5722XE1 V6R1M0 IBM System i Access for Windows In this directory is a fix for V6R1M0 Sysetm i Access for Windows System i Navigator that is not in any service pack: APAR SE39238: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE ANALYZE SUMMARY MONITORS ERROR SQL0113 Using System i Navigator, in the Analyze Results dialog over a SQL Performance Monitor, the user may see an error message when they try to execute some of the reports. A MSGSQL0113 error message is issued and no report is displayed. This problem happens with Japanese version of System i Access for Windows clients. This fix contains one file for the following language feature: copy to language feature filename directory rename to ---------------- ----------------- --------- ------------ Japanese cwbumdbp2962.dll Mri2962 cwbumdbp.dll If you need to contact Service about problems with this dll file, you should mention that you are using a version you downloaded from the FTP site, not the original that was shipped with the GA level of the product. If you reinstall System i Access for Windows, you will need to repeat the file replacement instructions below. This fix is not in any service pack level, so if you install a fix pack, this file will not be overwritten, and no other action needs to be taken. Only reinstall will copy the old file(s) over this fix. File replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each language feature listed above that you have installed, perform the below steps. The file locating, renaming, and copying may be done from either a Command Prompt window, or using equivalent operations from a GUI: 1) Close System i Navigator. 2) Locate the file cwbumdbp.dll on your client workstation. This file should be located starting in the System i Access for Windows install directory, within a subdirectory named MRI29xx, as listed above, for the language feature desired. For example: C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\MRI2962\cwbumdbp.dll 3) Rename cwbumdbp.dll to cwbumdbp.bak in that location. For example: rename cwbumdbp.dll cwbumdbp.bak 4) Copy the file named by language feature to that location. Then, in that location, copy the file to the name that does not contain the language feature code. For example, within the MRI2962 directory, execute the following command: copy cwbumdbp2962.dll cwbumdbp.dll If you reinstall System i Access for Windows, you will need to perform that copy again to apply this fix. 5) Start System i Navigator. The changes will take effect. ******************************************************************************