This patch enables the Bypass Signon support of PC5250 when used in conjunction with the requirements layed out in Informational Apar II10918. This patch will be inlcuded in the next service pack for CA/400 VRM313. The following are instructions for activating the fix. 1) Ensure no PC5250 session is active on the PC (this includes display and printer sessions as well as Async Console sessions). 2) Locate module CWBEMLIC.DLL on the PC. By default, this module will reside in C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Emulator 3) Rename the module to something other than the current name (i.e. CWBEMLIC.OLD). 4) Copy CWBEMLIC.DLL to location on the PC where the "old" version of CWBEMLIC.DLL resided. 5) Reboot the PC.