README for APAR SA68807 ======================== On the current Client Access XW1 CD (US form number - sk3T-0131-00) a problem exists when creating PC5250 Com Console diskettes. The third and fourth diskette images are the same. This package contains corrected 2924 diskette images for PC 5250 Com Console, MAKE52XK.BAT, and LOADDSKF.EXE To create PC5250 Com Console installation diskettes: - create a subdirectory on your PC drive called 5250IMG. From your C: prompt, type "MD 5250IMG". - copy the following files to the 5250IMG subdirectory. - 5250CCD1.DSK which is the install diskette image 1 - 5250CCD2.DSK which is the install diskette image 2 - 5250CCD3.DSK which is the install diskette image 3 - 5250CCD4.DSK which is the install diskette image 4 - 5250CCD5.DSK which is the install diskette image 5 - 5250CCD6.DSK which is the install diskette image 6 - LOADDSKF.EXE which is the program used by MAKE52XK.BAT to create the physical diskettes - MAKE52XK.BAT which is the program to create the install diskettes - Change directory to 5250IMG. - From the 5250IMG prompt, type in MAKE52XK and follow the instructions.