5722XE1 V5R3M0 IBM iSeries Access for Windows In this directory is a fix for a V5R4M0 iSeries Access for Windows Standard Pc5250 problem that is not in the SI23696 service pack: APAR SE25224: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT Collect and Print PC5250 jobs The printing options do not have a feature to send all print jobs to a single file for storage/distribution or printing. RESOLUTION: To enable PC5250 to collect print jobs and merge them on a single file, three new functions will be added: 1. Switching to Collect Mode. All host print jobs will be saved in a file instead of sent to physical printer. 2. Printing all the collected jobs. All host print jobs saved in the file will be sent to physical printer. 3. Purge collected jobs. The file containing all the print jobs will be deleted. The user can create keyboard shortcuts for these functions using the keyboard re-map utility and also add them as an item in the Toolbar. By default the Collect mode will create the .scs file in the user profile directory by the convention MACHINE NAME_USER_TIME_WS THREADID_DATE_TIME.SCS. -- If the user wants to change the file name, he can use the keyword:SCSFile=.scs in the [printers] section of the ws profile of the printer session. -- If the user wants to change the directory, he can use the keyword:SCSPath= in the [printers] section of the ws profile of the printer session. -- Also there will be an option of printing all the jobs as individual jobs. i.e., if user wishes to, save all the host sent jobs, send them to physical printer without combining all as a single job, but as separate jobs with the advantage of user going to the physical printer only once for collecting printouts. This will be enabled using a .WS keyword "CombineJobs=N" under the [printers] section. This enhancement is available for English National Language Versions (NLVs) only. This includes: -- English (2924) -- English Uppercase DBCS (2938) -- English Mixed Case DBCS (2984) To enable this function fully for SI23696 service pack and newer, pcsmgres.dll must be downloaded from this FTP directory. This fix ONLY applies to V5R4M0 service pack SI23696 or newer. Please do not attempt to apply this fix to any other release of iSeries Access for Windows, or any other service pack level. If you need to contact Service about problems with this pcsmgres.dll, you should mention that you are using a version of pcsws.exe with a modification date of May 1, 2006 with a timestamp of 5:41 AM. File replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) End all running sessions of PC5250 (including any pcsws.exe or pcscm.exe via Task Manager. 2) Locate the file pcsmgres.dll on your client workstation. This file should be located in the Mri29xx directory (where 'xx' = '24', '38', or '84') under the iSeries Access for Windows install directory (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Mri2924) 3) Rename pcsmgres.dll to pcsmgres.bak 4) Copy the fix version of pcsmgres.dll into the same directory.