============================================================================ Readme File for iSeries Access for Windows Service Packs 5722-XE1 V5R2M0 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SI08894 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. ======================================================================== NOTICE: ------- Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased levels. This PTF may be a prerequisite for future PTFs. By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the foregoing. ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 INSTALLING FROM AN iSeries SYSTEM 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE 1.3 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE 2.0 RESTRICTIONS 2.1 iSeries NAVIGATOR 2.2 iSeries OPERATIONS CONSOLE 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI07675 (February 2003) 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 1.1 INSTALLING FROM AN iSeries SYSTEM -------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the iSeries Access for Windows service pack through the iSeries PTF ordering process either as an individual PTF order or as part of an OS/400 PTF cumulative package. Once this service pack has been applied to an iSeries system with the LODPTF and APYPTF iSeries commands, it can be installed on individual PC's with the "Check Service Level" or "Install Service Pack" shortcuts in the iSeries Access for Windows Service folder. Check Service Level, controlled by the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab, will detect that the Service source directory has been updated, and will present the user with the option to install the service pack at startup time as well. The APYPTF will update the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image) on the iSeries. Any client that installs iSeries Access for Windows (or selected components) from this image will automatically receive this service pack level (no extra steps or reboots). In this scenario, the service pack cannot be uninstalled on the client PC because it is merged in with the base release. RMVPTF will restore your iSeries install image to the prior service level (or the base release if there was no prior service pack applied). 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE --------------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the iSeries Access for Windows service pack as a set of install image files. Install the service pack by running the "SETUP.EXE" program from your PC. This program is part of the install image files shipped with a service pack. If you change the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab Source Directory to the directory containing these install image files, you can also use the "Check Service Level" or "Install Service Pack" shortcuts in the iSeries Access for Windows Service folder. Before running this program, copy the service pack install image files to a local drive on your PC or to any accessible network drive. Once the install setup program has completed, you can then remove the install image files from that drive. 1.3 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following method could be used if you downloaded the service pack image from the iSeries Access for Windows web page location: http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/clientaccess/casp.htm The iSeries Access for Windows service pack PTFs are combined with the original iSeries Access for Windows installation image in QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image NOTE: this directory is a symbolic link to QIBM\ProdData\CA400\Express\Install\Image There is one physical directory - either of these paths will access the directory. This means that a user can install (or upgrade) iSeries Access for Windows from this combined image directory and get the latest applied service level automatically in one integrated step - since the original installation image files have been replaced by updated versions via the service pack PTF. Selectively installing components from this combined image directory will also automatically get the latest applied service level for that component. If you tailor the Client Access Express install image to another directory (for instance, on another server), using the Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) tool, you can use the PTFFORM.EXE download in the FTP directory to duplicate the function of applying the iSeries PTF by following these steps: 1. Download PTFFORM.EXE (from the tailored/ FTP directory) to a temporary directory. 2. Run PTFFORM.EXE to expand the service pack files and copy them into an iSeries Access for Windows installation image directory, replacing any existing files. 3. Delete PTFFORM.EXE after it has completed its processing. Now you have combined this service pack level with the iSeries Access for Windows installation image, so that users can install iSeries Access for Windows plus this service pack in one integrated step. Note that this procedure also works if the installation image has already been combined with a prior service pack level. This procedure will replace the prior service level in the combined image with this new level. Alternatively, if you have a full copy of the original iSeries Access for Windows install image in a directory, you can combine PTFFORM.EXE with this full image, using the same 3-step procedure detailed above. Then you can run Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) from this full image directory, to create tailored image directories that will automatically have the service pack merged in. 2.0 RESTRICTIONS ----------------- 2.1 iSeries NAVIGATOR ---------------------- 1) Due to technology incompatibilities, occasionally a window can be displayed behind other windows when running the iSeries Navigator. If the iSeries Navigator looks like it has stopped working, it is possible that the window you are waiting for is being displayed behind another window on your desktop. Press the Alt key and then the Tab key to see a list of all the windows on your system and select window behind the iSeries Navigator window, or another window on your desktop. 2.2 iSeries OPERATIONS CONSOLE -------------------------------- 1) It is recommended that you restrict LAN topologies for LCS attachment to a single, physical ring/hub/switch fabric. In the event that the LCS is used in a larger network topology, broadcast (DHCP) packet filtering is always recommended. 2) The maximum number of concurrent active sessions via the PCOM 5250 emulator is 26. 3) If an automatic session re-connect to an OS/400 image on an iSeries or iSeries server on iSeries Operations Console start-up fails, simply use the manual re-connect process by right-clicking the connection profile that failed to re-connect and selecting 'Connect'. 2.3 Management Central -------------------------------- The problem identified regarding a Management Central File Monitor not triggering when "System logs" is the option selected for "Files to monitor" on the General property page has been resolved. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must also install V5R2 HOST PTF SI08454 in order to fix this problem. 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- This a list of APAR fixes included in this service pack. Each service pack is cumulative; the current service pack includes all the fixes from the prior service pack levels. The APAR abstracts are listed by installable component within a service pack level. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI08894 Build date = June 2003 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE10014: OSP-PAR FUNCTIONS GRAYED-OUT OR FAIL EVEN WHEN ADMIN ----------------------------------------------- A few tasks that should be allowed when the user signed on to Windows has administrative privileges are not allowed, even when the user does have such privileges. The symptoms include the following: When iSeries Navigator is run, the Environment tasks "Install additional components" and "Install plug-ins" are grayed-out. When the Check Service Level function of iSeries Access for Windows is run, it fails with a message that states that "Administrator authority is required." Some items in the iSeries Access for Windows Properties applet are grayed-out, such as most of those on the Incoming Remote Command tab. