WebFacing DDS keyword survey tool

This tool surveys your DDS source to determine:

To use the SURVEY tool on a V4R5, V5R1, or V5R2 iSeries host, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the older version of this tool if you have it installed. Otherwise, skip to Step 2.
    1. Using the DSPLIBL command, check the library list to ensure there is no SURVEY library in your library list.
    2. If there is a SURVEY library listed, use the CHGLIBL command, then press F4 to remove SURVEY from the list.
    3. Delete the SURVEY library using the command:
  2. Download the file survey.savf to your PC.
  3. FTP the save file to the iSeries host.
    1. Create an empty Save File on your host:
      CRTSAVF FILE(your_library/survey)
    2. From a Windows command prompt, CD to the directory where you downloaded survey.savf to
    3. To begin a new FTP session, enter:
      FTP your_host_name
    4. In the FTP session, enter BIN to switch to binary mode. CD to the libary you created the empty Save file in:
      CD your_library_name
    5. Transfer the Save file with the PUT command:
    6. When the transfer is completed, enter QUIT to exit the FTP session.
  4. Restore the library SURVEY from the save file using the command:
    RSTLIB LIB(SURVEY) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(your_library_name/SURVEY)
  5. Add the library SURVEY in your library list or make SURVEY your current library.

    To add SURVEY to your library list, use the command:

    To make SURVEY your current library, use the command:
  6. Use the SURVEY command to run this tool. In the Prompt screen, fill in your company name as the first parameter and provide the name of the library containing your DDS source as the second parameter. This command will check all the DSPF members in every Physical File and count the DDS Keywords.
  7. Use the WRKSPLF command to check the result. The spool file name is QSYSPRT and the user-specified data of that file is WEBFACING.