Extending the Remote System Explorer

You can extend the Remote System Explorer by authoring Java code that adds additional items to the perspective, such as pop-up menu actions, property pages, and even subsystems. This feature is valuable if you are a business partner or independent software vendor, and you want to tightly integrate your tools with the Remote System Explorer.

Programmer documentation for extending the Remote System Explorer is currently available in English only. To retrieve the documentation:

  1. Navigate to the plug-in folder com.ibm.etools.systems.doc.isv, in the iseries\plugins directory where you installed this product.
  2. Rename the file toc.xml.off to toc.xml.
  3. Close and re-start the workbench.
  4. Select Help Contents from the Help menu, and click Extending the Remote System Explorer (RSE) in the Contents frame to read the new programmer documentation.