============================================================================= Readme File for System i Access for Windows Service Packs 5761-XE1 V6R1M0 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SI31390 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. ============================================================================= NOTICE: ------- Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased levels. This PTF may be a prerequisite for future PTFs. By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the foregoing. This PTF is subject to the terms of the license agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program for which you are obtaining the PTF. You are not authorized to install or use the PTF except as part of a Program for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement. SUBJECT TO ANY WARRANTIES WHICH CAN NOT BE EXCLUDED OR EXCEPT AS EXPLICITLY AGREED TO IN THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT OR AN APPLICABLE SUPPORT AGREEMENT, IBM MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON INFRINGEMENT, REGARDING THE PTF. The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you in printed form and/or may be viewed using the Work with Software Agreements (WRKSFWAGR) CL command. ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 INSTALLING FROM A System i 1.2 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH A System i ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALL IMAGE 1.3 INSTALLING A SECONDARY LANGUAGE 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS 2.1 System i SERVER FIXES 2.2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION WITHIN System i NAVIGATOR 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI31390 (July 2008) 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 1.1 INSTALLING FROM A System i -------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the System i Access for Windows service pack through the System i PTF ordering process either as an individual PTF order or as part of an i5/OS PTF cumulative package. Once this service pack has been applied to a System i with the LODPTF and APYPTF System i commands, it can be installed on individual PC's with the "Check Service Level" shortcut in the System i Access for Windows Service folder. Check Service Level, controlled by the System i Access for Windows Properties Service tab, will detect that the Service source directory has been updated, and will present the user with the option to install the service pack at startup time as well. The APYPTF command will update each of the System i Access for Windows install image directories (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image32, \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64a and \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64i) on the System i. Any client that installs System i Access for Windows (or selected features) from one of these images will automatically receive this service pack level (no extra steps or reboots). In this scenario, the service pack cannot be uninstalled on the client PC because it is merged in with the base release. NOTE: The System i contains three System i Access for Windows install images, one for each processor architecture supported by System i Access for Windows: \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image32 for 32-bit (X86) based PCs, \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64a for AMD64 based PCs and \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64i for Itanium based PCs. Running setup.exe from the System i Access for Windows install image directory that matches your PC's processor type (\image32 for 32-bit (X86) based PCs, \image64a for AMD64 based PCs or \image64i for Itanium based PCs) will launch the install wizard for that specific architecture. Running cwblaunch.exe from the System i Access for Windows install image root directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows) will determine your PC's processor architecture and accordingly launch the install wizard from the appropriate image directory. RMVPTF will restore your System i install image to the prior service level (or the base release if there was no prior service pack applied). 1.2 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH A System i ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALL IMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following method could be used if you downloaded the service pack from the System i Access for Windows web page location: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/access/ System i Access for Windows service pack PTFs are combined with the original System i Access for Windows installation images in \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image32, \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64a and \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64i. This means that a user can install (or upgrade) System i Access for Windows from one of these combined image directories and get the latest applied service level automatically in one integrated step - since the original installation images files have been replaced by updated versions via the service pack PTF. If your install image resides on a local or network drive, you can download the service pack from the System i Access for Windows web page. Then you can combine your installation image with the service pack in order to update it to the latest service level. You will need to create an administrative install image and then use the appropiate UPDATE.EXE download available in the service pack FTP directory to update the administrative image to the latest service pack level. NOTE: You can not combine a service pack with the image that was shipped with your System i Access for Windows DVD or your System i. You need to create a separate administrative image as explained below. To create the administrative install image follow these steps: 1. Open a command prompt window. 2. Change directories to the folder containing the System i Access for Windows install image. This can be the image on the System i, the image on the System i Access for Windows DVD or an image on a local or network drive. 3. Run the following command: SETUP.EXE /a The installation wizard will start. 4. If your install image has multiple language sources, you will be prompted to choose one as your Primary Language. 5. In the Network Location dialog, choose the target directory for your administrative image and click Install. The administrative image will be generated under the chosen directory. You only need to perform this process once. Subsequent service packs can be combined with the same administrative image. Once you have an administrative image, you can merge it with the service pack by following these steps: 1. Download UPDATE.EXE from the service pack FTP directory to a directory on your PC or server. NOTE: a separate version of the UPDATE.EXE download exists for each installation image type: for the 32-bit based image you must download UPDATE_32.EXE, for the 64-bit AMD based image download UPDATE_64A.EXE and for the Itanium based image download UPDATE_64I.EXE. 2. Open a command prompt window. 3. Change directories to the folder containing UPDATE.EXE. 4. Run the following command: UPDATE.EXE /v"/a X:\admin_image\cwbinstall.msi" where X:\admin_image denotes the drive and directory containing the administrative image. The installation wizard will start. 5. Follow the instructions in the wizard to start the update process. 4. The target administrative image will be updated to the new service level. 5. After completion, you can delete the downloaded UPDATE.EXE file, as it is no longer needed. A user that installs from the merged administrative image will get the latest applied service level automatically. Users that originally installed from the administrative image can reinstall by running SETUP.EXE from the merged image or by using the "Check Service Level" shortcut in the System i Access for Windows Service folder to get the latest service level. NOTE: Users that originally installed System i Access for Windows from the System i, from the System i Access for Windows DVD or from any other source that contains a non-administrative image, will not be able to reinstall from an administrative image. Only installations that were initially done from an administrative image can be updated by reinstalling from a merged administrative image. 1.3 INSTALLING A SECONDARY LANGUAGE ------------------------------------ Starting with service pack SI31390, customers can install secondary languages in V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows as in previous releases. You can install secondary languages from a System i platform that has both System i Access for Windows (5761–XE1) and the desired secondary language installed, or from the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 DVD, as long as the client computers have the latest service level installed. The following instructions describe how to install secondary languages from a System i and from the DVD. Note: in the steps detailed below, you can use setup.exe instead of cwblaunch.exe as long as you are located in the ImageXX folder that contains the installation image that is right for your PC, i.e. Image32 for 32-bit based PCs, Image64a for AMD 64-bit and Image64i for Itanium. To install a secondary language from a System i In order to make secondary languages available to your users, you first need to apply System i Access for Windows PTF SI31390 or later on your System i. During a new installation: 1. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM). 2. Double-click QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the setup program. 3. Choose a Custom installation to select which secondary languages and features you want installed to your PC. Note: If you select a Complete or a PC5250 User installation, no secondary languages will be installed by default. In this case, you can specify what secondary languages to install with the CWBADDSECLANG property from the command line, as explained below. 4. Complete the wizard. During an upgrade: 1. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM). 2. Double-click QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the setup program. 3. Choose a Custom installation. If you had the secondary language installed in the previous version, the language will appear selected under the Languages node. You can select which secondary languages and features you want to add or remove. 4. Complete the wizard. Note: If you have secondary languages and the .NET Data Provider installed in the previous version, you must: 1. Use Selective Setup to uninstall the .NET Data Provider prior to upgrade. Upgrading .NET Data Provider secondary languages is not supported by System i Access for Windows V6R1M0. 2. Run cwblaunch.exe to start the upgrade as described above. To install a secondary language after System i Access for Windows has been installed: 1. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM) 2. Double-click QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the setup program. 3. If your local installation is at an older service level than the level on the System i, the installation program will be launched in service pack mode. At this time you will not be able to add secondary languages yet. Complete the service pack wizard, then re-run cwblaunch.exe as pointed out in the next step. 4. Run cwblaunch.exe from QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows to start the maintenance wizard. 5. Choose Modify to select which secondary languages you want installed on your PC. 6. Complete the wizard. To install a secondary language from the V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows DVD Since the V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows DVD was shipped without secondary language support,you first must install System i Access for Windows from the DVD, then download service pack SI31390 or later from the System i Access for Windows web site and install it on the PC, then re-run the installation from the DVD in order to install secondary languages. 1. Install the System i Access for Windows DVD by running Windows > cwblaunch.exe. 2. Download the latest service pack from the System i Access for Windows web site. Note: Make sure to download the service pack version that is right for your computer’s processor architecture. 3. Launch the service pack download on your PC in order to upgrade System i Access for Windows to the new service level. 4. From your DVD, double click Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the maintenance wizard. 5. Choose Modify to select which secondary languages you want installed on your PC. 6. Complete the wizard. Using CWBADDSECLANG to add secondary languages A new public property named CWBADDSECLANG is available to specify secondary languages from the command line. This is particularly useful for unattended installations. Note that your local installation of System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 must be at service level SI31390 or greater. Otherwise, the CWBADDSECLANG property will be ignored. If System i Access for Windows is not yet installed, then your source installation image must be at service level SI31390 or greater. If you are installing from the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 DVD then, after installing the DVD, you must download and install service pack SI31390 or later from the System i Access for Windows web site prior to use CWBADDSECLANG. To specify secondary languages at the command line: 1. Open a command prompt window. 