Problem Description: (SA80802) When configuring a PC5250 printer session with HPT selected, if the paper size is not the default value and the sessoin is saved to a .ws profile, the printer session will not start. Problem Description: (SA81854) On the PC5250 printer configuration panel, the default for the HPT drawer sources was changed from Default to None. This is incorrect and has been changed back. Installation Instruction: 1) Ensure you have the latest service pack installed. If not, you may run into incompatibility problems between these fix modules and the rest of the installed modules. 2) Ensure no PC5250 session is active on the PC (this includes display and printer sessions as well as Async Console sessions). 3) Locate module PCSTLNET.DLL, PCSCC.DLL, PCSCTSS.DLL and CWBEMCFD.DLL on the PC. By default, these modules resides in C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Emulator 4) Rename the modules to something other than the current name (e.g. PCSTLNET.OLD). 5) Copy the new modules to location on the PC where the old versions resided. 6) Reboot the PC.