . : CHANGE Format . . . . : EKD0861R File . . . . : EKD0861 *RECNBR: 49 Privilege String: *NOPRIVS Description: ** Geen bevoegdheden P1 Value: 0 Key Value: 105 Delete Flag: N EKD0861_FILLER_50: Last modified: September 1, 2005