2. Change directories to your installation image: - If you are installing from a System i, change directories to QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows. - If you are installing from DVD, change directories to the Windows folder. 3. Type in the following command: cwblaunch /v"CWBADDSECLANG=mri29xx,mri29yy,…" Where mri29xx, mri29yy, etc. are the NLV codes of the languages that you want to install. Note: a list of 29xx NLV codes is available in the IBM i5/OS information web site at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/scope/i5os/index.jsp Search for "National language version feature codes". 4. To install secondary languages silently, type in the following command: cwblaunch /s /v"/qb CWBADDSECLANG=mri29xx,mri29yy,…" 5. To install all languages available on your installation image, specify CWBADDSECLANG=ALL. 6. Complete the wizard. To install a secondary language from a custom DVD You can burn a DVD out from the updated image residing on your System i, and distribute this custom DVD to your users so they can install secondary languages from the DVD without needing to download the service pack from the web. 1. Apply System i Access for Windows PTF SI31390 or later on your System i. 2. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM). 3. Burn the contents of QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows to your DVD. Note: The three images under the Windows folder might not fit on a single DVD. In that case, you can burn just the image that is needed by your users -i.e. Image32, Image64a or Image64i. 4. Instruct your users to run cwblaunch.exe from the custom DVD in order to install secondary languages. The procedure is identical to the steps described under the section 'To install a secondary language from a System i' above. After you have installed the secondary language, use System i Access for Windows Properties to select the language you want to use. Notes: - You must run cwblaunch.exe –or setup.exe- in order to install secondary languages. You cannot install secondary languages from the Add or Remove Programs panel; in that case, the Languages node will not be available. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------- 2.1 System i SERVER FIXES -------------------------- In addition to installing the System i Access for Windows Service Pack, all servers should stay current on the latest Cumulative PTF Package, HIPER Group PTF, and Database Group PTF. Refer to IBM eServer System i Technical Support: Recommended fixes at http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/slkbase.nsf/recommendedfixes 2.2 Application Development function within System i Navigator --------------------------------------------------------------- The Application Development folder within System i Navigator is added when the System i Navigator Network component is installed. Application Administration can be used to restrict the display of the Application Development folder to certain users or groups of users. 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- This a list of APAR fixes included in this service pack. Each service pack is cumulative; the current service pack includes all the fixes from the prior service pack levels. The APAR abstracts are listed by installable component within a service pack level. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI31390 Build date = July 2008 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE33915 : CA400EXP-INSTALL NO SECONDARY LANGUAGE SUPPORT IN V6R1 In previous releases, System i Access for Windows included support for installing secondary languages. Secondary languages allow users to configure System i Access for Windows to display System i Access features in different languages. In V6R1, GA code of System i Access for Windows does not have secondary language support. RESOLUTION This PTF adds secondary language support for V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows. You can install secondary languages from a System i platform that has both System i Access for Windows (5761-XE1) and the desired secondary language installed, or from the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 DVD, as long as the client computers have the latest service level installed. (Please consult the section 1.3 - INSTALLING A SECONDARY LANGUAGE of this readme file for further information on how to install secondary languages) APAR SE33680 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CUSTOM AND PC5250 INSTALL TYPES BEHAVE WRONG When user selects a Custom setup in the installation wizard, the expected behavior is that only the typical features are selected in the selection tree; however, all features appear selected instead. This problem does not occur if user specifies one or more feature names in the ADDLOCAL property; in that case, selecting Custom will mark only the specified features to be installed, which is the right behavior. Also, if user selects a PC5250 User setup, the following error message is displayed when the Next button is pressed, and the installation is interrupted immediately after: "Error 2711. The specified Feature name ("") not found on Feature table." RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: You can specify a Custom setup by setting the CWBINSTALLTYPE public property to 'Custom' from the command line, as follows: setup /v"CWBINSTALLTYPE=Custom" This will force the setup wizard to select only the typical features. In order to start an installation that is equivalent to the PC5250 User setup type, pass in 5250 Emulator's feature key name through ADDLOCAL in the command line, as shown below: setup /v"ADDLOCAL=emu" Then, choose Custom on the Setup Type dialog. Only Required Programs and 5250 Emulator will be selected, which are the features that get installed with a PC5250 User setup. Alternatively, run setup and choose Custom, then uncheck all features except for Required Programs and 5250 Emulator. APAR SE32538 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL FEATURES FROM DVD FAILS WITH PROMPT FOR DVD. When attempting to install additional features using the Modify option of System i Access for Windows and using the original installation DVD, the user is continually prompted for Disk 1 even though the disk is already loaded in the PC. If the user originally installed System i Access for Windows from an installation image located on the local hard disk or on a network directory and later attempts to add features using the DVD, the installation might fail with error 1706 "No valid source could be found for product IBM System i Access for Windows V6R1M0". The problem can also occur if the user originally installed System i Access for Windows from an installation image located on the local hard disk or on a network directory and attempts to upgrade the application to a newer service level using a custom CD or DVD that was burnt from an updated installation image. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. Note: You must burn a new DVD from an updated image that contains the fix in order to avoid this problem. Refer to the following article to get instructions on how to burn a DVD (notice that due to space restrictions the address had to be divided in two lines; please enter the address as a single line without spaces in your web browser): http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/scope/i5os/ topic/rzaij/rzaijcdrom.htm?tocNode=int_48830 CIRCUMVENTION: Copy the image to the hard disk or to a network drive and launch setup.exe from there. Depending on your PC's processor type, copy the entire contents of the folder Windows\Image32 for a 32-bit based PC, Windows\Image64a for an AMD 64-bit (x64) based PC or Windows\Image64i for an Itanium (IA64) based PC, including the MRI29xx subfolder, where xx is the number that identifies the (29xx) language code that is currently installed on your PC, to an empty directory in the hard drive or to an available network directory. Run setup.exe from the local disk or network location. This will start the installer in maintenance mode and you will be able to add features. APAR SE33006 : CA400EXP-SERVICE-INCORROUT CWBSVGET DOESN'T WORK ON VISTA Cwbsvget.exe doesn't work on vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE33562 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT UPDATE NOT SAVED INTO SERVER When the user updates a row through the Edit Contents dialog, the data may not be saved on the server and an error message may be displayed. This is possible if the user repeatedly updates the same row and commits the change without moving between rows and using the File -> Save menu option and if the column being updated is a numeric type. On the first update attempt the dialog shows the new value but the server does not reflect the change. Consecutive attempts will show an error message stating that the row the user attempted to change no longer exists in the table. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Move to another row to submit the change to the server. Then the user should use the File -> Save menu option to commit the transaction. APAR SE33563 : CA400EXP-INCORROUT-DISK IASP Jobs is not available in web Independent ASP Jobs option is not available on System Director Navigator tasks on the web and IBM Systems Director Navigator for i5/OS. RESOLUTION: The Independent ASP Jobs option will be available for both System I Navigator web environments. APAR SE33564 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CREATING NEW SOURCE FUNCTION WITH UDT When trying to create a new sourced function, it may fail with an MSGSQL0683. This happens if the source function has user-defined type parameters and at least one of them are a type of character data. The New Sourced Function window displays the user-defined type with the CCSID value which will cause the error message to be displayed when the user tries to create the function. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: MSGSQL0683 RESOLUTION: The CCSID clause will not be filled in as the default if the parameter type is a user-defined type. CIRCUMVENTION: Clear all CCSID fields for those parameters whose the data type is a user-defined type. APAR SE33565 : CA400EXP-OPNAV CORRUPTED PATH DIRECTORIES IN SECURED OBJECTS Additional keywords: OUTPUT-INCORROUT. The path name directories in "Secured Objects" sub-panel from the "Permissions" panel of an authorization list are shown corrupted. APAR SE33107 : CA400EXP-OPNAV IASP QSYS displays the contents of QSYS Open System i Navigator->My Connections->System->File Systems->Integrated File System->Root. When '//QSYS.LIB' folder is expanded, the contents listed are from '/QSYS.LIB' instead of the contents from the IASP QSYS. Where '' is the name of the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP). APAR SE33569 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Wrong host for Integrated Server In the Integrated Server Administration function of System i Navigator, if the user works with more then one i5/OS system at a time, then sometimes actions are performed on the wrong system. RESOLUTION: The correct system is now used for actions on objects. APAR SE33570 : CA400EXP-OPNAV INCOMPATIBLE AUTHORITY USING /QSYS.LIB Additional keywords:-FILESYS Attempting to display Permissions on /QSYS.LIB, the message: "com.ibm.as400.access.QSYSPermission incompatible with com.ibm.as400.access.RootPermission" is displayed and the Permissions panel is not shown. APAR SE33571 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Exclude from Parity Set option unavailable On System i Navigator Disk Management GUI and with System i fully started, menu option "Exclude from Parity Set..." is unavailable on non configured excludable parity protected disk units if at least one disk unit on the same parity set is part of a Basic ASP. Recreation: The System i must be fully started. Must have a parity set with the following characteristics: - At least one non configured excludable disk unit. - At least one configured disk unit in a Basic ASP. 1. Run System i Navigator. 2. Expand your Environment (Usually "My Connections"). 3. Expand your System. 4. Provide your user id and password and press OK button. 5. Expand Configuration and Service item. 6. Expand Hardware item. 7. Expand Disk Units item. 9. Provide Service Tools ID and password and press OK button. 8. Expand Parity Sets item. 9. Select your Parity Set. 10. Right click on the excludable non configured disk unit to call its context menu. Result: The "Exclude from Parity Set..." menu option will not be available. Additional keywords: INCORROUT RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: The System i must be in DST mode. Steps: 1. Run System i Navigator. 2. Select "Open System i Navigator service tools window" from Environment tasks located at the bottom right panel. 3. Provide the Service Tools IP address then click OK button. 4. Provide Service Tools ID and password and press OK button. 5. Expand your System. 