Instructions for installing this version of the IBM AFP printer driver for WindowsNT. This version of the printer driver is English only. 1) Create a tempory directory named "c:\afptemp" on your hard disk. Save the file afp780.exe to that directory 2) Type "afp780" in a DOS prompt or double click the file in Windows Explorer to unpack it. 3) You will be prompted for a location to extract files to. The default is C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\CWBAFP where C: is the drive where Client Access is installed. If C: is not where Client Access is installed, change to letter to the correct drive. 4) Click on the Extract button. When asked if you would to replace existing files, select always. 5) Open the printers folder, right click on your AFP printer and select Properties. 6) Click on new driver and then click "Have disk...". 7) On the Install from disk panel, enter the path containing the new driver files ie "C:\PROGRAM FILES\IBM\CLIENT ACCESS\CWBAFP". 8) Select Ibm and then appropriate device for your AS/400 attached AFP printer. 9) Select "Replace existing driver" when asked if you would like to keep the existing driver or replace it. 10) Reboot your pc and print using the new AFP printer driver.