========================================================================= Readme File for AS/400 Client Access for Windows 95 Temporary Fix Program Product: 5763-XD1 Release: V3R1M1 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= Please remember this is a temporary test fix. REPLACING THE ORIGINAL FILES WITH THESE TEST FILES IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Make sure you have a backup copy of your original files and configuration. Please report any problems you experience to your technical representative. Installing Client Access for Windows 95 Service Packs will overlay these temporary fix modules if they are also contained in the service pack. Filename -------- ccmail.exe - self-extracting fix file. Download instructions --------------------- Download ccmail.exe to a temporary directory and run it to extract the fix modules. Files contained in fix ---------------------- 1) ccmpop32.dll replaces ccmpop32.dll in ":\windows\system" Reboot your computer to activate the new DLL. Description of problem fixed: ----------------------------- cc:Mail for the Internet Release 1.0 users that are connected to an AS/400 system in an 'SNA-only environment' MUST apply this fix to correct problems with the 'send' and 'reply-to' mail functions. An 'SNA-only environment' is an AS/400 that does not have TCP/IP configured or SMTP active. These cc:Mail for the Internet users would have the following configuration defined in their System Distribution Directory entry: Message Service Level 2=System message store Preferred Address 1=User ID/Address In addition, these users would NOT have a name defined in the SMTP system alias table. To view the SMTP alias table enter 'WRKNAMSMTP' and select an alias table type of '1=System'. This problem may also be present in SMTP environments where SMTP names are not configured or are configured incorrectly. The problem results in the following symptoms: 1.When a message is sent from a POP3 user to an OfficeVision/400 user on the same AS/400 and the OfficeVision/400 user attempts to reply to the message, the OfficeVision/400 user receives the following type message: User *unknown *anymail is incorrect. 2.When a message is sent from a POP3 client on one AS/400 to a POP3 client on a second AS/400 connected via SNA the mail is never received by the second POP3 client. Correction: ----------- The client code will provide the correct OfficeVision address format when mail is sent in an SNA-only environment. The correct OfficeVision type addressing will be used when the send and reply mail functions are used in an SNA environment.