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE10014 : -------------------------------- Sign on to Windows using a profile that is a member only of the local Administrators group, and try the operation again. APAR SE09627: OSP-PAR USING CHECK VERSION TO COPY INSTALL CODE TO PC BEFORE INSTALLING ----------------------------------------------- If Check Service Level is set to copy the installation image to the PC before installing, it may detect an incorrect amount of free space on the disk and halt the upgrade or service pack install. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09627 : ----------------------------- Check Service Level will convert to a newer API that properly detects the amount of free space on large drives. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09627 : -------------------------------- Uncheck the "Copy install image to PC before installing" checkbox, to install the upgrade or service pack without copying the image to the local disk first. Or, manually copy the install image to a directory on the PC, and run setup.exe from there (or direct Check Service Level to run from there). APAR SE09912: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT AFTER SP INSTALL INSERT ----------------------------------------------- After a secondary language install via Selective Setup, attempting to use the "Insert Built SQL" function from iSeries Navigator results in a Run SQL script grey panel and a never-ending hourglass. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09912 : ----------------------------- A back-level version of the English dvsa.jar is installed when a user installs a secondary language via Selective Setup. A change will be made to the service pack install and service pack exit during media install, to place the proper level English dvsa.jar on the PC. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09912 : -------------------------------- Install the secondary language component at the same time as the initial iSeries Navigator base component install. APAR SE10564: CA400EXP-INCORROUT Cannot use Windows logon on 64-bit PC ----------------------------------------------- When using iSeries Access for Windows on a 64-bit PC, options to use the logged-on user's Windows user ID and password fail. When, for example, a system's connection properties are configured to "Use Windows user name and password, no prompting," any attempt to connect to that system incorrectly prompts for a password. Another example is when Incoming Remote Command is configured such that "Generic security runs command as logged-on user." When *NONE is specified on the RUNRMTCMD command for both user ID and password, the Windows user ID and password should be discovered and used for the authentication required to run the requested command, but they are not, and the command is not run. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE10564 : -------------------------------- In environments where a prompt can be answered, the user can enter their password when prompted. In environments where a prompt cannot be answered, or where the prompt is not displayed (such as some Incoming Remote Command use scenarios), there is no circumvention. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- DIRECTORY UPDATE ---------------- No fixes. INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- APAR SE09708: CA400EXP-INRMTCMD-INCORROUT CMDS FAIL AFTER UPGRADING WINDOWS ----------------------------------------------- A PC used for running Incoming Remote Command (IRC) requests is upgraded from Windows 9x/Me to Windows NT/2000/XP. Some commands sent using RUNRMTCMD to this PC now fail, when they had worked before the Windows upgrade. In general, commands that require access to user-specific configuration information, such as the HKEY_CURRENT_USER part of the registry and user-specific environment variables, sometimes fail or behave unexpectedly. On Windows 9x/Me, such commands work because IRC, running as the daemon CWBRXD, is always running in the context of a logged-on user. On Windows NT/2000/XP this is no longer true, and the context in which a command runs is not directly controllable. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09708 : ----------------------------- Incoming Remote Command (IRC) now recognizes a new option: /loadprof This option tells IRC that whenever a command will be run in the context of a user ID sent with the command, the user profile should be loaded first. If it is successfully loaded, the command will have access to user-specific configuration information it might need to succeed. This information includes the HKEY_CURRENT_USER part of the registry and user-specific environment variables. The /loadprof option may be used in either of two ways. The first is to enter it as a Start Parameter when you start the iSeries Access for Windows Remote Command service. If you do that, the option will be applied to all commands run by IRC. The second method is to enter it as part of the command string, before the actual command. This method is useful if you want the option applied only to some commands but not others. For example, to tell IRC to load the user profile and then run the command 'myprog.exe' you would specify as the command the string '/loadprof myprog.exe'. If /loadprof is specified, but IRC has no user context to run the command in, the user profile will not be loaded. For example, when /runassystem ("run as system") is also used, the command is run in the context of whatever account the iSeries Access for Windows Remote Command service is configured to run under, not the context of the user ID sent with the command. Another example is when /nosecok ("Allow generic security") is also used, and *NONE is sent as the user ID. In both of these cases, no user profile can be loaded. There are several considerations to keep in mind when the /loadprof option is used. Firstly, use of this option does not guarantee that the user profile will be loaded successfully before your command is run. If IRC fails to load the user profile, it will run the command anyway, and the command may not have access to the user-specific configuration information. If this occurs, a message will be logged to the History Log indicating that the user profile was not loaded successfully. Secondly, omitting /loadprof does not guarantee that the user profile is not loaded when your command runs. User profiles are system-wide things, and some other process may have already loaded the user profile. If the user is signed-on to the PC on which the command is run, their profile might already be loaded and available to the command. Thirdly, loading a user profile takes extra time. On a fast PC when the account is local, the extra time may be so small that it is not noticeable. On a slower PC, or for other reasons, the extra time might be significant. The last consideration has to do with system performance. Loading a user profile uses extra system resources. If IRC successfully loads a user profile, it will, when it gets control back after running the command, try to unload the user profile to free the extra system resources. If the command is still running or if another program the command started is still running, IRC may not be able to unload the user profile. If this happens, the system resources cannot be freed. This can affect the overall performance of the PC. Stopping and re-starting the iSeries Access for Windows Remote Command service may free some of the system resources, but to free them all might require shutting down and re-starting Windows. APAR SE10619 CA400EXP-INRMTCMD MSG1313 IRC DAEMON SERVICE DOES NOT START -------------------------------- After installing Microsoft hotfix 811493 on Windows XP, the Incoming Remote Command (IRC) daemon (the Client Access Express Remote Command service in v5r1, the iSeries Access for Windows Remote Command service in v5r2) does not start when run under the Local System account. The service reports the message, "Error 1313: A specified privilege does not exist." even though the privileges required to run the service are held by Local System. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE10619: -------------------------------- This PTF fixes the reported problem.  The target date for this fix in V5R1 is 11/21/2003, while the target date for this fix in V5R2 is 6/20/2003 CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE10619 ------------------------------ If the service is configured to run under the account of a user who is part of the local Administrators group, rather than under Local System, it may start. USER'S GUIDE ------------ No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- IMPORTANT NOTE for Management Central: You must also install V5R2 HOST PTF SI08454 in order to fix the problem identified regarding a Management Central File Monitor not triggering when "System logs" is the option selected for "Files to monitor" on the General property page. APAR SE06054: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Updating SMTP filters ----------------------------------------------- "AT" sign ('@') is incorrectly handled by OpsNav SMTP Filter rules Tab. OpsNav sends in hex 'B5' for the '@' (at) sign. When this is written to the file the 'at' sign is respresented by hex '7C' which is correct in CCSID 500. When OpsNav reads the file back for update it does not convert the hex '7C' back to the CCSID 1141 value 'B5' and therefore fails when trying to update the filter rules. APAR SE08141: OSP-DB-F/QZDACMDP-MSGPWS0010-T/QZDACMDP OPERATIONS NAVIGATOR ----------------------------------------------- Operations Navigator crashes when clicking on an SQL procedure with a very long name. APAR SE09027: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT RouteD config loses data ----------------------------------------------- RouteD GUI will sometimes drop certain configuration attributes, or add garbage characters do the RouteD configuration file. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09027 : -------------------------------- If you click on the Forwarding Parameters page you will not lose the existing data that is displayed there. APAR SE09628: CA400EXP-2-INCORROUT UCW DOES NOT RECOGNIZE D/T2742 ----------------------------------------------- Universal Connection Wizard in Operations Navigator does not recognize the d/t2742 card. APAR SE09640: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT iNav hangs changing SMTP ----------------------------------------------- Using OPs navigator v5r2m0 and service pack SI06631 changing items in SMTP attributes causes a hang. Some parameter values appear to get updated in the file. Some items like adding an address to an allow relay list of addresses do not seem to get updated. In either case when a change is made OK is clicked nothing happens, (the window should dissappear and the change made). There are no abnormal messages in the central management server job log. The task list of the pc when you look at it also shows nothing wrong. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09640 : -------------------------------- green screen CHGSMTPA command APAR SE09747: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT INTERNET SETUP WIZARD ON FRENCH ----------------------------------------------- CAExpress R520 using the French Language version (2928). "Internet Setup wizard" of iSeries Navigator window the function does not complete due to a window error reporting the error msg: "Incorrect 'a' character following the chain "Cr par '." The code does always use the default instead of what the user entered. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09747: -------------------------------- If the description for new Line includes single quotes ('), we have to change them into two single quotes ('') before calling the command.  The program was not using the user specified description, but the default everytime instead.  In the case of French, the default includes single quotes ('), thus the command was failing since we weren't parsing the string.. APAR SE09915: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-MSGTCP2652 ENABLE PROXY ARP ON VIRTUA ----------------------------------------------- enable Proxy ARP from Iseries navigator on virtual ip interface issues TCP2652 - LCLIFC parameter value ....not valid. Reason code is 0001 (Character other than digit or dot detected). This has been experienced on several NLS languages, all non english. APAR SE10562: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Subsystem name discarded ----------------------------------------------- In the Subsystems page of several server properties, there is a Subsystem entry field. If a 10-character name is entered (which is the valid maximum length), it is discarded. APAR SE09706: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-MSGCPD0083 Error Moving Printer Output ----------------------------------------------- When moving files between output queues in Operations Navigator R520 by either dragging and dropping or copying and pasting, MSGCPD0083: Value ' ' for parameter CRTDATE not valid time, is issued. APAR SE10161: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT Error copying multiple spooled files ----------------------------------------------- An error occurs when you highlight and copy multiple spooled files from the iSeries Navigator printer output list interface. APAR SE09727: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM TAB WITHIN ----------------------------------------------- Depending on how many users are administered by the system, the administration System tab. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09727 : ----------------------------- The Administration System tab no longer disappears. Fix will be available in V5R2M0 in the service pack approximately available on 06/20/03. APAR SE10229:CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT OUTPUT QUEUE DELETE ERROR ----------------------------------------------- An incorrect list of spooled files will be displayed in an iSeries Navigator Output queue when the iSeries Navigator Output queue interface has been used to delete spooled files from an iSeries output queue. Attempts to perform actions on the spooled files in the displayed list will result in error messages being issued. APAR SE09614: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MESSAGES-MSGSQL7959 CA400EXP USING OPSNAV ----------------------------------------------- Customer is running R520 of Client Access with no service pack on. They go to OPS NAV and click on database and take the RUN SQL SCRIPTS. In their scripts they have multiple SQL statements and they have a blank statement with just a semicolon. This executes fine with out the service pack on. They installed the latest service pack SI07675 and now when it gets to the blank statement with the semicolon it errors with what appears to be an SQL7959. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09614 : -------------------------------- There are two circumventions: 1. In the Run SQL Scripts window, deselect the 'Stop on error' item in the Options menu. This will cause the script to keep running, even though the empty statement causes an error message in the run history pane at the bottom of the Run SQL Scripts window. The error msg can be ignored. 2. Remove the statement that has only blanks. APAR SE09684: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGCPF0001 USING ISERIES NAVIGATOR TO D ----------------------------------------------- Using iSeries Navigator at V5R2 to move a file from a V5R1 system to a V5R2 system fails with msgCPF0001, msgSQL0443, msgCPD0443. APAR SE09743: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT RUN SQL SCRIPTS HANGS WINDOWS ----------------------------------------------- If the Operations Navigator's Run SQL Scripts function is launched from Windows Explorer (including the desktop), the instance of Explorer which launched the Run SQL Scripts will be inaccessable until Run SQL Scripts is closed. Any attempt to use that Explorer instance will result in at best, a windows error sound. This problem seems to have been introduced in V5R2 of iSeries Access, previous versions do not exhibit this behaviour. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09743 : -------------------------------- Open a separate Windows Explorer window to launch the .sql script. APAR SE09826: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT ADDITIONAL FILES DISPLAYED IN ----------------------------------------------- If a system has a library with an underscore in the name and other libraries with an almost identical name, the only difference being that another character is substituted for the underscore AND these libraries have files with the same name, then Operations Navigator will display the files and views of all of these similarly named libraries when it the library with the underscore in the name is selected. For example if there was a library named A_C and another named ABC, then the files and views from both libraries would be displayed by the Operations Navigator database plug-in's library view. Operations Navigator is using an ODBC connection to retreive the information about these objects and it is not escaping the underscore character so it is treated as a wildcard pattern as it would in SQL. APAR SE09851: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0100 CANNOT UPDATE A TABLE THROUG ----------------------------------------------- Customer getting an iseries Navigator message stating "Either the row you attempted to change no longer exists in the table, or, if you inserted this row, a defaulted field does not match what is being displayed. Select Refresh from the File menu to update the data being displayed." When we retrieved field A in the initial select it had a carriage return and line feed at the end of it that we didn't put into the select for update statement. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09851 : -------------------------------- Do not put a carriage return or other control character at the end of a text field. APAR SE09604: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT ERROR CWBUNPLA DIALOG APPEARED ----------------------------------------------- An error message titled 'CWBUNPLA' with the text "Error occurred while retrieving usage information for X on Y" occurs when the remote command server is disabled (where 'x' is the name of a user profile, and 'y' is the name of an iSeries server). CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09604 : ----------------------------- This is an expected error when the remote command server is disabled and the iSeries has 'Client' or 'iSeries Navigator' category Application Administration functions registered. However, there is a problem where this error will occur even when there are no Application Administration functions from the 'Client' or 'iSeries Navigator' categories registered on the iSeries. This fix corrects this problem. APAR SE10565: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Can't add SMTP RR address ----------------------------------------------- Customer is trying to add an address in the Relay Restriction tab of SMTP properties. When OK is clicked, the address is not saved (other properties are saved). CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE10565 : -------------------------------- Customer can work around the problem by using addsmtple on the green screen. APAR SE10566: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-UNPRED Improve diagnostics ----------------------------------------------- Add diagnostics to improve customer support for TCP/IP servers APAR SE10222: OSP FAILURE TO ACCESS THE PM400 TREND ANALYSIS DATA ON THE W ----------------------------------------------- When trying to access the PM400 trend analysis data on the web via OPs Nav this fuction is failing when using Netscape 7. APAR SE10078: OSP-IMPORT OF OVERLAY FAIL USING AFP MANAGER ----------------------------------------------- Customer tries to import an overlay from a PC to the iSeries using CA Exp AFP Manager. This fails. On the PC they see msgcpd0104. In the iSeries joblog they see msgCPE3426 & msgCPD3E34. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE10078 : ----------------------------- AFP Manager is incorrectly processing the DATATYPE parameter in two translated versions. The versions that are affected are German 2929 and 2939. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE09811: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT WRONG MBR DISPLAYED IN BROWSE ----------------------------------------------- The Browse Files and Members function of Data Transfer may produce an incorrect library/file(member) name if the library or file name contains an underscore. An underscore is typically used as a wildcard character for libraries and file names. Data Transfer should not treat the underscore as a wildcard, instead it should use the library or file name exactly as specified. A common symptom of this problem is files showing up under the incorrect library, members showing up under the incorrect file, or files and/or members not showing up at all. Using an incorrect library/file(member) specification from the browse panel in a transfer request may result in the incorrect transfer or an error. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR SE09933: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT STACK OVERFLOW WHEN RETRIEVING CATAL --------------------------------------------------------------- Using an older version of Microsoft Query (Office 97) and older versions of windows (NT 4.0 and Windows 98) with the iSeries Access V5R2 client, a stack overflow error occurs. Traces show that the error occurs when the application has called a catalog function (SQLColumns or SQLTables). The SQL log shows that the call was made to the iSeries Access ODBC driver but that call was never returned from. Updating MDAC levels made no difference to the problem. APAR SE10563: ODBC XA support ----------------------------------------------- ODBC allows the MTS interface for distributed transactions in a Windows enviornment. However, in certain environments, like Linux, that is not an option. An interface is needed for Linux so that XA APIs can be called to perform distributed transactions. API changes: SQLSetConnectAttr now supports a 2140, 2141, and 2142 option. SQLGetConnectAttr now supports a 2140, 2141, 2142, 2143 option. Attribute: 2140 Description: An unsigned integer value that specfies the amount of time (in seconds) that an XA transaction will wait until it times out. A value of 0 indicates to wait indefinitely for the transaction to finish. Setting this overrides any value that was set for the XATIMEOUT connection string keyword. The default value for this attribute is 0. Setting this value at the present time will have no effect. Atribute: 2141 Description: An unsigned integer value that specfies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that an XA transaction will wait on a lock request before timing out. A value of 0 indicates to use the default system settings. Setting this overrides any value that was set for the XALOCKTIMEOUT connection string keyword. The default value for this attribute is 0. Setting this value at the present time will have no effect. Attribute: 2142 Description: An integer value that specifies the RMID to use for XA transaction work. This can be set at anytime. The RMID that is set must be unique for the process. If this value is set to 0 it indicates that any current XA transaction work has been completed for this connection. The default value for this attribute is 0. Attribute: 2143 Description: A character string that identifies the iSeries Access driver to call into for XA calls. This string is only valid if the 2142 connection attribute has been set. This string is set after the connection is established. The default value for this attribute is an empty-string. SQLDriverConnect now supports the XATXNTIMEOUT and XALOCKTIMEOUT connection string keywords. See