5722XE1 V5R3M0 IBM iSeries Access for Windows In this directory are fixes for V5R3M0 iSeries Access for Windows ODBC that are not in the SI24723 service pack: APAR SE26605: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - CORRUPTS PARAMETER MARK Using the iSeries Access ODBC driver version 10.00.08 an UPDATE statement that passes in a value to set on a field via a parameter marker (UPDATE LIBRARY.TABLE SET FIELD1 = ? ...) is successful but subsequent executes on the same prepare with different values results in incorrect output where the FIELD1 is of type zoned decimal, length 7. For example if the value for parameter 1 is 1050 on the first execute and 1575,2100,1575,0,0,0,193 on subsequent executes, the actual values that the ODBC driver sends to the iSeries table are 1050,1575,2100,1575,575,575,575 and 1935. APAR SE26738: CA400EXP-ODBC-PERFM - Several ODBC driver performance fixes While analyzing some ODBC traces, several areas were identified in the ODBC driver code that could be done more efficiently. The following areas were addressed: - Applications asking LOB fields sometimes will call the SQLGetData API with a buffer size of 0. The purpose for this is to figure out how big of a buffer is needed for a 2nd SQLGetData call to retrieve all the data. - Applications are often coded to the "Prepare-once, Execute-many" methodology. A performance problem was noted when the SQLBindParameter API is called prior to calling SQLExecute on later calls. - When fetching data, the driver wasn't as efficient with conversions as it could have been. Some changes were added to reduce time converting data after the first row has been retrieved. This fix ONLY applies to V5R3M0 service pack SI24723. Please do not attempt to apply this fix to any other release of iSeries Access for Windows, or any other service pack level. If you need to contact Service about problems with this DLL, you should mention that you are using a version of the ODBC Driver with a file version of with a modification date/time of June 9, 2005 5:31 AM. NOTE: we set this date to be older than any V5R4 file - this fix file was developed on August 22, 2006. This fix may be applied using two different methods. The fastest method is to use file replacement. This method replaces the file or files on a PC with those that contain fixes. The second method, CAB replacement, replaces CAB and HDR files on the server. With CAB replacement the service pack must be re-installed on each client PC, but PC's installing iSeries Access for Windows for the first time will pick up the fix automatically. PC's installing the service pack for the first time will also pick up the fix. File replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Locate the file cwbodbc.dll on your client workstation. This file should be located in the Windows System directory (for example, C:\Windows\System32) 2) Rename cwbodbc.dll to cwbodbc.bak. 3) Copy the fix version of cwbodbc.dll into the same directory. CAB replacement instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Place ODBC1.CAB and ODBC1.HDR from this directory in the iSeries Access for Windows installation image containing SI24723, replacing the existing files. NOTE: The installation image must contain service pack SI24723 (either as a standalone service pack image, or as a combined installation image created via APYPTF or using PTFFORM.EXE) 2) A user can then install or upgrade iSeries Access for Windows from a combined image. ** OR ** A user can install service pack SI24723 from either a combined or standalone image. ****************************************************************************** The following is provided if you would like additional information on combined installation images: COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following method could be used if you downloaded the service pack image from the iSeries Access for Windows web page location: http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/clientaccess/casp.htm The iSeries Access for Windows service pack PTFs are combined with the original iSeries Access for Windows installation image in QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image NOTE: this directory is a symbolic link to QIBM\ProdData\CA400\Express\Install\Image There is one physical directory - either of these paths will access the directory. This means that a user can install (or upgrade) iSeries Access for Windows from this combined image directory and get the latest applied service level automatically in one integrated step - since the original installation image files have been replaced by updated versions via the service pack PTF. Selectively installing components from this combined image directory will also automatically get the latest applied service level for that component. If you tailor the iSeries Access for Windows install image to another directory (for instance, on another server), using the Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) tool, you can use the PTFFORM.EXE download in the FTP directory to duplicate the function of applying the iSeries PTF by following these steps: 1. Download PTFFORM.EXE (from the tailored/ FTP directory) to a temporary directory. 2. Run PTFFORM.EXE to expand the service pack files and copy them into an iSeries Access for Windows installation image directory, replacing any existing files. 3. Delete PTFFORM.EXE after it has completed its processing. Now you have combined this service pack level with the iSeries Access for Windows installation image, so that users can install iSeries Access for Windows plus this service pack in one integrated step. Note that this procedure also works if the installation image has already been combined with a prior service pack level. This procedure will replace the prior service level in the combined image with this new level. Alternatively, if you have a full copy of the original iSeries Access for Windows install image in a directory, you can combine PTFFORM.EXE with this full image, using the same 3-step procedure detailed above. Then you can run Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) from this full image directory, to create tailored image directories that will automatically have the service pack merged in.