To run this tutorial you will need specific hardware and software. See the section key prerequisites in the product announcement letter at Once you have downloaded the file to your workstation, perform the following steps to restore library WSSLABxx on your iSeries host. 1. Create a save file on your iSeries host: CRTSAVF /WSSLABxx 2. On your workstation, open a Command prompt window, go to the directory where you downloaded the save file, and enter the following statements. Press Enter after each statement: FTP BINARY PUT WSSLABxx.SAVF /WSSLABxx QUIT 3. On your iSeries host, enter the following command to restore the library: RSTLIB SAVLIB(WSSLABxx) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(/WSSLABxx) 4. After you restore the library you can delete the save file /WSSLABxx. To do this tutorial without doing the tutorial named Build a Web user interface for an RPG application using iSeries Web Tools, hereafter known as Tutorial 1, you can import the zip file named into the workbench. You will need to create a Dynamic Web Project of the same name with the same properties as the Web project used in the Tutorial 1. This zip file contains the completed Customer Inquiry Web application but without the enhanced input page. Therefore the screen captures in the tutorial for the Customer Inquiry input page will look different from the ones you see in this tutorial. You will need to perform the following steps to import into the workbench. Import the zip file into the product workbench. 1. Start the product. 2. Open a new workspace. 3. Click Window > Open Perspective > Other on the workbench menu. 4. Click Web in the Select Perspective dialog and click OK. 5. Click Import from the workbench menu. 2. Select Project Interchange from the list. Click Next. 3. Click Browse and select 4. Click Open. 5. Click Select All. 6. Click Finish. Next you test the application runs. 1. Open the Web Content folder under the wsslabxx project. 2. Right-click inquiry.jsp and click Run > Run on server on the pop-up menu. The Server Selection dialog opens. 3. Ensure the Websphere Application Server V6.0 is selected and set the server as the project default. 4. Click Finish. 5. Check the Customer Inquiry Web application runs as described in Module 1. 6. Check the iSeries Web Tools Run Time Configuration settings. Right-click wsslabxx project and click Specify iSeries Web Tools Run Time Configuration. 6a. Change your host name, user ID and password to the iSeries system that contains your WSSLABxx library. 6b. Click Next and add your WSSLABxx library to the first position in the library list.