In this directory is a tool that can be used to update Windows ODBC settings. This tool can be used for two different purposes. 1. The tool can be used to update ODBC Data Sources with new keywords. Occasionally a new keyword will be PTF'd into a service pack and there is no way to set this value without manually editing a registry or text file. This tool simplifies this process. Note that this tool can be used with any 32-bit Client Access ODBC data source. 2. The tool can be used to enable the ODBC trace (SQL.LOG). The ODBC trace monitors ODBC API calls and helps identify errors. To run the tool do the following: A. Download B. Extract cwbODBCreg.exe from C. Open a DOS prompt window D. Change directories (cd) to the location of where you put cwbODBCreg.exe at E. Run the program as follows: To update keywords for User or System DSNs: ----------------------------------------------- cwbODBCreg To update keywords for File DSNs: ----------------------------------------------- cwbODBCreg -fdsn "" To enable the ODBC trace (SQL.LOG): ----------------------------------------------- cwbODBCreg -trace ON|OFF [] = fully qualified log file name in the form :\\. ex: c:\sql.log