5761XE1 V6R1M0 IBM System i Access for Windows Service Pack SI31251 This readme contains information on downloading the service pack files from the FTP directory structure. In V6R1M0, the installation media is divided in three separate installation images: one for 32-bit based computers, located in the \image32 subdirectory of your original source media, one for AMD64 based computers, under the \image64a subdirectory, and one for Itanium based computers, under the \image64i subdirectory. This FTP directory contains separate service pack downloads for each specific processor type under the following three subdirectories: image32, image64a and image64i. Make sure that you download the service pack that is right for your PC's processor type. Starting with System i Access for Windows V6R1M0, service packs are distributed as Windows Installer patches. Although the functionality of service pack patches is very similar to service packs in previous releases, please take in account the following considerations about V6R1M0 service packs: - As noted above, a separate service pack download exists for each type of processor supported by System i Access for Windows V6R1M0. Please make sure to download the service pack file that is right for your PC's processor type. - When the service pack download is launched, the files used by the installation are automatically unpacked to a temporal directory on the target PC and removed after the installation is complete. An option to unpack the files to a specific directory on your PC is not available as in previous releases. - Since a Windows Installer patch contains the full set of fixes for all features, individual downloads containing the fixes for a specific group of features are not available as in past releases. - Since the tailored image function that existed in previous releases of System i Access for Windows is not available in V6R1M0, the PTFFORM.EXE download is not longer distributed. Instead, users need to download the UPDATE.EXE file in order to combine the service pack with an administrative installation image. Installing from your hard drive ------------------------------- Follow these instructions to install the service pack directly from your hard drive or from a directory on a network server: 1) Download the service pack file that targets your PC's processor type to a directory on your PC or server. Use the following table to determine the directory and file name of each download: FTP DIRECTORY FILE NAME TARGET PROCESSOR TYPE ------------- --------------- --------------------- image32 SI31251_32.EXE 32-bit image64a SI31251_64A.EXE AMD 64-bit image64i SI31251_64I.EXE Itanium 2) Run the SI31251_xx.EXE file. This will start the service pack installation. If you want to install the service pack silently, run the .exe from the command line specifying the parameter '-a silent' as shown below: SI31251_32.EXE -a silent SI31251_64a.EXE -a silent SI31251_64i.EXE -a silent This will launch the service pack with a basic user interface that displays only a progress bar. In this case, no user intervention is required. 3) After the service pack is installed, you can delete the downloaded .exe file from your PC or server. Combining the service pack with an administrative installation image -------------------------------------------------------------------- The System i Access for Windows service pack PTFs are combined with the original System i Access for Windows installation images in QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Image32, QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Image64a and QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Image64i. This means that a user can install (or upgrade) System i Access for Windows from one of these combined image directories (depending on the target PC's processor type) and get the latest applied service level automatically in one integrated step - since the original installation image files have been replaced by updated versions via the service pack PTF. Installing features from the combined image directory will also automatically get the latest applied service level for that feature. You can duplicate the function of applying the System i PTF to a System i Access for Windows administrative install image by using the UPDATE.EXE download in the FTP directory. UPDATE.EXE upgrades the target administrative install image to the latest service pack. First, you need to create an administrative image by following these instructions: 1) Locate a source System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 installation image. This can be the image on your System i or on the DVD. 2) From the command line, run the following command to start an administrative installation: setup /a 3) In the Primary Language panel, choose the language that will be installed by the administrative image. 4) In the Network Location panel, choose the target directory for the administrative image. This can be a directory on your local hard disk or on a network server. 