6. Expand Disk Units item. 7. Expand Parity Sets item. 8. Select your Parity Set. 9. Right click on the excludable non configured disk unit to call its context menu. 10. Select "Exclude from Parity Set..." option. APAR SE33572 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT GIANT ICON IN VISUAL EXPLAIN Visual Explain shows oversized icons. This may happen when using the Graph Detail -> Full option. If you run a complex query and select the "Expand to Window" context menu option on a Table Probe and then select the "Collapse" context menu option to reset to the original icon size. This may cause the original icon to be sized to oversized dimensions. APAR SE33573 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Work with copy description resources fails The resources associated to a copy description are not listed in the panel of properties of the copy description in the Disk Management graphical user interface. Furthermore, adding a resource to a copy description fails with message CPD0043, indicating that the keyword RSRCNAME is not valid. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OTHER-MSGCPD0043 APAR SE33574 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE PREFERRED FOLDER WHEN OPENING A SCRIPT In the Run SQL Scripts (RSS) window, the first time the user uses the Open menu option to open a file, the open dialog places the user at the My Documents folder instead of user's last accessed sub-folder. APAR SE33575 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT COMMENTS IN AN SQL PACKAGE When trying to edit comments for an SQL Package you may get an error dialog stating "nameContainer invalid for sql ordinary identifier". This is possible by selecting the "Comments..." option from the SQL Package's context menu. The exception is shown and no Comments dialog displays. APAR SE33576 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE USER PREFERENCES NOT HONORED IN MAPS When adding objects to a map, the user preferences are not taken into account. At the moment an object is added to the map, objects related to the object may be added to the map based on the options specified on the user preferences dialog. If a user tries to add an object or a set of objects, the 'Finding relations' dialog shows the status with the value of 'Omitted' for those objects the user does not want to be added to the map. However, the first time this occurs, the value for those object types to be omitted starts counting up and thus are added to the map. The problem is the preferences from the User Preferences dialog are being ignored. APAR SE33577 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CURSOR IN RSS IS LOST After running a script in the Run SQL Scripts window, the cursor may be lost and the user cannot work with the script text anymore. When the script being run executes successfully, the application highlights the next query in the script and the cursor should remain in the script area. The problem is when using the toolbar buttons to run the script, this highlights the next query but the cursor is not in the script area, so the user needs to click on the text to work with the script. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Use the short-cut keys to run the scripts instead of using the toolbar buttons. APAR SE33578 : CA400EXP-OPNAV HANDLE NULL POINTER EXCEPTION IN PLAN CACHE When working with SQL Plan Cache Snapshots, there are some actions where an error message may display due to a null pointer exception not being handled. Such actions are: 1) Selecting the "Show Statements" option for an SQL Plan Cache Snapshot which its data file is empty. This will display an empty list and a null pointer exception in the trace. An "An unknown error has occurred." error dialog may be displayed before the Show Statements dialog displays. 2) Selecting the "SQL Statements with the Same Statement Text" option for a statement within a drill-down analysis report. The message, "An unknown error has occurred.", may display if the Join Field column value is missing for the record. A null pointer exception is logged in the trace. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: DBASE-INCORROUT APAR SE33579 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE INVALID ERROR WITH CORRECT SHORT NAME When creating a new index, the validation of the SQL name and short name of the index may not be correct. In the case that the SQL name is greater than 10 characters, it is not suitable to be used as the short name so the user can specify a name up to 10 characters in short name field. However, if the user does specify a name, the dialog incorrectly displays a warning message that the "Short name cannot be specified when the SQL name provided is also a valid short name." APAR SE33581 : CA400EXP-OPNAV INDEX ADVISED NOT GENERATED CORRECTLY FROM VE Trying to display the create index dialog for an advised index through the Visual Explain (VE) window may have problems. In Visual Explain, the user can display the list of advised indexes of the query being explained. The list may contain binary radix index and encoded vector index (EVI) index types. To create an advised index the user checks the checkbox for the one they want and then presses the Create button to display the create index dialog. The following problems may occur when the user tries to create advised indexes: 1) Displaying the create index dialog for the first time on an advised index other than the first one in the list, will display the correct index. But the next time the user presses the Create button, they will get the create index dialog for the first index in the list. 2) If the list has an EVI index and a binary radix advised, the create index dialog for the EVI may not display. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: DBASE-INCORROUT APAR SE33582 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Collect Attributes invalid file prefix error Typing an invalid file prefix in 'Collect Attributes' panel sends the error 'Expression not allowed for parameter INFFILEPFX' and an entry is created in the table of 'Display Collected Attributes' panel. RESOLUTION: The fix prevents the application from creating the entry inside the table of 'Display Collected Attributes' panel when an invalid file prefix has been typed in 'Collect Attributes' panel. APAR SE33583 : CA400EXP-OPNAV NESTED BRACKETED COMMENTS IN RUN SQL SCRIPTS When using the Run SQL Scripts (RSS) window to execute a script, it may fail if it has nested comments. This is possible if each pair of bracketed comments do not have spaces between them and other bracketed comments. Example: /*/* some comment */*/ ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: DBASE-INCORROUT RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problems. CIRCUMVENTION: Put at least one space between each set of 2 character comments ("/*" or "*/") so the comment looks like: /* /* some comment */ */ Then execute the query. APAR SE33584 : CA400EXP-OPNAV TRIPLE DES AND RC4 ALGORITHMS NOT RECOGNIZED Addional keywords: -OTHER-INCORROUT Using Cryptographic Services Key Management to create a new key record, the algorithms Triple DES and RC4-Compatible are not recognized, at the last panel of the New Key record wizard an error message is displayed about those algorithms are not valid, this happens if a not English Language is configured in the client. APAR SE33585 : CA400EXP ISW does not commit wizard configuration 1. Go to Network -> Internet -> right click and select Internet Setup Wizard option. 2. Select "To a protected network" radio button at the Panel where the type of connection is selected. 3. Follow instructions until you get the summary panel, then click on Finish button to commit configuration. Result: The Summary panel is refreshed and configuration is not saved from web console and no error or warning message is displayed. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33586 : CA400EXP ADD SERVER MODE CONNECTING JOB TO JOB SQL DETAILS The Current SQL for a Job and SQL Details for a Job dialogs will be extended to display the 'Server mode connecting job:' within the current job SQL information. This will be added to a V5R4 and V6R1 clients of iSeries Navigator and System i Navigator respectively when connected to a V5R4 version of i5/OS or greater. This is the definition of the new Server mode connecting job value. It will be the qualified job name of the job which established the SQL Server Mode connection. If the job name of the current job is not QSQSRVR, then blanks will be displayed for the Server mode connecting job if the client is a V5R4. In V6R1 the value will not be displayed if it is not filled in. If the job name is QSQSRVR, then the qualified job name of the connecting job will be displayed. This job name will be of the form 'xxxxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyy/zzzzzz', where x = job name, y = user name and z = job number. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-DBASE RESOLUTION: The Current SQL for a Job and SQL Details for a Job dialogs have been extended. But this extended functionality is available only if the following PTFs are installed on the system: PTF '5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI31631' PTF '5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI31632' PTF '5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI31633' PTF '5761SS1 V6R1M0 SI31640' PTF '5761SS1 V6R1M0 SI31641' PTF '5761SS1 V6R1M0 SI31644' APAR SE33587 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Reattach Metro Mirror session hangs If a Metro Mirror session is reattached using the Disk Management graphical user interface (GUI), and PTF SI31364 (or any superseding PTF) of product 5761HAS is installed on the system, the GUI hangs until the CPF9898 inquiry message sent to the system operator message queue (QSYSOPR) asking to confirm the reattach operation is answered. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OTHER-WAIT RESOLUTION: The Disk Management GUI code is changed to show to the user the text of the CPF9898 inquiry message (English only) sent to the system operator message queue. The user can either continue with the reattach operation by pressing the Continue button, or cancel the operation by pressing the Cancel button. CIRCUMVENTION: From a 5250 session, use the command DSPMSG QSYSOPR to see the system operator messages, look for the CPF9898 message asking to confirm the reattach operation and answer the message. After the message is answered, the Disk Management GUI will continue working. APAR SE33588 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Object properties on IASP not shown Limited information is displayed inside the properties of the following objects that reside in an independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP): - Database Schema. - SQL packages. - AFP resources, PSF configuration objects, and font mapping tables. - library inside a job's library list. Even when the user profile has enough authorities. APAR SE33589 : CA400EXP Create Modem with parameters command empty Go to Network -> RAS -> Modems Right click on Modems and select New Modem Enter a valid name in General panel then click on Additional paramters tab Click on Add button, enter a Parameter name then click on OK button leaving empty the command field. Result: The parameter is added to modem list After Modem is created, open modem properties and edit Aditional parameters tab, by changing parameters order then click on OK button to save changes, open properties again and order was not saved successfuly. And if you move any parameter to the bottom of the list the parameter is duplicated after save changes. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33590 : CA400EXP-INCORROUT-GUI DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIDEVD The GUI does not allow me to specify what devd the CPYD can use. We cannot guarantee that the device description name is the same at the resource name. RESOLUTION: The support to handle multiple device descriptions for an IASP has been added. The user will be able to select the device description to work with in Cross Site Mirroring tasks. CIRCUMVENTION: The user can run the command on green screen selecting the device description desired. APAR SE33591 : CA400EXP profile not created if remote authentication is set SLIP Switched profile not created if requires remote system authentication. Go to Network -> Remote Access Services -> Receiver Connection Profiles Right click on RCP and select New Profile option. In Authentication panel, check "Require this system to verify the identity of the remote system" checkbox, select any validation list then complete configuration and press OK button to commit wizard. Result: The message "Select an authentication protocol to allow" message is displayed and profile is not created. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33592 : CA400EXP Local system identification not saved for RCP Go to Network -> RAS -> Receiver Connection Profile Right click on any L2TP - PPP profile and select Properties option Click on Authentication tab and check "Allow the remote system to verify the identity of this system" checkbox then check "Require unencrypted password" radio button, enter any username an password value then click on OK button to save changes Right click on edited profile and select Properties options to make sure changes were saved. "Require unencrypted authentication protocol" radio button is not cheked. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33593 : CA400EXP SMTP schedule attribute dismatch in AT&T summary Go to Network -> RAS -> Originator Connection Profile Right click on Originator Connection Profile and select New ATT Global Network dial connection option Follow instructions until you get to SMTP Shcedule page, Activate the schedule and enter a valid time value different than 30 (i.e. enter 1000). Continue with the wizard instructions until you get to Summary panel and verify the value of SMTP Shcedule time. Result: The summary displays the default value (30 minute) in SMTP Schedule attribute. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33594 : CA400EXP named.conf is not updated with the generated key Generated a RNDC key from function manage RNDC within DNS configuration. The rndc.conf file and the key files are created correctly. The named.conf is not updated with the include for this key. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33595 : CA400EXP save master copy of data does not create the files Go to Network -> Severs -> DNS, select an instance and select configuration. When you go to the new Secondary or Stub zone wizard, there is an option in the Master Server panel, when you check that option its supposed to create a file for that zone, so transfers from the master server will be performed and a copy will be available localy. This file is not created, its like if you choose not to save the master data copy. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE33596 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE UNABLE TO EXPLAIN CREATE OF MQT TABLE When using Run SQL Scripts and trying to use the "Explain" or "Run & Explain" actions on a CREATE TABLE statement for a Materialzed Query Table (MQT), the Visual Explain picture may not be displayed. Instead a message box may be displayed stating "Cannot display the query diagram because the query access plan information was not collected for the query". The following is an example of a CREATE TABLE statement for an MQT: CREATE TABLE MQTTABLE AS( SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE) DATA INITIALLY IMMEDIATE REFRESH DEFERRED ENABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION MAINTAINED BY USER APAR SE33566 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Enable Global mirror functions for GUI Global Mirror functions are not enabled. RESOLUTION: This PTF will enable the Global Mirror functions for the Disk Management GUI. APAR SE33567 : CA400EXP IPv6 Enhancements for TCP/IP applications The new functionality included is: RIPng Network->Servers->TCP/IP->OMPROUTED->RIP Provides the Routing Information Protocol next generation(RIPng) and Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2).This is a routing protocol that exchanges routing information used to compute routes and is intended for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based networks. Besides, this provides the support for the old RIP protocol as well that this was being configuring by ROUTED server. DHCP Network->TCP/IP Configuration->IPv4->Interfaces IPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client for the iSeries will provide customers with a capability to automatically acquire a dynamic IPv4 address on a per line description for their system using the System i Navigator. This will be accomplished by configuring a IPv4 DHCP interface for a line description. To enable the help follow the instructions in the following link: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v6r 1m0/files/iNav/se33567 ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT RESOLUTION: This PTF includes the changes to support the new functionality, as long as the following i5/OS PTFs are also installed: - SI31381 and its prerequisites (SI31858, SI31859, SI31860, SI31861, SI31863, SI31865, SI31866, SI31867, SI31868, SI31869, SI31889) for RIPng - SI30797, SI30957, SI30958, SI30959, SI30960, SI30961, SI30962,SI30963 for DHCP APAR SE29734 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT USER NETWORKS OPTION FAILS When going into the properties of a user profile using iSeries Navigator and adding a second Network, Navigator shuts down. This may also be experienced when the user profile has associated two or more networks to its definition. RESOLUTION: The code has been modified to display the network servers associated with each user profile. CIRCUMVENTION: To display the networks associated to a user profile, you may use DSPSVRAUTE command on a 5250 session. APAR SE30855 : CA400EXP Help is not available on Rules Editor. The customer is using R540 iSeries Accesss for Windows and in iSeries Navigator he brings up the Rules Editor then tries to display the general help without success, there isn't help available. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32165 : CA400EXP-OPNAV ERRORS WHEN APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION IS NOT INSTALLED The following Application Administration errors may occur: 1) A Runtime error with program CWBUNPLP is received when trying to perform any function with System i Access for Windows. Message: Runtime Error! Program: n:\Windows\System32\cwbunplp.exe n= location of installed application 2) From the Administration System tab in the System i Access for Windows Properties window, when user tries to run "Scan Settings Now" and a message error is to be displayed, user will get the following exception: An exception occurred while trying to run "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "C:\WINDOWS\System32\ca400cpl.cpl"," RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Use the selective setup to add the iSeries Navigator - Application Administration component. APAR SE32235 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT BAD INVENTORY EXPORT STORAGE VALUE Management Central Export Inventory feature writes incorrect value for available storage and storage used. Problem may be observable when values being handled are close and above 2.1 TB. RESOLUTION: Code has been modified to handle storage reports correctly. APAR SE32527 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0551 EDIT CONTENTS OF A TABLE When trying to edit a table using the 'Edit Contents' menu option of the table's context menu, a MSGSQL0551 error message may appear. The error states that the user is not authorized to the object QADBIFLD in QSYS type *FILE. This happens if the user trying to do the action does not have enough authority to the QADBIFLD object. APAR SE32734 : CA400EXP-OPNAV ISERIES NAVIGATOR PERFORMANCE ADVISOR STOPS When the firewall rules are configured to deny access to the iSeries host, and the iSeries Navigator Advisor is used to check the network items of the host, the iSeries Navigator Advisor - Performance window may stop at 0%. At this point the Status of the Performance window is Analyzing network: Response Time. APAR SE33434 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT PARTITIONED TABLE DEFINITION The definition dialog for a table may not appear for partitioned tables. When selecting the "Definition" context menu option for a partitioned table, the Definition dialog may not display and no error is signaled to the user. This happens with partitioned tables that have many partitions. APAR SE33354 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT UPDATE FIX-GROUPS TASK FAIL Appears when doing a comparision for fix groups only, where is expected to have first the compare task and then do the update with selected items. Ensure that the Target Systems do not report ANY missing fixes, but do report missing fix groups. 1. Hit the Update option button. 2. Press next button until summary page. 3. Press Finish button 4. After hitting Finish button GUI will crash and stop responding. RESOLUTION: Code has been changed to handle "Fix Groups Only" updating task. APAR SE32748 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT SELECTING PERMISSIONS FOR AN OBJECT Additional Keywords: -DBASE Working with database objects a connection error was displayed. Currently Secure Socket Layer is enabled and the not secure ports are blocked by a firewall. APAR SE33244 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CENTRAL SYSTEM CHANGE PROBLEM Attempting to change the System i Navigator Central System may result in the application not responding. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE31984 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-LOOP RXFERPCB GOES INTO AN ENDLESS LOOP When RXFERPCB uploads an Excel Spreadsheet (.BIFF file), it should not try to upload multiple worksheets. Currently, it tries to do so and, when the second worksheet contains empty records, the upload algorithm goes into an endless loop, transferring blank records until the job is manually ended or the iSeries table has reached it's maximum size. APAR SE32445 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 INCORRECT ROW NUMBER Data transfer is reporting an error CWBDB0052 in V5R3 or V5R4, or CWBTF0105 starting in V6R1, due to data in a file that cannot be converted from the host CCSID to the PC code page. The error displays the column and row numbers of the result set with the error, however, the indicated row number is wrong. APAR SE32745 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CUSTOMIZED DEFAULT DATE FORMAT IS NEEDED The Data Transfer application does not allow to specify a customized default date format but it selects the date format based on the PC's Windows regional setting. This behavior represents a problem for customers that do not want to use the automatically selected date format, especially for those who create many transfer requests, as they have to go the Format Settings panel and change the date format manually every time a new transfer request is created. APAR SE33119 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FDF DEFAULT PATH IS NOT DEFINED When using the Data Transfer Excel Add-in to upload data and no path is specified, the FDF file is created in C:\Documents and Settings\UserID\My Documents directory. The correct default behaviour, if no directory path is specified, is for the FDF file to be created in the C:\Documents and Settings\UserID\My Documents\IBM\Client Access directory. APAR SE33249 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT IASP PARAMETER IS IGNORED The Data Transfer application ignores the IASP/Database value stored in transfer requests; the default value (*SYSBAS) is used instead. APAR SE33421 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER UPLOADING XML FILES CAUSES VARIOUS ERRORS Several problems with the iSeries Access for Windows Data Transfer to iSeries GUI are addressed in this APAR, all of them related to the "MS XML Excel spreadsheet" file type: 1) The XML scanner in the iSeries Access for Windows Create iSeries Database file GUI fails to recognize XML spreadsheets that contain more than one worksheet correctly. As a result, incorrect table layouts are generated which make Data Transfer fail to parse the spreadsheets and cause the following error message to be displayed: CWBTF0100 Microsoft XML Parser encountered an error at line x, column x, with return code - 2147467259. Message text, if available, is Unspecified error'. 2) An access violation may occur when the XML scanner in the iSeries Access for Windows Create iSeries Database file GUI scans a large XML file. 3) An endless loop can occur when extra columns are added to an XML file after it has been used to create a table on the iSeries and an FDF file has already been created based on the original layout. The expected behavior in this situation is to display a warning message stating that extra data will not be sent. Appropriate data should be transferred. 4.- A hang may occur in the middle of an upload operation of an XML file, specially with big files. APAR SE33422 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FIELD NAMES ARE ALPHEBETIZED Using Data Transfer from System i, when clicking 'Data Options' and then 'Details' buttons, the field names are alphabetized instead of being displayed in the order they occur in the physical file as it used to be in other releases. APAR SE32981 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 RETRIEVING A LIST OF LIBRARIES AND FILES FAILED ON JAPANESE SYSTEM I ACCESS When a user clicks the "Browse" button on "Data Transfer From System i" of Japanese System i Access in order to retrieve a list of libraries and files, it fails with CWBDB0052. CWB0111 is also issued in the History Log. This happens after install of SI30128. The same problem happens also on "Data Transfer To System i". DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE32745 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CUSTOMIZED DEFAULT DATE FORMAT IS NEEDED The Data Transfer application does not allow to specify a customized default date format but it selects the date format based on the PC's Windows regional setting. This behavior represents a problem for customers that do not want to use the automatically selected date format, especially for those who create many transfer requests, as they have to go the Format Settings panel and change the date format manually every time a new transfer request is created. APAR SE33119 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FDF DEFAULT PATH IS NOT DEFINED When using the Data Transfer Excel Add-in to upload data and no path is specified, the FDF file is created in C:\Documents and Settings\UserID\My Documents directory. The correct default behaviour, if no directory path is specified, is for the FDF file to be created in the C:\Documents and Settings\UserID\My Documents\IBM\Client Access directory. APAR SE32981 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 RETRIEVING A LIST OF LIBRARIES AND FILES FAILED ON JAPANESE SYSTEM I ACCESS When a user clicks the "Browse" button on "Data Transfer From System i" of Japanese System i Access in order to retrieve a list of libraries and files, it fails with CWBDB0052. CWB0111 is also issued in the History Log. This happens after install of SI30128. The same problem happens also on "Data Transfer To System i". ODBC ---- APAR SE33580 : CA400EXP-DATABASE-MSGSQL0401 using translate hex connection property SQL0401 message error occurs when using extended dynamic support under a connection with a different Hex Parser Option than the one used when the SQL package was originally created. For example, if an SQL package created with Hex Parser Option set to 0 (Default) is used under a connection with Hex Parser Option set to 1, SQL0401 message occurs. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem CIRCUMVENTION: - Don't use extended dynamic support - For ODBC and JDBC, the user can create one package with the option set to Default in one library (eg, HEXPKGLIB), and then set the option ON and create the package to a different library (eg, BINPKGLIB). - For OLE DB the connection string/property "SQL Library Package Name" must be used to specify the Package location library JDBC Additional information about "translate hex" can be found in JDBC driver connection properties http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r4/ index.jsp?topic=/rzaha/conprop.htm ODBC Additional information about HEXPARSEROPT can be found in Connection string keywords - Translation properties http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r4/ index.jsp?topic=/rzaik/rzaikconnstrkeywordstranprop.htm OLE DB Additional information about "SQL Library Package Name" and "Hex Parser Option" can be found in the programmer's toolkit. Programmer's toolkit---->Database ---->ADO/OLE DB ---->"System i Access for Windows OLE DB Technical Reference - SQL"----> Help Topics---->Contents tab---->System i OLEDB provider functions----> Special Properties. APAR SE32285 : OSP-INCORROUT MSGSQL0104 LINUX ODBC DRIVER wrong length stmt Linux PHP script using iSeries Access for Linux ODBC driver encounters an msgSQL0104 when the SQL statement contains a character outside the invariant character set (a-z, 0-9). Languages other than English commonly use characters outside the invariant set, i.e. accented letters, and are more likley to encounter this issue. APAR SE32817 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT STORED PROCEDURE CALLS FAIL WITH {} Stored procedure calls that completed successfully when using iSeries Access for Windows V5R3 and V5R4 fail when using iSeries Access for Windows V6R1. TRCCNN or an ODBC trace shows that the call was made to the stored procedure. CWBCOTRC indicates that the ODBC driver is hung. The statement being sent through SQLExecDirect() is something like this: "{call SomeLib.SomeProcedure}". At this point, the pNode becomes invalid resulting in the hang. This will only occur when using the {} syntax. Adding parameters or even an empty parameter list will avoid the problem. Failing Example: {call SomeLib.SomeProcedure} Working Example: {call SomeLib.SomeProcedure()} APAR SE33393 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT GARBAGE DATA APPENDED TO DATA RETURNED FOR RESULT SET. Unicode configured PHP script run under Microsoft Windows using the iSeries Access for Windows ODBC driver returns DB2 data from the iSeries but the displayed output appears to have appended garbage data to the result set. The iSeries Access for Windows ODBC driver was configured with the CCSID keyword to force the client code page to be used to 1208 UTF-8. Detail trace or CWBCOTRC will reveal there is a CWB0111 truncation warning message but doesn't account for the extra data appended to the result set. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE32880 : CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT QUERY OPTIONS LIBRARY NOT SET FROM SQL SERVER The iSeries Access for Windows OLE DB provider is not setting the query options library (the library whose QAQQINI file will be used) is not being set correctly when the provider string is set to "QUERY OPTIONS FILE LIBRARY=MYLIB" in SQL Server. If a trace is also set on through the provider string, the query options library gets set properly though. For example the following provider string will work as it should, "QUERY OPTIONS FILE LIBRARY=MYLIB;TRACE=7" APAR SE33580 : CA400EXP-DATABASE-MSGSQL0401 using translate hex connection property SQL0401 message error occurs when using extended dynamic support under a connection with a different Hex Parser Option than the one used when the SQL package was originally created. For example, if an SQL package created with Hex Parser Option set to 0 (Default) is used under a connection with Hex Parser Option set to 1, SQL0401 message occurs. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem CIRCUMVENTION: - Don't use extended dynamic support - For ODBC and JDBC, the user can create one package with the option set to Default in one library (eg, HEXPKGLIB), and then set the option ON and create the package to a different library (eg, BINPKGLIB). - For OLE DB the connection string/property "SQL Library Package Name" must be used to specify the Package location library JDBC Additional information about "translate hex" can be found in JDBC driver connection properties http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r4/ index.jsp?topic=/rzaha/conprop.htm ODBC Additional information about HEXPARSEROPT can be found in Connection string keywords - Translation properties http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r4/ index.jsp?topic=/rzaik/rzaikconnstrkeywordstranprop.htm OLE DB Additional information about "SQL Library Package Name" and "Hex Parser Option" can be found in the programmer's toolkit. Programmer's toolkit---->Database ---->ADO/OLE DB ---->"System i Access for Windows OLE DB Technical Reference - SQL"----> Help Topics---->Contents tab---->System i OLEDB provider functions----> Special Properties. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE33568 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA GetDataSources() strings contain garbage characters When using the iDB2DataSourceEnumerator's GetDataSources() method, the strings returned from this method contain an undisplayable character at the end. APAR SE33517 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT EXCEPTION WITH EMPTY STRING PARAMETERS A program using the IBM DB2 for i5/OS .Net provider encounters an exception when a string parameter is assigned an empty string as a value. The exception code is 0xC000000D and is reported in module MSVCR80.DLL or equivalent runtime library. The problem can be recreated using the following C# code: static void Main(string[] args) { String strParm = ""; iDB2Connection cnn = new iDB2Connection("DataSource=MYSYSTEM"); cnn.Open(); iDB2Command cmd = cnn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "call MyLib.MyProc(@myCharParm)"; cmd.DeriveParameters(); cmd.Parameters["@myCharParm"].Value = strParm; iDB2DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); } APAR SE32401 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT CONNECTION TIMEOUT NOT WORKING The .Net data provider supports a connection timeout property that specifies the amount of time that the provider will wait for a connection to complete before it returns a connection timeout back to the application. The provider only seems to set the timeout value for the connection that is made to the database host server. In many cases, there are other connections that the core communications functions are in control of, which must be made before this database server connection is attempted. The .Net timeout value should apply to all of the connections that are made. As part of the investigation into this problem, an important discovery was made that bears mentioning here. If the system is configured (in iSeries Navigator's connection properties) to look up the address of the system, then a DNS name resolution will be performed for the connections and that sort of connection does not use sockets so the timeout cannot be applied to the DNS address lookup. If that fails, the length of that timeout is beyond the control of an application. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.2 (2008-04-30) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI31554. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20080430 APAR SE29943 : CA400EXP 5250 SESSION HANG WHEN THE MIXED DATA WAS PASTED. When the data with which the SBCS blank is contained between DBCS is pasted to G type field (Graphic field), the session loses a response. This problem occurs only in the DBCS environment. Ex, 'A B' (A and B is DBCS. It is a SBCS blank between them.) If the data containing SBCS and DBCS is pasted into G field, a session will be hung. APAR SE31610 : CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL PRINTER EMULATION ENDS ABNORMALLY WITH PDT CONTAINING START_JOB WITH MORE THAN 255 BYTES A pdt table is created from custom source. The source contains a START_JOB tag with more than 255 bytes of data. When put in use, the printer emulation session ends abnormally. APAR SE32283 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT COPY AND PASTE AT G TYPE FIELD PCOMM APAR IC55304 Incorrout Copy and Paste function on host codepage 1399/1390 session. When user tries to copy G type fields for Input/Output type, copied string is invalid. The problem issues G type fields has all blanks. The results is different between host codepage 930/939 and 1390/1399. It will not DBCS blanks. Already reported under PCOMM APAR IC55304. APAR SE32400 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 KEYBOARD ERROR WILL NOT RESET PC5250 keyboard error will not Reset. APAR SE32408 : OSP-PAR-940XCOM CURSOR POSITIONED INCORRECTLY AFTER UPGRADE TO R540 ACCESS FOR WINDOWS After upgrading to R540 Si27741 in Access for Windows, the cursor is positioned incorrectly to the first input field in screen, instead of the last field prior to entering detailed screen. APAR SE32924 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PCSWS.EXE FAILS DURING PLAYING MACRO ON 5250 SESSION WITH VISTA. CODE PAGES 1399 OR 1390. PCSWS.EXE fails during playing macro. It issues when 5250 display session has host codepage 1399/1390 . Steps to recreate: . 1. Configure 5250 session with host codepage 1399 2. Start recording macro 3. Record signon operation or something_____________________} 4. Stop recording . 5. Try to play macro APAR SE33046 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PASTING DBCS/SBCS MIXED DATA TO O-TYPE FIELD INCORROUT In case that FieldWrap is set to 'N' on a PC5250 terminal session, only DBCS data is pasted when DBCS/SBCS mixed data is pasted to an O-type field. This happens after a fix for SE29943 is applied. APAR SE33077 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT * AT THE END OF A URL IS IGNORED When using hotspots the customer uses an * at the end of a url. This is getting stripped off. APAR SE33291 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGPCSERR100 PC5250 ABENDS WITH PCSERR100 ERROR PC5250 abends with PCSERR100 error when used in conjunction with screen scraping software. SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE33431 : CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT IP address as config name fails Attempting to connect with an operations console LAN connection that has an IP address as the name fails shortly after the DST sign on. The error is "Communication error attempting to validate DST User ID and Password. Do you want to try again?" RESOLUTION: With this fix dotted decimal IP addresses can be used as configuration names. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI31251 Build date = March 2008 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE32355 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CHECK VERSION IGNORES CMDLINE PARMS SPECIFIED IN SETUP.INI Check Version ignores any command line parameters specified in the CmdLine key of setup.ini if either the "Perform silent installation" or "Copy install image to PC" options are selected in the Service tab of the System i Access for Windows Properties panel. By default, setup.ini defines the msiexec parameters /l* "%temp%\xe1instlogmsi.txt" in CmdLine, which generates an install log under the temporal folder. In the situation described above, such parameters are ignored and thus an installation log will not be generated when Check Version performs a service pack or upgrade operation. If customer specified additional msiexec parameters in setup.ini, they will be ignored as well. APAR SE32356 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CWBLAUNCH.EXE IGNORES CMDLINE PARMS SPECIFIED IN SETUP.INI Launching cwblaunch.exe with the /v option causes any command line parameters specified in the CmdLine key of setup.ini to be ignored. For example, launching the following command will cause setup.exe to ignore any command line parameters specified in setup.ini: cwblaunch /v"CWBINSTALLTYPE=PC5250User" By default, setup.ini defines the msiexec parameters /l* "%temp%\xe1instlogmsi.txt" in CmdLine, which generate an install log file under the temporal folder. In the situation described above, such parameters are ignored and thus an installation log will not be generated. If customer specified additional msiexec parameters in setup.ini, they are ignored as well. