IBM WebSphere Host Access Transformation Server Version 4.0 Limited Edition Readme

This file contains information that became available too late for inclusion in the publications or the help. This file also contains important support information.

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Installing HATS LE

For installation instructions, please refer to HATS LE Getting Started. Note these additions to the installation instructions:

WebSphere Application Server Version 5
Change Step 9 to: In the left column, expand Environment, click Update Web Server Plugin then click OK in the right frame.
WebSphere Application Server Version 5 Express

Installing HATS LE and HATS applications

Because of similarities in Java class names between HATS LE and standard HATS applications, a HATS LE and a HATS application cannot run at the same time on the same application server instance when the server instance's classloader policy is set to "Single" on Version 5.0 or "Server" on Version 4.0 AE/AEs. Please refer to your WebSphere Application Server documentation for information on changing your server instances's classloader policy to "Multiple" on Version 5.0 and to "Application" on Version 4.0 AE/AEs.

Uninstalling HATS LE applications

In some cases, log files (created while running your application with runtime tracing turned on) are not deleted when uninstalling your HATS LE application. To avoid this problem, before uninstalling your application, completely stop the application server instance where the HATS LE application is running. If these files still exist after uninstalling your HATS LE application, manually delete them (including the "HATSLE.ear" directory under the "installedApps" directory) before reinstalling HATS LE.

Configuring HATS LE

Guaranteeing unique workstation IDs

If you choose to have HATS LE assign workstation ID values based on a string you supply, be sure to include an equal sign (=) before the wild-card character. For example, if you specify ABC* (without an equal sign) as the string from which workstation IDs will be created, HATS LE cannot always assign unique workstation IDs. If you specify ABC=*, HATS LE will assign unique workstation IDs.

Changing your application's SSL certificate

After configuring your application to use an SSL certificate (either the first time you configure the application or if you switch to a different certificate on a subsequent configuration), you will need to stop and restart your application. This is because SSL certificates are stored in a JAR file which may not get picked up by your application server without restarting your application.

Warning: Depending on how your application server is configured for class reloading, your application may automatically restart when you change your SSL certificate. This is because the SSL certificate is stored in a JAR file that the application server is monitoring for changes. When a change occurs, the application server may restart your application to pick up this change. This process will disconnect any users currently using your application.

If you discover that after having selected an SSL certificate and clicked Finish in the Configuration Wizard, the certificate is not being used when you access your application, follow these steps:

  1. From the HATS LE Administrative Console, deactivate your application, so that no new users can access your application.
  2. Stop/restart your application server instance.
  3. Start the Configuration Wizard and select the first item in the SSL certificate drop-down list (a blank item). Click Finish. This will cause the SSL certificate JAR to be deleted.
  4. Restart the Configuration Wizard and select the desired SSL certificate from the drop-down list.
  5. Navigate through the wizard to the Summary page and check the option to reactivate your application. Click Finish.

Overriding session parameters in the URL

You can select which connection parameters can be overridden by your end user in the URL with which they access your HATS LE application.

To configure URL connection parameter overriding, edit the application.hap application settings file. You can edit this file from the Advanced section in the HATS LE Administrative Console. Edit the following section, under the <classSettings> section of the <application> section:

<class name="">
    <setting name="prop1" value="true|false" />
    <setting name="prop1" value="true|false" />

Where "prop1" and "prop2" are the names of valid HOD session properties. Please refer to HATS LE Getting Started for more information about the application settings file. All attribute names in the <session> tag of the application.hap file are also valid HOD property names, except for "workstationIDSource". For example, to allow your end users to override the host to which your HATS LE application connects, add the following:

<setting name="host" value="true" />
To allow your end users to override all connection parameters, set the following:

<setting name="allowAll" value="true" />
By default, parameter overriding is turned off for each connection parameter. You can explicitly allow all but one or more session parameters to be overridden by setting "allowAll" to "true" and then explicitly setting each parameter you do not wish to make overridable to "false". For example:

<class name="">
    <setting name="allowAll" value="true" />
    <setting name="host" value="false" />
This configuration will allow your end users to override all connection parameters, except for the host name, via the URL.

If you configure your application to enable your users to override parameters, your end users can then supply these parameters in the initial request they make to your application. For example, to override the host and port number, assuming you have enabled overriding of these parameters, a user could enter this string into his browser:


Enable UTF-8 encoding for non-ASCII input

In cases where you expect to receive non-ASCII input from your users (either in the Configuration Wizard, Administrative Console, or when accessing your HATS LE application), you will need to enable UTF-8 encoding on your application server. For more information on how to configure your application server to support UTF-8 encoding, refer to your WebSphere Application Server infocenter.

For example, here are the steps for WebSphere Application Server Version 5:

  1. On the Application Server page of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click the name of the server you want enabled for UTF-8.
  2. On the settings page for the selected application server, click Process Definition.
  3. On the Process Definition page, click Java Virtual Machine.
  4. On the Java Virtual Machine page, specify -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 for Generic JVM Arguments and click OK.
  5. Click Save on the console taskbar.
  6. Restart the application server.

Cannot use double-byte characters in names of uploaded files

You cannot use double-byte characters in the name of any uploaded file, such as an image, stylesheet, or security certificate. If you want to use a file with double-byte characters in its name, rename the file to eliminate any DBCS characters from the file name before you upload the file.

Administering HATS LE

Viewing client host names in HATS LE Administrative Console

In the Manage Sessions section of the Administrative Console, you can see the IP address of each client that is connected to your HATS LE application (to view, click a session ID from the list of active sessions). In cases when clients connect through the IBM HTTP Server, as opposed to accessing your HATS LE application directly on your application server, the Session Details dialog might show only the IP address, not the fully resolved host name. To see the client host name, open the httpd.conf file in your IBM HTTP Server "conf" directory and add/edit the following: HostnameLookups on. You will need to stop and restart your HTTP server for this change to take affect. This will instruct the HTTP server to do a DNS lookup on the client IP address and determine its host name. Note: Making this change will cause a slight performance degradation, because the HTTP server will have to resolve the IP address before passing the client's request to the application server.

HATS version required to import HATS LE application

To import your HATS LE project into HATS, you must apply HATS fix pack 4.0.2 or later. Visit the WebSphere Host Access Transformation Server support page to learn about and access support downloads.


Insert and overwrite mode in entry fields

While most unprotected entry fields on host screens are empty, some host applications may fill entry fields with underscores (_) or occasionally with periods (.). Although emulator screens have control over whether the cursor is in input or overwrite mode, HTML always places the cursor into insert mode. Because of this, users may occasionally need to manually select overwrite mode. Users of Internet Explorer can use the Insert key to change to overwrite mode. In Netscape, the Insert key does not change the mode, so users can use the Delete key to delete text to be replaced, or highlight the text with the mouse before typing the new text.

Cursor position in unprotected host fields

HATS LE applications use standard HTML INPUT fields to render unprotected host fields, but HTML does not provide control over the cursor position within these fields. Host screens usually place the cursor at the beginning of an unprotected field, but some do not. HATS LE renders the unprotected field by placing the cursor at the beginning of the field instead of at the host-indicated cursor position. You may need to click on the correct location within such fields to place the cursor at the desired location.


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