To run this tutorial you will need specific hardware and software. See the section key prerequisites in the product announcement letter at Once you have downloaded the file to your workstation, perform the following steps to restore library RSELABxx on your iSeries host. 1. Create a save file on your iSeries host: CRTSAVF /WFLABxx 2. On your workstation, open a Command prompt window, go to the directory where you downloaded the save file, and enter the following statements. Press Enter after each statement: FTP BINARY PUT WFLABxx.SAVF /WFLABxx QUIT 3. On your iSeries host, enter the following command to restore the library: RSTLIB SAVLIB(WFLABxx) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(/WFLABxx) 4. After you restore the library you can delete the save file /WFLABxx.