WebSphereTM Development Tools for AS/400(R) V4R5M1
README for Service Pack 1

This document briefly describes service pack changes for the WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 product.

Table of Contents

Service Pack 1 Information

How to Apply Service Pack 1

Before you apply Service Pack 1, complete these steps to unlock all files to be replaced.

  1. Make sure that no WebSphere Development Tools features are in use. For example, if the CODE editor is in use, be sure to save all files and to exit the editor.
  2. Open a Command Prompt window.
  3. Enter codeedit /cm exit
  4. Enter codedsu exit
  5. Enter x:\wdt400\system\evfctcpd /exit where x: is the drive where the product is located.

If any files are locked while applying Service Pack 1, you will see a message box with three buttons: Retry, Ignore, and Exit. Do not click Exit. Make sure that no WebSphere Development Tools features are in use and then click Retry. If the message box does not close, click Ignore. You will be asked to reboot at the end and to have the locked files replaced.

After applying Service Pack 1 and if you use VisualAge for RPG, you need to repackage and reinstall the Service Pack 1 runtime. If you do not reinstall the runtime and you install user applications generated from Service Pack 1, you will get an error message that you have not installed V4R5M1 runtime. This means you must reinstall the Service Pack 1 runtime.

Up-to-Date Information

For the most up-to-date information on the PTFs and Service Packs that are available for VARPG and CODE/400, go to the WDT/400 Web site and click the "Support" link. You can download the latest Service Pack from there.

Enabling Secure Java Applications

If you plan to deploy Java applications for use on the Web, please read this:

If you plan to deploy Java applications for use on the World Wide Web, note that only AS/400 systems running on the OS/400 V4R4 release, or later, support the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) specification. Data flow between workstation applications and AS/400 servers running on earlier OS/400 versions will not be secure.

Summary of changes in Service Pack 1

You must apply SERVICE PACK 1 so that all of the functions in this product are available for your use.

Changes to VisualAge(R) RPG

Changes to WebSphere Studio for AS/400

Changes to CODE/400


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Programming Interface Information

This documentation describes General-Use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information provided by IBM WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400.

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