Attribute 2140 and 2141 for a description of what these attributes set. Other notes: - xa_open is only called by the application for recovery purposes. When connecting through the ODBC API SQLConnect or SQLDriverConnect the xa_open is done automatically if the RMID was set via the 2142 connection attribute. - The connection attribute SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT must be set as SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON. - If an application wishes to start an XA transaction and then do some non-XA transaction work, one must set the RMID to 0 to indicate to the driver that the XA work is completed. - To do XA recovery an application calls xa_open with a string of "SYSTEM=mySystem;UID=myUserID;PWD="myPassword";DATABASE=myDataba se;" where mySystem is your system name, myUserID is your user ID on that system, and myPassword is that user ID's password. Note the string must be specified exactly as above or as "SYSTEM=mySystem;". Those two strings are the only two strings that will work. Below is the basic scenario on how an application calls into the driver to do a distributed transaction: 1. Application calls SQLSetConnectAttr and specifies the 2142 option indicating the RMID to use 2. Application calls SQLConnect / SQLDriverConnect (the driver does an xa_open) Optional: Application calls SQLGetConnectAttr to get the DLL name needed to make the xa_open call for recovery 3. Application calls ODBC APIs like normal and calls XA APIs to coordinate the transaction by calling into the iSeries Access DLL that supports the xa_switch. 4. Application calls SQLDisconnect (the driver does an xa_close) APAR SE09057: CA400EXP-ODBC SQLFETCHSCROLL DOESN'T RETURN CORRECT NUMBER O ----------------------------------------------- When calling a stored procedure that returns a result set, some rows are not being returned. In this case a result set that is expected to return 1959 rows only returns 1950 rows. APAR SE09116: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT DATA RETURNED FOR CLOB FIELDS ----------------------------------------------- When retrieving data through ODBC, the driver is incorrectly returning data for a CLOB field as all binary zeroes. APAR SE09139: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGERROR IN ROW ODBC APPLICATION FAILS WHEN ZE ----------------------------------------------- Upgrading to V5R2M0 CAE (service pack SI06631) from V4R5M0 causes an application to now fail with message "Runtime error 4002, error in row". A procedure is called that returns multiple result sets. Each result set (other then the very first) that returns zero rows gets a "error in row" SQL_ERROR on the extended fetch. If the block size is 1 or if SQLFetch is used, there is no error. The process also works if the first result set returns zero rows APAR SE09168: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSG7357 (1CBD) OLE DB PROVIDER 'MSDASQL' ----------------------------------------------- SQLColumns call for all columns in a table returns zero rows if "Enable search patterns" is not checked in the ODBC data source. In SQL Server DTS applications this results in the error message: Could not process object.... The OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' indicates that the object has no columns. APAR SE09180: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGSQL0666 R520 PERFORMANCE PROBLEM W/ ----------------------------------------------- Several catalog API problems require fixes: - V5R2 ODBC driver has worse performance on SQLSpecialColumns and SQLStatistics API calls than in previous ODBC drivers. - SQLStatistics mishandles long table names resulting in a conversion error. - SQLPrimaryKeys is returning result set information in a different order than V5R1. - If SQLTables is called with the library and table name set to empty-strings, no result set is being returned. In previous ODBC drivers empty-strings for the library and table name were treated as wildcards. APAR SE09306: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INCORRECT OUTPUT WITH EXTENDED FETCH ----------------------------------------------- Customer using ODBC with R520 iSeries Access Express with service pack SI06631 applied encounters problems with incorrect output from an SQLExtendedFetch function. In this case it appeared that the size of a numeric value was a 16 billion digit number. The problem is present when there are NULL fields in the result data. APAR SE09746: CA400EXP-ODBC SQLSTATE 22018 ERROR IN ASSIGNMENT ----------------------------------------------- Some functions which return results to bound columns are generating SUCCESS_WITH_INFO return codes. The data are returned correctly but the information message states that there was an Error In Assignment. The SQL State is set to 22018 and a native error code of 30019 is also returned. APAR SE10041: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT FILE DSN CONFIGURED TO USE WINDOWS U ----------------------------------------------- On either R510 or R520 Express, create a FILE DSN and select the connection option to signon using the Windows user id and password. When you use that File DSN, it will prompt you with the user id that created the file dsn rather than the ID logged on to Windows. The file DSN can be edited to change the UID parameter to the specific Windows user id. However, in the customer scenerio the DSN still prompted with the ID that created the DSN. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE10041 : ----------------------------- This PTF fixes the reported problem. To make use of this fix you'll need to first reconfigure any existing ODBC File DSNs that were previously created so that the file gets updated without the userid being stored in it. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE10041 : -------------------------------- To workaround this problem you can manually edit the File DSN in an editor and remove the line that begins UID=. APAR SE10057: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGCWB0111 VERSION 2.0 APPLICATIONS AND UNICODE ----------------------------------------------- When using Microsoft Access 97 to access character columns with a CCSID of 13488, the error message "CWB0111 Right Truncation error" is being reported. CCSID 13488 is the CCSID used to hold unicode (UCS-2) character data. Since Microsoft Access 97 is an ODBC 2.5 application, it expects unicode fields to be returned by default with a data type of SQL_CHAR instead of SQL_WCHAR. There is one problem present with SQLColumns in that it reports the BUFFER_SIZE field as if it is going to return SQL_WCHAR data to the user. By default, data will be retrieved as SQL_CHAR so the length the driver is returning is twice the length it should be. APAR SE10374: CA400EXP-ODBC-UNPRED ORS DATA IS NOT RELEASED BECAUSE RETURN ----------------------------------------------- Temp Storage Usage on the iSeries climbs for a QZDASOINIT job due to a leak. Result set handles are not being released correctly. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE09140: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT AD400SEEKLASTEQ PARTIAL SEEK FAILS ----------------------------------------------- CA Express OLEDB API ad400SeekLastEQ is behaving incorrectly in some circumstances when a partial-key seek is done. Temporary workaround is to code the OLE DB application so it does a seek on all of the unique keys. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09140 : -------------------------------- As a workaround, customers can seek using all unique values instead of only doing a partial-key seek. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- This iSeries Access for Windows service pack will also install the equivalent of 5722JC1 product PTF SI08536. Please refer to the cover letter for fix details. 