========================================================================= Readme file for IBM AS/400 Client Access for Windows 95/NT Temporary fix for APAR SA89627 Program Product: 5763-XD1 Release: V3R2M0 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= Problem description: -------------------- This package contains a temporary fix module for APAR SA89627 that will be included in the next available service pack for V3R2M0 5763-XD1. Until the service pack is available, this fix module can be used to circumvent the problem. This module fixes a coexistence problem when running Client Access with the Microsoft SMS client. Please report any problems you experience to your technical representative. Files ----- readme.txt - this file cwbab.dll - temporary fix module (compatible with any V3R2M0 service pack level) bootmove.exe - tool to allow fix module to be applied Download and apply instructions ------------------------------- Perform the following steps in order: 1. On Windows NT/2000, you must be logged on with Administrator account rights 2. Create a Client Access fix directory on your PC ("mkdir c:\cafix") 3. Download the cwbab.dll file to this save directory (c:\cafix) and rename it "cwbab.new" 4. Download the bootmove.exe file to your windows system directory NT/2000 - c:winnt\system32 95/98 - c:windows\system 5. From a cmd prompt (NT/2000) or DOS prompt (95/98), copy the fix module "cwbab.new" to your windows system directory NT/2000 - "copy c:\cafix\cwbab.new c:\winnt\system32" 95/98 - "copy c:\cafix\cwbab.new c:\windows\system" 6. After doing the copy command, change directory to windows system directory NT/2000 - "cd c:\winnt\system32" 95/98 - "cd c:\windows\system" 7. Run the bootmove tool as follows. Warning: ONLY RUN IT ONCE ! "bootmove cwbab.new cwbab.dll" 8. Reboot the PC (click "Start-Shutdown-Restart") 9. Upon reboot, cwbab.dll in windows system directory will be the fix module. -- end of file --