=================================================================================== Readme File for installation of the iPTF Get Fixes Utility contained in: iPTFGetFixesUtility.exe (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Thank you for downloading the iPTF Get Fixes Utility plug-in. The code in this package provides a new utility that allows you to do the following functions. - You can order fixes directly from IBM over the Internet. - You can download fixes directly from IBM over the Internet. REQUIREMENTS: This plug-in requires 5769-XE1 AS/400 Client Access Express for Windows or 5722-XE1 iSeries Client Access Express for Windows. The plug-in requires an AS/400 or iSeries server running OS/400 V4R5 or later. It runs on the IBM Runtime Environment for Windows, Java Technology Edition, Version 1.1.8 or later, and on Sun's Java Foundation (Swing) Classes Release 1.1.1 or later. For best results, ensure that you have the latest Service Pack installed for your version and release. To locate and download the latest Service Pack, go to the following Web page: http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/access/ Click on "Service Packs" on the left side of the page. Click on the PTF number for the latest Service Pack for your version and release. Download the files and follow the instructions to install the Service Pack in the READMESP.TXT file. =================================================================================== INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Download the iPTFGetFixesUtility.exe file. It is a self-extracting file. Double-click on the downloaded file. Enter the location where you would like a directory to be created to store the files that are included in the plug-in. A directory will be created at that location with the name of "ibm.esup.iptf". To install this plug-in, you should exit all instances of Operations Navigator. Click on Start, Programs, IBM Client Access Express, Selective Setup to start Selective Setup. Press "Next" on the Setup menu. In the text box for "Source Directory", enter the location and name of the "ibm.esup.iptf" directory. For example, if you stored the directory in C:\temp, enter "C:\temp\ibm.esup.iptf" in the text box. Press "Next". Your system will be scanned for the components that are currently installed. - If the next panel shows that some components cannot be installed because they are already installed, press "Next" and continue to the next step. Otherwise, continue to the next step. The next panel should be titled Component Selection. Expand "Operations Navigator" if it isn't already expanded. Select "iPTF Get Fixes Utility" and click "Next". The next panel should be a confirmation that you want to start copying the files. Click "Next". The files will be copied. You should get a confirmation that the installation is complete. Click "Next". Select whether you want to restart your computer now or later, and click "Finish". Operations Navigator may now be restarted. Operations Navigator should detect the new plug-in, and it will ask you if you want to scan the system for which of the new components the system supports. Note: The new functions will not be available until you scan the system. If you decide to scan the system later, you can do that as follows. Right click on the system, and select "Properties". Click on the "Plug-ins" tab. Press "Rescan". Note: You must scan each system individually.