WebSphereTM Development Studio Client for iSeries® V4.0 Installation Notes

These installation notes apply to WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries V4.0. This version is designed to be installed only on a PC workstation with one of the Windows operating systems listed below. This version of WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries is available only on CD and DVD.

The README file contains prerequisite information, limitations of the product, and information not included in the documentation.

Table of contents

Installation Notes

Notes for all Windows® operating systems

General notes

  1. A brief description of the installation process:
    1. Ensure your workstation meets the requirements described in the README file.
    2. Install WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries V4.0.
      • You must accept the License Agreement before you install.
      • You can select an Installation directory.
    3. Reboot the workstation.
    4. After installation and reboot, you are given the option of launching the Host and Server Configuration Wizard to set up connections to iSeries servers and to verify that the servers have the required License Program Products and Program temporary Fixes (PTFs).
  2. When you are asked if you want to reboot during the installation, click Yes, except after the Microsoft JVM installation (if required).
  3. If you receive an error while installing Microsoft JVM, do not be alarmed. Click OK to ignore the error.
  4. You cannot directly install the product to a LAN server. You can, however, copy the product image from a LAN server and launch the installation from a local machine.
  5. WebSphere Development Studio Client version 4.0 cannot be installed on Windows 95.
  6. If you have version V5R1M0 of WebSphere Development Tools for iSeries, the installation will handle migration. If, however, you have an earlier version, for example, V4R5, make sure to uninstall it before installing this product.

Temporary space

Because WebSphere Development Studio Client needs 450 MB of temporary space, you can change the default drive for temporary space to another drive.

For Windows 98 and Windows Me, modify the autoexec.bat file:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Enter:
    SET TEMP=d:\temp 
    SET TMP=d:\temp
    (or for whichever drive you want to use for temporary storage if "d" is not available)

For Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Click the System icon and go to Advanced > Environment Variables.
  3. Under System Variables, select TEMP and click edit.
  4. For the Variable Value field, enter d:\temp, or whichever drive you want to use for temporary storage.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the TMP variable as well.

Base product

WebSphere Development Studio Client installs on top of WebSphere Studio Site Developer Advanced (Site Developer advanced), or WebSphere Studio Application Developer (Application Developer). If you already have Application Developer on your workstation, you are presented with a choice during installation, asking you if you want our product to plug-in to Site Developer advanced or Application Developer. Make your selection and continue with installation. If you do not have Application Developer on your workstation, our product automatically plugs-in to Site Developer advanced.

If, at a later time, you purchase and install Application Developer and you want our product to plug-in to it, you will need to uninstall and reinstall our product. During reinstall, you will have the choice to plug-in to Application Developer.

National Language Support

The product installs one language according to the user locale. If you change the locale after the installation is complete, product components and help screens might not display the correct language. To change languages, completely uninstall the product as described in the How to uninstall section, change the locale, and then install the product again.

Notes for Windows 98

The PATH statement in your autoexec.bat file should not be longer than 200 characters before installing the product. When you uninstall IBM products that use NetQuestion, the PATH statement might exceed 200 characters. Shorten the PATH statement to correct this problem.

Notes for Windows NT and Windows 2000

Because of a change in how Microsoft Installer uses environmental variables in Windows NT and 2000, follow these rules:

Notes for Windows Me

The PATH statement in your autoexec.bat file should not be longer than 200 characters before installing the product. When you uninstall IBM products that use NetQuestion, the PATH statement might exceed 200 characters. Shorten the PATH statement to correct this problem.

Installing from CD-ROM

There are five CD-ROM disks. To install WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries:

  1. Insert the CD disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
  2. If installation does not start automatically then:
    1. Click Start, and then click Run.
    2. Type X:setup, where X is the CD-ROM drive letter.
    3. Press Enter.
  3. Follow the installation instructions for WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries.
  4. Reboot the workstation.

Installing from DVD

To install WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries:

  1. Put the DVD disk into the DVD drive.
  2. If installation does not start automatically then:
    1. Click Start, and then click Run.
    2. Type X:setup, where X is the DVD drive letter.
    3. Press Enter.
  3. Follow the installation instructions for WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries.
  4. Reboot the workstation.

Putting the product on an iSeries server

An administrator or user can copy all the files from the CDs or DVD onto an iSeries server. This allows users to install from the iSeries server to a workstation.

