You must have PTF SF50480 on your PC before using this ODBC driver. This ODBC driver DLL (CWBODBC.DLL) provides support for data compression, for receiving data stream. This DLL needs to be located at the \IBM\Client Access\Shared folder (or the shared folder of the IBM Client Access which stored the executable files). Besides this DLL, the compression support requires the PTF SF49349 installed on V4R2 AS/400 host servers or the PTF SF51501 installed on V4R3 host servers. The data, of the result set, will be compressed under the following conditions: 1. At the connection level. 1.1 A keyword-value pair needs to be created in the registry for the target DSN using the AddRegKV program in the following way: a. At the DOS Prompt type: AddRegKV "The DSN name" AllowDataCompression 1 b. Then hit ENTER. Notes: a. Replace "The DSN name" with the target DSN b. Replace 1 with the desired value (1 to activate compression, 0 to deactivate compression). c. The default if this keyword-value pair does not exist is NOT to compression. d. The file AddRegKV.TXT contains detailed instructions about the use of the program AddRegKV. OR 1.2 Call the SQLSetConnectOption API in the following way: SQLSetConnectOption(hdbc, 2106, 1); 2. At the statement level: Call the SQLSetStmtOption API in the following way: SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt, 2106, 1) The above configuration can be best described in the following table: 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 2.2.1 Result -------------- ------- -------------- not set not set No compression not set 0 No compression not set 1 Compression 0 not set No compression 0 0 No compression 0 1 Compression 1 not set Compression 1 0 No compression 1 1 Compression