OLEDB MODULES TO RUN LARGE NUMBERS OF SQL STATEMENTS This fix is for the V4R5M0 Service Level SF65345 Client. Purpose of the modules: ---------------------- These modules contain fixes to enable the OLEDB Provider to run an large numbers (thousands) of sql statements under a single connection. In addition to these client modules you also need the host PTF: V4R4 - SF65722 V4R5 - SF65729 V5R1 - SI01495 Please provide the file version of the cwbzzodb.dll and cwbodbc.dll modules installed on your PC when reporting problems with this support. Module File Version Comments -------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------- cwbdb.dll Module made available on FTP site cwbzzodb.dll Module made available on FTP site Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1) Make sure that the V4R5 Client Access Express Service Pack SF65345 has been installed on your PC. 2) Make sure that no applications are in use during the installation of these modules. 3) Make a copy of module cwbzzodb.dll (to cwbzzodb.old for example). It is normally located in the following directory: \Program Files\ibm\Client Access 4) Download this module from the IBM ftp site to your hard disk and copy the file in same directory where cwbzzodb.dll was found. 5) Make a copy of module cwbdb.dll (to cwbdb.old for example). It is normally located in the Windows System directory, for example: \WINNT\system32 or \WINDOWS\system 6) Download this module from the IBM ftp site to your hard disk and copy the file in same directory where cwbdb.dll was found. Note: It is not necessary to shutdown your computer to activate these new modules. Please copy the original dll to a backup name or location instead of renaming it. If it is renamed there is a danger that some versions of Windows will use the renamed dll instead of the new one.