========================================================================= Readme File for AS/400 Client Access for Windows 95 Temporary Fix Program Product: 5763-XD1 Release: V3R1M0 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= Please remember this is a temporary test fix. REPLACING THE ORIGINAL FILES WITH THESE TEST FILES IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Make sure you have a backup copy of your original files and configuration. Please report any problems you experience to your technical representative. Installing Client Access for Windows 95 Service Packs will overlay these temporary fix modules if they are also contained in the service pack. Filename -------- nwsaa.exe - CWBCKVER.EXE hangs with Netware for SAA (9/09/96) Download instructions --------------------- Download nwsaa.exe to a temporary directory and run it to extract the fix modules. Files contained in fix ---------------------- 1) engmrnw6.exe replaces engmrnw6.exe in the client access directory (e.g. ":\program files\ibm\client access") Description of problem fixed: ----------------------------- CWBCKVER.EXE fails to complete when a newer service pack is detected. This failure only occurs under NetSoft Netware for SAA connections.