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem CIRCUMVENTION: Specify all msiexec parameters in the /v option of cwblaunch.exe, including any parameters specified in setup.ini. Alternatively, specify all msiexec parameters in the CmdLine key of setup.ini and avoid using /v. Note: passing in multiple msiexec parameters or parameters that contain spaces -like /l- through the /v option requires enclosing them in quotes, like in the following examples: cwblaunch.exe /v"/l*v mylog.txt" cwblaunch.exe /v"CWBINSTALLTYPE=PC5250User /qb" APAR SE30681 : CA400EXP-NLS-INCORROUT CONVERSION FROM CCSID 5035 TO 932 Incorrect mapping occurred when converting from CCSID 5035 to CCSID 932. RESOLUTION: The correct CCSID mapping has been restored. APAR SE32877 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-UNPRED NO SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR PLUGINS WERE DETECTED IN YOUR SOURCE DIRECTORY When attempting to scan for New Plug-ins or initial startup of System i Navigator; one will be prompted to sign-on to i5/OS and will recieve: 'No System i Navigator plugins were detected in your source directory' Looking in the install logs on windows we see: error 'No plugins found' RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem CIRCUMVENTION: The following command can be used to install the plug-ins on the PC from the System i. 1. Open a DOS Command prompt 2. Map a drive to \\system_name\QIBM typing the following command: net use x: \\system_name\QIBM 3. Run the following command CWBINPLG /CALLER=WI /INSTALL /SRCDIR=x:\ Where x: is the drive letter assigned to \\system_name\QIBM OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- APAR SE30805 : CA400EXP-INRMTCMD-INCORROUT EXECUTING GRAPHICAL APPLICATIONS Sometimes when using the Incoming Remote Commands function and interact with the desktop option is enabled, it fails with a "ghost window" that is, only the window frame is displayed. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE31184 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CLUSTER GUI SUPPORT FOR i5OS V6R1 System i Navigator Cluster component incompatibility problems with V6R1 systems. APAR SE31263 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Error message when creating a user Message: "An internal error has occurred and has been logged.Processing will continue" . is displayed after creating/adding a user profile with system i Navigator. APAR SE31191 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DISTINCT VALUES CREATING ADVISED INDEX When trying to create an index from the index advisor dialog in Visual Explain, the New Index dialog may display '0' as the default value for the 'Number of distinct values' field. However, for those advised indexes whose type is binary radix, the dialog should display 'Not specified' as default value for the 'Number of distinct values' field. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: INCORROUT APAR SE32302 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Corrupt characters in column headers In System i Navigator, under My Connections, expand the System i server to work with, expand the Network node, expand Servers node, select TCP/IP. Right click on i5/OS NetServer and select 'Open i5/OS NetServer' from its context menu. Select 'Shared Objects' node inside i5/OS NetServer. The 'Share' and 'Share Type' column headers displayed in the i5/OS NetServer's right panel, contain corrupted characters when the System i Navigator installation is in Arabic. APAR SE31816 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT No Message QUEUE/LIBRARY on Monitor For Management Central Message Monitors, context menu actions associated to a message resulted in a "Message QUEUE/LIBRARY not specified" error. APAR SE32303 : CA400EXP UCW does not force selection of country The universal connection wizard does not force the user to select a country under "Location" panel, if the user finishes the wizard without selecting a country the wizard generates an error. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32304 : CA400EXP Wait for Dial tone checkbox shows inconsistency The profile created by Universal connection wizard when selecting a dial up connection shows a different "wait for dial tone" value than the configured on the wizard, there is inconsistency with the values. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32305 : CA400EXP Packet Rules is not shown under IPv6 interfaces From Network->TCPIP Configuration->IPv6->Interfaces-> on The context menu of any interface the action "Active Packet Rules" is not shown ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32306 : CA400EXP OPNAV CRASHES USING DRAG AND DROP IN NEW VIEW DIALOG Using the drag and drop capability in the New View dialog may cause System i Navigator to display a message box that says cwbunnav.exe needs to close. The drag and drop feature is enabled for selecting which columns to establish the join between tables and for selecting which tables will participate in the view definition. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-DBASE APAR SE32307 : CA400EXP Error displaying VPN responer connection When trying to display the properties of a Remote Connection Group properties a failure window message is shown from System i Navigator. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32331 : CA400EXP Rules Editor hangs displayed from Group Access From "Network->Remote Access Services-> Receiver Connection Profile->Group Access Policy->New Group Access Policy-> TCPIP settings tab" Click on "Edit Rules Profile". The System i Navigator hangs ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32332 : CA400EXP VPN default settings causes an exception When working with the VPN defaults, try to change the 'key expiration' 'expire at size limit' to 'no size limit' get a number format error from key Expiration tab under vpn. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32333 : CA400EXP Can not change IKE local key identifier in VPN At IKE Policy properties an error is displayed saying that the IP version 6 address is not valid when changing the 'Local Key Server' indentifier from either 'IP version 4' or 'IP version 6' to any other type. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32073 : CA400EXP-OPNAV SCRIPT NOT SAVED WITH CLOSE GROUP ACTION Using the 'Close group' action to close the windows of System i Navigator may result in not saving a script being modified in Run SQL Scripts window. If the closing action is requested and the user has modified a script in the Run SQL Scripts window, but not yet saved it, the System i Navigator closing process should be stopped to ask the user if they want to save the changes. Instead, the application closes and the changes to the script(s) are lost. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: DBASE RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Do not use the 'Close Group' option. Instead use the close action from the main window of the System i Navigator to close all windows. APAR SE32334 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Various NLS problems - 'Last used' date do not display a value when the System i Navigator installation is in Arabic. 'Last used' field is available in 'Use' tab page from file properties. - Daemons status table inside NFS server properties is too small when the System i Navigator installation is in Arabic. -The object type is always displayed in English when file properties for a QSYS.LIB object is accessed using IBM Systems Director Navigator for i5/OS. - RESOURCEMISSING message is displayed when an incorrect IP address is typed in 'Primary Wins Server' or 'Secondary Wins Server' from 'Wins configuration' tab page. It happens when NetServer Properties are invoked within i5/OS NetServer window. APAR SE32335 : CA400EXP ISP connection does not save internal resource From "Network -> Remote Access Serivices -> Originator connection profile -> New Intranet or ISP Dial connection", go through the wizard until reach Hardware Resource list then select an internal resource, continue to commit the configuration; Open the profile properties then the associated line, the resource is set as external. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32308 : CA400EXP Language network GUI problems Universal Connection Wizard does not display translated strings under "Country or region" field, also in Location panel the "Country or region" list is not in correct alphabetical order. When creating a new Primary Zone for DNS in the "Allow update" panel when you click on add button there is an extra field 'ACL-list element' on the Address Match List Element panel, there is also an extra button if you select the 'IP prefix' type. In web console select an active IPv4 interface and display its properties,go to the "Advanced" tab, in Chinese language Chinese characters on the far right of the panel are split in two lines. For an originator connection profile under "TCP/IP Settings" panel, click on "Advanced" button, the panel displayed has a truncated text in Arabic language. Also Right click on Receiver Connection Properties and left click on New Profile, the New Point to Point Profile Properties has a truncated text in Arabic language. Universal Connection Wizard VPN Gateway panel shows a truncated text in Arabic language. IPv4 Interface list does not display the "alias name" as available value in the "Columns" panel. Remote Access Services in the "Ethernet Link" tab shows truncated the standard value in Arabic language. Telnet server "General" shows truncated labels in Arabic language. Internet Setup Wizard Summary panel, the "DNS Address" header is not displayed on the correct language. VPN new connection wizard at Local Endpoint panel, in the Id type dropdown list, the string "Point to Point Profile" is truncated in Russian Language. 'Private Address' panel in 'Address Translation' wizard, the order of the components are wrong, first label is shown below of the IP address field in Chinese language. In web console the welcome page for "Internet Setup" wizard shows truncated labels. 'Internet Setup' wizard Virtual IP is not handling the single quote correctly. The apostrophe is not displayed. Under 'New IPv4 interface' wizard the summary page shows 'Subnetmask' caption truncated. Under "New line" wizard the "Welcome" page shows truncated text. Remote Access Services, is able to create a new physical line without name, this field should be required. DNS dump statistics and dump database display "page not found" in web console, after that the web console is unusable. DNS TTL strings units (seconds, minutes, hours, days) in several options panels are displayed in English language. In the DNS configuration panel the "new view" menu and the context menu for views are not translated correctly. DNS Option panel does not response when creating "listen on v4" and "liste on v6" interfaces multiple times in mixed order. Under Remote Access Services, the "delete" action does not display the delete object confirmation dialog. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32309 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE UNABLE TO EXPLAIN AN OBJECT IN AN IASP Trying to Explain SQL of an object results in an SQL Exception stating that the object cannot be found. This is possible through the SQL Details for Jobs dialog, using the Explain SQL context menu option if the object being explained resides in an Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP). APAR SE32310 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CURSOR IN RSS IS LOST After running a script in the Run SQL Scripts window, the cursor may be lost and the user cannot work with the script text anymore. When the script being run has a syntax error, the application highlights the error and the cursor should remain in the script area. The problem is when using the toolbar buttons to run the script, this highlights the error but the cursor is not in the script area, so the user needs to click on the text to work with the script. RESOLUTION: Use the short-cut keys to run the scripts instead of using the toolbar buttons. APAR SE32311 : CA400EXP-OPNAV JDBC SETUP USE LIBRARY LIST FOR SERVER JOB In Run SQL Scripts window, if you try to change the JDBC Settings, the user may get an error if they change the SQL default schema field. Recreation: 1) Change the field from the default to another value 2) Change the field value back to 'Use library list of server job' option 3) Press the Connect button. The user will see the 'Use library list of server job is not a valid schema name' error message 4) This happens for temporary and permanent JDBC settings ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: DBASE-INCORROUT APAR SE32312 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CONTEXT MENU OPTION MISSING IN ADVISOR The sub-context menu options for the Table contex menu option for an advised index may be missing menu options. This problem may happen in Index Advisor and Condensed Index Advice windows with other language versions of System i Navigator other than English. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: INCORROUT APAR SE32313 : CA400EXP-OPNAV CHANGE FORMAT DATE AND RSA KEY TRANSLATED 1. The long date format used in the applications Intrusion Detection and Cryptographic Services with polish language is not allowed. 2. The algorithm types RSA (Public and private), Triple DES and RC4-compatible used in Cryptographic Services application were not translated. 