5722XE1 V5R3M0 IBM iSeries Access for Windows In this directory is the fix level for V5R3M0 iSeries Access for Windows NonStandard Pc5250 (Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese versions) that is equivalent to the Standard Pc5250 level in service pack SI28055. In particular, the following APARs are fixed: APAR SE29615: CA400EXP-2-PERFM MEMORY LEAK WHEN RUNNING VB MACRO Running a Visual Basic (VB) macro causes a memory leak. APAR SE28231: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT YEN SIGN IS CHANGED TO THE MIDDL The yen sign is changed to the middle dot by STRPCCMD. This problem is unique to the Japanese DBCS environment. APAR SE28504: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED FILE RUN THE SAME CAUSES PROMPT When a connection is configured in iSeries Navigator to use the "Prompt every time" option but the PC5250 session is configured for "Use Windows username and password, no prompting", Using File--> Run the same causes new sessions to prompt for the user name and password anyway. APAR SE28541: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT HACL SCREEN RECOGNITION EVENT HACL (Host Access Class Library) event notification of screen recognition events are not funtioning in a .net environment. APAR SE28564: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-PC5250 SBCS in DBCS field hangs session Entering Single Byte Character Set (SBCS) data into a Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) data field on user menu causes the PC5250 session to hang with X-II (in red) in the Operator Interface Area (OIA) status display. Neither pressing the reset key nor system request help. APAR SE28682: CA400EXP-SECURITY-UNPRED USER PROFILES BELONGING TO MULTIPLE ACTIVE DIRECTORY GROUPS MAY FAIL WITH PC5250 KERBEROS SSO. Users with multiple groups and/or subgroups assigned to their Active Directory account and using iSeries Access for Windows PC5250 configured for Kerberos single signon may fail to bypass the signon screen APAR SE28732: CA400EXP-APIS-OTHER-PERFM CUSTOM PROGRAM USING AUTSESS.DLL, CAUSES A PC5250 PERFORMANCE ISSUE After installing iSeries Access Service Pack SI26600, a customer creates an external program with Visual Basic 6. This program creates an instance of type PCOMM.autECLSession (autsess.dll). While the program is running the first time, no problem exists and the performance is fine. After ending this external program, iSeries Access PC5250 sessions run very slowly. This situation is worsened by starting and ending the external program again. This problem can be solved by uninstalling the service pack SI26600. APAR SE28893: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGCPIAD06 FAILURE IN APAR SE27644 STILL OCCURS WITH PTFS SI26600 OR SI26879 IF USING MULTIPLE SESSIONS. The failure described in APAR SE27644, where a CPIAD06 invalid password error is generated in the QTVDEVICE job if an iSeries Access for Windows PC5250 session configured for Bypass Signon and Auto-reconnect reconnects after a communications failure, still occurs even with PTFs SI26600 (V5R3) or SI26879 (V5R4) applied. The problem only still occurs if there are multiple sessions open. APAR SE28940: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL SLOWER PRINTING WITH ESC_P.PDT A printer session is setup to use the esc_p.pdt. After install of service pack level SI24723, SI25949, or SI26879, printer performance was slower. APAR SE29104: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL FONT IS PRINTED TOO SMALL PC5250 printer session is created that does not use Host Print Transform and does not use PDT. Under File/Page Setup... they have disabled automatic page orientation and selected portrait for both drawers. BestFit is not used. The file should print in the font specified in the printer file, but PC5250 is shrinking the font. APAR SE29388: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PCSWS.EXE EXITS WHEN WINDOWS REGIONAL SETTINGS ARE VIETNAMESE. PCSWS.EXE crashes when setting Windows Regional settings to Vietnamese. PC5250 is configured for Vietnamese. The issue occurs both at V5R3 and V5R4 version of the client. APAR SE28195: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT IN A CL PGM THE COMMAND STRPCCMD The command STRPCCMD PCCMD('PAUSE') PAUSE(*NO) is used in a CL program. During executing the Pause command (or any long running PC program), the PC5250 session is not input inhibited. The CL program will not wait until the PC command finishes. This fix package applies to V5R3M0 service pack SI28055 or newer. Please do not attempt to apply this fix to any other release of iSeries Access for Windows, or any older service pack level. If you need to contact IBM Service about problems with these fixes, you should mention that you are using a Pc5250 version with a build level of 20070718 (July 18, 2007). Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Note: If you are concerned about uninstalling this fix and moving back to your previous level - do the following before installing: -- Copy the Emulator directory in default folder C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access into a new directory EmulatorBackup When you have tested out the new Pc5250 support successfully, you can delete EmulatorBackup to free up disk space. 1. Run Pc5250TKP.exe (will extract files to a temporary directory and then display a Welcome panel) 2. On the Welcome panel, press Next to update Pc5250 to the new service level. The install wizard will determine which version of Pc5250 (Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese) is installed, and will install only the fixes for the appropriate version. 3. Press Finish to complete the update wizard If you did not make a backup of the previous level, and find out later that you need to return to that level, you can perform the following: -- Run Selective Setup to uninstall Pc5250 (removes this new service level). -- Run Selective Setup again to a source image (for instance initial install media) and select Pc5250 for installation (installs an older service level)