5722XE1 V5R4M0 IBM iSeries Access for Windows In this directory are fixes for V5R4M0 iSeries Access for Windows iSeries Navigator that are not in the SI25949 service pack: APAR SE27912: CA400EXP-NETWORK-INCORROUT Add ATT prefix in UCW profiles Universal Connection Wizard doesn't add the ATT/ prefix to QLCLDIAL01 and QRMTDIAL01 profiles when the direct dial-up phone number is from China or when the country selected is China for remote dial-up. Communication won't be established when dialing numbers within China without the ATT/ prefix. RESOLUTION: This PTF fixes the reported problem, as long as the following i5/OS PTF is also installed: 5722SS1 V5R3M0 SI26385 5722SS1 V5R4M0 SI26560 APAR SE27913: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT ATT prefix problems An Originator Connection Profile is configured using iSeries Navigator, so a connection to a system within China can be made. After the ATT/ prefix is added to the profile name, the connection does not work reliably. These fixes ONLY apply to V5R4M0 service pack SI25949. Please do not attempt to apply the fix to any other release of iSeries Access for Windows, or any other service pack level. If you need to contact Service about problems with these modules, you should mention that you are using files from the ftp download site, for the above APARs. The file sizes and locations are as follows: cwbuntcp.dll 1404978 bytes (iSeries Access install)\Shared cwbuntpi.jar 748673 bytes (iSeries Access install)\Classes cwbuntuc.jar 273643 bytes (iSeries Access install)\Classes Note: The default path iSeries Access for Windows is installed to is: C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access These fixes are applied by replacing the file or files on a PC with those that contain fixes. If you later re-install a service pack or the entire product, the testfix file(s) will be overwritten. File replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each file in this fix: 1) Locate the file on your client workstation, in the location noted above. 2) Back up the old file by copying it and adding ".bak" to its name. For example: filename.dll would be copied to filename.dll.bak 3) Copy the fix version of the file into the same directory. If this file is in use and cannot be replaced, copy it to the directory by adding ".new" to its name. For example: filename.dll would be copied to filename.dll.new 4) If one or more of the files in this fix could not replace the old one, shutdown the PC and re-start it in safe mode with no networking; then copy each .new file to the actual fix filename. For example: filename.dll.new would be copied to filename.dll 5) You may need to shutdown and re-start Windows normally for the fix to fully take effect.