3. The title of the error window is not correct, when display the permissions of an object. APAR SE32314 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE OPERATORS AND FUNCTIONS IN EXPRESSIONS The operators and functions lists in the expression builder are incorrect. There are some of them that are not supported but are listed. Only the supported operators and functions should be displayed depending on the context of use. The list was incorrect in the New Check Constraint dialog and in Add Expression and Condition Builder... of Key and WHERE clause tabs respectively in the New Index dialog. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: INCORROUT RESOLUTION: The lists of operators and functions will now be shown based on the context of use. APAR SE32315 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CANNOT IMPORT SQL PLAN CACHE DATA FILE It is not possible to import an SQL Plan Cache Snapshot data file through System i Navigator from the SQL Plan Cache Snapshots folder. The import does not occur and no error message is displayed. APAR SE32316 : CA400EXP L2TP Remote Dial profile tries to dial *NONE In Remote Access Services, Originator L2TP Remote dial profile's empty phone numbers set to *NONE, and the profile tries to dial *NONE. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32317 : CA400EXP Physical line is not created for PPPoE A new physical line is not created in the system when creating a PPPoE Profile. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32318 : CA400EXP Incorrect profile Script ASCII value When displaying profile properties for a profile created with UCW, and click the OK button an out of range error message is displayed for the ascii code value RAS Properties is not validating the remote tunnelling end point in the field. When creating a new profile, changing the profile name does not update the line combo list in connection tab. In properties>tcpip settings, the local IP address allows you to enter invalid IP addresses. When a validation message comes up, it does not focus the correct panel. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32319 : CA400EXP incorrect modem retrieved by Profile Profile's properties display incorrect modem, in a dial profile created by Universal Connection Wizard. The GUI hangs when selecting modem "NONE" and try to save the configuration. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32320 : CA400EXP Optional Modem parameters are not saved in PPP In the modem tab under the profile's properties, trying to add optional modem parameters, those parameters are not saved. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32321 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE FORMAT NUMBER IN HEALTH CENTER In the Health Center, the formatting of numbers in the hint text for the Status column may be wrong when the number is a decimal. The problem is that it is displayed with an English format, no matter what the PC locale is. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: INCORROUT APAR SE32322 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE SQL ASSIST IS NOT CONNECTED The SQL Assist tool does not connect to the database. So it is not possible to build any SQL Statemtent since there is no information available for tables or columns. APAR SE32323 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE -MSGSQL0104 CONTROL STATEMENT SEMICOLON When using the Run SQL Scripts window, the user may get a MSGSQL0104 error message creating procedures, functions or triggers. This is possible when using control statements such as FOR - END FOR or WHILE - END WHILE. The problem is that the application treats the semicolon that ends the control statement as the statement terminator instead of the control statement terminator. APAR SE32324 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE UNABLE TO LOAD STRING IN REORGANIZE When reorganizing a table, the string 'Unable to load string resource. String ID = "PROCESSING_CONCURRENT_INSERTS_NODE"' may appear in the Reorganize dialog. A representative string should appear instead, such as 'Processing concurrent inserts - 2'. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: INCORROUT APAR SE32337 : CA400EXP SLIP Leased terminator profiles hangs on save When configuring a SLIP Leased terminator profile and an invalid IP address is set as "Local IP Address" value, the GUI hangs at saving time. On Web enviroment the panel remains the same but no error message is displayed. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32338 : CA400EXP ICMP version 6 not support in filter rules Protocol ICMP has a defintion and a different protocol number for IPv6 called ICMPv6 in Rules Editor, the Filter panel and the ICMP service panel do not have IPv6 support . ICMP service panel adds an additional parameter of the rule statement "V6" that represents this is an ICMP version 6, 'Filter' panel changes the 'Protocol' paramenter to "ICMPv6". ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. The XPF PTF 'SI29843' should be applied in the system in order to enable ICMP version 6. APAR SE32339 : CA400EXP Able to enter invalid group name in L2TP In Remote Access Services, for a L2TP profile, the properties allows to input invalid data in Connection tab, Connection group name field. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32340 : CA400EXP Can not change Remote Key Server in VPN connections The 'Remote Key Server' identifier can not be changed to another value different of IP version 4 or IP version 6 addresses in a VPN connection. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32341 : CA400EXP FRAGMENT should not be included on permitnonVPNv6 When VPNPOLICYRULES.i3p file are defined for VPN connections and the "Permit Non VPN traffic - IPv6" option is checked from "Dynamic key-Group -> Interfaces Tab", permitnonvpnv6 FILTER line is created to allow all ipv6 traffic, 'FRAGMENTS = NONE' is also added in this statement and should be removed. If FRAGMENTS = NONE Is specified then the rule will be skipped for any fragmented packet, which would result in the packet hitting the default deny rule. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32342 : CA400EXP DNS TTLs units are set in English only The DNS configuration TTL value is not been read with the proper language. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32353 : CA400EXP problems in Multiple Domains and Bindings panels Under "Multiple domain" tab when adding a domain for an interface that is not in the first row of "SMTP Server bound interfaces" list the SMTP GUI hangs. Also under "Bindings" tab the "SMTP Client bound interface" list does not show the selected interfaces saved in the configuration. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32354 : CA400EXP L2TP profile does not save line validation list For a Receiver Connection Profile, when you go to the virtual line properties, set the "verify identity" checkbox in the "Authentication" tab, select a validation list or create a new one, if you add entries they are added in the table. If you click "OK" button to save the changes and open again the validation list, there are no entries in the table. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32357 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE AVERAGE OF QUERY ESTIMATES IN ADVISOR Using the Index Advisor, the user may see that the 'Average of Query Estimates' column does not display the correct value in microseconds. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: INCORROUT APAR SE32358 : CA400EXP Internal modem 576C missing Internal modem 576C is not shown in the resource list for Universal Connection Wizard. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32399 : CA400EXP-OPNAV OBSOLETE TASK DISPLAYED AFTER UPGRADE When you upgrade from iNav client v5r4m0 to v6r1m0, the "Install Additional Component" task under "My tasks" in the "Task" panel is appearing, and that particular task is not supported in v6r1m0 APAR SE29597 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CLUSTER ADMIN DOMAIN MRE LIST ERROR Unexpected error when you try to open the list of a single MRE type. RECREATION Prerequisites: -Existent Cluster. -Existent Cluster Administrative Domain. -There are no MREs enrolled for that Cluster Administrative Domain. -Management Central Server is started from the server you want to connect from. Steps: 1. Open iSeries Navigator. 2. Select Management Central. 3. Login to Management Central Server. 4. Expand Management Central. 5. Select Clusters. 6. Expand your cluster. 7. Provide credentials as requested. 8. Expand Peer Resources. 9. Expand your cluster administrative domain. 10. Expand any MRE type category. Result: You will get "Unexpected Error" error message, plus additional information. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Before expanding the list enroll at least one MRE in the Cluster Administrative Domain. APAR SE29905 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-PRINTERS-INCORROUT UNABLE TO SORT PRINTER OUTPUT Click on the Basic operations plus sign, Printers plus sign, click on a printer, right click on a printer, go to Customize this view. You will find Sort grayed out. This is not grayed out on previous releases. APAR SE29980 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION PLUG-INS SETTING IS NOT WORKING AS DESIGNED Under Central Settings for App Admin in iNav when you restrict users from installing plugins this does not work during install. Users get prompted to install plugins and even if they are restricted they are allowed to answer yes and the install proceeds. APAR SE30770 : CA400EXP-OPNAV CONFIGURATION AND SERVICE FAILS WITH CPF3CF1 iSeries Navigator fails with CPF3CF1 error. Selection sequence: My Connections > System_name > Configuration and Service > Hardware May result in the following error: Error occurred while retrieving usage information for User_name on System_name CPF3CF1- Error code parameter not valid. where User_name is the signed on user and System_name is the connected system. APAR SE30848 : CA400EXP-OPNAV- ERROR CREATING NEW USER WITH JAPANESE CLIENT iSeries Navigator problem on Windows 2000 and client on Japanese environment. When creating a new user, CWBUNNAV.EXE fails with application error. The problem does not occur on Windows XP. Recreate as follows: 1. Run iSeries Navigator 2. My Connections -> System -> right click on Users and Groups and select "New User..." 3. Enter new user name 4. Click on Capabilities 5. Click on Application tab. APAR SE31060 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGCWB0111 UPDATING A CHARACTER COLUMN When updating a character column within the Edit Contents dialog in iSeries Navigator, the user may get a MSGCWB0111 error message. One way to recreate is if the user updates a value where the actual value is larger than the column length. The next attempt to update the value will fail with the MSGCWB0111 error message. It is possible to set a value larger than the column length by: 1. Having significant (non-blank) characters up to the maximum column length. 2. Adding blank spaces at the end, so the sum of the significant plus the blank characters is greater than the column length. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: The problem is because of the mismatch between the server value and the overflowed client value. So using the Refresh action will reload the data from server and the user will not end up with the error on the next update. APAR SE31061 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT UPDATE NOT SAVED INTO SERVER When the user updates a row through Edit Contents dialog, the data is not saved on the server and no error is signaled to the user. This is possible if the user repeatedly updates the same row and commits the change without moving between rows and using the File -> Save menu option. The dialog shows the new value, but the server does not reflect the change. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Move to another row to submit the change to the server. Then the user should use the File -> Save menu option to commit the transaction. APAR SE31229 : CA400EXP IPv4 interface properties is not diplayed from Network->IPv4->Interfaces-> properties is not diplayed using R530 system with a System i Navigator R610 ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE32025 : CA400EXP-OPNAV ADVANCED JOB SCHEDULER CONTAINER IS EMPTY When initially opening the Advanced Job Scheduler plugin, there are no options listed. iSeries Navigator has to be closed and re-opened, then the plug-in options are displayed. APAR SE32448 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT QLMTDEVSSN inaccurately described Sign on item for device sessions shows inaccurate information when comparing System Values between endpoints under Management Central hierarchy. RESOLUTION: The code has been changed to describe correctly the Maximum number of device session a user can have. APAR SE31085 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT when display strings in norwegian Some strings are displayed in English instead of Norwegian APAR SE32051 : CA400EXP-OPNAV MGTC Fix Task mix Fixes and Fix Groups Management Central Fixes Task, for Compare and Update function, mix Fixes and Fix Groups detailed status in the lower level panel. RESOLUTION: Code has been modified to filter Fixes and Fix Groups properly. