========================================================================= Readme File for AS/400 Client Access for Windows 95/NT Temporary Fix Program Product: 5763-XD1 Release: V3R1M2 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= Description: Version 2.37A of AFP Viewer ------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE !! ------------------ Please remember this is a temporary fix. Make sure you have a backup copy of your original files. Please report any problems you experience to your technical representative. Installing Client Access for Windows 95/NT Service Packs will overlay these modules if they are also contained in the service pack. Re-installing Client access for Windows 95/NT will also overlay these modules. Therefore, keep these modules in a separate directory in case they are overlayed. Files in this fix: BC450RTL.DLL FLDNOTES.DLL FLDAFP.DLL FLDODASC.DLL FLDASCII.DLL FLDODWIN.DLL FLDBDT.DLL FLDPCX.DLL FLDCHS.DLL FLDPORT2.DLL FLDCHT.DLL FLDRES2.DLL FLDDIB.DLL FLDSCR.DLL FLDFLTC.DLL FLDSCS.DLL FLDGIF.DLL FLDTIF.DLL FLDJFIF.DLL FLDWANMN.DLL FLDJPN.DLL FLDWINVW.EXE FLDKOR.DLL FLDWSER.DLL Installation: 1) To install this upgrade, copy the afpv237a.exe file to a clean directory or diskette. 2) Execute the file. This will unpack the files specified above. 3) Copy the files with the same names from the ..\Client Access\AFPViewr directory to a backup directory so that you can restore the previous version if you wish. 4) Copy the new files into the ..\Client Access\AFPViewr directory. 5) If you see a "sharing violation / file in use" error, then you must reboot your PC and then re-copy all of the files. 6) You can now begin using version 2.37a of the AFP Viewer. What has been fixed with this new version: - A GPF occurs when the Viewer is closed after viewing a Japanese SCS spooled file. - Copy Pages to File dialog sometimes does not appear. - Viewer sometimes does not recognize multiple pages in document.