5250 Display and Printer Emulation ---------------------------------- APAR SE09502: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT AFTER APPLYING SI06631 THE FONT ----------------------------------------------- SI06631 applied and the fonts that are printed are now overlapping, and bestfit is not scaled correctly to stop the fonts from overlapping. APAR SE09776: CA400EXP PC5250 INPUT INHIBIT DISPLAY SESSION ----------------------------------------------- The display session will be in input inhibit status while a large data stream is being sent accross telnet session, the (exc) key is hit repeativily. The key is an aid key type attention. When the data is complete, the last buffer sent with put/invite, PCOM does not send up any aid keys. APAR SE08385: CA400EXP-PC5250 IME_AUTO_START_N FUNCTION INCORROUT ----------------------------------------------- Following DBCS stanza does not work. DBCS IME_AUTO_START=N When user turn IME on at 'W' field,'IME_AUTO_START=N' is ignored. Wnen next screen is displayed, character mode is changed.This problem only occur when IME is turned on at 'W' field. SI05361 is applied. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE08385 : ------------------------------- Search for the following registry key: HKEY_USERS\....\Software\IBM\ Personal Communications\CurrentVersion\Preferences If the "Profile Directory" value references the default installation directory for the Emulator similar to the following: C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\private You can change the lower case "private" to "PRIVATE" to circumvent this problem. APAR SE10023: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL DBCS COMPUTER OUTPUT REDUCTION ----------------------------------------------- DBCS Computer Output Reduction (COR) does not work for a PC5250 printer emulation session. APAR SE08553: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGPCSWS044 PCSWS044 PREVENTS PC FROM ----------------------------------------------- This issue affects laptops- the laptop cannot enter sleep mode without the user responding to this message- PCSWS044. Would like a way to turn it off. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE08553: ----------------------------- keyword setting has been provided to control this behavior. The keyword should be added to the pcswin.ini file. PromptBeforeSleep=Y This is the default setting. When the keyword is set to Y, PC5250 will will prompt the user about whether to go into power saving mode if the session is connected. If the session is not connected, permission for Windows to go into power saving mode will be granted without prompting. PromptBeforeSleep=N When the keyword is set to N, permission for Windows to go into power saving mode will always be granted without prompting. APAR SE08696: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PCSWS.EXE FAULTS STOPPING A SESSION ----------------------------------------------- A page fault can be generated by PCSWS.EXE used in conjunction with an EHLLAPI application. If the EHLLAPI program stops a session which then generates a Windows message box (for example, a MSGCWBCO1051 timeout error), a Windows protection fault will occur because the parent window for the error message is now invalid. APAR SE08902: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT UNABLE TO TYPE KATAKANA "WO" ----------------------------------------------- Unable to type SBCS Katakana "Wo" on anywhere, even Main menu. OIA shows "X -S" indicator. APAR SE08973: PC5250 CAN'T TYPE N-TILDE IN ALPHABETIC FIELD IN DSPF, WHICH ----------------------------------------------- Cannot enter Spanish native character N-tilde in an alphabetical field in a DSPF, which is described by a 'X' (alphabetic only), in a PC5250 session. The following message is received: 'Field requires alphabetic characters'. APAR SE08975: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-PERFM RUNNING MACROS IN MORE THAN 1 PC5250 ----------------------------------------------- Running Macros in more than 1 PC5250 session at the same time causes the Macro playback to hang on all sessions. APAR SE09006:CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-PERFM PC5250 DISPLAY SESSION HANGS & LOOSE ----------------------------------------------- After applying service pack SI05853 to iSeries Access for Windows the PC5250 display session hangs and looses focus when used with the CODE/400 editor of Websphere Development Studio Client and a STRCODE connection. Examples of what can cause this hang are prompting on an OS/400 command when editing a CL program, and other equivalent functions that cause CODE/400 to switch to the emulation session. The hang does not occur with the previous SP, SI04684. APAR SE09016:CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT KEYBOARD MAPPING PROBLEM WITH GREEK ----------------------------------------------- PC5250 session having the Greek keyboard layout can't customize any key. Defaults are always used. APAR SE09761: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 UNICODE CHARACTERS ARE ----------------------------------------------- Environment : Code Page 1399 / PC OS Windows2000 Job/File CCSID 1399 Problem : When customer tried to print the Unicode character with PDT , they are printed as BLANK. APAR SE09349: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 PRINTER CAUSES FONT ----------------------------------------------- Font overlapping problem when configuring a pc5250 printer session with a Lexmark Z65 printer model PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ SE10250 OpConsole - CA400EXP-OPCON-UNPRED REMOTE CONTROL PANEL VIA CABLE WILL NO ----------------------------------------------- Configuring Operations Console to use the remote control panel results in a failure to connect the remote control panel. This only applies to the cable part number 53P5704. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE10250: ----------------------------------------------- With this fix, the control panel connects and functions as expected with parallel cable part number 53P5704. APAR SE09791: CA400EXP-OPCON-UNPRED CWBOPCON.EXE ERRORS AFTER APPLY OF ----------------------------------------------- Customer applied SI07675 and received a CWBOPCON.EXE error when he booted the PC they were configured to use Console and Control panel. Reconfiguring OPCON for Console only avoided the error. We configured again using Console and Control panel and received the same error. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE09791 : ----------------------------- With this fix the value in the "Control Panel Port" field is preserved across configuration changes and the fault does not occur. CIRCUMVENTION FOR APAR SE09791 : -------------------------------- To avoid the problem, edit the registry so the "Control Panel Port" has a value as follows: 1) From the taskbar click on Start 2) Run... 3) In the Run dialog, type in "regedit" and hit enter 4) In the registry editor, click the plus sign '+' in front of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" 5) Next click the plus sign in front of "SOFTWARE" 6) Do the same on "IBM" 7) Do the same on "Client Access" 8) Do the same on "CurrentVersion" 9) Do the same on "AS400 Operations Console" 10) Do the same on "LCS" 11) Locate the name of the configuration and click on it 12) In the right-hand pane list of keynames and values, locate "Control Panel Port" 13) Double-click the "Control Panel Port" keyname to edit its value 14) Fill in the exact same name as is found in the nearby "Console Port" field and hit enter Stop and restart Operations Console to pick up the change. APAR SE10315: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT SELECTING THE AUTO CONNECTION OPTION ----------------------------------------------- Selecting the option to auto-connect a LAN configuration for Operations Console does not work. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE10315 : ----------------------------- With this fix, the auto-connect option is honored for all configuration types. