5722XE1 V5R4M0 IBM iSeries Access for Windows In this directory is the fix level for V5R4M0 iSeries Access for Windows NonStandard Pc5250 (Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese versions) that is equivalent to the Standard Pc5250 level in service pack SI31388. In particular, the following APARs are fixed: APAR SE34115: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CORRUPTED PRINTER DIALOG STRINGS The PC5250 New Printer Dialog screen shows some corrupted Arabic characters. APAR SE29418: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-WAIT MACROS CREATED IN AN EARLIER RELEASE RUN SLOWER AFTER VERSION UPGRADE TO V5R4M0 Macros that were created at V5R3 of iSeries Access for Windows run significantly slower after upgrade to V5R4. Each step of the macro appears to wait for a response from the iSeries before the next step is processed. APAR SE29943: CA400EXP 5250 SESSION HANG WHEN THE MIXED DATA WAS PASTED. When the data with which the SBCS blank is contained between DBCS is pasted to G type field (Graphic field), the session loses a response. This problem occurs only in the DBCS environment. Ex, 'A B' (A and B is DBCS. It is a SBCS blank between them.) If the data containing SBCS and DBCS is pasted into G field, a session will be hung. APAR SE31152: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 DOES NOT SUPPORT GREEK ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS IN AN ALPHABETIC ONLY FIELD. iSeries Access for Windows PC5250 display emulation flags a status bar message 'Field requires alphabetic characters' when Greek alphabetic characters are typed into an alphabetic only input field. The PC5250 session is correctly setup for a Greek environment. APAR SE31610: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL PRINTER EMULATION ENDS ABNORMALLY WITH PDT CONTAINING START_JOB WITH MORE THAN 255 BYTES A pdt table is created from custom source. The source contains a START_JOB tag with more than 255 bytes of data. When put in use, the printer emulation session ends abnormally. APAR SE32283: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT COPY AND PASTE AT G TYPE FIELD PCOMM APAR IC55304 Incorrout Copy and Paste function on host codepage 1399/1390 session. When user tries to copy G type fields for Input/Output type, copied string is invalid. The problem issues G type fields has all blanks. The results is different between host codepage 930/939 and 1390/1399. It will not DBCS blanks. Already reported under PCOMM APAR IC55304. APAR SE32400: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 KEYBOARD ERROR WILL NOT RESET PC5250 keyboard error will not Reset. APAR SE32408 (PTR SE32408): OSP-PAR-940XCOM CURSOR POSITIONED INCORRECTLY AFTER UPGRADE TO R540 ACCESS FOR WINDOWS After upgrading to R540 Si27741 in Access for Windows, the cursor is positioned incorrectly to the first input field in screen, instead of the last field prior to entering detailed screen. APAR SE32924: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PCSWS.EXE FAILS DURING PLAYING MACRO ON 5250 SESSION WITH VISTA. CODE PAGES 1399 OR 1390. PCSWS.EXE fails during playing macro. It issues when 5250 display session has host codepage 1399/1390 . Steps to recreate: . 1. Configure 5250 session with host codepage 1399 2. Start recording macro 3. Record signon operation or something_____________________} 4. Stop recording . 5. Try to play macro APAR SE33046: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PASTING DBCS/SBCS MIXED DATA TO O-TYPE FIELD INCORROUT In case that FieldWrap is set to 'N' on a PC5250 terminal session, only DBCS data is pasted when DBCS/SBCS mixed data is pasted to an O-type field. This happens after a fix for SE29943 is applied. APAR SE33077: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT * AT THE END OF A URL IS IGNORED When using hotspots the customer uses an * at the end of a url. This is getting stripped off. APAR SE33291 (PTR SE33291): CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGPCSERR100 PC5250 ABENDS WITH PCSERR100 ERROR PC5250 abends with PCSERR100 error when used in conjunction with screen scraping software. APAR SE33455: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DUP KEY BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY ON WINDOWS XP THAN IT DOES WITH WINDOWS 2000. With the keyboards mapped identically, the DUP key behaves differently on Windows XP than it does with Windows 2000. The DUP key seems to be blank when used to Type J field (DBCS-Only data) by WIndowsXP. It does not occur in Windows2000. APAR SE33459: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL INCORRECT OUTPUT WITH ESC_P.PDT A spooled file has these attributes: 51 lines per page 6 lines per inch for a length of 8.5 inches. A printer session is created that uses the esc_p.pdt table. The printer does not eject the proper distance. Instead, it appears to send down a command to use a 8 inch page length. APAR SE33610: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL PRINTER EMULATION FAILURE WITH NO PDT AND SI30707 Customer upgraded their service pack from SI10817 to SI30707. After this their printer emulation sessions started failing with Pcsws.exe application error: AppName:pcsws.exe AppVer:5070.60.8024.546 Modname:pcspd.dll ModVer:5070.60.8024.546 Offset:000458bb If they enable pdt support on the session, the failure will not occur. APAR SE33691: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 EMULATOR SCREEN HANGS When a large number of embedded 5250 datastream frames are received in one TCP/IP packet it can hang the emulator. APAR SE33740: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED KONICA MINOLTA PRINTER SUPPORT Add PDT support for Konica Minolta PCL XL printers for Japanese users. This fix package applies to V5R4M0 service pack SI31388, or newer. Please do not attempt to apply this fix to any other release of iSeries Access for Windows, or any older service pack level. If you need to contact IBM Service about problems with these fixes, you should mention that you are using a NonStandard Pc5250 version with a build level of 20080618 (June 18, 2008). Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Note: If you are concerned about uninstalling this fix and moving back to your previous level - do the following before installing: -- Copy the Emulator directory in default folder C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access into a new directory EmulatorBackup When you have tested out the new Pc5250 support successfully, you can delete EmulatorBackup to free up disk space. 1. Run Pc5250TKP.exe (will extract files to a temporary directory and then display a Welcome panel) 2. On the Welcome panel, press Next to update Pc5250 to the new service level. The install wizard will determine which version of Pc5250 (Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese) is installed, and will install only the fixes for the appropriate version. 3. Press Finish to complete the update wizard If you did not make a backup of the previous level, and find out later that you need to return to that level, you can perform the following: -- Run Selective Setup to uninstall Pc5250 (removes this new service level). -- Run Selective Setup again to a source image (for instance initial install media) and select Pc5250 for installation (installs an older service level)