This information APAR relates to Client Access for Windows 95/NT Version 3 Release 1 Modification 2 and later. Client Management information may now be logged on the managing AS/400 system when PCs running Client Access connect and disconnect from the managing system. By default, this information will not be sent by the PC, the sending of Client Management information must be enabled on each PC that you want sending this information. The steps to enable client management are listed below. When enabled, this function sends information to the managing AS/400 system which can be received by an exit program written to monitor the QIBM_QZSC_SM exit point. See the "OS/400 Server Concepts and Administration" manual for more information on the data that is sent, the format it is sent in, exit points, and exit programs. To enable client management take the following steps for each PC: 1) Apply service pack SF42728 (for Version 3 Release 1 Modification 2 only). 2) Copy the CWBCSTAT program into the WINDOWS directory (or WINNT for Windows NT). This will make the program available from the command prompt and maintainable by future versions of the product. 3) From a command prompt on the PC, run CWBCSTAT.EXE with START as a parameter. Example: CWBCSTAT START (This adds or modifies a registry setting which is the basis for whether or not client management information is sent by this PC.) NOTE: Under Windows NT, you must log onto Windows as the Administrator in order to make this change to the registry. The CWBCSTAT program can be used to disable client management and to check the current status of the registry setting. To disable client management, run CWBCSTAT STOP from a command prompt. To check the status of the registry setting, run CWBCSTAT STATUS. These commands should be run from a MS DOS command prompt in order to see the information that is displayed by the program.