5) The administrative installation will uncompress the source files from the cabinet files in the installation image to the target directory and copy other files needed by the setup program. The resulting image is known as administrative image. Once you have an available System i Access for Windows administrative image, follow these steps to combine the service pack with this administrative image (this is also known as "patching the image"): 1) Download the service pack file that targets your administrative image's type to the directory containing your administrative image. Use the following list to determine the directory and file name of each download: FTP DIRECTORY FILE NAME ADMIN IMAGE TYPE -------------- --------------- ---------------- image32/admin UPDATE_32.EXE 32-bit image64a/admin UPDATE_64A.EXE AMD 64-bit image64i/admin UPDATE_64I.EXE Itanium 2) Run one of the following commands to start an administrative installation, depending on what .exe file you downloaded: UPDATE_32 /v"/a cwbinstall.msi" *OR* UPDATE_64A /v"/a cwbinstall.msi" *OR* UPDATE_64I /v"/a cwbinstall.msi" 3) In the Network Location window, make sure that the path points to the location of your administrative image. 4) Click the Install button to begin the patch installation. The target administrative image will be updated to the new service level. 5) Upon completion, you can delete the downloaded UPDATE_XX.EXE file, as it is no longer needed. Now you have combined this service pack level with the System i Access for Windows administrative installation image, so that users can install System i Access for Windows plus this service pack in one integrated step. Note that this procedure also works if the administrative installation image has already been combined with a prior service pack level. This procedure will replace the prior service level in the combined administrative image with this new level. Users now can run setup.exe from the combined administrative image in order to update their local installation of System i Access for Windows to this service level. New installations started from the combined administrative image will install System i Access for Windows plus this service pack in one integrated step. Notes: - You cannot combine UPDATE.EXE with a compressed System i Access for Windows installation image. - You cannot use a patched administrative image to upgrade an installation of System i Access for Windows that was originally installed from a compressed image. For example, if you originally installed System i Access for Windows from the DVD, you will not be able to install a service pack by running setup.exe from a patched administrative image. In this case, you would need to uninstall System i Access for Windows and reinstall from the administrative image so you can install subsequent service packs using an administrative image. Removing the service pack ------------------------- You can remove this service pack so that System i Access for Windows is restored to its original state as it was before the service pack was installed. Notice that it is only possible to remove service packs that were downloaded from the FTP site, that is, service packs that are distributed as patches. You cannot uninstall a service pack that was installed by running setup.exe from an upgraded System i Access for Windows installation image. Also notice that it is not possible to remove a service pack that was combined with an administrative image. IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to remove the service pack, the original System i Access for Windows installation source must be available. Windows Installer requires accessing the source image during the service pack removal process to reinstall the previous service level of System i Access for Windows. If the source image is not available when attempting to remove the service pack, you will be prompted to specify an alternative location from which the installation image can be accessed. The instructions to remove the service pack varies by Windows version: > Windows Vista 1) Open the Control Panel (the Control Panel can be accessed from the Start menu). 2) Click the 'Uninstall a program' link under the Programs item, (in the Classic View of the Control Panel, open Programs and Features). 3) In the left pane of the Programs and Features panel, click the 'View installed updates' link. 4) Select the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 SI31251 item and click the Uninstall button at the top of the list box. > Windows XP SP2 1) Open the Control Panel (the Control Panel can be accessed from the Start menu). 2) Open the Add or Remove Programs panel. 3) Check the 'Show updates' box, located at the top of the list box. This will display the SI31251 service pack under IBM System i Access for Windows. 4) Select the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 SI31251 item and click the Remove button. > Windows XP/Windows 2000 In versions previous to Windows XP SP2, System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 service packs are not displayed in the Add or Remove Programs panel and they can only be removed from the command line. In order to remove the SI31251 service pack from the command line, launch the command that is appropriate for your PC's processor type: - 32-bit based PCs: msiexec /i {164EB883-354E-4290-AD76-67CEE65403A3} MSIPATCHREMOVE={164EB883-354E-4290-AD76-613125132000} /qb - AMD 64-bit based PCs: msiexec /i {164EB883-354E-4290-AD76-67CEE65403A3} MSIPATCHREMOVE={164EB883-354E-4290-AD76-613125164100} /qb - Itanium based PCs: msiexec /i {164EB883-354E-4290-AD76-67CEE65403A3} MSIPATCHREMOVE={164EB883-354E-4290-AD76-613125164200} /qb Important note: the codes specified in the MSIPATCHREMOVE property ARE SPECIFIC FOR SERVICE PACK SI31251. These codes change with every service pack. If you need to remove a different service pack, please refer to the corresponding Downloads.txt file to get the right codes needed by the MSIPATCHREMOVE property. The commands above also work on Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista, in case you prefer removing the service pack from the command line instead of using the Control Panel.