5722XE1 V5R4M0 iSeries Access for Windows In this directory is a fix for a V5R4M0 iSeries Access for Windows problem that is not in the SI23696 service pack. This only is relevant for users that have installed the Integrated Server Administration component of iSeries Navigator. APAR SE25671: CA400EXP-OPNAV Cannot create remote system configuration Attempting to create a new remote system configuration object results in a failure. RESOLUTION: The create new remote system configuration function has been updated to succesfully create the object. CIRCUMVENTION: Select a different service processor configuration object from the list prior to selecting OK on the new remote system configuration object dialog. This fix ONLY applies to V5R4M0 service pack SI23696. Please do not attempt to apply this fix to any other release of iSeries Access for Windows, or any other service pack level. If you need to contact Service about problems with this .jar, you should mention that you are using a version of cwbunvng.jar with a modification date of 05/11/2006. File replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) End all running sessions of iSeries Navigator. 2) Locate the file cwbunvng.jar on your client workstation. This file should be located in the Classes directory under the iSeries Access for Windows install directory (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Classes ) 3) Rename cwbunvng.jar to cwbunvng.bak. 4) Copy the fix version of cwbunvng.jar into the same directory.