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI07675 Build date = February 2003 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR = SE08411 CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED INSTALL OF AFP/SCS PRINT DRIVERS ON WIN XP SP1 APAR = SE09143 CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER-INCORROUT CWBNP1019 RESOURCE AFP OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- DIRECTORY UPDATE ---------------- No fixes. INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- APAR = SE08698 CA400EXP-INRMTCMD-UNPRED USE WINDOWS LOGON DOES NOT WORK WITH IRC USER'S GUIDE ------------ No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR = SE08264 OSP-F/QCARULE-MSGCPD0039-T/QSQCALL APAR = SE08543 CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-UNPRED SAVED DATABASE MAP CANNOT NOT BE APAR = SE08599 CA400EXP-OPNAV-MSGCWBUN0148 CWBUN0148 MESSAGE IS RECIEVED WH APAR = SE08724 CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DETAILED SQL PERFORMANCE MONITOR FAILS APAR = SE08845 CA400EXP-OPNAV-PERFM OPS NAV APPEARS TO HANG OR IS SLOW TO APAR = SE09107 CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-MSGCPFA0A9 Permissions problem DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- No fixes. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR = SE08489 CA400EXP-ODBC ADO ERRORS 2147217887 AND 2147467259 IN CA APAR = SE08671 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT SQLGETINFO CATALOG_USAGE VALUE RETUR APAR = SE08715 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ODBC RETURNS INCORRECT DATE, TIME, A APAR = SE08723 CA400EXP-ODBC CLOB FIELDS AND NULL VALUES APAR = SE08942 CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGSQL0551 MSGSQL0551 QSYS/QADBKFLD ODBC APP APAR = SE09104 CA400EXP-ODBC-PERFM PERFORMANCE PROBLEM WITH V5R2 ODBC OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- No fixes. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- This iSeries Access for Windows service pack will also install the equivalent of 5722JC1 product PTF SI05645. Please refer to the cover letter for fix details. 5250 Display and Printer Emulation ---------------------------------- APAR = SE08554 CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT OUTPUT CHANGED ON R520 PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR = SE08827 CA400EXP-OPCON-UNPRED OPERATIONS CONSOLE SETUP HANGS AT MODE APAR = SE09008 CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT HOST FILE ON THE PC IS NOT UPDATED PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI06631 Build date = November 2002 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR = SE07361 CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT TRANSFERRING TO CCSID 13488 APAR = SE07669 OSP-PAR CLIENT ACCESS LICENSE NOT ALWAYS RELEASING AFTER SET APAR = SE07950 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGCWBLM0011 CWBLM0011 ERROR WITH CLIENT APAR = SE08029 CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-WAIT CWBLMSRV.EXE INHERITING THE FILE APAR = SE08320 CA400EXP-CONNECTIONS-INCORROUT cwbcfg configs not changed; add /ipaddr modes APAR = SE08343 CA400EXP-2-LOOP ByteStream type 1 directories with large number of entries will hang iNav IFS OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- DIRECTORY UPDATE ---------------- No fixes. INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. USER'S GUIDE ------------ No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR = SE06986 OSP-AFP-PRT UNABLE TO USE IMPORT OVERLAY FUNCTION OF AFP MAN APAR = SE07200 TCPIP-SMTP OP NAV FAILURE ATTEMPTING TO CHANGE/DISPLAY SMTP APAR = SE07618 OSP-MSGCPD0104-PAR-CA400EXP-OPNAV CANNOT ENROLL TO DOMAIN APAR = SE07701 CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT ISERIES NAVIGATOR GETS AN INVALID P APAR = SE07991 OSP-DB VISUAL EXPLAIN HANGS WITHOUT DISPLAYING RESULTS APAR = SE08031 CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT UNIVERSAL CONNECTION WIZARD APAR = SE08075 CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0615 VISULAEXPLAIN GOT SQL EXCEPT APAR = SE08101 CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT OPERATIONS NAVIGATOR "RUN SQL APAR = SE08145 CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SQL SCRIPT SAVE AS SHOWS AN APAR = SE08162 CA400EXP-ODBC FAILURE. ERROR "DESCRIPTOR INDEX NOT VALID" IS APAR = SE08220 OSP-DB CA400EXP-OPNAV SQL EXCEPTION DURING CREATE LIBRARY APAR = SE08329 CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Numeric at start domain name APAR = SE08346 CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-UNPRED Add new 2793 modem for UCW APAR = SE08403 CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT RESOURCEBUNDLEERROR RECEIVED IN OPN DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR = SE07804 CA400EXP-DTRANSFER NATIVE SQL STATEMENT FAILS ON WINDOWS 98 DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR = SE07497 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT STORED PROCEDURE EXPECTED TO RETURN APAR = SE07922 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT UNABLE TO LINK TO SPECIFIC LIBRARY APAR = SE07999 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT MS EXCEL 2000 GIVES ERROR IN ASSIGNM APAR = SE08021 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT MS ACCESS 2000 LINK EXTERNAL TABLE APAR = SE08207 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - ODBC Driver uses too much memory OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR = SE08268 CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT SEEK FUNCTION USED WITH IBMDA400 OL LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- APAR = SE08202 CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER ERROR OCCURS USING *VIEW FROM AFPU TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- This iSeries Access for Windows service pack will also install the equivalent of 5722JC1 product PTF SI05645. Please refer to the cover letter for fix details. 5250 Display and Printer Emulation ---------------------------------- APAR = SE06873 OSP-PAR PCSWS IPF IN MODULE UNKNOWN WHEN STARTING RUNNING VB APAR = SE07574 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT BACKSPACE IN A WORD WRAPPABLE FI APAR = SE07671 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT UNABLE TO USE SYSREQ ON PC5250 APAR = SE07743 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 HANGS WHEN USING SYSREQ APAR = SE07771 CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-MSGPCSWS.EXE ERROR INTEGER DIVISION BY 0 APAR = SE07847 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT NO ALARM ON ICF CLIENTS WHEN APAR = SE08022 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CURSOR DOES NOT POSITION PROPERL APAR = SE08139 CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-MSGPCSWS PAGE FAULT WINDOWS 2K DESKJET APAR = SE08188 CA400EXP-PC5250 FILE TRANSFER FAILS WITH 'APPLICATION ERROR' APAR = SE08283 OSP-PAR V5R2M0 C2260 5722XE1 WITH PTF SI05853 ON MS WINDOWS APAR = SE08322 CA400EXP INCORECT FONTS FOR VIETNAMESE CAPS 5250 DISP EMU APAR = SE08323 CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-UNPRED PC5250 IS RESTORING DEFAULT PAGE PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ Non-APAR fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI05853 Build date = September 2002 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR = SE06839 CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGCWBDB0052 OLEDB APP CANNOT FIND CONVERSION TBL APAR = SE07116 OSP-PAR CWBCO1004 MESSAGE RETURNED FOR LOCAL PORT LOOKUP OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- DIRECTORY UPDATE ---------------- No fixes. INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. USER'S GUIDE ------------ No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR = SE05818 OSP-DB DATABASE NAVIGATOR 'ADD TO MAP' FUNCTION FAILS IF APAR = SE06093 OSP-AFP-PRT IMPORT OF OVERLAY ONLY WORKS FOR ENGLISH CA APAR = SE06804 CA400EXP-OPNAV-SECPOL-UNPRED ADD BUTTON DOES NOT SHOW UP APAR = SE06921 CA400EXP-BOOTP OPERATIONS NAVIGATOR LIMITS RANGE OF MAC ADDR APAR = SE07405 OSP PROBLEM WITH LOADING OF USER LIST WHEN WORKING WITH THE DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR = SE06350 CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT ASCII TEXT WITH ZERO PAD DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR = SE06149 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INVALID LENGTH REPORTED ON CATALOG APAR = SE06414 CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGSQL0181 AND MSGCPF5035 RC18 ON ODBC TIMESTA APAR = SE06447 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - ODBC FAILS TO RETURN FULL STORED PROCEDURE RESULT SET APAR = SE06802 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT RIGHT TRUNCATION ON CHAR DATA APAR = SE07095 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT PROBLEM IS RELATED TO EMBEDDED NULLS APAR = SE07172 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT NULL OUTPUT PARAMETERS RETURNING APAR = SE07583 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - SQLProcedureColumns results incorrect OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR = SE06106 CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT SINGLE PRECISION DEC INCORRECTLY INSERTED APAR = SE06588 CA400EXP-OLEDB-UNPRED EXECUTING A PREPARED CALL STATEMENT APAR = SE07584 CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT Better support for LOB bindings and SQL Server LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- APAR = SE07260 CA400EXP-OPNAV Viewer Process Fails to end when error occurs TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- No fixes. 