To copy CDs or DVD on to an iSeries server, perform the following steps:

  1. On the iSeries server
    1. Ensure the Netserver is up. Sign on to the iSeries system, and at the command line type STRTCPSVR *NETSVR.
    2. Create a directory to store product files. At least 1.6 GB are required.
    3. At the command line type md install where "install" is the name of the storage directory.
  2. Map a network drive to your iSeries server
    1. On the workstation, start Explorer by choosing:
      • Start > Programs > Window NT Explorer for Windows NT
      • Start >Programs > Window Explorer for Windows 98
      • Start > Programs >Accessories > Window Explorer for Windows 2000 and Windows ME
    2. On the Explorer window, select the Tools > Map Network Drive menu item to bring up the Map Network Drive window.
    3. On the Map Network Drive window:
      • Select an available drive in the Drive field (M in this example), and specify \\<iSeriesname>\root in the Path field for Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows ME or the Folder field for Window 2000 where <iSeriesname> is the name of your iSeries host. "iSeriesname" can also be the TCP/IP address of the iSeries server .
        Note: Due to a path length limitation, we recommend that you install the product close to the root level.
      • Select Reconnect at Logon if you want to reconnect to this drive the next time you reboot the workstation.
      • Click OK or Finish. The network drive to iSeries server should now be M.
  3. Copy the files to the iSeries server:
    1. Insert the installation CD disk 1 (or the DVD) into the CD-ROM drive. Ensure the installation setup.exe file does not run.
    2. Copy all files from the disk to the storage directory with the following command: xcopy X: *.* m:\install /e /q where X is the drive letter and m:\install is the destination drive and path on the iSeries server.
    3. If you are using the CDs, copy all files from CD disk 2 to 4 to the storage directory with the command above.

Installing from an iSeries server to a workstation

After the product is copied to the iSeries server (see Putting the product on an iSeries server), it can be installed onto a workstation from the server. The installation must be done on the workstation.

  1. Map the network drive to the iSeries drive where you copied the product files. See Map a network drive to your iSeries server. Ensure that at least 1.6 GB are available on the workstation.
  2. Double-click the m:\install directory
  3. Double-click setup.
  4. Follow the installation instructions.

How to uninstall from a workstation

To uninstall all of IBM WebSphere Development Studio Client:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Click IBM WebSphere Development Studio Client, then click Change/Remove for Windows 2000 or Add/Remove for other Windows OS.
  3. Select Remove product.
  4. Always reboot your machine after uninstalling the product.

This action also uninstalls IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer Advanced. Do not remove individual components by deleting directories because this does not remove them correctly.

On Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, a user with administrator authority must uninstall the product.

How to add or remove components after installation

To add or remove components:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Click IBM WebSphere Development Studio Client then click Change/Remove for Windows 2000 or Add/Remove for other Windows OS to start the Modify wizard.
  3. Select Modify product to open the Modify wizard that allows you to select components to add or remove. If you add components, you need the original installation CD-ROMs, DVD, LAN drive, or iSeries server.

Initially, the check boxes for components that are currently installed contain check marks. To add a missing component, select its check box. To remove a component, clear its check box. When you are finished selecting, only those components selected are installed, if they are not already installed. Do not clear a check box if you do not want to remove a component that is already installed. Always reboot your machine after modifying the product.

Troubleshooting: problems and workarounds

If you have trouble with installation, check the points in the following notes.

Point Comments
Ensure the environment Path variable is not too long. This is relevant for Windows 98 and ME. See installation notes for Windows 98 and Windows Me.
Ensure you have enough temporary disk space available. The installation process uses disk space in the directories specified by the TEMP and TMP environment variables. If an "out of temporary storage" message occurs during installation, change the TEMP and TMP variables to another drive that has enough space. The installation might require up to 550 MB of temporary storage. Reboot Windows 98 and Me to ensure the change takes effect.
Check for causes of long installation. If installation does not appear to be progressing:
  • Installation messages can sometimes be hidden behind other windows and they might require a response.
  • If installing from a server, determine if other demands on the server are slowing the installation.
If you click Cancel during installation, you need to determine which components are installed. If you click Cancel while a component is being installed:
  • Installation of that component is completed but no remaining components are installed.
  • Help is incomplete and help navigation and search do not work.
  • IBM Distributed Debugger is not installed.
To install missing components, use the Modify wizard described above in How to add or remove components.
Check the installation log file. Each product installation or modification is recorded in a separate log file: C:\Program Files\IBM\xxx.log, where xxx is a sequential number from 001 and up. Log files contain information on installed or uninstalled components and error messages. The most recent log file has the highest number.