5761XE1 V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows In this directory is a fix for a V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows problem that is not in the SI31251 service pack. This only is relevant for users who experience the problem described below. APAR SE33107 CA400EXP-OPNAV IASP QSYS displays the contents of QSYS: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Open System i Navigator->My Connections->System->File Systems->Integrated File System->Root. When '//QSYS.LIB' folder is expanded, the contents listed are from '/QSYS.LIB' instead of the contents from the IASP QSYS. Where '' is the name of the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP). This fix ONLY applies to V6R1M0 service pack SI31251. Please do not attempt to apply this fix to any other release of System i Access for Windows, or any other service pack level. If you need to contact Service about problems with this .jar, you should mention that you are using a version of cwbunfsf.jar with a modification date of 04/05/2008. File replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) End all running sessions of System i Navigator. 2) Locate the file cwbunfsf.jar on your client workstation. This file should be located in the classes directory under the System i Access for Windows install directory (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\classes or C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\classes for 64 bits) 3) Rename cwbunfsf.jar to cwbunfsf.bak. 4) Copy the fix version of cwbunfsf.jar into the same directory.