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE31895 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER FILE TYPE CHANGED AFTER MSGCWBTF0002 An iSeries Access for Windows data transfer request is created to transfer a file to the PC. The output type is set to file and the file name is the name and location of a file that already exist. In the transfer details, the file type is set to any file type and the option to 'Create new file' is selected. When the transfer runs, an error CWBTF0002 will result, prompting the user to select OK to overwrite the existing PC file or press Cancel to stop the transfer request. If the OK is pressed on the message CWBTF0002, the transference succeeds and the file is overwritten correctly but, if the Cancel button is pressed and a different file name is provided, the file is created but no data is transfered. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE31662 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER ADD-IN FAILS WITH TIME FORMATTED CELLS There is a problem when transferring data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet using the iSeries Access data transfer Excel Add-in. When there are cells that are formatted as a Time value, the scanning tool defines these as numeric columns instead of Time. The only time format that seems to work correctly is a custom time format. Since there is no way to change the type from numeric to Time in the database creation wizard, the wizard cannot be used to create a proper table to put this data in. ODBC ---- APAR SE30295 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INCORRECT TYPE CONVERSION USED A PC application is using the iSeries Access for Windows ODBC driver through Microsoft's MSDASQL OLEDB provider. Because of this configuration, the application is not making ODBC API calls directly, they are using ADO and the MSDASQL provider determines which ODBC APIs to call and how to call them. When a query returns a LOB type followed by a numeric type it was discovered that the MSDASQL provider will not bind the non-LOB columns or even use the SQLGetData and specify a data type to return the data as. Instead they are defining a descriptor using the SQLSetDescField function to define the column type and size as numeric then later calling the the SQLGetData function specifying SQL_ARD_TYPE for the target type. Tracing and re-creates showed that the iSeries Access ODBC driver is returning the data as character rather than the ARD type which was defined as numeric. This may ultimately result in another error such as a truncation error or data out of range type of error but that error is because of what the application does with the data that was returned to them in the incorrect format. APAR SE30749 : CA400EXP-ODBC-WAIT HANG ENDING XA ENLISTMENT iSeries Access for Windows ODBC driver is being used in conjunction with Microsoft's Distributed Transaction Coordinator in Microsoft SQL Server environment with an ODBC connection pool. The first use of the ODBC connection enlists the ODBC driver in a distributed transaction and uses the connection without commiting or rolling the the transaction back. The connection is returned to the connection pool and sits idle until the next use. The second use first has to end the existing transaction. The ODBC driver enters into the function to un-enlist it from the existing distributed transaction. The ODBC driver never returns back from that function. To the SQL Server application it appears to be hung. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE30751 : CA400EXP-INCORROUT DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION WITH SQL SERVER 2005 AND IBMDASQL FAILS. Customer is attempting to run a distributed transaction with the IBMDASQL provider and a linked server in MS SQL Server 2005. Here is the syntax that they're using from a query window in the SQL Server Management Studio: SET XACT_ABORT ON GO BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO IBMDB2i.iDatabase.LibName.FileName (ITDSC) VALUES('MicrosoftXA') COMMIT TRANSACTION; This fails with the following output in the messages window: OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "IBM_DB2" returned message "PWS0002: Function completed successfully. Cause . . . . . : The requested function completed without any errors.". Msg 7394, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 The OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "IBM_DB2" reported an error committing the current transaction. APAR SE30788 : CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGSQL0104 DUE TO SINGLE LINE COMMENTS IN SQL Customer was complaining that Carrige Returns were being stripped off in OLEDB provider. trace showed SQL0104 APAR SE31868 : CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT ADSCHEMACOLUMNS FOR OPENSCHEMA METHOD RETURNS NO RESULTS WHEN USING CLIENT SIDE CURSOR. Microsoft ADO OpenSchema method using adSchemaColumns as the QueryType returns empty results instead of a list of columns when using iSeries Access for Windows OLE DB provider. This issue only occurs when using a client side cursor, adUseClient. Using a server side cursor, adUseServer, returns the correct results. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE32325 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA iDB2Permission fails in 64-bit When using the iDB2Permission or iDB2PermissionAttribute class to restrict permissions on a 64-bit machine, a SecurityException is not always generated when expected. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- APAR SE32359 : CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER OpNav View spooled file fails on Vista Right click a spooled file from System i Navigator and attempt to open it. This action fails when attempted on Windows Vista. APAR SE31194 : CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER-INCORROUT DISPLAY FAILS Unable to display a spooled file from System i Navigator for Windows when running on the Windows Vista operating system. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem. CIRCUMVENTION: Open a DOS window, navigate to c:\program files\ibm\client access\afpviewr (where c: is the drive letter where System i Access is installed) and run the cwbviewd command. Then re-try viewing the spooled file. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.1 (2008-01-15) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI29813. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20080208 APAR SE32336 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CORRUPTED PRINTER DIALOG STRINGS The PC5250 New Printer Dialog screen shows some corrupted Arabic characters. APAR SE30424 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT THE CURSOR DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE FIELD IF THAT IS DEFINED DSPATR(BL HI). The cursor does not appear on the field If that is defined dspatr(BL HI). Blink atribute. For instance: there are three field as FA(first) FB(second) FC(third) FA _____ FB ____ FC ____ FA and FB do not show up the cousor but FC can see it Any condition: This happens on V5R3 as well. APAR SE30508 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED IN A KOREAN INSTALL ENVIRONMENT, SWITCHING BETWEEN APPLICATIONS CAUSES THE EMULATOR TO CLOSE. When a user with a Korean installation of iSeries Access opens multiple sessions and attempts to switch between them, all sessions close without warning. APAR SE30613 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CLOSING SESSION WITH FILE EXIT ALL CAUSES APPLICATION ERROR ON PCSWS.EXE Win2003 Server 64-bit version with Citrix. When closing PC5250 display session by using File, exit all option Application error PCSWS.EXE error module MSVCRT.DLL is issued. Problem happens only after installing servicepack SI17741 APAR SE31152 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 DOES NOT SUPPORT GREEK ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS IN AN ALPHABETIC ONLY FIELD. iSeries Access for Windows PC5250 display emulation flags a status bar message 'Field requires alphabetic characters' when Greek alphabetic characters are typed into an alphabetic only input field. The PC5250 session is correctly setup for a Greek environment. SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- APAR SE30656 : CA400EXP-SSL-MSGCWBCO1052 STASH PASSWORD IS NO LONGER CHECKED BY DEFAULT. Design on SSL with iSeries Access called for the STASH PASSWORD box to be checked by default in iKeyMan. This is no longer checked by default. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ No fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI29455 Build date = November 2007 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE30715 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT General Availability Updates. V6R1M0 GA fixes. Build 20071122. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- No fixes. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- No fixes. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- ODBC ---- No fixes. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- No fixes. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ No fixes. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.1 (11/1/2007) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI29061. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20071102 SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ No fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the Install/Uninstall function. 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK ------------------------------ You cannot remove a service pack that was installed by running setup.exe from an updated installation image. In order to revert a service pack that was installed in this fashion, you must first uninstall System i Access for Windows and re-install it using an image that is at an older service level, such as the image available on the System i Access for Windows DVD. The SI31251 service pack download available on the System i Access FTP site can be uninstalled individually, however, due to significant changes made to the install program in SI31390, the SI31390 service pack download cannot be removed. Please refer to the readme.txt file that accompanies each service pack for details on service pack uninstall support. ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v6r1m0/servicepack/ 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? ----------------------------------------------- If you experience problems while installing a service pack over slow communication lines, and if installing from a DVD or a faster connection is not possible, then the service pack could be installed in this manner: 1) A setting exists on the System i Access for Windows Properties Service tab that will copy the service pack image to the PC's temporary directory, install the service pack, then remove the copied files. To use this support you will need to specify this setting ("Copy install image to PC before installing"). 2) Run Check Service Level (either from the IBM System i Access for Windows Service folder shortcut or when Check Service Level runs at system boot on its defined schedule) STATUS: No status information is displayed while the files are copied. To determine if the transfers are progressing, look in the 'CA400CKV' temporary directory (beneath the PC temporary directory, for example C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp). You should see new files appear periodically. 3) Proceed through the install wizard to complete the install. 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL ------------------------- To prevent users from installing the Service Pack, an administrator can use the SP.TXT file. If the administrator places a file named SP.TXT (with a 'N' in the first position of the first line) in the service pack installation image directory, the service pack will not be installed. 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the Data Transfer function. 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 ----------------------------------------------------------- WHY DOES MY DATA LOOK LIKE GARBAGE WHEN I PERFORMED A DOWNLOAD? By default, the Data Transfer function will not convert data between EBCDIC and ASCII if the data is tagged with a CCSID of 65535. In older versions of the Win 95/NT Client Access product, the 65535 conversion was controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. This process has been changed, and the conversion is now controlled by the Data Transfer user interface. Once the setting has been made in the user interface, it is then stored in the transfer request. This is only true for .TTO, .TFR, .DTT, and .DTF files. .RTO and .DT files are still controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. The conversion setting for .RTO and .DT files can be modified in the Data Transfer user interface, but the setting will not be saved. The setting to control the conversion is found in the File, Properties information. WARNING: This feature is designed as a workaround for people that can not change the CCSID of their files. In order for this translation to work properly, you must be confident the data in the file matches the CCSID of your user profile. The design of the System i is that data with a 65535 CCSID are not to be converted. This feature will attempt to do a conversion of the data from the job CCSID to the PC CCSID. This conversion may not work if the data in the file does not match the user profile/job CCSID. The correct solution to this problem is to appropriately tag the data with the correct CCSID. One way of doing this is by using CHGPF. For more information on the 65535 CCSID, please reference the System i National Language Support Manual.