The 1.43 AFP Viewer fixes the following problems with the 2.39-32 AFP Viewer which was shipped in Client Access V3R2M0. 1) Trap when scrolling in the Go To dialog. 2) Trap when creating a Note. 3) DBCS characters are corrupt in SCS spooled files. 4) Trap when using a Text Fidelity of Character on DBCS SCS spooled files. The 1.43 Viewer will only work on Client Access V3R2M0 and above. Here how to install the 1.43 AFP Viewer on Client Access V3R2M0 and above. 1) Close all instances of the AFP Viewer. 2) Open a Dos Command Prompt and copy FTD143DB.EXE into the Client Access AFPVIEWR directory. For example: C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR where C is the drive Windows is installed. 3) Within the Client Access AFPVIEWR directory, type FTD143DB -D and hit Enter. 4) Within the Client Access AFPVIEWR directory, there is a file called FTDPORT2.INI. Edit this file and update the following entries ViewTraceFile=C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR\FLDWINVW.LOG ViewDataPath=C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR\DATA ResourceDataPath=C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR\RESOURCE FontDataPath=C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR\FONT IconvLocalePath=C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR so that the C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\AFPVIEWR portion of the path is the correct AFPVIEWR directory.