5250 Display and Printer Emulation ---------------------------------- APAR = SE03962 CA400EXP-DBCS PRINTED AS GARBAGE BY PRINTER SESSION APAR = SE04192 CA400EXP-SECURITY-MSG656 UNABLE TO CONNECT PC5250 WHEN PASSW APAR = SE05180 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL PCSCM.EXE-APPLICATION ERROR. THE INSTRUCTI APAR = SE06164 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGMCH0601 CSRINPONLY SPECIFIED IN DSPF APAR = SE06296 OSP-PAR PC5250 PROCESSING OF FIELD WITH WORD WRAP AFTER SI02 APAR = SE06586 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-LOOP WHEN USING IWMP2000 TO SCAN DOCUMENTS APAR = SE06719 CA400EXP-PC5250-INCORROUT VIETNAMESE 5250 DISPLAY EMULN APAR = SE06869 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT SESSION HANGS ON EXIT IF CHANGES APAR = SE06871 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT UNABLE TO SPECIFY A SECURE WEBSI PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR = SE04218 CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CLIENT ACCESS EXPRESS V5R1M0 PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- Non-APAR fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI04684 Build date = June 2002 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR = SE03830 CA400WINOPT IBMDA400 PARAMETER BIDI TRANSFORM IGNORED APAR = SE03863 CA400WINOPT - ARABIC TRANSLATION LAM-ALEF CHARACTER NOT GET APAR = SE05333 OSP-INCORROUT UNABLE TO USE DBCS SPECIFIC CHARACTER ON MS AC APAR = SE06009 CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT IBMDA400 MIXES DATA IN BIDI APAR = SE06195 INCORROUT UNABLE TO USE THREE THAI CHARACTERS WITH MS ACCESS OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- DIRECTORY UPDATE ---------------- No fixes. INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. USER'S GUIDE ------------ No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR = SE06470 OSP-PAR CLIENT ACCESS V450 OPERATIONS NAVIGATOR FATAL EXCEPT DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR = SE04511 CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-UNPRED UPLOADING BIFF8 FAILS DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR = SE06297 CA400EXP-ODBC-PERFM PARAMETER MARKER DESCRIPTION APAR = SE06298 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - Miscellaneous ODBC problems APAR = SE06344 CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - Tool to update DSN information APAR = SE06546 CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGCWB0111 CHARACTER DATA RIGHT TRUNCATION WIT OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR = SE06083 CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT NUMBER OF ROWS AFFECTED IS INCORRECT APAR = SE06468 CA400EXP-OLEDB-UNPRED Adjust block factor to 1 for LOBs APAR = SE06469 CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT IBMDA400 RETURNS EMPTY RESULT SET F LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- No fixes. 5250 Display and Printer Emulation ---------------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ Non-APAR fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- Non-APAR fixes. 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the Install/Uninstall function. 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK ------------------------------ To remove this service pack from your PC: 1. Click the Windows Start button, click on Settings, and then click on Control Panel. 2. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. 3. Click on the Install/Uninstall tab, click on IBM iSeries Access for Windows SI08894 item, and then click on the Add/Remove button. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? ----------------------------------------------- InstallShield is the tool used to provide the install support for iSeries Access for Windows. The same tool is used for installing service packs. Setup.exe has a 2 minute timeout to initialize to the first wizard panel, which could expire when installing service packs over very slow communication lines. The suggested way of installing the service pack in this case is: 1) A setting has been added to the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab that will copy the service pack image to the PC's temporary directory, install the service pack, then remove the copied files. To use this support you will need to specify this setting ("Copy install image to PC before installing"). STATUS: No status information is displayed while the files are copied. To determine if the transfers are progressing, look in the 'CA400CKV' temporary directory (beneath the PC temporary directory, for example C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp). You should see new files appear periodically. 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL ------------------------- To prevent users from installing the Service Pack, an administrator can set the Install Service Pack policy restriction, or can use the SP.TXT file. If the administrator places a file named SP.TXT (with a 'N' in the first position of the first line) in the service pack installation image directory, the service pack will not be installed. 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the Data Transfer function. 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 ----------------------------------------------------------- WHY DOES MY DATA LOOK LIKE GARBAGE WHEN I PERFORMED A DOWNLOAD? By default, the Data Transfer function will not convert data between EBCDIC and ASCII if the data is tagged with a CCSID of 65535. In older versions of the Win 95/NT Client Access product, the 65535 conversion was controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. This process has been changed, and the conversion is now controlled by the Data Transfer user interface. Once the setting has been made in the user interface, it is then stored in the transfer request. This is only true for .TTO and .TFR files. .RTO and .DT files are still controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. The conversion setting for .RTO and .DT files can be modified in the Data Transfer user interface, but the setting will not be saved. The setting to control the conversion is found in the File, Properties information. WARNING: This feature is designed as a workaround for people that can not change the CCSID of their files. In order for this translation to work properly, you must be confident the data in the file matches the CCSID of your user profile. The design of the iSeries is that data with a 65535 CCSID are not to be converted. This feature will attempt to do a conversion of the data from the job CCSID to the PC CCSID. This conversion may not work if the data in the file does not match the user profile/job CCSID. The correct solution to this problem is to appropriately tag the data with the correct CCSID. One way of doing this is by using CHGPF. For more information on the 65535 CCSID, please reference the iSeries National Language Support Manual.